Enseñanza de grupos específicos y personas con necesidades educativas especiales

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Educación pedagogía / Enseñanza de grupos específicos y personas con necesidades educativas especiales (2734)

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  • Gifted and Talented COGAT Test Prep Grade 2
    Gateway Gifted Resources
    Help maximize your child’s chances of acing the COGAT®! When it comes to gifted test prep, don’t risk your son or daughter being unprepared and underperforming on test day.Your child must be familiar with test material AND be able to focus on test material for longer than the typical 4-5 minute attention span of most young kids. This book offers a chance to do both.- Ensure you...

    26,44 €

  • Disabled Students in Education
    Andrea Gorra / David Moore / Mike Adams
    There can be little doubt that the rapid technological developments that have characterized the decades since the middle of the 19th century have given great scope for improving the quality of life of disabled people. Disabled Students in Education: Technology, Transition, and Inclusivity reports on 15 research projects aimed at improving the educational prospects of disabled p...

    229,87 €

  • Communication Technology for Students in Special Education and Gifted Programs
    Communication technology provides new opportunities for individuals with special needs, facilitating assistive communication, increasing mobility, offering a different model of engagement, and allowing new forms of exploration. However, many people learn about these new technologies haphazardly through teachers, social workers, therapists, and networks of people who have simila...

    256,19 €

  • Technology Enhanced Learning for People with Disabilities
    One of the most meaningful application domains of technology enhanced learning (TEL) is related to the adoption of learning technologies and designs for people with disabilities. Significant research has been conducted on technology enhanced learning for people with disabilities and assistive learning technologies. Technology Enhanced Learning for People with Disabilities: Appr...

    236,00 €

  • The ’ow’ Cow
    Viola Stefano / Zaida Stefano
    ’The ’ow’ Cow’ book is an age-appropriate illustrated version of the Decodable text taken from the ’Apple T.R.E.E., Series 2 - Lesson Plans & Activities’ book. It focuses on the ’ow’ sound. ...

    17,95 €

  • Voices of Hope
    Estelle Gerrett
    Through their frank personal accounts, thirteen families share the challenges and joy of teaching their profoundly deaf children to listen (with the aid of cochlear implants) and to speak. Each journey is different, reflecting the diversity of deafness, and the families’ different cultures and aspirations for their children. The families describe what it was like at the start, ...

    30,52 €

  • Educating Tammy
    M.D. Lorna Swartz / Morrice Swartz
    A Relentless Pursuit: One Woman’s Fight for the Rights of Disabled Children in Apartheid’s Dark Days.Amidst the shadows of apartheid’s oppressive regime, a fierce beacon of hope emerged. Dr. Lorna Swartz, a passionate medical professional and mother, embarked on an unyielding journey against a backdrop of prejudice and systemic discrimination. Educating Tammy: Fighting for apar...

    15,44 €

  • Asperger-Autismus im Kindergartenalltag
    Dominik Rainer
    Asperger-Autismus im Kindergarten: Ein Leitfaden für Erzieher und Eltern Entdecken Sie die Welt durch die Augen eines Kindes mit Asperger-Syndrom. In diesem einfühlsamen Leitfaden führen wir Sie durch die Herausforderungen und Chancen, die das Asperger-Syndrom im Kindergartenalltag mit sich bringt. Von der Früherkennung bis zur Unterstützung im täglichen Miteinander - dieses Bu...

    18,52 €

  • Teaching In Sync
    Erica Terry / Lynéa Laws Ph.D.
    Are you struggling in your co-teaching relationship and feeling like the sidekick to your co-teacher superstar? It’s time to put an end to the frustration and start Teaching In Sync. Teaching In Sync is your one-stop shop for co-teaching success. From fostering a harmonious relationship with your co-teacher to selecting the best co-teaching method to amplify your strengths, thi...

    36,80 €

  • Os Nascidos
    Sandra Ribeiro
    Os Nascidos foi um livro que surgiu da inspiração do Espírito Santo em cada detalhe, inclusive a capa. Ele traz respostas às perguntas difíceis da Bíblia. Por que a minha linguagem não é clara para vocês? Porque são incapazes de ouvir o que eu digo.??João? ?8?:?43? ?NVIA composição do nosso ser e a diferença do novo nascido em relação ao homem natural.Eu irei compartilhar com t...

    24,25 €

  • Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
    Edward Everett Hale
    This is a collection of ten Christmas Stories, some of which have been published before. The first story has never before been published. It is but fair to say that I have not drawn on imagination for Laura’s night duty, alone upon her island. This is simply the account of what a brave New-England woman did, under like circumstances, because it was the duty next her hand.If any...

    14,31 €

  • Verbindungen schaffen, neue Rollen übernehmen
    Débora Flores
    Die Betrachtung der Kindheit als einen Prozess, der nicht unbedingt linear verläuft, ermöglichte es mir, das Recht auf Gesundheit und das Recht auf Bildung als komplementär und unveräußerlich zu betrachten, damit das Kind sein Potenzial voll ausschöpfen kann. Wenn die Gesundheit gestört ist, hängt die Betreuung dieses Kindes oder Jugendlichen nicht mehr ausschließlich von seine...

    53,79 €

  • Creating links, taking on new roles
    Débora Flores
    Thinking of childhood as a process that is not necessarily linear, allowed me to think of the Right to Health and the Right to Education as complementary and inalienable, so that the child can reach his or her full potential. When health is interrupted, the care of that child or adolescent no longer depends exclusively on his or her family as an institution of belonging, but be...

    53,73 €

  • Creare legami, assumere nuovi ruoli
    Débora Flores
    Pensare all’infanzia come a un processo non necessariamente lineare, mi ha permesso di pensare al Diritto alla Salute e al Diritto all’Istruzione come complementari e inalienabili, affinché il bambino possa raggiungere il suo pieno potenziale. Quando la salute si interrompe, la cura di quel bambino o adolescente non dipende più esclusivamente dalla sua famiglia, in quanto istit...

    53,73 €

  • Criar laços, assumir novos papéis
    Débora Flores
    Pensar a infância como um processo não necessariamente linear, me permitiu pensar o direito à saúde e o direito à educação como complementares e inalienáveis, para que a criança possa atingir seu pleno potencial. Quando a saúde é interrompida, o cuidado dessa criança ou adolescente deixa de depender exclusivamente da família, como instituição a qual pertence, e passa a ser uma ...

    53,73 €

  • FE-SANA Une stratégie éducative participative pour l’amélioration de soi
    José Antonio Ledezma Ramírez
    FE-SANA vient offrir une option pour aborder l’éducation à la santé, à l’alimentation, à la nutrition, à l’environnement, aux droits de l’homme, entre autres, à des populations qui, en raison de leur situation économique, éducative, culturelle, sociale, affective et de leur accès aux services de base, y compris l’éducation en tant que droit de l’homme, sont désavantagées par ra...

    53,60 €

  • FE-SANA Eine partizipative Bildungsstrategie zur Selbstverbesserung
    José Antonio Ledezma Ramírez
    FE-SANA bietet eine Möglichkeit, Bildung in den Bereichen Gesundheit, Lebensmittel, Ernährung, Umwelt, Menschenrechte usw. in Bevölkerungsgruppen zu fördern, die aufgrund ihrer wirtschaftlichen, erzieherischen, kulturellen, sozialen und affektiven Situation und ihres Zugangs zu grundlegenden Dienstleistungen, einschließlich Bildung als Menschenrecht, gegenüber dem Rest der Bevö...

    53,60 €

  • FE-SANA Uma estratégia de educação participativa para a melhoria
    José Antonio Ledezma Ramírez
    O FE-SANA vem proporcionar uma opção para abordar a educação em saúde, alimentação, nutrição, ambiente, direitos humanos, entre outros, em populações que devido às suas condições económicas, educacionais, culturais, sociais, afectivas e de acesso a serviços básicos, incluindo a educação como um direito humano, estão em desvantagem em relação ao resto da população. Para além dis...

    53,60 €

  • FE-SANA A participatory educational strategy for self-improvement
    José Antonio Ledezma Ramírez
    FE-SANA comes to give an option for the approach of education in health, food, nutrition, environment, human rights, among others in populations that due to their economic, educational, cultural, social, affective and access to basic services, including education as a human right, are at a disadvantage compared to the rest of the population. In addition, they have always seen e...

    53,60 €

  • FE-SANA Una strategia di educazione partecipativa per il miglioramento
    José Antonio Ledezma Ramírez
    FE-SANA nasce per fornire un’opzione per affrontare l’educazione alla salute, all’alimentazione, alla nutrizione, all’ambiente, ai diritti umani, tra gli altri, in popolazioni che, a causa della loro condizione economica, educativa, culturale, sociale, affettiva e di accesso ai servizi di base, tra cui l’istruzione come diritto umano, sono svantaggiate rispetto al resto della p...

    53,60 €

    Wilson Jean
    Die haitianische Gesellschaft stand von Anfang an auf einem schlechten Fundament. Schon früh wurde die Allianz zwischen Schwarzen und Mulatten für die Unabhängigkeit zerschlagen und die alten, auf Eis gelegten Praktiken der Klassen- und Rassendiskriminierung kamen wieder zum Vorschein und werden die gesamte nationale Geschichte bis heute dominieren. Als Folge davon entstanden z...

    84,51 €

    Wilson Jean
    Haitian society was built on the wrong foundations from the outset. Very early on, the alliance between blacks and mulattos for independence was broken, and the old, dormant discriminatory practices of class and race resurfaced to dominate the country’s history right up to the present day. As a result, two different worlds were created in the same country: the urban world (gene...

    84,41 €

    Wilson Jean
    La società haitiana è stata costruita su fondamenta sbagliate fin dall’inizio. Molto presto l’alleanza tra neri e mulatti per l’indipendenza è stata spezzata e le vecchie pratiche discriminatorie di classe e di razza, che erano state messe in secondo piano, sono riemerse e dominano la storia del Paese fino ad oggi. Di conseguenza, nello stesso Paese si sono creati due mondi div...

    84,41 €

    Wilson Jean
    A sociedade haitiana foi construída sobre bases erradas desde o início. Muito cedo, a aliança entre negros e mulatos para a independência foi quebrada e as velhas práticas discriminatórias de classe e raça que tinham sido postas em segundo plano ressurgiram e dominam a história do país até aos dias de hoje. Assim, criaram-se dois mundos diferentes no mesmo país: o mundo urbano ...

    84,48 €

    Вилсон Эан
    Гаитянское общество с самого начала строилось на неверном фундаменте. Очень рано был нарушен союз чернокожих и мулатов за независимость, и старые дискриминационные классовые и расовые практики, отошедшие на задний план, всплыли на поверхность и до сих пор доминируют в истории страны. В результате в одной стране возникли два разных мира: городской (в целом благоприятный и домини...

    33,56 €

  • Apple T.R.E.E.
    viola stefano
    The ’ Apple T.R.E.E. - Series 1 - Lesson Plans & Activities ’ book provides teachers with cross-curricular lesson plans and activities relating to the ’I Like’ reading series. While this book focuses on the high-frequency words (Core words) included in Series 1, it also includes decodable texts and activities that align with this Series. This book also includes resources for st...

    130,46 €

  • Learning by clinical reasoning
    Asma Marzouk / INES FATHALLAH
    Clinical Reasoning Apprenticeship (CRA) is a student-centered, contextualized teaching method. Despite years of implementing CRA sessions in medical training, learner feedback has not been systematically sought. It is now essential to assess student satisfaction with CRA in order to identify any shortcomings that might hinder its effectiveness, which is widely acknowledged in t...

    58,88 €

  • Clinical Reasoning Learning
    Asma Marzouk / INES FATHALLAH
    Clinical Reasoning Learning (CRA) ist eine pädagogische Methode, die sich auf die Lernenden und die Kontextualisierung konzentriert. Trotz jahrelanger Implementierung von CRA-Sitzungen in der medizinischen Ausbildung wurde die Meinung der Lernenden nicht systematisch eingeholt. Es ist nun von entscheidender Bedeutung, die Zufriedenheit der Lernenden mit CRA zu bewerten, um mögl...

    58,96 €

  • Aprendizagem através do raciocínio clínico
    Asma Marzouk / INES FATHALLAH
    A aprendizagem através do raciocínio clínico (ARC) é um método de ensino centrado no aluno e na contextualização. Apesar dos anos de implementação de sessões de CRA no ensino médico, a opinião dos alunos não tem sido objeto de uma pesquisa sistemática. Atualmente, é essencial avaliar a satisfação dos estudantes com as CRA, a fim de identificar eventuais lacunas que possam preju...

    58,88 €

  • Обучение с помощью клинических рассуждений
    Асма Марзук / Инес Фатхалла
    Обучение с помощью клинических рассуждений (КР) - это метод обучения, в центре которого находится студент и контекстуализация. Несмотря на многолетнее внедрение занятий по КРА в медицинское образование, мнения обучающихся систематически не изучались. В настоящее время необходимо оценить удовлетворенность студентов КРА, чтобы выявить недостатки, которые могут препятствовать его ...

    26,29 €