Aplicaciones industriales de investigación científica e innovación tecnológica

Matemáticas y ciencia / Ciencia: cuestiones generales / Aplicaciones industriales de investigación científica e innovación tecnológica (229)

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  • Modern Physics and Technology for Undergraduates
    GENNADY P BERMAN / Lorcan M Folan / Vladimir I Tsifrinovich
     A huge chasm has developed between modern science and undergraduate education. The result of this chasm is that students who are graduating from college are unable to exploit the many opportunities offered by modern science and technology. Modern science and technology widely uses the methods of classical physics, but these modern applications are not reflected in the physics ...

    41,03 €

  • From Jupiter to Genesis
    Anthony Sneed
    "I am always pleased to hear of the accomplishments of Caltech graduates and look forward to hearing of future milestones in your career." Caltech's president's expectation, to the author, page 101."No member of the Caltech community shall take unfair advantage of another member of the Caltech community." Caltech’s Honor Code, informing author’s good faith to solve a $1...

    39,21 €

  • Creatividad e innovación en el espacio universitario
    Carmen Gaona Pisonero / José Díaz-Cuesta
    Si existe una palabra clave que aúne los esfuerzos realizados en los campos de la investigación y la docencia en el entorno universitario, esa palabra bien podría ser innovación, un concepto que día a día se transforma en una realidad en las aulas universitarias gracias al esfuerzo, formación y creatividad de los docentes.El libro que el lector tiene entre sus manos unifica inv...

    28,00 €

  • New Theories and Predictions on the Ozone Hole and Climate Change
    Qing-Bin Lu
     This monograph reviews the establishment of new theories of the ozone hole and global climate change, two major scientific problems of global concern. It provides a comprehensive overview of the author's work including significant discoveries and pioneering contributions, such as the discovery of extremely effective dissociative electron transfer reactions of chlorofluoroc...

    144,83 €

  • Fórmulas renovadas para la docencia superior
    César Fernández Fernández
    Cuando se escribe, tal vez siempre, pero sobre todo cuando se escribe como resultado o proceso de investigar se impone la tarea de un pensar que se adelante a recorrer lo que se resiste a ser explorado . Estas palabras de Heidegger, tomadas fuera del contexto en que las dijo, bien pueden aquí servir para salvar a la escritura de su condena platónica y situarla frente al juicio ...

    28,00 €

  • Wave Momentum and Quasi-Particles in Physical Acoustics
    Gérard A Maugin / Martine Rousseau
    This unique volume presents an original approach to physical acoustics with additional emphasis on the most useful surface acoustic waves on solids. The study is based on foundational work of Léon Brillouin, and application of the celebrated invariance theorem of Emmy Noether to an element of volume that is representative of the wave motion.This approach provides an easy interp...

    139,71 €

  • Interdisciplinary Research in Engineering
    Michelle Vine
    This book attempts to understand the multiple branches that fall under engineering. It presents the current research in this field and how such research has ramifications in our lives. The various concepts and discoveries that are constantly contributing towards advancing technologies and the evolution of this field are looked at in detail. Researchers and students in this fiel...

    180,95 €

  • Interdisciplinary Research in Engineering
    Michelle Vine
    This book attempts to understand the multiple branches that fall under engineering. It presents the current research in this field and how such research has ramifications in our lives. The various concepts and discoveries that are constantly contributing towards advancing technologies and the evolution of this field are looked at in detail. Researchers and students in this fiel...

    180,95 €

  • Technological Innovation Management
    Ed Diego
    Technology is advancing at a rapid pace. It has been extensively established that technology is one of the forces motivating economic development. This book is a compilation of various researches. To start with, the chapters are written in developed nations and developing Asian nations. These chapters encompass a broad variety of businesses, inclusive of telecommunication, hygi...

    166,93 €

  • Procedures and Applications of Nondestructive Testing
    Wesley Davis
    This book provides basic theoretical knowledge about NDT and also discusses its practical applications. Non-destructive testing (NDT) aids scientists to assess the structures and properties of the materials and components that they are using. NDT techniques and models are economical and guarantee the quality of engineered systems and products. NDT methods use various procedures...

    143,69 €

  • New Technologies
    Ed Diego
    This book presents researches accomplished by experts around the globe, serving as a precious tool for students and professionals. The book discusses the novel frontiers and advancements in the field of new technologies. It consists of contributions made by researchers from across the globe and from some latest fields of technology, serving as a useful tool for researchers, stu...

    184,52 €

  • Technological Change Handbook
    Ed Diego
    Technology is dynamic. Technological change, today, is central to economic growth. It is recognized as a significant driver of efficiency development and the appearance of new products from which customers benefit. It depends not only on the work of experts but also on a broader variety of financial and societal factors, inclusive of institutions such as academic property right...

    143,62 €

  • State-of-the-Art Researches in New Technologies
    Ed Diego
    This book serves as leverage for those researching in the field of new technologies. It presents a compilation of researches in contemporary fields of technology, serving as a significant tool for experts, students and professionals. The book concentrates on numerous aspects of designing and manufacturing, examining composite technological products, and some aspects of the impr...

    178,56 €

  • Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology
    The idea of colliding two particle beams to fully exploit the energy of accelerated particles was first proposed by Rolf Wideröe, who in 1943 applied for a patent on the collider concept and was awarded the patent in 1953. The first three colliders — AdA in Italy, CBX in the US, and VEP-1 in the then Soviet Union — came to operation about 50 years ago in the mid-1960s. A number...

    142,27 €

  • Design of Experiments and their Implementations
    Justin Riggs
    This book compiles authentic researches on advancements made within the field of design of experiments. It is a collection of analyzed scholarly contributions by various authors from across the globe. Each contribution is comprehensively presented in this book. The book is intended for scholars as well as specialists in the field. 3 ...

    91,29 €

  • Análisis de las trayectorias investigadoras de las mujeres chilenas a partir de sus publicaciones científicas en idioma español II Parte
    Carlos Felimer Del Valle Rojas / David Caldevilla Domínguez
    La AECID (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo) ha apostado claramente por los estudios de Comunicación que favorezcan el intercambio entre realidades docentes e investigadoras en los países de la Lengua. El ejemplo más palpable es este libro, amparado por la investigación homónima con clave identificativa A/032134/10, que supone una segunda parte de...

    19,99 €

  • Tech-Savvy Administrator
    Steven W Anderson

    13,70 €

  • Exotic Nuclei
     This book is a collection of talks presented at the First International African Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (IASEN-2013). The symposium was held at Cape Town, South Africa from 2 – 6 December 2013. The IASEN2013 was dedicated to the problems of producing and investigating nuclei far from the line of stability. The symposium was organized by two scientific centers: iThemba LABS,...

    307,18 €

  • Design Knowledge
    Rojin S. Vishkaie

    18,50 €

  • Directory of Research Grants
    Ed.S. Louis S. Schafer
    A treasure chest of information on more than 5,800 current programs from over 2,000 sponsors, including U.S. and foreign foundations, corporations, government agencies, and other organizations. Find grants for basic research, equipment acquisition, building construction/renovation, fellowships, and 23 other program types. Government grants include CFDA, NSF, and NIH program num...

    203,51 €

  • Advances in Computers and Information in Engineering Research
    This book series aims to capture advances in computers and information in engineering research, especially by researchers and members of ASME's Computers & Information in Engineering (CIE) Division. The books will be published in both traditional and eBook formats. The series is focusing on advances in computational methods, algorithms, tools, and processes on the cutting edg...

    213,80 €

  • Estrategias innovadoras para la docencia dialógica y virtual
    José Díaz-Cuesta
    Una serie de investigadores punteros de varias universidades mundiales han recibido el encargo de analizar la última vanguardia en comunicación. Así, se han podido recopilar sus investigaciones y reflexiones en torno a los nuevos contenidos (in)formativos a partir de las reformas que ha supuesto el Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior (EEES o Plan Bolonia) como reto innovador ...

    23,49 €

  • Port-Hamiltonian Systems Theory
    Arjan van der Schaft / Dimitri Jeltsema / Schaft Arjan Van Der
    Apart from offering a systematic and insightful framework for modeling and analysis of multi-physics systems, port-Hamiltonian systems theory provides a natural starting point for control. Especially in the nonlinear case it is widely recognized that physical properties of the system -- such as balance and conservation laws and energy considerations -- should be exploited and r...

    135,91 €

  • Data Mining and Analysis in the Engineering Field
    Bhatnagar / Vishal Bhatnagar
    Particularly in the fields of software engineering, virtual reality, and computer science, data mining techniques play a critical role in the success of a variety of projects and endeavors. Understanding the available tools and emerging trends in this field is an important consideration for any organization. Data Mining and Analysis in the Engineering Field explores current res...

    295,40 €

  • Overcoming Challenges in Software Engineering Education
    Yu Xuanji
    Computer science graduates often find software engineering knowledge and skills are more in demand after they join the industry. However, given the lecture-based curriculum present in academia, it is not an easy undertaking to deliver industry-standard knowledge and skills in a software engineering classroom as such lectures hardly engage or convince students. Overcoming Challe...

    308,89 €

  • Hybrid Dynamical Systems
    Hai Lin / Panos J. Antsaklis / Panos JAntsaklis
    The methods for hybrid systems are distributed across a wide spectrum, ranging from methods known in the discrete (cyber-)domain at one end, to traditional approaches for the continuous physical systems at the other. Rooted at opposite ends, both computer scientists and control theorists have made significant contributions to the field of hybrid systems by extending traditional...

    136,12 €

  • Vladimir Keilis-Borok
    Anna Kashina
    V. I. Keilis-Borok (1921-2013) is the founder of computational seismology and the pioneer of advance predictions of critical events in complex systems, including earthquakes, presidential elections, economic recessions, surges of unemployment, and crime waves. Among his successful advance earthquake predictions are Irpinia earthquake in Italy (1980), Loma Prieta earthquake in C...

    37,32 €


    83,04 €

    Weiren Chou

    194,12 €

  • Exterior Ballistics
    George Klimi
    The noteworthy findings and innovative methods of predicting projectile trajectory, introduced in my books Exterior Ballistics: A New Approach (EBNA), Xlibris, 2010; and Exterior Ballistics with Applications (EBA3e), Xlibris, third edition, December 2011, require a methodical approach and further development. As result, the amateurs and professionals interested in exterior ball...

    50,98 €

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