Biografía: religiosa y espiritual

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  • The Trauma of Sexual and Domestic Violence
    Sharon Ellis Davis
    Recovering from the trauma of sexual and domestic violence is a process that can lead you to find your own strength. Shaped by a faith identity incongruent with her reality as a survivor of sexual and physical abuse, Ellis Davis became intimately familiar with domestic violence and the church’s reluctance to intervene. Then, using marriages as a touchstone for self-discovery on...

    23,73 €

  • No Sacrifice Too Great
    Gordon Pettie
    CT Studd had it all: a life of privilege and wealth; the fame of being best all-round cricketer in the country; member of the England cricket team that won the first Ashes in Australia. He gave it all up to bring change to the world through humble obedience to Christ. His legacy today is in China, India and Africa where many live in the blessing of knowing Christ because of CT ...

    17,57 €

  • The Trauma of Sexual and Domestic Violence
    Sharon Ellis Davis
    Recovering from the trauma of sexual and domestic violence is a process that can lead you to find your own strength. Shaped by a faith identity incongruent with her reality as a survivor of sexual and physical abuse, Ellis Davis became intimately familiar with domestic violence and the church’s reluctance to intervene. Then, using marriages as a touchstone for self-discovery on...

    37,50 €

  • Appointment with Jesus Christ
    Carol Stavro
    Jesus said in the last days there would be false prophets and deceivers coming in His name or even masquerading as Him. 'For many will come in My name, saying, ’I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many' (Matthew 24:5).This book gives a glimpse of my journey in the Lord, what He has revealed about the end-time church, and the certainty of a final judgment before Him. It outlines ...

    13,57 €

  • Learning Places
    David Apelt
    The true story of a young man grappling with the complexities of Life... and wondering about the meaning and purpose of it all.It broaches many topics often considered taboo and tracks the author from humble beginnings to places of destiny. ...

    13,97 €

  • Lições de vida e linguagens do amor
    Gary Chapman
    Conheça o homem talentoso, divertido e gentil que revolucionou a percepção de como manifestamos e recebemos amor: Gary Chapman, autor do best-seller As 5 linguagens do amor.De um menino comum, nascido em uma pequena cidade dos Estados Unidos, ao reconhecimento internacional e recordes frequentes da almejada lista de mais vendidos do jornal The New York Times, sua história de vi...

    16,62 €

  • Fogo em meus ossos
    Winn Collier
    O leitor e a leitora têm em mãos a oportunidade de conhecer a vida e obra daquele que ficou conhecido como 'pastor de pastores', dada a expressiva influência que até hoje exerce. Winn Collier teve acesso exclusivo ao biografado e a documentos que lhe permitiram produzir um retrato fiel de quem foi Eugene Peterson.Em Fogo em meus ossos, biografia autorizada, você conhecerá detal...

    40,44 €

  • Five Tickets to Kansas
    Susan Carter
    2023 SELAH award winning memoir'Five Tickets to Kansas is a fantastic narrative of anguish and redemption. It makes us see once again that there are no divine impossibilities.' - Valerie Quesenberry, Author of Reflecting Beauty: Embracing the Creator’s DesignBorn to an impoverished family in Nova Scotia, Canada, Susan Carter’s earliest years held more pain, rejection, and betra...

    19,62 €

  • A Benedictine Soul
    Dom John De Hemptinne / Dom Pius De Hemptinne
    Holy Trinity, Whom I wish to love with all my heart, with all my strength and with all my mind, I beg Thee to look upon this little Note-book and consider it as being an 'Appendix of my heart'; into it I shall pour out all the overflowings of my soul and shall note down all my most intense desires. May these lines be, before Thee, like a prayer forever for all who are dear to m...

    24,93 €

  • Pushing Back the Darkness
    Becca Anderson / Jennifer Redcay
    For almost 10 years every waking moment of Jennifer’s life was a nightmare. This is her story. Jennifer didn’t hold up a sign asking to be lured into a cult, instead, she followed in the footsteps of everyone she loved and trusted. Family members had joined the group before she did. Her hunger for approval from a father figure completed her fall into the control of a seemingl...

    14,44 €

  • God Carried Me through My Addiction
    Carl Powell
    Book Cover Chemical addictions not only affect the life of the addicted one, but it has been said that a person’s addiction affect the lives of at least fourteen more people. This can easily be seen when we look at the addicted one having parents, children, siblings, cousins, bosses, coworkers, and friends. All love and care for the addicted person in their lives can easily bec...

    10,12 €

  • Walking in the Mud
    Phil Volker
    After facing a life-changing cancer diagnosis, Phil Volker started walking a circuitous route around his ten-acre backyard. It was a chance to exercise, which his doctors had encouraged, but also created a sacred space to think and pray. Realizing that he was covering quite a distance, he found a map of the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route and began to map his progress, calc...

    29,15 €

  • Walking in the Mud
    Phil Volker
    After facing a life-changing cancer diagnosis, Phil Volker started walking a circuitous route around his ten-acre backyard. It was a chance to exercise, which his doctors had encouraged, but also created a sacred space to think and pray. Realizing that he was covering quite a distance, he found a map of the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route and began to map his progress, calc...

    48,12 €

  • Stories of Baha’u’llah
    ’Ali-Akbar Furutan
    Baha’u’llah (1817-1892), the Inaugurator of the most recent of the independent world religions, the Baha’i Faith, has been described by the Guardian of that Faith as ’One Whom posterity will acclaim, and Whom innumerable followers already recognize, . . . as the Establisher of the Most Great Peace . . . and the Inspirer and Founder of a world civilization’. Few there are in the...

    14,50 €

  • Sue Ryder
    Joanna Bogle
    Sue Ryder became a household name in the UK in the 1950s thanks to the Homes she founded and the help she gave to the survivors of the concentration camps, the disabled and anyone in need of long-term care who she brought to Britain. This work expanded to people living in Britain and was funded by various methods and in no small part by the well-known high street charity shops,...

    21,36 €

  • Vision of Hope - 2nd Edition
    Leilani Faber
    Vision of Hope is an important contribution to the growing number of stories by recovering addicts, for its well-written account in terms that are touching yet honest, in both the low points and high points of her story. Perhaps most significantly, Leilani Faber’s life story brings us to a conclusion that includes a current life and an optimistic future that should make her, he...

    13,03 €

  • The Prophet (Hindi Translation of The Prophet)
    Kahlil Gibran
    जब आप दुःखी होते हैं तो फिर एक बार अपने हृदय में झाँकिए और आप देखेंगे कि वास्तव में आप उस चीज के लिए रो रहे हैं, जो आपकी खुशी का स्रोत था। आपमें से कुछ लोग कहते हैं, ’दुःख से बड़ा सुख होता है,' और दूसरे लोग कहते हैं, 'नहीं, दुःख उससे भी बड़ा है।लेकिन मैं आपको कहता हूँ कि वे अवियोज्य हैं।दोनों साथ ही आते हैं और जब एक अकेला आपके साथ बैठता है तो याद रखिए कि दूसरा आपके बिस्तर पर सो...

    16,81 €

  • Ein geöfftnetes Tor
    Elizabeth Anne Janzen
    Hoffnung. Vertrauen. Ausdauer. Ein geöffnetes Tor lädt die Leser ein, Gott zu vertrauen, niemals aufzugeben und nach dem zu greifen, was jenseits liegt, aber noch nicht gesehen werden kann. Elizabeth Janzen schreibt über das Leben in der Nähe der Erde, die harte Zusammenarbeit als Familie und das Überleben des Verlusts geliebter Menschen.Als kleines Kind zieht Elizabeth mit ihr...

    32,48 €

  • Choosing Joy
    John A. H. Dempster
    Choosing Joy, a deftly-woven mosaic of memories, tells John Dempster’s story, with particular focus on his life-long quest to find a way of being which is at once joyful, life-affirming and true to his own experience.There are honest descriptions of spiritual trauma and the anxiety and depression which complicate the author’s quest for an inner homecoming. He describes with for...

    18,93 €

  • De la Oscuridad a la Luz - Testimonio Marino Restrepo
    Marino Restrepo
    Escribir mi testimonio tomó varios años, no porque tuviera que pensarlo mucho para decidir qué escribir, pues la historia no podría fluir con mas facilidad. Mi experiencia de Dios, que narré en la primera versión de mi libro conocido en español como 'Testimonio' y en otros idiomas en que ha sido traducido como 'De la Oscuridad a la luz', es tan rica en eventos, en etapas, en ni...

    20,19 €

  • Seeds of the Heart
    Stormie Clay
    Memories are the fond things we remember about life, or at least they are supposed to be. I suspect that most mamas tell their little girls about becoming a woman. Love is always happily ever after. Growing up should have been marked with beautiful stories about train rides to visit my hometown of Shreveport, Louisiana.However, life for me consisted of unfathomable wickedness a...

    9,73 €

  • Paschal Paradox
    Diarmuid O’Murchu
    In this provocative spiritual autobiography, Diarmuid O’Murchu explores the many paschal journeys in his personal life as well as in the life of the church and the world. He shows how the paschal paradox--the movement through death and resurrection--is at the heart of God’s creation and gives meaning to all life. ...

    24,34 €

  • A Life Divided
    Stephanie Morgan
    A life divided is what got me into trouble. I thought I could live in the space in between choosing right or wrong. I learned the hard way when we refuse to make a decision we are making a decision. The predicament I found myself in was of my own creation. I knew I was intentionally defying God. I did not know how far on the other side of that division I had gone. When I did, I...

    8,80 €

  • Look What the Lord Has Done
    Pastor Alverna Brown Walker Graham
    The title tells the whole story. I didn’t know that my battles and my struggles were my promotion in the things of God; from the age seven to seventy, I was being blessed while God was crushing me. Everything that is so greatly anointed has also been greatly afflicted. The problems became my promise, it was not self-promotion, it was godly promotion. An Olive has to be crushed ...

    11,72 €

  • Divine Intervention
    Russell Keeler
    Have you ever been delayed--maybe a red light, traffic jam, or you just couldn’t find your keys or phone--and it upset you? How about awakened after a dream that seemed so real that it took you a few minutes to realize it was just a dream? Divine Intervention: One Man’s Story is a journey of amazing real-life situations that not only saved the life of the author but also possib...

    10,81 €

  • Deborah Needed in the Church Today
    Dessa Figueroa
    Why would God call a woman into leadership when He has plenty of capable men to choose from? What if a woman has a continual galling dream to minister the gospel? Would God put that burden on a woman?It is time we see women for what God made them to be--not sexual icons but powerful leaders and spiritual mothers of the church body. God fully intends to use the leadership qualit...

    11,25 €

  • A Mechanic’s Handbook To The God Of The Bible
    Michael O Borthwick
    Micheal Borthwick’s relationship with Christ and why that relationship is so important inspired him to write a handbook for anyone searching to know more about who God is, regardless of religious background or knowledge. His mechanical background shows up in his common sense and systematic approach to sharing Biblical truths through personal testimony & analogies, explaining th...

    13,30 €

  • Radically Saved
    Ken Solts
    Can a boy-who, at a very young age, got into pornography, stealing, and arson-ever change?Is there any hope for him even though he escalated to using drugs intravenously, committing drug-crazed crimes, violently attacking others, and binge drinking?Is it even possible that God would pursue a man who had become a drug addict and alcoholic, whose only thrills in life were fueled ...

    12,76 €

  • A Vida E O Ilustre Martírio De Sir Thomas More
    Thomas Stapleton
    No final do século XV, nascia na Inglaterra aquele que seria uma de suas maiores mentes, uma luz para a formação intelectual, moral e espiritual de todos de seu tempo e dos tempos que viriam após sua morte: Thomas More, hoje Santo. Ou melhor, Santo desde tenra idade, seguiu com grande sucesso a carreira de advogado, galgando os mais elevados degraus da vida pública, indo desde ...

    23,85 €

  • Teetering on the Brink of Madness
    Jeff Daugherty
    'Lord, I will do anything you ask of me--just show me that you are real.'Be careful what you ask for.With no answers in sight, I cried out to the God I no longer knew, asking that very same question.Teetering on the Brink of Madness: Learning to Hear God started out as a journal that documented events that took place between 2003 and 2017. When I asked that question, I had no w...

    12,99 €