Zoología y ciencias animales

Matemáticas y ciencia / Biologia, ciencias de la vida / Zoología y ciencias animales (6948)

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  • Animaltown
    Urban space constitutes a place where people and animals live together in close proximity with each other, creating changing landscapes of co-existence, conflict, mutual dependencies and exploitation. The medieval animals found in the articles of Animaltown: Beasts in Medieval Urban Space, appear in text and image, as well as archaeological find materials in the form of butcher...

    109,24 €

  • Säugetiere der Südwestberge und Mesas
    George Olin
    Dieses klassische Buch wurde ursprünglich vor Jahrzehnten veröffentlicht als ''Mammals of the Southwest Mountains and Mesas'' . Es wurde jetzt von Writat für seine deutschsprachigen Leser ins Deutsche übersetzt. Bei Writat liegt uns die Bewahrung des literarischen Erbes der Vergangenheit sehr am Herzen. Wir haben dieses Buch ins Deutsche übersetzt, damit es heutige und zukünfti...

    19,13 €

  • Mammifères des montagnes du sud-ouest et des mesas
    Georges Olin
    Ce livre classique a été initialement publié il y a des décennies sous le titre ''Mammals of the Southwest Mountains and Mesas'' . Il a maintenant été traduit par Writat en langue française pour leurs lecteurs francophones. Chez Writat, nous sommes passionnés par la préservation du patrimoine littéraire du passé. Nous avons traduit ce livre en français afin que les générations ...

    18,97 €

  • Mrs. Loudon’s Entertaining Naturalist
    Mrs. Loudon
    Mrs. Loudon’s Entertaining Naturalist, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not ma...

    38,57 €

  • Some Animal Stories
    Sir Charles Roberts
    Some Animal Stories, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copi...

    20,39 €

  • Some Common Birds in Their Relation to Agriculture
    F. E. Beal
    Some Common Birds in Their Relation to Agriculture, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These boo...

    19,08 €

  • Social Life in the Insect World
    Jean-Henri Fabre
    Social Life in the Insect World, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of ...

    26,31 €

  • Effetto dell’estratto di Aloe Vera sull’epatotossicità indotta dall’Inh-Rif
    Gautam Zodape / Pravin Bhise
    I ratti Wistar maschi sono stati procurati dal 'The Bombay Veterinary College', Parel, Mumbai. Gli animali sono stati mantenuti e alloggiati in gabbie e sono stati acclimatati in condizioni di laboratorio per dieci giorni prima dell’esperimento. I ratti sperimentali sono stati alimentati per via orale con isoniazide 300 mg / 70 kg di peso corporeo / giorno; rifampicina 450 mg /...

    51,30 €

  • Efeito do extrato de Aloé Vera na hepatotoxicidade induzida pelo Inh-Rif
    Gautam Zodape / Pravin Bhise
    Os ratos Wistar machos foram adquiridos no 'The Bombay Veterinary College', Parel, Mumbai. Os animais foram mantidos e alojados em gaiolas e foram aclimatados em condições laboratoriais durante dez dias antes da experiência. Os ratos experimentais foram alimentados oralmente com isoniazida 300 mg/70 kg de peso corporal / dia; rifampicina 450 mg/70 kg de peso corporal / dia e ex...

    51,37 €

  • Effet de la supplémentation en mélatonine sur la MIV et la FIV des ovocytes de buffle
    Nagina Gilani
    Une note complète sur l’application de la technologie de reproduction in vitro aux ovocytes de buffles Nili Ravi (Bubalus bubalis). Cette technologie permet aux scientifiques d’obtenir un grand nombre d’ovocytes matures et d’embryons de bufflonne après fécondation en laboratoire. Dans cette étude, l’effet d’un antioxydant, la mélatonine, a été évalué sur la maturation et la féc...

    49,68 €

  • Влияние добавки мелатонина на ЭКО и ЭКО ооцитов буйвола
    Нагина Гилани
    Обстоятельная заметка о применении репродуктивной технологии in vitro на ооцитах буйвола Нили Рави (Bubalus bubalis). С помощью этой технологии ученые теперь могут получать большое количество созревших ооцитов, а также эмбрионов буйвола после фертилизации в лаборатории. В данном исследовании оценивалось влияние антиоксиданта мелатонина на созревание и оплодотворение ооцитов in ...

    49,68 €

  • Wirkung der Melatonin-Supplementierung auf IVM und IVF von Büffel-Eizellen
    Nagina Gilani
    Ein umfassender Bericht über die Anwendung der In-vitro-Fertilisationstechnologie bei Eizellen von Nili-Ravi-Büffeln (Bubalus bubalis). Durch diese Technologie sind Wissenschaftler nun in der Lage, eine große Anzahl von reifen Eizellen sowie Büffel-Embryonen nach der Befruchtung im Labor zu erhalten. In dieser Studie wurde die Wirkung des Antioxidans Melatonin auf die In-vitro-...

    49,68 €

  • Effetto della supplementazione di melatonina su IVM e FIV di ovociti di bufalo
    Nagina Gilani
    Una nota completa sull’applicazione della tecnologia riproduttiva in vitro agli ovociti di bufalo Nili Ravi (Bubalus bubalis). Con questa tecnologia gli scienziati sono ora in grado di ottenere un gran numero di ovociti maturi e di embrioni di bufalo dopo la fecondazione in laboratorio. In questo studio è stato valutato l’effetto di un antiossidante, la melatonina, sulla matura...

    49,68 €

  • Efeito da suplementação com melatonina na MIV e FIV de oócitos de búfala
    Nagina Gilani
    Uma nota abrangente sobre a aplicação da tecnologia de reprodução in vitro em oócitos de búfalas Nili Ravi (Bubalus bubalis). Com esta tecnologia, os cientistas conseguem agora obter um grande número de oócitos amadurecidos, bem como embriões de búfala após a fertilização em laboratório. Neste estudo, o efeito de um antioxidante, a melatonina, foi avaliado na maturação e fertil...

    49,68 €

  • Aves dos Neotrópicos
    Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    Este livro trata da diversidade, do endemismo e da conservação das aves neotropicais. Cada tema é ilustrado com uma série de exemplos bem fundamentados da literatura científica. É feita uma análise rigorosa das principais causas que levaram à extinção de várias espécies e à redução das suas populações. Além disso, são descritos os esforços de investigação e conservação que visa...

    112,96 €

  • Vögel der Neotropis
    Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der Vielfalt, dem Endemismus und der Erhaltung der neotropischen Vögel. Jedes Thema wird mit einer Reihe von fundierten Beispielen aus der wissenschaftlichen Literatur illustriert. Die Hauptursachen, die zum Aussterben mehrerer Arten und zum Rückgang ihrer Bestände geführt haben, werden eingehend analysiert. Darüber hinaus werden Forschungs- und Erh...

    112,96 €

  • Birds of the Neotropics
    Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    This book deals with the diversity, endemism and conservation of Neotropical birds. Each topic is illustrated with a number of well-supported examples from the scientific literature. A rigorous analysis is made of the main causes that have led to the extinction of several species and have caused the reduction of their populations. In addition, research and conservation efforts ...

    113,00 €

  • Oiseaux des Néotropiques
    Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    Ce livre traite de la diversité, de l’endémisme et de la conservation des oiseaux néotropicaux. Chaque thème est illustré par un certain nombre d’exemples fondés tirés de la littérature scientifique. Une analyse rigoureuse est faite des principales causes qui ont conduit à l’extinction de plusieurs espèces et à la réduction de leurs populations. En outre, les efforts de recherc...

    112,96 €

  • Uccelli dei Neotropici
    Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    Questo libro tratta la diversità, l’endemismo e la conservazione degli uccelli neotropicali. Ogni argomento è illustrato con una serie di esempi fondati tratti dalla letteratura scientifica. Viene effettuata un’analisi rigorosa delle principali cause che hanno portato all’estinzione di diverse specie e alla riduzione delle loro popolazioni. Vengono inoltre descritti gli sforzi ...

    112,98 €

  • Птицы Неотропов
    Абел Хернáндез-Муñоз
    Эта книга посвящена разнообразию, эндемизму и сохранению неотропических птиц. Каждая тема иллюстрируется рядом обоснованных примеров из научной литературы. Проведен тщательный анализ основных причин, приведших к исчезновению ряда видов и сокращению их популяций. Кроме того, описаны исследования и природоохранные мероприятия, направленные на смягчение критического состояния, в к...

    112,92 €

  • Elephant Seals
    Bernard J. Le Boeuf

    103,90 €

  • Antidiabetische Wirkung von Phlogacanthus thyrsiflorus nees
    Sharmistha Chakravarty
    Diabetes mellitus ist eine Krankheit, die durch einen Anstieg des Blutzuckerspiegels infolge von Insulinmangel oder Insulinresistenz oder beidem gekennzeichnet ist. Infolgedessen kann es zu einer Glykierung von Geweben kommen, die mit akuten Stoffwechselstörungen einhergeht, die mit Organschäden und schweren gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen enden. Ein solcher Zustand führt z...

    103,73 €

  • A Visit to the Zoo - Mus Saib Lub Tsev Tu Tsiaj
    Tory Envy
    Two curious friends, Suab Zoo and Peev Xwm, embark on an adventure to the zoo in conjunction with the joy of learning the Hmong language. They explore various animal habitats, discovering fascinating facts about each creature they encounter. From the mighty lions to the graceful tortoises and mischievous monkeys, Suab Zoo and Peev Xwm’s excitement grows with every new animal th...

    24,16 €

  • No te rindas
    Andrea Castañeda Wyszkowski
    En 'No te rindas, la historia de Milton', te sumergirás en una emocionante aventura canina que cambiará tu perspectiva sobre la relación entre los humanos y los perros. Acompáñame en mi viaje personal, donde comparto la historia de cómo un perro complicado transformó mi vida. A través de situaciones cómicas, desafíos inesperados y momentos conmovedores, aprenderás cómo superar ...

    12,48 €

  • Identification des biomarqueurs et réduction de la toxicité de l’ammoniac chez les poissons
    Akshay Shiwanand
    Ce livre est très utile pour la maîtrise en zoologie et l’étude de l’environnement ainsi que pour la recherche dans le domaine de l’écotoxicologie et de la sécurité de l’environnement. Ce livre est également utile pour les chercheurs, les post-doctorants, les scientifiques et les étudiants en pêche. Il fournit des informations sur l’ammoniac, le contenu macromoléculaire et les ...

    69,60 €

  • Идентификация биомаркеров и снижение токсичности аммиака для рыб
    Акшай Шивананд
    Эта книга очень полезна для магистров зоологии и экологии, а также для проведения исследований в области экотоксикологии и безопасности окружающей среды. Эта книга также полезна для научных сотрудников, аспирантов, ученых и студентов рыбохозяйственных вузов. В ней представлена информация об аммиаке, макромолекулярном содержании и биомаркерах (ферментах). Также представлены лучш...

    69,60 €

  • 5-камерные сердца
    Рамин Амирадфар
    Процесс эволюции животных предсказуем. Мы поняли, что сила тяжести увеличивается, и животные, чтобы лучше преодолевать ее, вынуждены строить себе более сильные сердца: однокамерные, двухкамерные, трехкамерные и, наконец, четырехкамерные. Как мы знаем, самыми крупными и успешными животными в настоящее время являются те, у кого 4-камерное сердце (например, млекопитающие и птицы)....

    70,17 €

  • Toxicity Effects of Methyl Parathion on Fish Physiology
    P. Anandan
    'Toxicity Effects of Methyl Parathion on Fish Physiology' is a comprehensive book written by P. Anandan, which provides a detailed insight into the impact of pesticides on the physiology of fish, with a specific focus on Methyl Parathion. The book discusses the widespread use of pesticides, which has led to environmental contamination, posing a significant threat to aquatic lif...

    29,87 €

    R Sasidhara
    The essence of this book lies in its comprehensive approach to Animal Biotechnology. It begins by elucidating the foundational developments that have shaped this field, followed by an insightful exploration into the realm of animal cell culture - a cornerstone technique in contemporary biological and medical research.Delving deeper, the book presents a detailed examination of g...

    27,46 €

    In this book readers delve into the profound evolution of this critical field, tracing its origins from the early 20th century to its current status as an interdisciplinary cornerstone. This comprehensive book covers the fusion of immunology with various domains such as microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, zoology, clinical medicine, and pathology. Desi...

    27,23 €