The mirror of judaism

The mirror of judaism

Hervé Ryssen

27,13 €
IVA incluido
Omnia Veritas Ltd
Año de edición:
27,13 €
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  Jews are scattered in all countries of the world, although they reside mainly in countries of European origin. Most of them are of Ashkenazi origin, i.e. those from Central and Eastern Europe who left in successive waves from the end of the 19th century onwards. A minority, also spread throughout the world, comes from the Mediterranean basin: these are the 'Sephardic' Jews. But there are also black Jews in Ethiopia called Falashas, as well as Jews in India and China, who also claim to be 'perfectly integrated'. So Jews are not a race.  Judaism is not a religion either - or not only - since many Jews declare themselves atheists and do not feel any less Jewish for that. Particularly the Marxist Jews, who formed the leading elite of all communist movements in Western countries. They were fanatical militant atheists, faithful followers of the doctrine instituted by one of their own: Karl Marx.  In fact, it is strictly impossible to define Jewish identity without explaining the 'mission' of the 'chosen people' on this earth. Everything becomes simpler when one understands the political-religious project inherent in Judaism and which concerns 'all humanity'. However, it was Freudian psychoanalysis that allowed us to get to the heart of the problem, revealing to us the dark secret of the Jewish community. All we had to do was to read with a mirror.

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