Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión

Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión (135852)

Libros Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Estratégia de gestão de crises de inundações
    Mehdi Tahmasebi
    O objetivo desta investigação é identificar e hierarquizar os factores que afectam a crise das inundações e apresentar possíveis estratégias utilizando as técnicas Delphi e a análise hierárquica de dados (estudo de caso: gestão de crises na cidade de Ahvaz). O método de investigação desta investigação é prático em termos de objetivo. Além disso, em termos de natureza, esta inve...

    96,09 €

  • Strategie im Hochwasser-Krisenmanagement
    Mehdi Tahmasebi
    Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist es, die Faktoren, die sich auf die Hochwasserkrise auswirken, zu identifizieren und zu priorisieren sowie mögliche Strategien zu entwickeln, indem Delphi-Techniken und hierarchische Datenanalyse eingesetzt werden (Fallstudie: Krisenmanagement in der Stadt Ahvaz). Die Forschungsmethode dieser Untersuchung ist von der Zielsetzung her praktisch. Außerd...

    96,06 €

  • Стратегия управления кризисными ситуациями, связанными с наводнениями
    Мехди Тахмасеби
    Целью данного исследования является выявление и приоритизация факторов, влияющих на кризис наводнений, и разработка возможных стратегий с использованием методов Дельфи и иерархического анализа данных (пример: управление кризисом в городе Ахваз). Метод данного исследования является практическим с точки зрения цели. Также, с точки зрения характера, данное исследование основано на...

    96,05 €

  • Stratégie de gestion des crises liées aux inondations
    Mehdi Tahmasebi
    L’objectif de cette recherche est d’identifier et de hiérarchiser les facteurs affectant la crise des inondations et de fournir des stratégies possibles en utilisant les techniques Delphi et l’analyse hiérarchique des données (étude de cas : gestion de la crise dans la ville d’Ahvaz). La méthode de recherche de cette étude est pratique en termes d’objectif. De même, en termes d...

    96,08 €

  • Анализ контроля выбросов CO2 в Германии
    Юан Царл Гòмез Мéндез
    Германия по-прежнему сталкивается с трудностями в достижении поставленных целей и значительном сокращении выбросов CO2. Одной из основных проблем, с которыми сталкивается Германия в плане выбросов CO2, является зависимость от ископаемого топлива; в целом эта зависимость составляет 88,4 %. В данном исследовании была проведена характеристика переменных выбросов CO2 и используемых...

    85,76 €

  • Politische Lehren aus Australien
    Stephen Kendal
    Mit dieser Arbeit soll aufgezeigt werden, wie die Gabe eines Managers (vor allem durch die Arbeit an der Entwicklung von Strategien) gezeigt werden kann, ein faires Gleichgewicht zwischen dem Erfolgspotenzial und den Konflikten zu erreichen, die einer bestimmten Situation innewohnen. Solche Managementfähigkeiten beeinflussen die Umsetzung einer Lösung, die Qualität des Endergeb...

    84,22 €

  • Lições de política da Austrália
    Stephen Kendal
    Este trabalho tem como objetivo demonstrar como os dons de um gestor podem ser demonstrados (especialmente através do trabalho de desenvolvimento de políticas) para alcançar um equilíbrio justo entre o potencial de sucesso e os conflitos inerentes a uma determinada situação. Estas competências de gestão influenciam a apresentação de uma solução, a qualidade do resultado final e...

    84,16 €

  • Leçons politiques de l’Australie
    Stephen Kendal
    Ce travail vise à démontrer comment les talents d’un gestionnaire peuvent être mis à profit (notamment dans le cadre de l’élaboration de politiques) pour parvenir à un juste équilibre entre le potentiel de réussite et les conflits inhérents à une situation donnée. Ces compétences en matière de gestion influencent la mise en œuvre d’une solution, la qualité du résultat final et ...

    84,22 €

  • Lezioni di politica dall’Australia
    Stephen Kendal
    Questo lavoro intende dimostrare come le doti di un manager possano essere dimostrate (soprattutto attraverso il lavoro di sviluppo delle politiche) per raggiungere un giusto equilibrio tra il potenziale di successo e i conflitti inerenti a una determinata situazione. Tali capacità di gestione influenzano la realizzazione di una soluzione, la qualità del risultato finale e la s...

    84,09 €

  • Уроки политики Австралии
    Стивен Кендал
    Эта работа призвана продемонстрировать, как можно проявить способности менеджера (в частности, через работу по разработке политики) для достижения справедливого баланса между потенциалом успеха и конфликтами, присущими данной ситуации. Такие управленческие навыки влияют на реализацию решения, качество конечного результата и удовлетворенность тех, кто искал решение. Менеджеры в ...

    84,22 €

    Anton Anthony
    Embark on a journey of educational revolution with ’Steampreneurship: Learning Through Interdisciplinary Experiential Entrepreneurship.’ This pioneering work unveils the conceptual AA Steam & Entrepreneurship Academy, a groundbreaking model that masterfully blends entrepreneurship with core academic subjects. By challenging the traditional boundaries of education, the book prop...

    14,81 €

  • The Data Deluge
    Arun C. Kumar
    Uncover the intersection between data use and ethics.In The Data Deluge, Arun Kumar brings his digital and data development expertise and experience to start a needed and important conversation on how we should approach data and marketing. Data’s explosion and targeted marketing has ushered in a new era of data use and analytics. Unfortunately, in today’s world, neither markete...

    16,11 €

  • The History of Fantasy Sports
    Larry Schechter
    Fantasy sports have become as ingrained in American culture as baseball and apple pie. And they have spread worldwide. There are versions of these games for football, baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer, cricket, bull riding, bass fishing, Iditarod and many more. It is one of the most popular forms of entertainment today.But the millions who play mostly have no idea about the ...

    27,57 €

  • Stop the Hiring Gamble
    Gerald J Nebeker
    ' innovative and intuitive way to look at hiring.' -J Auer, MBA, CEO of RISE Services, Inc.'If you’re ready to move beyond résumés and find candidates naturally suited for your roles, this book is worth your time.' -Sally Rustad, MBA, SHRM-SCP, VP of HR, Opportunity Management GroupYou can continue to hire the same way you have always done, but you will continue to get the...

    15,11 €

  • Stop the Hiring Gamble
    Gerald J Nebeker
    ' innovative and intuitive way to look at hiring.' -J Auer, MBA, CEO of RISE Services, Inc.'If you’re ready to move beyond résumés and find candidates naturally suited for your roles, this book is worth your time.' -Sally Rustad, MBA, SHRM-SCP, VP of HR, Opportunity Management GroupYou can continue to hire the same way you have always done, but you will continue to get the...

    21,13 €

  • An MFA for Your MBA
    Phillip Scott Mandel
    Rock star. Ninja. Zig-zag. If these words make you want to puke, then this book is for you. If these words sometimes find their way into your writing, then this book is also for you.The world of business is filled with jargon, cliché, and nauseating 'work-speak.' Most emails are boring, confusing, or too long. More and more often we encounter mindless and enervating 'content,' ...

    15,67 €

  • The Future-Ready Brand
    Mitch Duckler
    In The Future-Ready Brand, Mitch Duckler looks to a new set of challenges facing the world’s leading brands and turns to the world’s most influential brand officers themselves to find solutions. Here he goes one-on-one with over 40 Global 1,000 CMOs to discover how they are navigating the confluence of shifting societal forces and emerging technologies that are impacting how ev...

    15,60 €

  • One Billion Americans
    Matthew Yglesias

    22,68 €

  • Work That Counts
    Richard Lee

    22,74 €

  • Bury My Heart at Conference Room B
    Stan Slap

    22,73 €

  • Manual De Judô
    Ricardo André Alonso Netto
    O presente Manual de Judô foi elaborado com o objetivo de facilitar o aprendizado do Judô para os alunos de escolas e academias, para divulgar a arte suave, promover e informar aos judocas e familiares a história, a filosofia, os benefícios, a origem, o desenvolvimento e o progresso do Judô no Brasil e no mundo. Para o aluno estudar e treinar, tanto iniciantes quanto aqueles qu...

    17,89 €

  • Playbook para tu libertad financiera
    Íñigo Arístegui
    ¿Para qué escribí este libro? Es una pregunta poderosa que merece ser respondida con franqueza. Lo hice con un propósito claro: ayudar al prójimo. ¿Te imaginas cómo se siente aquel que, presa de creencias, miedos y deudas, no es libre para ser quien realmente es? Este libro está diseñado para ofrecer apoyo a esas personas.En sus páginas, encontrarás respuestas a preguntas cruci...

    17,00 €

  • Deep transformations
    Hubert Buch-Hansen / Iana Nesterova / Max Koch
    This book provides a comprehensive theory of degrowth. It conceptualises degrowth as a multi-faceted phenomenon on different scales (trans-national, national and local) and sites (civil society, the state and business) and discusses a range of ecosocial policies and initiatives capable of bringing about deep transformations. ...

    157,72 €

  • Deep transformations
    Hubert Buch-Hansen / Iana Nesterova / Max Koch
    This book provides a comprehensive theory of degrowth. It conceptualises degrowth as a multi-faceted phenomenon on different scales (trans-national, national and local) and sites (civil society, the state and business) and discusses a range of ecosocial policies and initiatives capable of bringing about deep transformations. ...

    44,66 €

  • Write Like a Reader, Think Like the Media
    Shirley A. Hammond / TBD
    Win the war on book marketing supremacy by taking the advice of an author of almost 40 books. Author, Shirley A. Hammond self-published her first book in 1996, and it’s been up from there. The bonus is that she has also worked as a reporter, and holds a degree in Communications. She gained knowledge of what grabs the media’s attention, in her journalistic role. Furthermore, as ...

    10,52 €

  • Alternative Organisations in India

    132,68 €

  • Desvendando Os Pilares Da Sabedoria Financeira
    Fernando Silva Pinto
    Sinopse: Desvendando os Pilares da Sabedoria FinanceiraEmDesvendando os Pilares da Sabedoria Financeira , é apresentado um guia prático e inspirador para alcançar o sucesso financeiro. Baseado nos princípios atemporais dos livrosPai Rico, Pai Pobre ,Psicologia Financeira ,Os Segredos da Mente MilionáriaeO Homem Mais Rico da Babilônia , este livro oferece insights valiosos sobre...

    6,94 €

  • It’s Personal
    Allison Clarke
    What if you could step into each day with the capacity to make a profound impact with everyone you meet? Communication mishaps, interpersonal conflict, and poor leadership are the most common challenges a business can face. The solution, however, is neither costly nor complicated. It starts with understanding that most problems in business are people problems, requiring a delib...

    13,38 €

  • It’s Personal
    Allison Clarke
    What if you could step into each day with the capacity to make a profound impact with everyone you meet? Communication mishaps, interpersonal conflict, and poor leadership are the most common challenges a business can face. The solution, however, is neither costly nor complicated. It starts with understanding that most problems in business are people problems, requiring a delib...

    18,79 €

  • The Coming Decline
    Michael Weidokal
    For decades, most of the world’s leading economies have been growing at an ever-slower pace. Worse, many of the economies that have so far managed to avoid such a slowdown are also facing the prospect of a decline in their economic growth. How did the global economy reach this point? Why has economic growth trended downwards in the final decades of 20th century and the first de...

    28,59 €