Aplicaciones industriales de investigación científica e innovación tecnológica

Matemáticas y ciencia / Ciencia: cuestiones generales / Aplicaciones industriales de investigación científica e innovación tecnológica (229)

Libros Eliminar filtro Matemáticas y ciencia Eliminar filtro Ciencia: cuestiones generales Eliminar filtro Aplicaciones industriales de investigación científica e innovación tecnológica Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Numerical Modeling of Superconducting Applications
    This book aims to present an introduction to numerical modeling of different aspects of large-scale superconducting applications: electromagnetics, thermal, mechanics and thermo-hydraulics. The importance of computational modeling to advance current superconductor research cannot be overlooked, especially given the enormous benefits provided by superconductors in many human end...

    166,85 €

  • Understanding the Electromagnetic Field
    Basil S Davis
    Understanding the Electromagnetic Field is an entry level textbook for graduate students with a focus on the electromagnetic field. This book explores the relationship between the field and electric charges.The earlier part of the book deals with the derivation of Maxwell’s equations from experimental laws. Next, the electromagnetic field is studied in the light of special rela...

    178,78 €

  • Understanding the Electromagnetic Field
    Basil S Davis
    Understanding the Electromagnetic Field is an entry level textbook for graduate students with a focus on the electromagnetic field. This book explores the relationship between the field and electric charges.The earlier part of the book deals with the derivation of Maxwell’s equations from experimental laws. Next, the electromagnetic field is studied in the light of special rela...

    94,06 €

  • Fractional Discrete Chaos
    Adel Ouannas / Iqbal M Batiha / Viet-Thanh Pham
    In the nineteenth-century, fractional calculus had its origin in extending differentiation and integration operators from the integer-order case to the fractional-order case. Discrete fractional calculus has recently become an important research topic, useful in various science and engineering applications. The first definition of the fractional-order discrete-time/difference o...

    95,35 €

  • De Carona Com Newton
    Patrick Alves Vizzotto
    Por que às vezes você leva um choque ao encostar em um carro? Por que a gasolina precisa ter uma porcentagem de álcool? Por que o nome ambulância é escrito com letras invertidas nesses veículos? Essas e outras perguntas fazem parte do universo do trânsito. Muitas delas podem ser explicadas a partir de saberes científicos estudados na escola. Este livro aborda alguns desses tema...

    14,29 €

  • Light Power
    David Faiman
    This is the final volume of a 3-volume history of solar power generating systems covering the approximately 50 years of research and development surrounding the energy crisis of 1973. Volume 1 focused on solar-thermal systems and the second volume on photovoltaic systems in the 20th century. Volume 3 covers photovoltaic developments from the start of the 21st century. The histo...

    157,41 €

  • Spatial Dynamics Models in the Life Sciences and the Role of Feedback in Robust Developments
    Frederic Y M Wan
    Basic mathematical techniques for partial differential equations (PDE) with applications to the life sciences form an integral part of the core curriculum for programs in mathematical biology. Yet, students in such a program with an undergraduate training in biology are typically deficient in any exposure to PDE. This volume starts with simple first order PDE and progresses thr...

    170,04 €

  • Study of Linear and Nonlinear Models with 'Mathematica'
    Czesław Mączka / Sergii Skurativskyi / Vsevolod Vladimirov
    The book is devoted to the problems of modeling physical systems and fields using the tools and capabilities of the 'Mathematica' software package. In the process of teaching classical courses in mechanics and mathematical physics, one often has to overcome significant difficulties associated with the cumbersomeness of the mathematical apparatus, which more than once distracts ...

    132,62 €

  • Elegant Simulations
    Carol Griswold Hoover / Julien Clinton Sprott / William Graham Hoover
    A recent development is the discovery that simple systems of equations can have chaotic solutions in which small changes in initial conditions have a large effect on the outcome, rendering the corresponding experiments effectively irreproducible and unpredictable. An earlier book in this sequence, Elegant Chaos: Algebraically Simple Chaotic Flows provided several hundred exampl...

    144,88 €

  • Fundamentos Da Química Dos Elementos
    Marco A. Stanojev Pereira
    A presente obra traz, de forma bastante agradável e didática, os Fundamentos da Química dos Elementos, com a descrição das descobertas e dos descobridores dos elementos, consultados nos artigos e livros publicados pelos próprios cientistas.Diferentemente de outras obras, neste livro o leitor vai encontrar nos excertos, informações muitas vezes omitidas ou algumas vezes incomple...

    17,08 €

  • The Logic of the Third
    This book is a scientific basis for understanding the urgent need for a Great Transformation to a third step in social evolution. Already being a community of common destiny, humanity can form an actual unity through diversity to avoid extinction. Social actors can recognise informational imperatives for cognition, communication and co-operation to achieve such a unity. By doin...

    117,71 €

  • Speed Run
    H. M. Tamashiro
    O motivo inicial deste livro era desenvolver um curso de criação de jogos que começasse contando a sua história. Durante a pesquisa: a história dos jogos se entrelaçou com a história da evolução da vida; tornando impossível não fazer algo diferente e um pouco mais completo, só não esperava por algo tão complexo. O curso recebeu um power up e passou a ter como objetivo a divulga...

    17,17 €

  • Unfriending Dystopia
    Russ White
    Social media is shaping our lives, churches, communities, and culture in both positive and negative ways. How can we take the positive and leave the negative? This book aims to give you a practical understanding of the culture social media developed in, the culture it creates, and practical ways to engage with social media to keep the good and reduce the impact of the negative....

    15,05 €

  • Unfriending Dystopia
    Russ White
    Social media is shaping our lives, churches, communities, and culture in both positive and negative ways. How can we take the positive and leave the negative? This book aims to give you a practical understanding of the culture social media developed in, the culture it creates, and practical ways to engage with social media to keep the good and reduce the impact of the negative....

    26,95 €

  • Lanares
    Fernando Amarilho Silveira
    Esse livro complementa as informações sobre aspectos produtivos da lã publicado no volume 1 LANARES: Do folículo ao fio de lã (pode ser acessado pelo link: https://clubedeautores.com.br/livro/lanares), transcorrendo desde as raças com potencial de produção de lã com qualidade até os benefícios do uso de confecções de lã. Das raças até sua confecção, tem muito conteúdo sobre mel...

    11,79 €

  • A Lógica Da Servidão
    Mário Wilson
    A aplicação da teoria de Radcliffe-Brown é a possibilidade de comparar a vida pós-moderna com a primitiva e de acordo com ele, é uma técnica possível de ser realizada, com base nos achados arqueológicos, a etografia, fatos históricos e ações de vários outros povos, sejam primitivos ou evoluídos, eram compostos por humanos, dos quais, suas ações, são e serão, sempre semelhantes,...

    12,08 €

  • Matemática Para Concursos
    Wilson De Oliveira
    Este livro foi escrito com o objetivo de auxiliar o leitor que está estudando para concursos ou que quer simplesmente aprender Matemática Básica. No livro são abordados assuntos como conjuntos e suas propriedades, operações com frações e percentuais, equação do primeiro grau, sistema de equações lineares, razão e proporção, regra de três simples e composta, função do primeiro g...

    21,34 €

  • Nikola Tesla: O Gênio Futurista
    Israel Foguel
    Nikola Tesla deixou importantes contribuições para o desenvolvimento das tecnologias mais importantes dos últimos séculos, como da transmissão via rádio, da robótica, do controle remoto, do radar, da física teórica e nuclear e da ciência computacional.Tesla nasceu na aldeia de Smiljan, durante o Império Austro-húngaro, na atual Croácia, no dia 10 de julho de 1856. Durante sua i...

    13,67 €

  • Science by Simulation
    Andrew French
    A Mezze of Mathematical Methods is Volume 1 of Science by Simulation. It is a recipe book of mathematical models that can be enlivened by the transmutation of equations into computer code. In this volume, the examples chosen are an eclectic mix of systems and stories rooted in common experience, rather than those normally associated with constrained courses on Physics, Chemistr...

    118,67 €

  • Science by Simulation
    Andrew French
    A Mezze of Mathematical Methods is Volume 1 of Science by Simulation. It is a recipe book of mathematical models that can be enlivened by the transmutation of equations into computer code. In this volume, the examples chosen are an eclectic mix of systems and stories rooted in common experience, rather than those normally associated with constrained courses on Physics, Chemistr...

    68,96 €

  • Optologia Iv
    Rodrigo Trentin Sonoda
    O desvendar da optologia leva o estudante e leitor assíduo deste mundo da saúde ocular a uma viajem por mares pouco navegado.Em busca da eterna proposta da produção acadêmico cientifico de qualidade para o enriquecimento da ciência optométrica e óptica brasileira, apresenta-se o quarto livro chamado IV +Visão.Aborda-se a preocupação com o avanço da miopia, o desenvolvimento edu...

    9,72 €

  • Ontological Information
    Roman Krzanowski
    This book is about the nature of information. It touches on many core issues of philosophy of the mind, ontology, and epistemology, and draws in several domain-specific concepts from physics, mathematics, thermodynamics, computer science, and biology. The terms used in this book, such as the mind, a conscious agent, meaning, and knowledge are used with very precise meanings bec...

    105,60 €

  • Direito Internacional Dos Direitos Humanos E As Pessoas Em Situação De Vulnerabilidade
    Thiago Oliveira Moreira & Yara Maria Pereira Gurgel
    O presente livro decorre das atividades do Grupo de Pesquisa DireitoInternacional dos Direitos Humanos e as Pessoas em Situação de Vulnerabilidade(CNPq/UFRN), do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da UFRN, bem comoda disciplina Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos, que foi oferecida nosemestre 2021.1, ao Curso de Direito da UFRN, na qualidade de componentecurricular opt...

    22,44 €

  • The Six Simple Machines
    Baby Professor
    Did you know that big, complex machines can be broken down into six simple machines? This book will introduce your second grader to the six simple machines that make work easy. The first chapter will differentiate between a simple and compound machine. The second chapter will discuss the first three simple machines while the last chapter will touch on the other three. ...

    19,40 €

  • The Six Simple Machines
    Baby Professor
    Did you know that big, complex machines can be broken down into six simple machines? This book will introduce your second grader to the six simple machines that make work easy. The first chapter will differentiate between a simple and compound machine. The second chapter will discuss the first three simple machines while the last chapter will touch on the other three. ...

    29,45 €

  • Unintended Dystopia
    Russ White
    Social media, shopping experiences, and mapping programs might not seem like they have much in common, but they are all built on neurodigital media. What is neurodigital media? It lives at the intersection of the Californian Ideology, the digital computing revolution, network ecosystems, the nudge, and a naturalistic view of the person. The Californian Ideology holds individual...

    24,54 €

  • Unintended Dystopia
    Russ White
    Social media, shopping experiences, and mapping programs might not seem like they have much in common, but they are all built on neurodigital media. What is neurodigital media? It lives at the intersection of the Californian Ideology, the digital computing revolution, network ecosystems, the nudge, and a naturalistic view of the person. The Californian Ideology holds individual...

    38,36 €

  • A Visão Cômica, Mas Também Científica De Um Microbiologista Sobre A Pandemia De Covid-19
    Artur Smania Junior
    O livro retrata de forma cômica a aflição vivenciada pelo autor e por muitos brasileiros no início de 2020, além de discutir aspectos tecnocientíficos relacionados à pandemia de COVID-19.Simbolicamente, o narrador sente a primeira ameaça pelo vírus na praça de alimentação de um shopping center, próximo ao local onde mora, em uma ilha no Sul do Brasil e, a partir daí, perambula ...

    8,20 €

  • The Adventure of the Large Hadron Collider
    Andreas Hoecker / Claude Guyot / Daniel Denegri
    An introduction to the world of quarks and leptons, and of their interactions governed by fundamental symmetries of nature, as well as an introduction to the connection that exists between worlds of the infinitesimally small and the infinitely large.The book begins with a simple presentation of the theoretical framework, the so-called Standard Model, which evolved gradually sin...

    85,74 €

  • The Adventure of the Large Hadron Collider
    Andreas Hoecker / Daniel Denegri
    An introduction to the world of quarks and leptons, and of their interactions governed by fundamental symmetries of nature, as well as an introduction to the connection that exists between worlds of the infinitesimally small and the infinitely large.The book begins with a simple presentation of the theoretical framework, the so-called Standard Model, which evolved gradually sin...

    182,75 €

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