Biologia, ciencias de la vida

Matemáticas y ciencia / Biologia, ciencias de la vida (34292)

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  • Climate and Plant Distribution
    F. I. Woodward / FIWoodward

    75,52 €

  • Organogenesis of the Kidney
    Lauri Saxen

    175,01 €

  • Foraging Theory
    David W. Stephens / David WStephens / John R. Krebs / John RKrebs
    This account of the current state of foraging theory is also a valuable description of the use of optimality theory in behavioral ecology in general. Organizing and introducing the main research themes in economic analyses of animal feeding behavior, the authors analyze the empirical evidence bearing on foraging models and answer criticisms of optimality modeling. They explain ...

    123,30 €

  • The Production of New Potato Varieties

    193,88 €

  • Biological Surveys of Estuaries and Coasts
    J. M. Baker / JMBaker / W. J. Wolff / WJWolff

    106,32 €

  • Leaf Protein
    N. W. Pirie / NWPirie

    174,71 €

  • The Bird of Time
    N. W. Moore / Norman Winfrid Moore / NWMoore

    52,84 €

  • The Flamingo’s Smile
    Stephen Jay Gould

    22,96 €

    D T-W Yew / M I CHUAH D T W YEW / M-I Chuah
    This manual guides the student through an organised regional study of the human brain proceeding from caudal to rostal direction. Different parts of the brain are described both on a gross and light microscopic level. The important structures of each brain region are emphasized not only in the text but also in the accompanying micrographs and line drawings. Where appropriate, t...

    58,47 €

  • Electrical Stimulation
    Jonathan Black

    121,69 €

  • A Hierarchical Concept of Ecosystems. (MPB-23), Volume 23
    Donald Lee Deangelis / J. B. Waide / JBWaide / Robert V. O’Neill / Robert VO'Neill / Robert VO’Neill
    'Ecosystem' is an intuitively appealing concept to most ecologists, but, in spite of its widespread use, the term remains diffuse and ambiguous. The authors of this book argue that previous attempts to define the concept have been derived from particular viewpoints to the exclusion of others equally possible. They offer instead a more general line of thought based on hierarchy ...

    108,25 €

  • Background of Ecology
    Robert P. McIntosh / Robert PMcIntosh

    144,74 €

  • Reproduction in Mammals

    77,80 €

  • Herbals
    Agnes Arber
    Herbals deal primarily with medicinal and culinary herbs, their real and supposed properties and virtues, and in origin they go back at least to the Ancient Greeks. During the 16th and 17th centuries they developed into attractively illustrated printed books, the forerunners of modern botanical and pharmaceutical textbooks. Agnes Arber’s Herbals (first published in 1912, much r...

    108,89 €

  • Genetic Variation and Its Maintenance

    218,77 €

  • Ecology, Recreation and Tourism
    John M. Edington / John MEdington / M. Ann Edington / MAnn Edington

    53,27 €

  • Theoretical Studies on Sex Ratio Evolution. (MPB-22), Volume 22
    Sabin Lessard / Samuel Karlin
    This book deals with a key area of population genetics: the ratio of the sexes in a population, or the allocation of resources to male versus female reproductive function. Samuel Karlin and Sabin Lessard establish the formal theoretical aspects of the evolution of sex ratio within the constraints of genetic mechanisms of sex determination. Their results generalize and unify exi...

    107,97 €

  • The Consequences of Chromosome Imbalance
    Charles J. Epstein / Charles JEpstein

    300,32 €

  • The Ecological Implications of Body Size
    Robert H. Peters / Robert HPeters

    125,30 €

  • Dimensions of Darwinism
    Marjorie Grene

    42,89 €

  • The Transforming Principle
    Maclyn McCarty

    17,42 €

  • Natural Selection in the Wild. (MPB-21), Volume 21
    John A. Endler / John AEndler
    Natural selection is an immense and important subject, yet there have been few attempts to summarize its effects on natural populations, and fewer still which discuss the problems of working with natural selection in the wild. These are the purposes of John Endler’s book. In it, he discusses the methods and problems involved in the demonstration and measurement of natural selec...

    136,87 €

  • Handbook of Phycological Methods

    363,76 €

  • Forevermore, Nuclear Waste in America
    Donald L. Barlett / Donald LBarlett

    19,76 €

  • Advances in Plant Nutrition
    P. B. Tinker / PBTinker

    121,23 €

  • Hunger
    J. Le Magnen / Jacques Le Magnen / JLe Magnen

    58,38 €

  • Evolutionary Ecology of Ant-Plant Mutualisms, The
    Andrew J. Beattie / Andrew JBeattie

    124,54 €

  • Plant Genetic Engineering

    174,44 €

  • Proceedings of the Nineteenth European Marine Biology Symposium

    237,10 €

  • The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution
    Motoo Kimura

    144,56 €