Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos (2273)

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  • Angel Bumps
    Anne Bardsley
    Have you experienced an Angel Bump? A sign could come from the sudden appearance of a butterfly, finding a coin or a feather, hearing a memorable song, having a vivid dream, or feeling the presence of a departed loved one. The tender stories in this collection will console anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one. Each author shares a sign from Heaven that reassured them ...

    10,61 €

  • Whispers From The Angelic Realm
    Jaclyn Gutleber
    Twenty-eight chapters of angel stories, exercises, and information to help you connect with your angels. This can become a reference guide to your personal road to transformation guided by the divine.    Jaclyn Gutleber holds a Master's degree in Social Work and a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. She spends her life helping people. This easy to read book is designed to ...

    9,47 €

  • How to Raise Your Children with Wisdom and Awareness
    Lynn Baribault
    This simple book is to become part of the toolbox parents have to raise their children. Lynn Baribault has channeled Spirit Guides, Archangels and Ascended Masters who, from above, have set to motion a series of shared wisdom, exercises and prayers to guide parents in this important role of raising their children. Parents and children have much to learn from one another. Throug...

    6,52 €

  • Messages From The Other Side Stories of the Dead, Their Communication, and Unfinished Business
    G.W. Mullins
    Best-selling author G.W. Mullins shares his personal journey towards understanding grief, death, the afterlife and communication with loved ones who have passed over.  In “Messages From The Other Side Stories of the Dead, Their Communication, and Unfinished Business,” Mullins writes about dealing with the grief of his mother passing and the reassurance of an after death communi...

    20,77 €

  • Electronic Contact with the Dead
    Anabela Cardoso
    Electronic Contact with the Dead: What do the Voices Tell Us? is the culmination of twenty years of research into Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC), by Anabela Cardoso, a career diplomat and the editor of itcjournal.org. ITC is the phenomena whereby allegedly deceased communicators relay messages and images to the living via radio equipment, televisions, computers, answerph...

    16,36 €

  • Messages from the spirit realm
    June Redfearne
    Are you struggling to cope with the loss of a Loved One? Would you like to be freed from fear, worries and restrictions? Then this book can help you understand the challenges in your life.Messages from the Spirit Realm is a series of five channelled books containing information to help us all cope with the reality of our daily lives. Spirit wishes us to know that they are alway...

    27,23 €

  • Pet Talker
    Georgia Nagel
    Georgia Nagel has worked closely with animals for over fifty years, never able to explain why they were so drawn to her, unaware that she was actually communicating with them. It wasn’t until she brought home two puppies that things began to change—odd occurrences started to happen, and she began hearing and seeing things she could not explain. As she opened up to her newfound ...

    14,62 €

  • Angels of Miracles and Manifestation
    Embrosewyn Tazkuvel
    THE ANGELS ARE COMING!You are not alone. Whatever obstacle or challenge you face, whatever threat or adversary looms before you, whatever ability you seek to gain or mountain of life you want to conquer, divine angelic help is ready to intervene on your behalf. When the unlimited power of magickal angels stand with you, obstacles become opportunities, low times become springboa...

    20,45 €

  • Angels of Miracles and Manifestation
    Embrosewyn Tazkuvel
    THE ANGELS ARE COMING!You are not alone. Whatever obstacle or challenge you face, whatever threat or adversary looms before you, whatever ability you seek to gain or mountain of life you want to conquer, divine angelic help is ready to intervene on your behalf. When the unlimited power of magickal angels stand with you, obstacles become opportunities, low times become springboa...

    29,69 €

  • There IS a Healer in the House.
    Margaret A. Coleman
    This autobiography charts the author’s path of faith from her baptisms in water and in the Holy Spirit as a young girl, to navigating her way through church philosophies and church hurts later. She sees that each event in her path led her to a stronger understanding of God and realization of Jesus in her life.  The author writes of countless moments when churches would encourag...

    9,08 €

  • Never Fear Change
    RN ATP® Alicja Bialasiewicz
    The author takes the reader on a journey from the childhood realization of her specialness in being able to communicate with beings not of this earth through times of abandonment, dislocation, and emotional pain. The reader travels with her on her voyage of self-discovery as she reconnected with her childhood powers to become a channel and the start of her connections with the ...

    22,57 €

  • Never Fear Change
    RN ATP® Alicja Bialasiewicz
    The author takes the reader on a journey from the childhood realization of her specialness in being able to communicate with beings not of this earth through times of abandonment, dislocation, and emotional pain. The reader travels with her on her voyage of self-discovery as she reconnected with her childhood powers to become a channel and the start of her connections with the ...

    9,58 €

  • Angelic Attendants
    Julie Ryan
    For Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, medical intuitive and psychic whose learned skills have helped many families understand the glorious side of the dying process. It This process involves angels, multitudes of deceased family and friends, the spirits of deceased pets, and countless serendipitous (and miraculous) moments that are all part of a prescribed series of even...

    10,52 €

  • Letters From A Living Dead Man
    Elsa Barker
    This anthology consists of Letters from a Living Dead Man, War Letters From a Living Dead Man, and Last Letters From a Living Dead Man.Critics sometimes complain that we get nothing meaningful from spirit communication. They say that it is just bits of obscure information and trivia that may serve as evidence for survival of consciousness after death but that it tells us nothin...

    18,22 €

  • 'I AM' The Open Door
    How to contact your Higher Self, the I AM Presence, and bring that love, wisdom and power into you daily life as a Master. Fourteen discourses given by Ascended Masters, beings who were once embodied on the Earth, but who raised their vibratory rate into a higher dimension, from where they now serve humanity. You can contact these beings though this book. Ten different Masters ...

    6,73 €

  • The Workings of Energy in the Human Energy Field
    Zorica Gojkovic PhD
    The happenings in your life are not erratic, whimsical occurrences. They are external expressions of the content of your energy field.Before there is matter, there is energy. Your thoughts, beliefs, history and soul attributes exist as energy in your energy field. They create the reality that you know. When you change the content of your energy field, you change your life.The W...

    16,56 €

  • The Spiritual Design
    Christine Kromm Henrie / David Henrie
    If you were given a map to the art of living, would you follow it?This book is a compilation of teachings given to us by a group of spiritual beings, whose goal is to educate and awaken people to their place and purpose as co-creators both here on Earth, and in the spirit world when this life is over. They have provided an entire framework for how the spirit world is organized ...

    23,96 €

  • The Spiritual Design
    Christine Kromm Henrie / David Henrie / David J Henrie
    If you were given a map to the art of living, would you follow it? This book is a compilation of teachings given to us by a group of spiritual beings, whose goal is to educate and awaken people to their purpose as co-creators. They provide the framework for how the spirit world is organized and operates, revealing a magnificence only glimpsed in NDEs or between-lives hypnotic r...

    17,26 €

  • Forgive, Forget, and Release!
    Anna Daniel
    The busyness and chaos that often surrounds today’s world has prompted many of us to search for answers to life’s greatest questions. In an enlightening, spiritually uplifting guidebook, medium Harriet Daniel connects with the other side to provide guidance to searching souls seeking inner-peace, an understanding of the meaning of life, and the motivation to move forward on the...

    12,97 €

  • Nikola Tesla
    Francesca Thoman
    In a rich tapestry of 20 articles, Nikola Tesla's channeled information through Francesca Thoman covers a wide variety of subjects such as Quantum Entangled Inductive Resonance, Para-sound Encoding in DNA, Examining the Costs of Emotional Pain and the Human Nature of Healing.From his afterlife vantage point, Nikola Tesla explores issues regarding Humanity, the Divine Being ...

    18,14 €

  • Inner Journeys, Cosmic Sojourns
    Stephen Poplin
      Transpersonal hypnotherapist and philosopher Stephen Poplin has distilled forty years of practice, observation and insight into these volumes, sharing with the reader what he has learned about life, love, soul, death, karma, purpose and life-between-lives. Stephen has “interviewed” thousands of people who were in deep trances to discover Life's big secrets – and reasons f...

    13,93 €

  • Guérir l’âme éternelle
    Andrew Tomlinson / Andy Tomlinson
    Ecrit avec précision et simplicité et  illustré de nombreuses études de cas, ce livre est une ressource inestimable, pour tous ceux qui en accompagnent d’autres sur le chemin de leur quête spirituelle.  Il redonne espoir à tous ceux qui se sentent empétrés dans leurs existences ou dont les mémoires douloureuses de leurs vies antérieures pèsent lourdement dans leurs vies. De plu...

    21,51 €

  • Margins of Reality
    Brenda J. Dunne / Brenda JDunne / Robert G. Jahn / Robert GJahn
    WHAT HAS MODERN SCIENCE SWEPT UNDER THE RUG? This pioneering work, which sparked intense controversy when it was first published two decades ago, suggests that modern science, in the name of rigor and objectivity, has arbitrarily excluded the role of consciousness in the establishment of physical reality. Drawing on the results of their first decade of empirical experimentation...

    35,80 €

  • A Matter of Death and Life
    D. L. Kline
    A Matter of Death and Life deals with a subject that touches all of us: the illusion of deathwhat really happens to us when our physical bodies cease to function and, more importantly, how we plan all our lives to make the most of our brief time on Earth. 3 ...

    28,52 €

  • A Matter of Death and Life
    D. L. Kline
    A Matter of Death and Life deals with a subject that touches all of us: the illusion of deathwhat really happens to us when our physical bodies cease to function and, more importantly, how we plan all our lives to make the most of our brief time on Earth. 3 ...

    14,23 €

  • The Psychic and the Spiritual
    John White
    An ancient insight about higher human development states very simply: psychic development is not the same as spiritual growth. In the course of one’s spiritual growth—i.e., actualizing your potential for higher human development—there are dangers, dead-ends, byways and traps of which to beware. A principal source of such difficulties is the failure to distinguish between the ps...

    14,35 €

  • Mystical Intimacy
    Linda L. Nardelli / Linda LNardelli
    You may have heard that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are also human beings experiencing spiritual emergence, and in this book the two perspectives are brought together and illuminated. Mystical Intimacy explores the connection between our human nature and soul consciousness, and creates a bridge between the two.Linda L. Nardelli’s intimate exploration o...

    20,39 €

  • Journey to Gragau
    Allan Trenholm
    Over forty years as a missionary travelling through four continents has brought me in contact with many divergent doctrines and often misrepresentations about the existence, nature, and purpose for Hell. Hell is popularly represented as a place of eternal suffering for anyone sent there. In this journey to Hell, unlike Dante’s trip to the Inferno, I was directed by what the Bib...

    19,39 €

  • Journey to Gragau
    Allan Trenholm
    Over forty years as a missionary travelling through four continents has brought me in contact with many divergent doctrines and often misrepresentations about the existence, nature, and purpose for Hell. Hell is popularly represented as a place of eternal suffering for anyone sent there. In this journey to Hell, unlike Dante’s trip to the Inferno, I was directed by what the Bib...

    11,36 €

  • Talk to your angels
    Catherine Wishart
    Angels love you and want to help you. You have at least 2 angels with you all the time. Your angels will love, protect and guide you. They will lead you to the perfect people, places and opportunities to best help you. Their only requirements is you ask them to.Many people want to receive angel messages. Learning how to talk to angels is like learning any language. It times tim...

    26,27 €