Catálogo de libros: Cuentos

12886 Catálogo de libros: Cuentos

Libros Eliminar filtro Ficción y temas afines Eliminar filtro Ficción: características especiales Eliminar filtro Cuentos Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • These Lonely Places
    R.k. Kombrinck / Velox Books
    'Stories that are guaranteed to entertain.'-Doubleshot ReviewsR.k. Kombrinck, co-host of Night of the Living Podcast, delivers a collection of short stories to make you dread the empty house across the street; to make you wonder what lurks in the woods behind the park and question the smile of your kind, elderly neighbor.A new employee uncovers his workplace’s top-secret supern...

    22,73 €

  • Spectre of the Brocken
    Ran Kime / Randy Kime
    Ran Kime presents a captivating literary journey in 'Spectre of the Brocken: A Halo for the Observer,' a two-part exploration that tears into the intricacies of the human experience. This thought-provoking collection seamlessly weaves together short stories and stream of thought poems, offering readers a unique blend of narrative styles that reflect on a vast spectrum of emotio...

    17,41 €

  • Judi’s Folktales
    Judi Lifton
    A beautiful volume of 18 folktales and 8 fables written by award-winning Judi Lifton with 160 charming illustrations by Peg Asensio. ***The treasure trove of stories in this delightful anthology will tickle your funny bone, surprise you, and introduce you to a cast of unforgettable characters like Corny Portinga, Mr. Gizzard, Raspberry Rice, and Sassy Spudnut. A mix of adventur...

    18,53 €

  • Aquarians and Acquisitions
    Leigh Maris
    Earth’s first manned mission to the water-covered planet of Inundo is successful. The team of scientists, astronauts, engineers, global security analysts, diplomats, and information technologists dispatched by the World Habitability Project have further confirmed that there is intelligent life beneath its surface.To Len Rivers and much of Earth’s population, this news is welcom...

    3,82 €

  • Fluid
    Cathleen Davies
    In 1970s Hull, a tiny revolution is brewing. Young sex workers find their creativity and independence. Besotted artists perform outrageous stage-shows, and young women discover the beauty of feminism, book clubs, and shower heads. This intersectional collection of short stories paints a picture of a post-hippy, bohemian lifestyle, where punk, art, and abjection meet.Fluid is an...

    15,87 €

  • La Hija del Indiano
    Mikel Sorli
    La hija del indiano, el cuento que da título al libro, narra la misteriosa desaparición de Rosa, la hija de un indiano enriquecido en ultramar que ha retornado al pequeño pueblo de la costa cantábrica que le vio nacer.El volumen recoge una serie de cuentos de diferentes tamaños. Siete de ellos, los más largos, cubren cada uno un único epígrafe, mientras que el resto, hasta un t...

    16,01 €

  • Heridas en Venecia y otras historias
    Francisco García Olmedo
    En este volumen se incluyen cuatro narraciones de distinta extensión:Heridas en Venecia (título inicial) es una novela que fue finalista del premio Torrente Ballester. Su acción ficticia transcurre en Venecia durante un congreso real al que el autor tuvo la suerte de asistir en la época en que dedicaba tiempo a la divulgación.El hemisferio doliente es una novela corta en la que...

    16,01 €

  • I’m Living with a MOMSTER
    Daly Cully
    'I’m Living with a MOMSTER!' takes a real life look into the daily struggles that parents face, and the way children perceive them. This book delves into the battles of parenting, and the comical illustrations and relatable text will make this book an instant favourite! ...

    17,84 €

  • I’m Living with a MOMSTER
    Daly Cully
    'I’m Living with a MOMSTER!' takes a real life look into the daily struggles that parents face, and the way children perceive them. This book delves into the battles of parenting, and the comical illustrations and relatable text will make this book an instant favourite! ...

    22,76 €

  • El indio Gerónimo se enfrenta a su miedo
    Pepe Rodríguez Hervella
    Mi amigo Tato Moreno es un artista. Uno siempre ha odiado enfundarse en un chándal, calzar unas chanclas y salir a la calle sin afeitar.Y sabiendo Tato que estos treinta relatos versan sobre el miedo y sobre la potencialidad que albergamos en el alma para superarlo, diseñó la portada de este libro con un toque de genialidad, colocando mi careto bajo un penacho de plumas de indí...

    16,00 €

  • Rising Tide
    Paul Smith
    In 'Rising Tide: The Rebirth of Ramsey,' the third instalment of the 'Impact Chronicles'series, we witness the resilience and strength of the coastal town of Ramsey in theaftermath of a devastating storm.As the community grapples with the destruction left in the wake of the storm, Adam andEmily, along with their friends and neighbours, rally together to rebuild their town and r...

    10,42 €

  • Las manos del que escribe, los ojos del que lee
    Esteban Charpentier
    Las manos del que escribe, los ojos del que lee es una excepcional colección de cuentos escrita por Esteban Charpentier e ilustrada magistralmente por Allan McDonald que nos sumerge en un viaje a través de las complejidades de la condición humana.Con una prosa magistral que desafía las convenciones narrativas, Charpentier teje historias que rozan lo absurdo para finalmente sume...

    18,72 €

  • Viví tantas vidas...
    Graciela Vergani
    Viví tantas vidas es una compilación íntima de poemas y cuentos que explora las múltiples facetas que componen la existencia humana.Los poemas, con su lirismo, capturan la esencia misma de las emociones: la alegría, la tristeza, el amor, la esperanza y el dolor. Mientras que los cuentos nos ofrecen narrativas inolvidables que exploran la complejidad de las relaciones humanas y ...

    9,36 €

  • Contos Cristãos
    Rafael Lima
    Dois homens estão em um tribunal esperando o juiz que irá julgá-los. Este juiz é ninguém menos que Jesus Cristo. Um deles está plenamente confiante que teve uma vida perfeita, o outro sabe que foi um pecador. 'O tribunal de Cristo' será um julgamento com muitas revelações.Três crianças conversam sobre o Natal e Vitor diz algo que suas amigas não conheciam, ele fala sobre Jesus....

    11,86 €

  • Cuentos Cristianos
    Rafael Lima
    Dos hombres están en un tribunal esperando el juez que va a juzgarlos. Este juez no es otro, sino Jesucristo. Uno de ellos está plenamente confiado que tuve una vida perfecta, el otro sabe que ha sido un pecador. 'El tribunal de Cristo' será un juicio con muchas revelaciones.Tres niños hablan acerca de la Navidad y Víctor dice algo que sus amigas no conocían, él habla acerca de...

    11,82 €

  • Dead Orphans
    Bert Edens
    'Dead Orphans' is a collection of short horror and dark fiction by Bert Edens. This contains everything from tweets to drabbles to short stories. While it does have some supernatural elements, this collection really takes a hard look at the dark underbelly of humanity and what we can and will do against each other.Content warning: This book contains topics that include but are ...

    13,16 €

  • Rasprodaja duse
    Oliver Jankovic
    Price Rasprodaja duse podsecaju nas da se dehumanizovana vremena i dogadjaji ne desavaju samo drugima. U ogranicenom, usudnom prostoru junaci ovih prica bore se da prezive. Na momente je to prezivljavanje bukvalno i svodi se na produzavanje zivota dan po dan, a na momente je to odrzavanje duse iznad mora besmisla koji okruzuje junake poput stvarne poplave.Na momente, postoje i ...

    8,80 €

  • Krishnakumar
    V. Kamire A.
    Achyut was a regular boy until meeting Alok. Achyut did not previously believe in God or his existence, but Alok’s knowledge changed his thoughts of God, but Alok inexplicably disappeared for some reason. And Achyut once again started believing that ’God does not exist’, then some day, he meets Vrunda, who eventually becomes his soul mate, and Achyut’s quest begins by picking K...

    8,74 €

  • The Extraordinary Adventures Of Arsene Lupin
    Maurice Leblanc
    Arsène Lupin is a literary descendant of Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail’s fictional character Rocambole, whose adventures were published from 1857 to 1870. Like Rocambole, Lupin is often a force for good while operating on the wrong side of the law. Arsène Lupin is a fictional gentleman thief and master of disguise created in 1905 by French writer Maurice Leblanc. He was origi...

    16,10 €

  • Charms In The Air
    Stefanie Barnfather
    Reginald Malcolm is desperately in love with his girlfriend but she doesn’t return his affection - yet. To repair the relationship, Reggie steals her away to a luxury winter resort for the weekend. When the romance turns rotten, Reggie does what any loving partner would do: he goes for a walk in the snow, after midnight, and accepts the help of three charming wood women making ...

    6,26 €

  • The Invitation
    Con Shalevski
    Three invitations.Three events.Three storiesAn invitation to a mysterious and spooky ghost tour.An invitation to a murderous wedding that the guests will never forget.And an invitation to an awards ceremony some would kill to attend ...From the author of The Full Moon Murders comes The Invitation, a fast-paced, nightmarish thriller that will leave you gasping at every twist and...

    14,66 €

  • Transcendental Journey
    Robert W. Ingwalson
    In Transcendental Journey, Robert W Ingwalson Jr. beckons readers into a vivid tapestry woven with the threads of the cosmic and the intimate. Dive into the origins and fate of the cosmos, explore the depths of dreams, and touch the heartbeats of love and loss. From the dark corridors of a killer’s mind to the serene reflections on faith and the divine, each poem serves as a po...

    26,27 €

  • Transcendental Journey
    Robert W. Ingwalson
    In Transcendental Journey, Robert W Ingwalson Jr. beckons readers into a vivid tapestry woven with the threads of the cosmic and the intimate. Dive into the origins and fate of the cosmos, explore the depths of dreams, and touch the heartbeats of love and loss. From the dark corridors of a killer’s mind to the serene reflections on faith and the divine, each poem serves as a po...

    14,50 €

  • Hanoi at Midnight
    Bao Ninh / Cab Tran / Quan Manh Ha
    Breaking a thirty-year silence, Bảo Ninh has permitted at last the publication of a new work in English. Ninh is perhaps Vietnam’s foremost chronicler of the war, which he joined at age 17. Bringing to life the full range of his inventive and poetic language, Quan Manh Ha and Cab Tran are granting to English readers Bảo Ninh’s first book-length work since The Sorrow of War, whi...

    24,17 €

  • Los eventos reales de una vida teatral
    Saïd Alami
    Sinopsis traducida al español:Al comienzo del siguiente año académico, nosotros, los estudiantes árabes de la universidad, fuimos sorprendidos por un nuevo Zuhdi Abu Lafa, a quien no conocíamos, ya que su situación financiera había cambiado radicalmente hasta convertirse en más que excelente. Algunos de ellos investigaron el asunto pero no encontraron explicación, sobre todo po...

    16,01 €

  • The Memory Extracts
    Judy Liu
    When floating among the kelp, Calvin shed all the responsibilities he shouldered and felt free. He felt anything was possible.From an underground tea brewer concocting guerrilla potions to a granddaughter rediscovering her family through an inherited snack shop, this collection of soft sci-fi short stories explores the memories and thoughts of nine in a world of marine biology...

    4,64 €

  • The Dead Soup
    Mick Donnellan
    The Dead Soup, Mick Donnellan’s fifth work work of fiction,is a collection of award-winning short stories. Centred around tragic tales and character driven moments, we are presented with a collection of unforgettable writing that will, at times, leave the reader heartbroken and others, laughing out loud. Set primarily between the west of Ireland and the midlands, the stories re...

    10,86 €

  • Devil You Don’t Know
    Alexandria Blaelock
    A love for all the universesZelda Smith. Ordinary girl. Falls asleep in a quiet room. Warm and dark. On a soft, plush, overstuffed chaise lounge. Smelling of roses and beeswax furniture polish.Woken by Scott Fitzerald with a kiss. A wealthy business man. May or may not have a heart of gold.Scott Fitzerald. Sees her barefoot in a hotel lobby. Probably doesn’t have a heart of gol...

    3,74 €

  • One Final Shot
    Michael E. Jones
    If the son of the last man to die in World War II gets a chance to face the man who killed his father, will he take the shot?Three days after Japan surrendered in World War II, a Japanese fighter pilot named Hideo Wakita killed Isaac Wheeler’s father in the skies over Tokyo. Isaac, an infant at the time of his father’s death, must suffer the consequences of Wakita’s actions thr...

    6,77 €

  • Universos imposibles
    Diego Muñoz Valenzuela
    En este libro gozamos de brevedades textuales en donde vemos que la aparente distancia entre el microrrelato y la ciencia puede ser transitada. El entrelazamiento entre ciencia y ficción se produce aquí de diversas maneras: a partir de las palabras utilizadas desde el subtítulo, por la presencia de contenido científico explícito y referencias claras a un área de la ciencia dete...

    11,44 €