Aplicaciones industriales de investigación científica e innovación tecnológica

Matemáticas y ciencia / Ciencia: cuestiones generales / Aplicaciones industriales de investigación científica e innovación tecnológica (224)

Libros Eliminar filtro Matemáticas y ciencia Eliminar filtro Ciencia: cuestiones generales Eliminar filtro Aplicaciones industriales de investigación científica e innovación tecnológica Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Contemporary Knowledge and Systems Science
    As branches of research and knowledge continue to expand, platforms for gathering and understanding new information become important aspects of organizational improvement. Contemporary Knowledge and Systems Science provides emerging research on the methods and applications of knowledge systems in social science, economics, and technological developments. While highlighting topi...

    242,89 €

  • 3D Printing
    Information Reso Management Association
    The advancement of modern technology has allowed for impressive developments in manufacturing processes. Out of these developments, 3D printing has emerged as a new method. 3D Printing: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice is a comprehensive reference source for the latest research and advances on 3D printing processes, technologies, and methods. Highlighting emerging perspec...

    458,69 €

  • Science and the Big Issues of Our Time
    Martin Gellender
    Within the last few generations, our world has been shaped by technological change enabled by scientific advances. This is particularly evident to the 'baby boomer' generation, who have lived through and witnessed huge changes in society over the course of their lifetimes. Although many have little education in science, or have forgotten what they learned in high school, they u...

    26,58 €

  • Enhancing Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research with Technology
    Shalin Hai-Jew
    In light of the expensive nature of quantitative research, such as experiments, researchers must seek other methods of understanding the world around them. As such, new qualitative methods are gaining ground in the modern research community. Enhancing Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research with Technology explores the integration of new digital tools into the research process. ...

    296,26 €

  • Dynamic Knowledge Representation in Scientific Domains
    The main approach to understanding and creating knowledge engineering concepts is static knowledge. Currently, there is a need to approach knowledge through a dynamic lens and address changing relations on an elaborated syntactic and semantic basis. Dynamic Knowledge Representation in Scientific Domains provides emerging research on the internal and external changes in knowledg...

    269,26 €

    Irina Rodica Rabeja
    WRITINGS I: Digital Image Compression / nD Printing / Internet of Things / Unemployment Solution / Environment Pollution / Astronomy ConceptsSyntheses, analyses, writings with original elements compose the book WRITINGS I covering theory and practice topics from science and engineering and placing them in the history of related events with helpful additions to grasp comprehensi...

    109,61 €

    Irina Rodica Rabeja
    WRITINGS II:Communicating by Electromagnetic Waves to 7G / Preventing Maladies / Quantum Physics Concepts is a blend of synthesis, analysis and originality covering theory and practice topics from science and engineering and placing them in the history of related events with helpful additions to grasp comprehensively the ideas.Based on a large number of sources of information, ...

    81,93 €

  • Saiba Mais
    Gilson Vieira Da Cunha
    Através deste livro, levamos aos leitores de todas as idades uma série de textos cuidadosamente selecionados entre os anos de 1998 e 2022: língua pátria, curiosidades, história, linguística, fé, ensinamentos e pesquisas. No final, onze páginas (de 176 a 185) com frases bem elaboradas e bem-humoradas de escritores e pensadores conhecidos. Não nos foi possível identificar os auto...

    13,26 €

  • Questões De Provas Anteriores Da Espcex - Física
    André Carril
    E verdadeiramente não demorou muito para lançar este segundo livro.Agora com questões da EsPCEx separadas por assunto com a mesma intenção de ajudar aos estudantes que almejam aprovação em um concurso militar.São muitos anos trabalhando com turmas preparatórias e por isso tive todo o cuidado e carinho na produção de mais este exemplar. ...

    12,01 €

  • Aeropuertos inteligentes (Smart airports)
    Luis Rubio Andrada / Marisol Celemín Pedroche / Sonia De Lucas Santos
    Los aeropuertos son el primer y el último lugar que visitan los turistas al llegar a su destino y al abandonarlo. Esos primeros y últimos impactos son fundamentales para fomentar futuras visitas y conformar la imagen internacional del país. Por ello, es fundamental desarrollar aeropuertos modernos-inteligentes capaces de proporcionar a los pasajeros-turistas nuevas y agradables...

    28,00 €

    Dive into Tomorrow’s Tech, Today.Are you curious about the future of computing but don’t know where to start? Are you fascinated by the quantum buzz but intimidated by dense academic jargon? Step right in-I’m here to guide you through the fascinating universe of quantum tech, in the simplest way possible.Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, software developer, eager student, or an...

    15,58 €

  • Digital Photography Explained
    Peter S Pershan
    This book can serve as a missing guide for technical features of digital photography that many enthusiasts are unaware of or remain bewildered about. An interesting example is that cameras with sensor sizes differing by a factor of three or four can have the same size resolution. The advantages of sensors - found in larger and more expensive cameras - are elucidated to readers....

    70,47 €

  • Digital Photography Explained
    Peter S Pershan
    This book can serve as a missing guide for technical features of digital photography that many enthusiasts are unaware of or remain bewildered about. An interesting example is that cameras with sensor sizes differing by a factor of three or four can have the same size resolution. The advantages of sensors - found in larger and more expensive cameras - are elucidated to readers....

    34,93 €

  • Wet Granular Matter
    Stephan Herminghaus
    This is a monograph written for the young and advanced researcher who is entering the field of wet granular matter, keen to understand the basic physical principles governing this state of soft matter. It treats wet granulates as a ternary system consisting of the grains, a primary, and a secondary fluid. After generally addressing wetting phenomena and outlining the basic fact...

    157,25 €

  • O Guia Completo Do Business Intelligence
    Claudio Bonel
    Se você está com esse livro em mãos (ou em tela) deve ser pelo fato de que o momento atual de sua carreira ou estudos - quem sabe até da sua vida pessoal - requer que você saiba analisar dados, no sentido de definir e planejar estratégias, para tomar decisões mais assertivas, utilizando-se das principais técnicas do Business Intelligence e, esse aprendizado certamente será um d...

    17,59 €

  • Fábulas Da Física
    Alexandre Candido
    O livro apresenta um conjunto de fábulas semelhante às fábulas de Esopo. Cada fábula, apresentada no livro, conta uma breve história onde os personagens são conceitos da Física, como o tempo, a velocidade, a Força, a massa, a carga elétrica, entre outros, e conjuntamente, cada fábula possui uma lição de moral. As lições de moral estão associadas com o significado do conceito da...

    8,36 €

  • Educação Especial E Diferenças Na Escola
    José Flávio Da Paz & Néstor Raúl González Gutiérrez
    Esta Obra é composta por ensaios acadêmicos produzidos por alunos e alunas da graduação em Letras: português e suas respectivas literatura do Departamento Acadêmico de Letras Vernáculas-DALV e dos pesquisadores e pesquisadoras do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação-PPGE, ambos da Universidade Federal de Rondônia-UNIR, sob à docência e a orientação do Prof. Dr. José Flávio da ...

    16,02 €

  • Hpnose
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    Quer aprender a hipnotizar ou aprofundar seus conhecimentos sobre o assunto? Para isto existe um caminho.O Hipnotismo, ou Hipnose é onde ocorre o transe que muitos comparam ao transe mediúnico.Este fenômeno tem merecido atenções da Ciência.Para induzir, a técnica de Liebèault utilizava a palavradurma, já na de Charcot este fazia tocar gongos e piscar luzes, os alemães Weinhold ...

    11,41 €

  • Nonlinear Systems
    Guanrong Chen
    The topic of nonlinear systems is fundamental to the study of systems engineering. So extensive investigations have been carried out by both the nonlinear control and nonlinear dynamics communities, but the focus can be different - on controllers design and dynamics analysis, respectively. The last two decades have witnessed the gradual merging of control theory and dynamics an...

    114,45 €

  • Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics
    This book is a collection of works that represent the recent advancements in computational and mathematical methods applied to population dynamics. It concentrates on both development of new tools as well as on innovative use of existing tools to obtain new understanding of biological systems. The volume introduces new state-of-the-art techniques for defining and solving numeri...

    182,25 €

  • Punição
    Mário Wilson
    É sempre questionável a humanidade, seja nos registros de sua história ou em suas deduções. Pensando nestes motivos, questiono:Por quê os humanos precisam de punição? Por quê a humanidade resolveu punir o outro? Nestes termos, foi necessário caminhar em sua história, comportamento e principalmente comparar os primordiais com os primitivos e finalmente compará-los com os pós-mod...

    11,52 €

  • Neuropsicología Educativa
    Dr. Miguel Alfaro Mercado PhD.
    El libro Neuropsicología educativa del Dr. Miguel Alfaro Mercado PhD. logra explicar de manera accesible y completa la enorme complejidad de la investigación de vanguardia en la neuropsicología, lo que vuelve a este texto una herramienta fundamental para todo aquel que ejerza o está interesado en la educación. Con la explicación de temas en boga como la inteligencia, el desarro...

    26,57 €

  • Magnetic Current
    Edward Leedskalnin
    'Magnetic Current' is a captivating exploration into the enigmatic world of magnetism by Edward Leedskalnin, a brilliant and eccentric self-taught scientist. In this timeless classic, Leedskalnin reveals his unique insights and experiments, unraveling the secrets of magnetic currents and their profound influence on our daily lives. With clear explanations and intriguing demonst...

    4,66 €

  • Multidisciplinary Approaches in AI, Creativity, Innovation, and Green Collaboration
    Ziska Fields
    Creativity must be turned into innovation that adds value and leads to strategic action. Innovation is often associated with Silicon Valley, expensive research and development departments, and expensive commercialization that primarily benefits a small portion of the world’s population. A small portion of the world’s population working together to solve wicked green problems is...

    268,73 €

  • Universe Beyond Imagination - Game of Time
    Debasish Talukdar
    Introducing "Game of Time" - a groundbreaking new book that delves into the mysteries of time and offers a fresh perspective on our understanding of the nature of existence itself.Written by renowned physicist Debasish Talukdar, "Game of Time" offers a compelling exploration of the fundamental nature of time - how it operates, how it shapes our lives, and how it is intimately t...

    10,51 €

  • Numerical Modeling of Superconducting Applications
    This book aims to present an introduction to numerical modeling of different aspects of large-scale superconducting applications: electromagnetics, thermal, mechanics and thermo-hydraulics. The importance of computational modeling to advance current superconductor research cannot be overlooked, especially given the enormous benefits provided by superconductors in many human end...

    166,85 €

  • Understanding the Electromagnetic Field
    Basil S Davis
    Understanding the Electromagnetic Field is an entry level textbook for graduate students with a focus on the electromagnetic field. This book explores the relationship between the field and electric charges.The earlier part of the book deals with the derivation of Maxwell’s equations from experimental laws. Next, the electromagnetic field is studied in the light of special rela...

    178,78 €

  • Understanding the Electromagnetic Field
    Basil S Davis
    Understanding the Electromagnetic Field is an entry level textbook for graduate students with a focus on the electromagnetic field. This book explores the relationship between the field and electric charges.The earlier part of the book deals with the derivation of Maxwell’s equations from experimental laws. Next, the electromagnetic field is studied in the light of special rela...

    94,06 €

  • Fractional Discrete Chaos
    Adel Ouannas / Iqbal M Batiha / Viet-Thanh Pham
    In the nineteenth-century, fractional calculus had its origin in extending differentiation and integration operators from the integer-order case to the fractional-order case. Discrete fractional calculus has recently become an important research topic, useful in various science and engineering applications. The first definition of the fractional-order discrete-time/difference o...

    95,35 €

  • De Carona Com Newton
    Patrick Alves Vizzotto
    Por que às vezes você leva um choque ao encostar em um carro? Por que a gasolina precisa ter uma porcentagem de álcool? Por que o nome ambulância é escrito com letras invertidas nesses veículos? Essas e outras perguntas fazem parte do universo do trânsito. Muitas delas podem ser explicadas a partir de saberes científicos estudados na escola. Este livro aborda alguns desses tema...

    14,29 €

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