Beyond Banking

Beyond Banking

Azhar ul Haque Sario

22,07 €
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Comercio electrónico: aspectos empresariales
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In a world where technology is becoming an inseparable part of our daily lives, the book 'Beyond Banking: How IoT is Reshaping the Financial Sector' serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the revolutionary changes occurring in finance due to the Internet of Things (IoT). From your local bank to the Wall Street trading floors, IoT is making waves and this book lays it all out for you in the simplest terms.Beginning with a robust introduction, the book demystifies what IoT is and why it’s a big deal. IoT refers to devices like smartphones, smartwatches, and even refrigerators that are connected to the internet and can share data. Imagine your smartwatch notifying your health insurance about your regular workouts, and you get a discount on your premium. That’s IoT for you!The book is organized meticulously, unfolding layer by layer of intriguing facts and insightful analyses. It traces the historical journey of IoT’s integration into the financial markets, outlining significant milestones and early adopters. If you’ve ever been curious about how technology has influenced the money game over time, Chapter 2 serves as a perfect history lesson.Technologically speaking, IoT isn’t just a plug-and-play affair. It has a complex architecture. Chapter 3 takes a deep dive into this, unraveling the intricate web of technologies and the challenges that come with implementing IoT in financial markets. From high-frequency trading to smart home security, numerous case studies help to clarify this complex subject matter.How does IoT affect you personally? Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 illustrate how it impacts stock markets and the banking industry. Whether you are an individual trader or just someone holding a bank account, these chapters show how IoT can make your life simpler and more efficient. Case studies provide real-world examples, proving the efficacy of IoT applications in fraud detection, customer service, and even smart investment advisory services.The insurance sector isn’t untouched by IoT either. Chapter 6 explains how everything from your car to your life can now be insured in smarter and more efficient ways, thanks to IoT. From telematics in auto insurance to fitness trackers affecting your health insurance premiums, the applications are far-reaching.Cryptocurrency, another financial marvel, is also getting a facelift due to IoT. Chapter 7 explains this synergy and how it’s expanding market potentials. Further chapters delve into algorithmic trading, cloud-based financial services, real-time analytics, and the combination of Artificial Intelligence with IoT in predicting financial trends.But it’s not all roses; IoT comes with its share of challenges, mainly in privacy and security. Chapter 12 is an eye-opener, examining the rise of cybersecurity risks due to IoT implementation in the financial sector. It provides valuable case studies and presents potential solutions to mitigate these risks.The book concludes by peering into the future, discussing regulatory measures and how IoT could be the agent of change in the financial markets. It also presents transformational case studies to substantiate its viewpoints.In essence, 'Beyond Banking: How IoT is Reshaping the Financial Sector' is a must-read for anyone eager to understand the nexus between technology and finance. This book doesn’t just skim the surface; it takes you on a deep exploration of this intriguing intersection, making it accessible to both tech-savvy readers and financial market novices.

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