
Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociología y antropología / Sociología (5901)

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  • Factores associados ao baixo peso à nascença
    Ce Blaise Gamy
    A redução da mortalidade neonatal e materna é um dos Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio (ODM). A luta contra o baixo peso à nascença é uma das estratégias para alcançar estes objectivos. As populações das zonas periféricas do norte de Ouagadougou, que são zonas de habitação informal e sem serviços, foram os alvos do presente estudo. Este foi um estudo transversal retrospe...

    39,48 €

  • Evolution and Growth of English Language
    Karpagavalli C / Sugantha Ezhil Mary
    The origin of language and its relationship with human evolution, and its consequences have been subjects of study for centuries. Scholars wishing to study the origins of language must draw inferences from evidence such as the fossil record, archaeological evidence, contemporary language diversity, studies of language acquisition, and comparisons between human language and syst...

    124,79 €

    AlMg1SiCu alloy hybrid composites which were reinforced with 10% Silicon carbide particles (SiC) together with weight fractions of 3%, 6% and 9% of self-lubricant Molybdenum disulfide particles (MoS2) through melt-stir casting. The wear behaviour of the hybrid composite samples was evaluated based on Box-Behnken Design (BBD) on pin-on-disc tribometer without lubrication.The mat...

    61,51 €

  • Beyond Buffoonery
    K-Moses Nagbe
    This book, Beyond Buffoonery, reflects on postwar politics and social situations and conditions in Liberia, West Africa. It extends a conversation on the critical and perennial question of productive governance in the country. In its prequel, titled The Scum of the Earth, the theme was that any significant sector of society left unattended would foist its own relevance on the ...

    39,43 €

  • Social Research Methodology and Publishing Results
    Candauda Arachchige Saliya
    While there are many English books available on academic research methods and philosophy, many complain that they are difficult for budding, non-native English-speaking researchers to use and understand. Rather than hiding behind jargon, writers should describe and define the concepts for the benefit of non-native English speakers. Social Research Methodology and Publishing Res...

    203,16 €

    Вадим Шемчук / Оксана Шемчук / Олександр Хацаюк
    Монографію присвячено актуальним питанням формування професійних компетентностей майбутніх офіцерів інституцій сектору безпеки і оборони України до дій в умовах радіаційної, хімічної та біологічної небезпеки із акцентованим використанням засобів спеціальної фізичної підготовки. Монографія розрахована на викладачів (інструкторів) вогневої, таткичної та спеціальної фізичної підго...

    55,04 €

  • Truth of a Hopi
    Edmund R. Nequatewa
    In the Truth of a Hopi, Edmund Nequatewa relates the Hopis’ myths, legends, belief systems, and oral history. Nequatewa’s writings give us a glimpse into the psyche of the Hopi in the way that only a Hopi could. Here you will find not only the traditional oral histories, but stories of how the Hopi resisted sending their children away to enforced boarding schools. A fascinating...

    8,77 €

    Francis Borboh Dumbuya
    In this book, themes of occupational stress and Job satisfaction affecting mental health are highlighted. Ethical dilemmas pertaining to Roe versus Wade are also explored in this book alongside the issues of how occupations can become professions. Theoretical and legal frameworks of social work including the Magna Carta and the Human Rights Act 1998 are also discussed and at th...

    12,75 €

  • Réussir mon mémoire et ma thèse
    Abdennour Nouiri
    Rédigé de manière claire et vivante, abondamment illustré, ce manuel deviendra vite le fidèle compagnon de tous ceux qui s’aventurent sur la longue et sinueuse route de la recherche scientifique.Construit sur le mode des questions-réponses, ce guide vous aidera à toutes les étapes de votre construction méthodologique à y voir plus clair : du choix du sujet à la soutenance en pa...

    111,65 €

  • 12 Marriage Safeguards
    Samuel Deuth
    Marriage is a gift from God! It is designed to be the great joy and source of life! If that’s true, then why does it seems like it can often be one of the greatest sources of frustration, pain, and often heartache? Why do so many marriages end in divorce? Is there a way we could better set up our marriages to thrive? Are there any ways we can SAFEGUARD our marriage?We’re glad y...

    22,52 €

  • Habilidades de Investigação para Académicos
    John Isaac Mwita
    Trata-se de uma compilação de livros de texto de recursos de investigação académica, distinguindo-se de outros tipos de inquéritos, tais como trabalhos de investigação ou consultoria encomendados. Destina-se a ser utilizado como um kit de ferramentas de sobrevivência tanto para estudantes de investigação como para os seus supervisores. O objectivo geral deste compêndio de livro...

    91,77 €

  • Workshop di ricerca I
    Elidee Luna Medina / Norma Laura Rodríguez Ávila / Salvador Adrián Flores Redondo
    I capitoli e parte del contenuto del presente lavoro si basano sul tema del Laboratorio di Ricerca I del Tecnológico Nacional de México, che attraverso i contenuti e le attività stabilite, gli studenti sviluppano le competenze generiche che possono essere utilizzate durante il loro processo accademico, collegate ad altre materie del programma di studio di ogni studente. Le comp...

    84,16 €

  • Research Workshop I
    Elidee Luna Medina / Norma Laura Rodríguez Ávila / Salvador Adrián Flores Redondo
    The chapters and part of the content of the present work are based on the subject of Research Workshop I of the Tecnológico Nacional de México, which through the content and stipulated activities students develop the generic competencies that can be used during their academic process, linked to other subjects of the curriculum of each student. The stipulated previous competenci...

    84,16 €

  • Исследовательский семинар I
    Елидее Луна Медина / Родрíгуез Áв / Салва Флорес Редондо
    Главы и часть содержания настоящей работы основаны на предмете 'Исследовательский практикум I' Национального технического университета Мексики, в рамках которого через предусмотренное содержание и деятельность студенты развивают общие компетенции, которые могут быть использованы в процессе обучения, связанные с другими предметами учебного плана каждого студента. Предусмотренные...

    26,74 €

  • Forschungswerkstatt I
    Elidee Luna Medina / Norma Laura Rodríguez Ávila / Salvador Adrián Flores Redondo
    Die Kapitel und ein Teil des Inhalts des vorliegenden Werks basieren auf dem Thema der Forschungswerkstatt I des Tecnológico Nacional de México, in der die Studenten durch die vorgeschriebenen Inhalte und Aktivitäten die allgemeinen Kompetenzen entwickeln, die während ihres akademischen Prozesses verwendet werden können und die mit anderen Fächern im Lehrplan jedes Studenten ve...

    84,22 €

  • Workshop de Investigação I
    Elidee Luna Medina / Norma Laura Rodríguez Ávila / Salvador Adrián Flores Redondo
    Os capítulos e parte do conteúdo do presente trabalho baseiam-se no tema do Workshop de Investigação I do Tecnológico Nacional de México, que através dos conteúdos e actividades estipulados, os estudantes desenvolvem as competências genéricas que podem ser utilizadas durante o seu processo académico, ligadas a outras disciplinas do programa de estudos de cada estudante. As comp...

    84,16 €

  • Навыки исследований для академиков
    Джон Айзек Мвита
    Это хрестоматия ресурсов для академических исследований в отличие от других видов запросов, таких как заказные исследования или консультационные задания. Он предназначен для использования в качестве пособия по выживанию как для студентов-исследователей, так и для их руководителей. Общая цель данного сборника - познакомить студентов-исследователей как бакалавриата, так и магистр...

    68,20 €

  • Forschungskompetenzen für Akademiker
    John Isaac Mwita
    Dies ist eine lehrbuchartige Zusammenstellung von Ressourcen für die akademische Forschung, die sich von anderen Arten von Anfragen wie Auftragsforschung oder Beratungsaufträgen unterscheidet. Es soll sowohl für Forschungsstudenten als auch für ihre Betreuer als Überlebenswerkzeug dienen. Das übergeordnete Ziel dieses Lehrbuchkompendiums ist es, Forschungsstudenten sowohl im Gr...

    91,74 €

  • Abilità di ricerca per accademici
    John Isaac Mwita
    Si tratta di una raccolta di risorse per la ricerca accademica, distinta da altri tipi di indagini come la ricerca su commissione o gli incarichi di consulenza. È destinato a essere utilizzato come strumento di sopravvivenza sia per gli studenti di ricerca che per i loro supervisori. L’obiettivo generale di questo libro di testo è quello di introdurre gli studenti di ricerca, s...

    91,81 €

  • Compétences en matière de recherche pour les universitaires
    John Isaac Mwita
    Il s’agit d’une compilation de ressources de la boîte à outils de la recherche universitaire, à distinguer d’autres types d’enquêtes telles que les recherches commandées ou les missions de conseil. Il est destiné à être utilisé comme une boîte à outils de survie pour les étudiants en recherche et leurs superviseurs. L’objectif général de ce recueil de textes est d’initier les é...

    91,75 €

  • The U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy & The Prospect of Forging A New Multipolar World
    Jin Ran
    Against the current historical context that the United States is in the process of forging and implementing a grand Indo-Pacific strategy, and that the U.S. has shown its intention to align its strategies toward other regions of the world with its strategic interest in Asia together, this study aims to explore and analyse the critical factors, issues, and mechanisms which would...

    21,15 €

  • Territorialidades Em Análise E Pesquisas Socioambientais
    André Cutrim Carvalho / Christian Adolfo Da Costa Oliveira Neto / João Marcio Palheta Da Silva / Nunes Da Silva
    A presente obra foi organizada em torno de um objetivo basilar: apresentar uma série de conceitos e definições em torno da categoria territorialidade um entendimento oriundo diretamente da noção de território, sob uma perspectiva de concepção interdisciplinar. A obra foi elaborada a partir de um processo colaborativo entre professores(as), estudantes e pesquisadores(as) que se...

    13,94 €

  • Social Research Methodology and Publishing Results
    Candauda Arachchige Saliya
    While there are many English books available on academic research methods and philosophy, many complain that they are difficult for budding, non-native English-speaking researchers to use and understand. Rather than hiding behind jargon, writers should describe and define the concepts for the benefit of non-native English speakers. Social Research Methodology and Publishing Res...

    269,02 €

  • Poner la vida en juego
    René Badache / Vincent de Gaulejac
    El teatro es la vida. El teatro pone en escena nuestras existencias en un espacio de representación, entre la ficción y la realidad, entre lo verdadero y lo simulado. Abre un espacio transicional que permite actuar (y jugar con) los sufrimientos, los amores, los poderes, las aspiraciones, la vida y la muerte. La actuación es una creación inventada por los hombres para hacer más...

    19,75 €

  • Media Sociology and Journalism
    Greg Nielsen
    While the alt right and post-truth attitudes render democracy fragile, so does professional journalism when it reports on the most vulnerable subjects in society but rarely addresses them as the imagined audience. A dialogical critique of divisions in news media, politics, and contemporary sociological theory can provide an alternative way forward. ...

    158,42 €

  • Living in Transit: Youth, Nomads and Reality
    Sebastián Alejandro González Montero
    Living in Transit: being in motion is an actual condition. Movement is real. Moreover, it is essential because it concerns kinetic events. We can insistently perceive that everything changes and moves. All living beings undergo experiences revealing flows, adaptations, and becomings.Quotidian experiences testify to that. Directly or indirectly, we face reality's movements all t...

    17,68 €

  • The Mind at Large
    Krzysztof Janoszka / Zofia Weaver
    During 1994-95, three men disappeared while on a business trip to Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg) in Russia. After the authorities failed to locate the men, their families asked a Polish psychic for help. Using a photograph of one of the men the psychic sensed that the man was dead - as were his companions - their throats had been cut and they had been decapitated. He saw three headl...

    17,26 €

  • Qualitative Content Analysis
    Stefan Rädiker / Udo Kuckartz
    A sophisticated, nuanced guide to qualitative content analysis that is inherently qualitative in both its method and its data. ...

    72,62 €

  • How to Do Critical Discourse Analysis
    Andrea Mayr / David Machin
    Each chapter presents distinct concepts and ideas in Critical Discourse Analysis, explaining how to use them in your research - and why. Packed with case studies of news texts, social media content, memes, promotional videos, institutional documents, infographics and webpages, the book shows you how to apply each set of tools to real life examples. ...

    61,07 €

  • Qualitative Content Analysis
    Stefan Rädiker / Udo Kuckartz
    A sophisticated, nuanced guide to qualitative content analysis that is inherently qualitative in both its method and its data. ...

    217,59 €