Biologia, ciencias de la vida

Matemáticas y ciencia / Biologia, ciencias de la vida (34289)

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  • Communication and the Evolution of Society
    Juergen Habermas / Jurgen Habermas / Thomas McCarthy

    19,68 €

  • Caste and Ecology in the Social Insects. (MPB-12), Volume 12
    Edward O. Wilson / Edward OWilson / George F. Oster / George FOster
    In this pathbreaking and far-reaching work George Oster and Edward Wilson provide the first fully developed theory of caste evolution among the social insects. Furthermore, in studying the effects of natural selection in generally increasing the insects’ ergonomic efficiency, they go beyond the concentration of previous researchers on the physiological mechanisms of the insects...

    107,81 €

  • Mathematical Models for the Growth of Human Populations
    Carys Mary Pollard / J. H. Pollard / JHPollard

    57,01 €

  • The Dynamics of Arthopod Predator-Prey Systems. (MPB-13), Volume 13
    Michael Patrick Hassell
    In this study of arthropod predador-prey systems Michael Hassell shows how many of the components of predation may be simply modeled in order to reveal their effects on the overall dynamics of the interacting populations. Arthropods, particularly insects, make ideal subjects for such a study because their generation times are characteristically short and many have relatively di...

    86,20 €

  • Evolution of Sex
    John Maynard Smith / Ronald Ted Smith

    71,61 €

  • Food Webs and Niche Space. (MPB-11), Volume 11
    David W. Stephens / David WStephens / Joel E. Cohen / Joel ECohen
    What is the minimum dimension of a niche space necessary to represent the overlaps among observed niches? This book presents a new technique for obtaining a partial answer to this elementary question about niche space. The author bases his technique on a relation between the combinatorial structure of food webs and the mathematical theory of interval graphs. Professor Cohen co...

    86,36 €

  • Janus
    Arthur Koestler
    The most adventourous, polymathic - and readable - scientific populariser of the age offers in Janus a summing up of a quarter of a century's study and speculations on the life sciences and their philosophic implications. Koestler has an interesting theme to propose.  It is this; the human brain has developed a terrible biological flaw, such that it is working now against t...

    18,14 €

  • The Biochemistry of Viruses
    S. J. Martin / Samuel John Martin / SJMartin

    68,26 €

  • Biology in the Nineteenth Century
    William L. Coleman / William LColeman
    Biology was introduced with the nineteenth century. The term ’biology’ first appeared in a footnote in an obscure German medical publication of 1800, but a century of activity was needed to create a thriving science. This book offers a concise yet comprehensive examination of essential themes in this development. To one group of nineteenth-century biologists, largely comprised ...

    29,96 €

  • The Enchanted Voyage
    G. Evelyn Hutchinson / George Evelyn Hutchinson / GEvelyn Hutchinson / UNKNOWN

    95,85 €

  • Models in Ecology
    John Maynard Smith / Maynard S. John / Maynard SJohn

    69,48 €

  • The Mammals of Trans-Pecos Texas
    David J. Schmidly / David JSchmidly

    20,24 €

  • Ecology Field Glossary
    UNKNOWN / Walter H. Lewis / Walter Hepworth Lewis / Walter HLewis

    55,39 €

  • Geographic Variation, Speciation and Clines. (MPB-10), Volume 10
    John A. Endler / John AEndler
    Geographic Variation, Speciation and Clines explores the origins and development of geographic variation, divergence, and speciation. In particular it is concerned with genetic divergence as it is usually found on continents, among groups of populations isolated only by distance. Although earlier writers on this topic considered the effects of geography and dispersal, intense g...

    108,27 €

  • Enzyme Kinetics
    D. V. Roberts / DVRoberts

    57,46 €

  • Danger on the Right
    Arnold Forster / Benjamin R. Epstein / Benjamin REpstein / UNKNOWN

    82,14 €

  • Growing Points Ethology
    P. P. G. Bateson / PPGBateson / R. A. Hinde / RAHinde

    86,31 €

  • Kinship with All Life (Revised)
    J Allen Boone / J. Allen Boone / JAllen Boone
    Entertaining proof that communication with animals is not a fantasy out of 'Dr. Doolittle' but an indisputable fact of life. ...

    14,14 €

  • The Grasses of Texas
    Frank W. Gould / Frank WGould

    49,48 €

  • Human Evolutionary Trees
    Arthur Jr. Thompson / Arthur JrThompson / E. a. Thompson / EAThompson / Kroonm Thompson

    53,35 €

  • Group Selection in Predator-Prey Communities. (MPB-9), Volume 9
    Michael E. Gilpin / Michael EGilpin
    Many animals regulate their population density by patterns of behavior that would be easy to explain if the forces of natural selection acted to optimize group properties. But Darwinian selection acts on individuals, not groups, and most simple theories have shown group selection to be too slow ever to oppose individual selection successfully.In this book Michael Gilpin present...

    93,61 €

  • Sex and Evolution. (MPB-8), Volume 8
    George Christopher Williams
    This book explores the relationship between various types of reproduction and the evolutionary process. Starting with the concept of meiosis, George C. Williams states the conditions under which an organism with both sexual and asexual reproductive capacities will employ each mode. He argues that in low-fecundity higher organisms, sexual reproduction is generally maladaptive, a...

    86,31 €

  • God or Beast
    Robert Claiborne

    17,27 €

  • Competition and the Structure of Bird Communities. (MPB-7), Volume 7
    Martin L. Cody / Martin LCody
    Professor Cody’s monograph emphasizes the role of competition at levels above single species populations, and describes how competition, by way of the niche concept, determines the structure of communities. Communities may be understood in terms of resource gradients, or niche dimensions, along which species become segregated through competitive interactions. Most communities a...

    85,83 €

  • The Races of Europe
    Carleton Stevens Coon

    118,66 €

  • Populations in a Seasonal Environment. (MPB-5)
    Stephen D. Fretwell / Stephen DFretwell
    Most organisms live in a seasonal environment. During their life cycles, some species face seasons of cold and heat, aridity and abundant rainfall, migration and stable residence, breeding and nonbreeding. Populations grow and decline as supplies of materials essential to their survival wax and wane. Such qualitative truths as these flow obviously from field observations. In t...

    86,21 €

  • How Animals Work
    James B. Duke / James BDuke / Knut Schmidt-Nielsen

    52,41 €

  • Insect, Disease and Weed Control
    D. Bishop / DBishop / E. R. De Ong / ERDe Ong
    CONTENTS - I Introduction - II Nontoxic Methods and Materials as Insecticides - III Weeds - IV Weed Control - V Insects - VI Insects and Diseases of Field Crops - VII Insects and Diseases of Orchards and Vineyards - VIII Insects and Diseases in the Garden and Truckfarm - IX Pests of Ornamentals, Lawns, Flowers and Shrubs - X Household Insects and Rodents - XI Pests of Barns an...

    150,46 €

  • Theoretical Aspects of Population Genetics. (MPB-4), Volume 4
    Motoo Kimura / Tomoko Ohta
    To show the importance of stochastic processes in the change of gene frequencies, the authors discuss topics ranging from molecular evolution to two-locus problems in terms of diffusion models. Throughout their discussion, they come to grips with one of the most challenging problems in population genetics--the ways in which genetic variability is maintained in Mendelian populat...

    111,14 €

  • Life
    Josephine Marquand

    16,12 €