On Angels’ Wings

On Angels’ Wings

On Angels' Wings

Mariana Stjerna

22,97 €
IVA incluido
SoulLink Publisher
Año de edición:
Espíritus guía, ángeles y canalización
22,97 €
IVA incluido
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Are you afraid of dying? Do you believe that life ends with your last breath? This book is the story about what happened to the famous Swedish author Jan Fridegård after his passing. Through his spokesperson, Mariana Stjerna, he tells vividly with both humor and seriousness his experiences on “the other side.”The reader is invited to join Jan on an amazing journey On Angels’ Wings to different worlds and realms throughout our widespread cosmos. Some highlights: Crossing Over, The Akashic Records, Creation, The Nine Elders of Sirius, No Man’s World, Astral Realms, Midnight Mass, The Angelic Realm, Shamballa, Ashtar Command, Helia and Sananda. The book also contains a Cosmic Map of the different kingdoms, with the Great Spirit in the middle.

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