Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos (2272)

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  • Secrets of Power, Volume I
    Ingo Swann
    Most books about power only deal with the societal formula of the few having power over the enormously larger powerless masses, and which is mistaken as the so-called "natural order of power."But it is not well understood that this formula also requires social conditioning measures aimed at perpetuating the continuing depowerment of the powerless so that the powerful CAN have p...

    25,03 €

  • Penetration
    Ingo Swann / TBD
    Ingo Swann -- renowned psi researcher -- reveals a long-held secret series of experiences with a "deep black" agency whose apparent charter was simple: UFOs and extraterrestrials on the moon and worries about ET telepathic/mind control powers. The agency was so secret that it had no paper trail, and hence no written secrecy agreements. Only the verbal ones, which in Ingo's ...

    20,18 €

  • Everybody’s Guide to Natural ESP
    Ingo Swann
    In this milestone book, Ingo Swann guides the reader through revolutionary techniques he developed and tested in thousands of experiments, with startling results, for tapping ESP potential. His exciting new concepts of “mind mound,” “mind manifestation,” and the “ESP core” help readers demystify ESP and link this important inner reality to what is already known about dreams, me...

    20,00 €

  • Your Nostradamus Factor
    Ingo Swann
    You Can Predict the Future Throughout the centuries the future has been seen in dreams, in visions, and by seers. But you don't have to be a prophet or a visionary to predict what the future holds. Now, Ingo Swann explains how to understand and use the future-predicting ability that lies within. He identifies the different ways the future is revealed: Spontaneous forewarnin...

    20,84 €

  • Secrets of Power, Volume II
    Ingo Swann / TBD
    Any desire for more individual empowerment will soon encounter the question of WHAT to empower. There are many ways to consider this. One way is first to identify human power elements that are known to exist, but DO NOT receive societal nurturing, enhancement, training, scientific research, or philosophical interest.In-depth research will reveal at least five major categories o...

    20,92 €

  • Stink Book
    Mark Anthony Cook
    This communication thoroughly conveys my crazy thinking on how we might all pull together and collectively charter a fresh course for all of humanity.Perhaps after reading you will come away with a renewed perspective on life; feeling better about your personal existence, including feeling better about the human journey -- fully optimistic about coming back to a better world, i...

    28,30 €

  • Watch Out for the Hallway
    Joey Madia / Tonya Madia
    Welcome to a library where the ghosts aren’t in the books – they are right next to you in the halls and rooms, looking over your shoulder as you pick a title from a shelf. This is the Earle W. Webb Jr. Memorial Library, built on haunted ground with a legacy of pirates and German U-boats, and is jam-packed with spirits.Join veteran paranormal investigators Joey and Tonya Madia a...

    14,71 €

  • The Baseball Gods are Real
    Jonathan A Fink
    This book is the story of the first part of my life and how I rediscovered myself. At the age of 38, a midlife crisis inspired me to explore a spiritual path. As I transformed myself through the practice of yoga and meditation, I was introduced to the Baseball Gods. The Baseball Gods is a term that emerged over time to explain the mysterious and coincidental events that occur i...

    27,94 €

  • Cristaloterapia
    Griziotti Basevi
    Una guía clara y completa, basada en los conocimientos y en las técnicas orientales y occidentales, para beneficiarse de las propiedades de las piedras y de los cristales.Llevar encima un cristal influye poderosamente y de forma continua en los chakra, que para los orientales son los centros de actividad psíquica y energética de cada uno: el cuerpo y la psique advierten la pres...

    39,47 €

  • El Ángel Custodio
    Surabhi E. Guastalla
    Un libro y 40 cartas integran este estuche, con el que podrá establecer un diálogo con su ángel custodio y con otros ángeles que le pueden ayudar a afrontar los problemas de la vida cotidiana. De ellos obtendrá todos los consejos que necesita para afrontar el día a día, ayudándose de su sabiduría y comprensión. Partiendo de un conocimiento de los ángeles tal y como los ha prese...

    20,75 €

  • Being out of the Box
    Sandra Marie Holloway
    Spiritual accessions experience, acceptance, enlightenment, growth, psychic medium understanding, clairvoyance, out-of-the-box understanding. Im talking directly to you. 3 ...

    20,68 €

  • Guidespeak
    D. L. Kline
    In the last few years, its become apparent that there is almost no part of our spiritual journeys that is as important as allowing, believing, and trusting in the existence of our soul guides.Whether you call them guides, guardian angels, intuition, or think of them as a little voice in your head, living out a successful earth life without them would be next to impossible. This...

    10,94 €

  • Guidespeak
    D. L. Kline
    In the last few years, its become apparent that there is almost no part of our spiritual journeys that is as important as allowing, believing, and trusting in the existence of our soul guides.Whether you call them guides, guardian angels, intuition, or think of them as a little voice in your head, living out a successful earth life without them would be next to impossible. This...

    24,39 €

  • Psychic Self-Defense
    Dion Fortune
    After finding herself the subject of a powerful psychic attack, famed British occultist Dion Fortune wrote this detailed instruction manual on protecting oneself from paranormal attack. This classic psychic self-defense guide explains how to understand the signs of a psychic attack, vampirism, hauntings, and methods of defense.Everything you need to know about the methods, moti...

    23,44 €

  • Crystal Resonance 2
    Kerry Nelson Selman
    To heal is to make whole. At our very essence, we are Spirit, and Crystal Resonance 2 is here with more life-enhancing and life-affirming tools to help us navigate this life in physical, and heal that which limits us being all that we choose to be!This second book in the Crystal Resonance series continues exploration of the healing available to us when crystals, essentials oils...

    12,96 €

  • Mom Said, 'Don’T Mess with This Stuff'
    Saraigh Emma Belle
    All Vivienne wants to know is what happens to us if we commit suicide. Her life is a disaster and she needs real answers. Her grandparents and her father are all dead, but she cannot ask them. If only she could. They would tell her what to do. She already knows that her mother would tell her that she must be strong and that she can get through all this shit. Before she can deci...

    16,96 €

  • Mom Said, 'Don’T Mess with This Stuff'
    Saraigh Emma Belle
    All Vivienne wants to know is what happens to us if we commit suicide. Her life is a disaster and she needs real answers. Her grandparents and her father are all dead, but she cannot ask them. If only she could. They would tell her what to do. She already knows that her mother would tell her that she must be strong and that she can get through all this shit. Before she can deci...

    30,79 €

  • Searching for Answers
    Jan Tyler Bray
    After I lost my Dad in 2004, I started an intensive search to try and contact him; I felt that he was somehow still near, so I joined spiritualist circles and groups, learning to meditate and to communicate with the other side.In time, my contacts developed to the extent that my Guide would pass wisdom to me, with the intention that this information should be spread widely, to ...

    9,58 €

  • See Their Miracles
    T M Orecchia
    Have you ever thought about miracles? Have you ever wondered why only one person survived a deadly airplane crash, or how a baby could have survived a fire that destroyed their house and all the family members? Were you ever able to figure out how a hiker could survive being lost in the mountains for many days with no food, water, or proper clothing? Did you ever think that a h...

    24,56 €

  • See Their Miracles
    T M Orecchia
    Have you ever thought about miracles? Have you ever wondered why only one person survived a deadly airplane crash, or how a baby could have survived a fire that destroyed their house and all the family members? Were you ever able to figure out how a hiker could survive being lost in the mountains for many days with no food, water, or proper clothing? Did you ever think that a h...

    11,12 €

  • Clairvoyance and Occult Powers
    Swami Panchadasi
    In this book the author, William Walker Atkinson, using the pseudonym of an Hindu, introduces and explains many aspects of Occult Hindu philosophy, including telepathy, mind reading, clairvoyance, prevision, astral body traveling, clairvoyance, crystal gazing, healing, laws of attraction, etc. ...

    17,45 €

  • Time Loops
    Eric Wargo
    Time Is Not What You Think It Is. Neither Are You.Welcome to a world where participants in psychology experiments respond to pictures they haven’t seen yet ... where physicists influence the past behavior of a light beam by measuring its photons now ... and where dreamers and writers literally remember their future. This landmark study explores the principles that allow the fut...

    28,22 €

  • How Did I End Up Here?
    Keith Hill
    Why are we the person we are? Why did someone significant enter our life at the precise moment they did? How is it we’re naturally attracted to certain people, situations, work, opportunities and not others? Why are we living this life and not another life with different people? And where does God and our spiritual identity fit into it all?Our life seems to be an enigma impossi...

    13,26 €

  • An Outline of Theosophy
    C. W. Leadbeater / CWLeadbeater
    An Unabridged Edition to include: Introductory - What It Is - General Principles - The Deity - The Constitution of Man – Reincarnation - The Wider Outlook – Death - Man's Past and Future - Cause and Effect - What Theosophy Does for Us ...

    6,39 €

  • The Astral Plane
    C W Leadbeater
    An unabridged edition to include SCENERY (The Seven Subdivisions – Degrees of Materiality – Characteristics of Astral Vision – The Aura – The Etheric Double – Power of Magnifying Minute Objects – The "Summerland" – Records of the Astral Light) INHABITANTS (I. Human. (1) Living: – The Adept or Chela in Mâyâvirûpa – The Psychically Developed Person – The Ordinary Person in Astral...

    7,17 €

  • Beyond Earth Through Heaven’S Gates
    Ward Edward Barcafer Jr.
    Ward Barcafer Jr. was naturally filled with grief and desolation after Suzette, his wife of thirty-three years passed away following a brain tumor operation. Certain he would never see or hear from her again, Ward was shocked when, on the second night after her death, he began receiving inexplicable manifestations and signs from her.After five floodlights in his ceiling began f...

    11,94 €

  • Beyond Earth Through Heaven’S Gates
    Ward Edward Barcafer Jr.
    Ward Barcafer Jr. was naturally filled with grief and desolation after Suzette, his wife of thirty-three years passed away following a brain tumor operation. Certain he would never see or hear from her again, Ward was shocked when, on the second night after her death, he began receiving inexplicable manifestations and signs from her.After five floodlights in his ceiling began f...

    24,53 €

  • Our Ancestors From The Stars
    June Rye
    The mystery behind Adam’s creation and the fact that humans contain traces of Alien DNA is explained. We learn that this DNA is encoded with a blueprint for future human behaviour and intelligence which will be accessed during the Age of Aquarius. Since the second world war when sightings of UFO’s were first recorded their existence has been the subject of a cover-up by the Wor...

    14,42 €

  • The Dawn of the Age of Aquarius
    June Rye
    The author explains that it is not possible for the soul to achieve full enlightenment in only one life on earth, contrary to the general belief of the Christian and Islamic faiths. She explains how individual souls, as well as the various nations of the world, have to evolve century after century to reach full enlightenment. Hell, as explained in the book, is on earth where so...

    12,38 €

  • Cómo acordarse de sus vidas anteriores
    Roger Luc Mary
    La reencarnación es una creencia que causa controversias desde hace mucho tiempo: rechazada por la religión cristiana y aceptada por las orientales, siempre ha suscitado gran interés. Hoy, hasta la ciencia profundiza en este tema. En ocasiones, a través de impresiones fugaces o sueños, se experimenta la sensación de recordar una vida anterior. En esta obra, Roger Luc Mary, espe...

    10,14 €