Biologia, ciencias de la vida

Matemáticas y ciencia / Biologia, ciencias de la vida (34289)

Libros Eliminar filtro Matemáticas y ciencia Eliminar filtro Biologia, ciencias de la vida Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Parasitoids
    H. Charles J. Godfray / HCharles JGodfray
    Parasitoids lay their eggs on or in the bodies of other species of insect, and the parasitoid larvae develop by feeding on the host, causing its eventual death. Known for a long time to applied biologists for their importance in regulating the population densities of economic pests, parasitoids have recently proven to be valuable tools in testing many aspects of evolutionary th...

    143,32 €

  • Analysis of Vertebrate Pest Control
    Jim Hone

    194,15 €

  • Tropical Alpine Environments

    193,58 €

  • An Inventor in the Garden of Eden
    E. R. Laithwaite / Eric Laithwaite / ERLaithwaite / Laithwaite Eric

    222,41 €

  • Fossil Horses
    Bruce J. Macfadden / Bruce JMacfadden

    110,04 €

  • Remarkable Discoveries!
    Frank Ashall

    158,33 €

  • Bamboos of Bhutan
    C. Stapleton / Chris Stapleton
    An identification guide illustrated with line drawings, with descriptions and notes on distribution, ecology, uses and propagation - a very useful handbook for gardeners and nurserymen. Published for the Overseas Development Administration and the Forestry Research Programme, University of Oxford. 3 ...

    14,89 €

  • Advances in Legume Systematics Part 5. the Nitrogen Factor
    Sixteen papers addressing the 'nitrogen economy' of legumes, including nodulation and its evolution, phytochemistry, costs and benefits of nitrogen compounds, and the relationship between legumes and their predators. 3 ...

    36,84 €

  • Seashore Plants of South Florida and the Caribbean
    David W Nellis / David W. Nellis / David WNellis
    Seashore Plants of South Florida and the Caribbean is a complete source for information about which plants grow best in nearshore environments. It includes extensive characteristics of each plant, including: Form, flower and fruit dateGeographic distribution and habitatReproduction and propagationOrnamental usesMedicinal and toxic properties, including modern and folkloric beli...

    21,14 €

  • Quarry
    Noel T. Boaz / Noel TBoaz

    16,38 €

  • Microalgae
    E. W. Becker / EWBecker

    224,93 €

  • The Cultural Relations of Classification
    Ellen Roy / R. F. Ellen / RFEllen / Roy Ellen

    207,55 €

  • Ecology for Environmental Professionals
    Dorothy Howell

    82,51 €

  • Practical Electron Microscopy
    Elaine Hunter / Hunter Elaine Evelyn

    64,32 €

  • Aspects of Tropical Mycology
    British Mycological Society

    174,39 €

  • Biology of Fibrous Composites
    Anthony Charles Neville

    138,46 €

  • The Asian Elephant
    R. Sukumar / RSukumar
    This book provides an ecological analysis of elephant-human interaction and its implications for the conservation of elephants, based mainly on a study carried out in southern India. It begins with an historical perspective of the decline of elephants and summarizes their current status and major conservation issues. It then describes the interrelationship between seasonal move...

    81,74 €

  • On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals
    William Harvey
    William Harvey (1578-1657) was a rebel in medical science: Contrary to contemporary practice, he began his epoch-making investigation into the action of the heart and the blood’s circulation by minutely observing their action in live animals and by a lengthy series of dissections, rather than by mere reliance on the anatomical lessons of ancient medicine and philosophy. 'On the...

    13,28 €

  • Seasonality and Human Ecology

    206,66 €

  • The Ant and the Peacock
    Helena Cronin

    113,51 €

  • Problems of Relative Growth
    Julian S. Huxley
    This detailed study of the different rates of growth of parts of the body relative to the body as a whole represents Sir Julian Huxley’s great contribution to analytical morphology, and it is still a basis for modern investigations in morphometrics and evolutionary biology. Huxley was the first to put the concept of relative growth - or allometry - upon a firm mathematical foun...

    46,94 €

  • Method in Ecology
    Kristin Shrader-Frechette / McCoy Earl D. / Shrader-Frechette Kristin S.

    119,13 €

  • Method in Ecology
    E. D. McCoy / EDMcCoy / K. S. Shrader-Frechette / Kristin S. Shrader-Frechette / Kristin SShrader-Frechette / KSShrader-Frechette

    238,30 €

  • The Theory of Evolution
    John Maynard Smith / Smith John Maynard

    32,92 €

  • Random Walks in Biology
    Howard C. Berg / Howard CBerg
    This book is a lucid, straightforward introduction to the concepts and techniques of statistical physics that students of biology, biochemistry, and biophysics must know. It provides a sound basis for understanding random motions of molecules, subcellular particles, or cells, or of processes that depend on such motion or are markedly affected by it. Readers do not need to under...

    57,47 €

  • In the Spirit of the Earth
    Calvin Luther Martin
    A meditation by an award-winning historian calls for a new way of looking at the natural world and our place in it while boldly challenging the assumptions that underlie the way we teach and think about both history and time. 'In the Spirit of the Earth' is a provocative account of how the hunter-gatherer image of nature was lost with devastating consequences for the environmen...

    42,44 €

  • Structural Studies of Protein-Nucleic Acid Interaction
    Thomas A. Steitz / Thomas ASteitz

    69,48 €

  • Ecology in Education

    168,77 €

  • Modelling Biological Populations in Space and Time
    Eric Renshaw

    108,97 €

  • The Evolution of Homo Erectus
    G. Philip Rightmire / GPhilip Rightmire / Rightmire G. Philip / Rightmire GPhilip

    55,29 €