
Medicina / Otras ramas de la medicina / Farmacología (6034)

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  • Marine Polysaccharides Volume 3
    Paola Laurienzo
    The field of marine polysaccharides is constantly evolving, due to progress in the discovery and production of new marine polysaccharides. Seaweed remains the most abundant source of polysaccharides, but recent advances in biotechnology have allowed the production of large quantities of polysaccharides from a variety of micro-algae, by controlling growth conditions and tailorin...

    116,84 €

  • Marine Polysaccharides Volume 2
    Paola Laurienzo
    The field of marine polysaccharides is constantly evolving, due to progress in the discovery and production of new marine polysaccharides. Seaweed remains the most abundant source of polysaccharides, but recent advances in biotechnology have allowed the production of large quantities of polysaccharides from a variety of micro-algae, by controlling growth conditions and tailorin...

    75,84 €

  • Mind Maps of Clinical Research Basics
    Amrita Akhouri
    The concepts of Clinical Research have been depicted through mind maps in this book which makes the subject fundamentals very easy to understand and convenient to revise. The chapter on career in clinical research gives an insight into the main job roles currently known in this field along with the focus on how to build preparedness for job interviews. Hence, this book will be ...

    22,50 €

  • Identification and Characterization of Antimicrobial Peptides with Therapeutic Potential
    Guangshun Wang
    Antimicrobial peptides are key defense molecules adopted by all life forms to prevent infection. They also have other beneficial effects such as boosting immune response, anticancer, and wound healing. The antiviral effects of antimicrobial peptides have laid the foundations for developing new agents to combat seasonal Flu, HIV-1, RSV, Zika, and Ebola. This eBook is constructed...

    67,96 €

  • Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Drug Design, Predictive Toxicology, and Risk Assessment
    Kunal Roy
    Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) represent predictive models derived from the application of statistical tools correlating biological activity or other properties of chemicals with descriptors representative of molecular structure and/or property. Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Drug Design, Predictive Toxicology, and Risk Assessment discus...

    387,85 €

  • Manuale teorico e pratico per la notifica di malattie e patologie
    Marcello Henrique Araujo Da Silva
    Il Manuale teorico e pratico di segnalazione delle malattie e degli effetti avversi è un libro che descrive tutti i punti fondamentali della segnalazione sanitaria in Brasile. La stesura di questo libro è iniziata nel 2023 e ciò che mi ha ispirato a scrivere su questo argomento sono stati i numerosi errori/fallimenti nella segnalazione di malattie ed effetti avversi. Oltre a nu...

    60,70 €

  • Theoretical and practical manual for notifying diseases and illnesses
    Marcello Henrique Araujo Da Silva
    The Theoretical and Practical Manual of Disease and Illness Reporting is a book that describes all the fundamental points of health reporting in Brazil. This book began to be developed in 2023, and what inspired me to write about this topic were the many errors/failures in the reporting of diseases and adverse effects. In addition to countless reporting errors that I identified...

    60,70 €

  • Manuel théorique et pratique de notification des maladies et affections
    Marcello Henrique Araujo Da Silva
    The Theoretical and Practical Manual of Disease and Illness Reporting est un ouvrage qui décrit tous les points fondamentaux de la déclaration des maladies au Brésil. Ce livre a commencé à être élaboré en 2023, et ce qui m’a incité à écrire sur ce sujet, ce sont les nombreuses erreurs/échecs dans la déclaration des maladies et des effets indésirables. En outre, j’ai identifié d...

    60,77 €

  • Isolement du verbascoside et validation d’une méthode analytique
    Daniella Maria Soares de Oliveira / Marilis D. Miguel / Obdúlio G. Miguel
    Dans cette étude, le verbascoside phénylpropanoïde, identifié par RMN, qui a des activités pharmacologiques telles qu’antioxydant, analgésique, anti-inflammatoire et gastroprotecteur, a été isolé de la fraction d’acétate d’éthyle des parties aériennes de Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl. La méthode analytique utilisant la chromatographie liquide à haute performance a été dé...

    49,74 €

  • Isolation of verbascoside and validation of an analytical method
    Daniella Maria Soares de Oliveira / Marilis D. Miguel / Obdúlio G. Miguel
    In this study, the phenylpropanoid verbascoside, identified by NMR, which has pharmacological activities such as antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective, was isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction of the aerial parts of Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl. The analytical method using high-performance liquid chromatography was developed and validated to...

    49,74 €

  • Isolamento del verbascoside e validazione di un metodo analitico
    Daniella Maria Soares de Oliveira / Marilis D. Miguel / Obdúlio G. Miguel
    In questo studio è stato isolato dalla frazione di acetato di etile delle parti aeree di Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl il fenilpropanoide verbascoside, identificato mediante NMR, che possiede attività farmacologiche quali antiossidante, analgesica, antinfiammatoria e gastroprotettiva. Per quantificare il contenuto di verbascoside nell’estratto alcolico grezzo delle parti...

    49,74 €

  • Isolierung von Verbascosid und Validierung einer analytischen Methode
    Daniella Maria Soares de Oliveira / Marilis D. Miguel / Obdúlio G. Miguel
    In dieser Studie wurde das durch NMR identifizierte Phenylpropanoid Verbascosid, das pharmakologische Aktivitäten wie antioxidative, analgetische, entzündungshemmende und gastroprotektive Eigenschaften aufweist, aus der Ethylacetat-Fraktion der oberirdischen Teile von Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl. isoliert. Zur Quantifizierung des Verbascosidgehalts im alkoholischen Roh...

    49,81 €

  • Изолирование вербаскозида и валидация аналитического метода
    Да Соарес де Оливейра / Марилис Д. Мигель / Обд Г. Мигель
    В этом исследовании фенилпропаноид вербаскозид, идентифицированный методом ЯМР, который обладает фармакологической активностью, такой как антиоксидантная, анальгетическая, противовоспалительная и гастропротекторная, был выделен из этилацетатной фракции воздушных частей Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl. Для количественного определения содержания вербаскозида в неочищенном сп...

    49,81 €

  • Filme de dissolução bucal carregado com Indometacina β-CD
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    O principal objetivo da presente investigação foi formular e caraterizar uma película de dissolução bucal de indometacina carregada com β-ciclodextrina para contornar o metabolismo de primeira passagem A indometacina é um agente anti-inflamatório não esteroide (AINE) com atividade anti-inflamatória, analgésica e antipirética. Pensa-se que o seu efeito farmacológico é mediado pe...

    85,14 €

  • Indomethacin β-CD beladener mundauflösender Film
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war die Formulierung und Charakterisierung eines mit β-Cyclodextrin beladenen Indomethacin-Mundlösungsfilms zur Umgehung des First-Pass-Metabolismus Indomethacin ist ein nicht-steroidales entzündungshemmendes Mittel (NSAIA) mit entzündungshemmender, schmerzstillender und fiebersenkender Wirkung. Man nimmt an, dass seine pharmakologisc...

    85,14 €

  • Film à dissolution buccale chargé d’indométhacine β-CD
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    L’objectif principal de la présente étude était de formuler et de caractériser un film buccal d’indométhacine chargé de β-cyclodextrine afin de contourner le métabolisme de premier passage. L’indométhacine est un agent anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdien (AINS) doté d’une activité anti-inflammatoire, analgésique et antipyrétique. Son effet pharmacologique serait médié par l’inhib...

    85,14 €

  • Film dissolvente per bocca caricato con β-CD di indometacina
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    L’obiettivo principale della presente indagine è stato quello di formulare e caratterizzare un film dissolvibile per bocca di indometacina caricato con β-ciclodestrina per bypassare il metabolismo di primo passaggio L’indometacina è un agente antinfiammatorio non steroideo (NSAIA) con attività antinfiammatoria, analgesica e antipiretica. Si ritiene che il suo effetto farmacolog...

    85,14 €

  • Compresse di idrogel superporoso gastroretentivo-Esomeprazolo
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    Tutte le formulazioni sono state preparate con il metodo della compressione diretta. Le compresse preparate di tutte le formulazioni sono state valutate per i caratteri fisici, il dosaggio, il rilascio di farmaco in vitro, l’indice di rigonfiamento, la durezza e la friabilità. L’obiettivo principale era quello di ottimizzare la formulazione per un rilascio in vitro di 1-12 ore....

    85,21 €

  • Indomethacin Pulsatile Medikamenten verabreichung
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    Sechs Formulierungen einer modifizierten Pulsincap von Indometacin wurden unter Verwendung verschiedener Qualitäten und Verhältnisse entwickelt, wobei Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose K-100M und CCS als geschwindigkeitskontrollierende Polymere verwendet wurden. Magnesiumsterat und Talkum sind die anderen verwendeten Komponenten. Die Mischungen wurden auf verschiedene Parameter wie ...

    85,33 €

  • Consegna pulsatile di indometacina
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    Sono state sviluppate sei formulazioni di pulsincap modificate di indometacina, utilizzando vari gradi e rapporti di idrossipropilmetilcellulosa K-100M e CCS come polimeri di controllo della velocità. Gli altri componenti utilizzati sono lo sterato di magnesio e il talco. Le miscele sono state valutate in base a vari parametri, quali densità apparente, densità spillata, angolo ...

    85,27 €

  • Растворяющаяся во рту пленка с индометацином, нагруженная β-CD
    Шриниваса Р Яргунтла
    Основная цель настоящего исследования заключалась в разработке рецептуры и определении характеристик пленки для растворения во рту индометацина с нагрузкой β-циклодекстрина, чтобы обойти метаболизм первого этапа Индометацин является нестероидным противовоспалительным средством (НПВС) с противовоспалительной, анальгетической и жаропонижающей активностью. Считается, что его фарма...

    85,21 €

  • Administration pulsatile de médicaments à base d’indométhacine
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    Six formulations de pulsincap modifié d’Indométhacine ont été développées en utilisant différents grades et ratios en utilisant l’Hydroxy propyl méthyl cellulose K-100M, CCS comme polymères de contrôle du taux. Le stéarate de magnésium et le talc sont les autres composants utilisés. Les mélanges ont été évalués en fonction de divers paramètres tels que la densité apparente, la ...

    85,33 €

  • Administração pulsátil de medicamentos com indometacina
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    Foram desenvolvidas seis formulações de cápsula de pulso modificada de indometacina utilizando vários graus e proporções, usando hidroxipropilmetilcelulose K-100M, CCS como polímeros de controlo da taxa. O esterato de magnésio e o talco são os outros componentes utilizados. As misturas foram avaliadas em relação a vários parâmetros, tais como a densidade aparente, a densidade d...

    85,33 €

  • Пульсирующая доставка индометацина
    Шриниваса Р Яргунтла
    Шесть рецептур модифицированных пульсинкапов индометацина были разработаны с использованием различных марок и соотношений с применением гидроксипропилметилцеллюлозы K-100M, CCS в качестве полимеров, регулирующих скорость. В качестве других компонентов использовались стеарат магния и тальк. Смеси были оценены по различным параметрам, таким как насыпная плотность, плотность на по...

    85,33 €

  • Гастроретентивные суперпористые гидрогелевые таблетки - эзомепразол
    Шриниваса Р Яргунтла
    Все составы были приготовлены методом прямого прессования. Приготовленные таблетки всех составов оценивали по физическим характеристикам, анализу, высвобождению препарата in-vitro, индексу набухания, твердости и сыпучести. Основной целью было оптимизировать рецептуру для высвобождения препарата in-vitro в течение 1-12 часов. Оптимизированная формула F9, содержащая хитозан и кса...

    85,27 €

  • Gastroretentive superporöse Hydrogel-Tabletten-Esomeprazol
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    Alle Formulierungen wurden im Direktverpressungsverfahren hergestellt. Die vorbereiteten Tabletten aller Formulierungen wurden auf physikalische Eigenschaften, Assay, In-vitro-Wirkstofffreisetzung, Quellungsindex, Härte und Brüchigkeit untersucht. Das Hauptziel bestand darin, die Formulierung für eine 1-12-stündige In-vitro-Freisetzung zu optimieren. Die optimierte Formulierung...

    85,27 €

  • Comprimés d’hydrogel super-poreux gastro-rétentifs-Esoméprazole
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    Toutes les formulations ont été préparées par la méthode de compression directe. Les comprimés préparés de toutes les formulations ont été évalués en termes de caractéristiques physiques, de dosage, de libération du médicament in vitro, d’indice de gonflement, de dureté et de friabilité. L’objectif principal était d’optimiser la formulation pour une libération in vitro de 1 à 1...

    85,27 €

  • Comprimidos de hidrogel superporoso gastroretentivo - Esomeprazol
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    Todas as formulações foram preparadas pelo método de compressão direta. Os comprimidos preparados de todas as formulações foram avaliados em termos de características físicas, ensaio, libertação do fármaco in-vitro, índice de inchamento, dureza e friabilidade. O principal objetivo era otimizar a formulação para uma libertação in vitro de 1-12 horas. A formulação optimizada F9, ...

    85,21 €

  • Stem Cell Study Organ-Specific Responses to Xenobiotics
    Shripriya Singh
    In 'Stem Cell Study: Organ-Specific Responses to Xenobiotics,' Shripriya Singh explores the exciting field of stem cell research and its applications in detecting organ-specific responses to xenobiotics. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the use of stem cells for toxicology studies and their potential for identifying organ-specific responses to xenobiotics.The book...

    34,46 €

  • Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
    Angel Cuesta
    Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT), or Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome, is a dominantly inheritable rare disease with a prevalence of 1:5,000 - 10,000 people. The diagnosis of HHT, as a rare disease, follows the Curaçao Diagnostic Criteria: Nosebleeds (epistaxis), whether spontaneous or recurrent; (multiple) telangiectases at characteristic sites, including the lips, oral c...

    61,88 €