
Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociología y antropología / Sociología (5907)

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  • Wissen, Einstellungen und Praktiken zum Thema Alkohol
    Phionah Apiyo
    Weltweit führt Alkoholkonsum jedes Jahr zu etwa 3,3 Millionen Todesfällen, darunter 320.000 Todesfälle bei jungen Menschen im Alter von 15-29 Jahren. Die Prävalenz des Alkoholkonsums in Uganda ist hoch, schätzungsweise 10 % der Bevölkerung haben eine alkoholbedingte Störung. Im Distrikt Gulu ist der Alkoholkonsum unter jungen Menschen hoch, obwohl das Ausmaß nicht bekannt ist. ...

    55,10 €

  • Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques en matière d’alcool
    Phionah Apiyo
    Au niveau mondial, la consommation d’alcool est à l’origine d’environ 3,3 millions de décès chaque année, dont 320 000 chez les jeunes âgés de 15 à 29 ans. La prévalence de la consommation d’alcool en Ouganda est élevée : on estime que 10 % de la population souffre d’un trouble lié à la consommation d’alcool. Dans le district de Gulu, la consommation d’alcool chez les jeunes es...

    55,10 €

  • Conoscenze, atteggiamenti e pratiche sull’alcol
    Phionah Apiyo
    A livello globale, il consumo di alcol provoca ogni anno circa 3,3 milioni di morti, tra cui 320.000 decessi di giovani di età compresa tra i 15 e i 29 anni. La prevalenza del consumo di alcol in Uganda è elevata: si stima che il 10% della popolazione abbia un disturbo legato all’uso di alcol. Nel distretto di Gulu, il consumo di alcol tra i giovani è elevato, anche se non se n...

    55,04 €

  • Conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas sobre o álcool
    Phionah Apiyo
    A nível mundial, o consumo de álcool provoca cerca de 3,3 milhões de mortes por ano, incluindo 320 000 mortes de jovens entre os 15 e os 29 anos. A prevalência do consumo de álcool no Uganda é elevada, estimando-se que 10% da população sofra de uma perturbação relacionada com o consumo de álcool. No distrito de Gulu, o consumo de álcool entre os jovens é elevado, embora a sua m...

    55,10 €

  • Знания, отношение и практика в отношении алкоголя
    Фиона Апийо
    В мире потребление алкоголя ежегодно приводит к смерти примерно 3,3 миллиона человек, включая 320 000 смертей молодых людей в возрасте 15-29 лет. Распространенность употребления алкоголя в Уганде высока: по оценкам, 10% населения страдают расстройствами, связанными с употреблением алкоголя. В районе Гулу уровень потребления алкоголя среди молодежи высок, хотя его величина неизв...

    26,35 €

    Arthur Asa Berger
    Taste is an enigmatic topic. We recognize that taste plays an important role in our life in that everything we buy and many things we do are governed by our sense of taste. But what exactly is taste? How do we get our sense of taste and how does it affect our everyday lives? Does it evolve as we grow older or is it a constant in our lives? Is it affected by all the 'influencers...

    40,98 €

  • Statistical Testing with jamovi Sport
    Cole Davis
    FeaturesWorked examples from sportClearly written, without mathematical formulaeWell-structured, for beginners and intermediate readersComprehensive chapter on categorical analysis   - not just ’Chi squared’Effect sizes and confidence intervalsClear explanation of factor analysisCovers MANOVA and logistic regressionCovers partial correlations, survival analysis and cluster anal...

    93,86 €

  • Statistical Testing with jamovi Health
    Cole Davis
    FeaturesWorked examples from health settingsClearly written, without mathematical formulaeWell-structured, for beginners and intermediate readersComprehensive chapter on categorical analysis   - not just ’Chi squared’Effect sizes and confidence intervalsClear explanation of factor analysisCovers MANOVA and logistic regressionCovers partial correlations, survival analysis and cl...

    93,86 €

  • Statistical Testing with jamovi Sociology
    Cole Davis
    Features Worked examples from sociologyClearly written, without mathematical formulaeWell-structured, for beginners and intermediate readersComprehensive chapter on categorical analysis   - not just ’Chi squared’Effect sizes and confidence intervalsClear explanation of factor analysisCovers MANOVA and logistic regressionCovers partial correlations, survival analysis and cluster...

    93,86 €

  • Statistical Testing with jamovi Sociology
    Cole Davis
    FeaturesWorked examples from sociologyClearly written, without mathematical formulaeWell-structured, for beginners and intermediate readersComprehensive chapter on categorical analysis   - not just ’Chi squared’Effect sizes and confidence intervalsClear explanation of factor analysisCovers MANOVA and logistic regressionCovers partial correlations, survival analysis and cluster ...

    57,17 €

  • Statistical Testing with jamovi Sport
    Cole Davis
    Features Worked examples from sportClearly written, without mathematical formulaeWell-structured, for beginners and intermediate readersComprehensive chapter on categorical analysis   - not just ’Chi squared’Effect sizes and confidence intervalsClear explanation of factor analysisCovers MANOVA and logistic regressionCovers partial correlations, survival analysis and cluster ana...

    57,17 €

  • Statistical Testing with jamovi Health
    Cole Davis
    FeaturesWorked examples from health settingsClearly written, without mathematical formulaeWell-structured, for beginners and intermediate readersComprehensive chapter on categorical analysis   - not just ’Chi squared’Effect sizes and confidence intervalsClear explanation of factor analysisCovers MANOVA and logistic regressionCovers partial correlations, survival analysis and cl...

    64,85 €

  • Dal sostegno alla ricerca-azione alla nascita del progetto
    Mouhamadou Mahfou Diouf
    Come sottolinea Maela Paul, 'accompagnare è unirsi a qualcuno per andare dove sta andando nello stesso momento'. A questa definizione aggiungerei la nozione di ritmo, che implica l’adattamento e il riadattamento alle aspettative e agli obiettivi della persona accompagnata. Così, l’accompagnamento sarebbe l’incontro tra due pari, uno più esperto che accompagna l’altro sulla stra...

    92,19 €

  • От поддержки исследования действий до появления проекта
    Мухамаду Махфу Диуф
    Как отмечает Маэла Пол, 'сопровождение - это присоединение к кому-то, чтобы идти туда, куда он идет, в то же самое время'. Я бы добавила к этому определению понятие ритма, которое подразумевает адаптацию и перенастройку к ожиданиям и целям сопровождаемого. Таким образом, сопровождение - это встреча двух равных, один из которых, более опытный, сопровождает другого на пути к реал...

    34,89 €

  • From support through action research to the emergence of the project
    Mouhamadou Mahfou Diouf
    As Maela Paul points out, 'Accompanying is joining someone to go where he or she is going at the same time'. I would add to this definition the notion of rhythm, which implies adapting and readjusting to the expectations and objectives of the person being accompanied. Thus the accompaniment would be the meeting which would link two peers, one more experienced accompanying the o...

    92,19 €

  • Von der Begleitung durch die Aktionsforschung bis zur Entstehung des Projekts
    Mouhamadou Mahfou Diouf
    Wie Maela Paul betont: 'Begleiten bedeutet, sich jemandem anzuschließen, um mit ihm zusammen dorthin zu gehen, wohin er geht'. Ich würde dieser Definition den Begriff des Rhythmus hinzufügen, der bedeutet, dass man sich an die Erwartungen und Ziele der Person, die man begleitet, anpassen und neu justieren muss. So wäre die Begleitung die Begegnung, die zwei Gleichaltrige mitein...

    92,37 €

  • Do apoio à investigação-acção à emergência do projecto
    Mouhamadou Mahfou Diouf
    Como salienta Maela Paul, 'acompanhar é juntar-se a alguém para ir para onde ele vai ao mesmo tempo'. Eu acrescentaria a esta definição a noção de ritmo, que implica adaptar-se e reajustar-se às expectativas e objectivos da pessoa acompanhada. Assim, o acompanhamento seria o encontro entre dois pares, um mais experiente que acompanha o outro no caminho para a realização do seu ...

    92,19 €

  • Polémica y Disputa en Torno al Diseño y Metodología de Investigación
    Carlos David Laura Quispe / Luis Alberto Almanza Ope
    Muy a menudo hemos escuchado e intervenido en discusiones sobre si en todas las investigaciones deben plantearse hipótesis o si los conceptos metodología y método tienden a equipararse. Sin ánimos de pretender ser exhaustivo, las reflexiones que se puedan realizar en torno a si en todas las investigaciones deben plantearse hipótesis; las reflexiones que se puedan realizar en to...

    63,19 €

  • Introduction to Sociology 3e (hardcover, full color)
    Asha Lal Tamang / Kathleen Holmes / Tonja R. Conerly
    Color print.Introduction to Sociology 3e aligns to the topics and objectives of many introductory sociology courses. It is arranged in a manner that provides foundational sociological theories and contexts, then progresses through various aspects of human and societal interactions. The new edition is focused on driving meaningful and memorable learning experiences related to c...

    99,03 €

  • Introduction to Sociology 3e (paperback, b&w)
    Asha Lal Tamang / Kathleen Holmes / Tonja R. Conerly
    Black & white print.Introduction to Sociology 3e aligns to the topics and objectives of many introductory sociology courses. It is arranged in a manner that provides foundational sociological theories and contexts, then progresses through various aspects of human and societal interactions. The new edition is focused on driving meaningful and memorable learning experiences rela...

    38,57 €

  • Stress und Zeitmanagement
    D Kumaran / M Balamurugan
    Die Grundgesamtheit der vorliegenden Studie waren die Schüler der elften Klasse im Bezirk Thiruvallur. Die Daten wurden von 523 Schülern der höheren Sekundarstufe aus zehn Schulen nach dem Zufallsprinzip erhoben.In der vorliegenden Studie wurden die folgenden statistischen Verfahren eingesetzt1. die Item-Analyse - Pilotstudie2. die Faktorenanalyse - Pilotstudie3. deskriptive An...

    111,85 €

  • Gestion du stress et du temps
    D Kumaran / M Balamurugan
    La population de la présente étude était constituée des élèves de la onzième classe du district de Thiruvallur. Les données ont été collectées auprès de 523 étudiants de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur issus de dix écoles, en utilisant la technique de l’échantillonnage aléatoire.Les techniques statistiques suivantes ont été utilisées dans la présente étude1. analyse des élé...

    111,86 €

  • Gestione dello stress e del tempo
    D Kumaran / M Balamurugan
    La popolazione del presente studio è costituita dagli studenti dell’undicesima classe del distretto di Thiruvallur. I dati sono stati raccolti da 523 studenti di scuola secondaria superiore provenienti da dieci scuole, adottando la tecnica del campionamento casuale.Nel presente studio sono state utilizzate le seguenti tecniche statistiche1. Analisi degli item - Studio pilota2. ...

    111,86 €

  • Stress e gestão do tempo
    D Kumaran / M Balamurugan
    A população do presente estudo foi constituída pelos alunos da 11ª classe do distrito de Thiruvallur. Os dados foram recolhidos junto de 523 alunos do ensino secundário superior de dez escolas, adoptando a técnica de amostragem aleatória.No presente estudo, foram utilizadas as seguintes técnicas estatísticas1. análise de itens - estudo-piloto2. análise de factores - estudo-pilo...

    111,86 €

  • Стресс и управление временем
    Д Кумаран / М Баламуруган
    Популяцией настоящего исследования были учащиеся одиннадцатых классов школ района Тируваллур. Данные были собраны у 523 учащихся высшей средней школы из десяти школ методом случайной выборки.В настоящем исследовании были использованы следующие статистические методы1. анализ элементов - пилотное исследование2. факторный анализ - пилотное исследование3. описательный анализ (средн...

    39,98 €

  • Characterization of Surfactant & Electrolyte
    Priyadarshani Kamble / Smita Bedis
    Changes in surfactant 17R4 concentration influenced the physio-chemical characteristics of an oil- in-water emulsion the most.From the study, we can conclude that the physcio-chemical properties of an oil-in-water emulsion were mostly affected by the variations in the contents of surfactant 17R4 A and NaCl. The NaCl-surfactant-oil interactions had a strong influence on the stab...

    123,33 €

  • Conjugal Trajectories
    Multidisciplinary in scope and using predominantly qualitative approaches, Conjugal Trajectories: Relationship Beginnings, Change, and Dissolutions focuses upon relevant trajectories to better comprehend the evolving nature of conjugal relationships and its implications for family life moving forward. ...

    191,02 €

    Daniel Muller
    We have all heard the nicknames for the current generations in the news. Besides the ’Silent Generation’ (a.k.a. The Greatest Generation) born before 1946, there are Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (also known as the Millennials), and Generation Z.In the past few years, there has been an increasing amount of coverage and discussion about the growing frustration between...

    38,17 €

  • Proceedings of NSRMIPR 2023
    A S Radhamani / M S Sivagama Sundari / Shyni P Nair
    Nowadays, both inside and outside of academic institutions, research is a topic that is constantly discussed. Annually, a number of research projects are started and completed. However, a crucial aspect of research, namely research methodology, is typically given very little consideration. As a result, a lot of research, particularly in engineering and social sciences, uses ove...

    96,17 €

  • Planetary Sociology
    Harry F. Dahms
    Including contributions from senior scholars in the field who do not rely on the paradigm of planetary Sociology, this volume of Current Perspectives in Social Theory illustrates the importance of scrutinizing links between individual identity and social structure, without employing the paradigm of planetary sociology. ...

    202,03 €