Catálogo de libros: Narrativa romántica

41560 Catálogo de libros: Narrativa romántica

Libros Eliminar filtro Ficción y temas afines Eliminar filtro Narrativa romántica Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • At Any Moment
    Brenna Aubrey
    It's Dangerous to Go Alone!Mia Strong never expected to be deciding the rest of her life at age twenty-two. Is she willing to become a human lab rat? Does she need to write a will? Does she ever want a family--and if so, with whom? She can't dodge the tough questions--not if she plans to live to see twenty-three. With her life hanging in the balance, Mia wants nothing m...

    14,22 €

  • The Freelancer
    Brenda Hasse
    It has been more than a decade since he ran away from his abusive father and turned his back on Wildenham, the kingdom he was to inherit. Now over a score in age, Lord William has earned the reputation as a renowned mercenary. Despite rumors of a restless spirit haunting the kingdom, he accepts a contract to return to Wildenham to kill Lord Clayborn, the man who murdered his fa...

    12,83 €

  • A Seductive Melody
    Crista McHugh
    Ethan Kelly lost his best friend and bandmate to an overdose, but staying clean is proving harder than he thought it would be. His only safety net during his first weeks of sobriety is fellow recovering addict, Becca. As she guides him through the darkness, he begins to trust her not only with his secrets, but also his heart.After years of trying to be the daughter her socialit...

    8,34 €

  • Travis
    Susan Elle
    There is a dark spectre in Travis' past, one that has previously caused him terrible physical and emotional pain. That pain is about to be superceded in ways Travis cannot yet imagine - but it is is waking, rising from the depths of a long sleep to do its worst! ...

    11,55 €

  • The Weight of Words
    Georgina Guthrie
    Aubrey Price is in the final months of her undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto. Bright, witty, and fiercely independent, Aubrey works part-time for the college dean and has her sights set on graduating with distinction. When she meets Dean Grant’s son, Daniel, the TA in her senior Shakespearean studies course, a shared love of the Bard’s works and an instant mut...

    15,55 €

  • 16 Marsden Place
    Rachel Brimble
    There isn’t a situation that can’t be fixed by a coat of chocolate body paint or a liberal smear of Champagne Lick, right? Wrong!Ever since her father was murdered by a gang of youths, Sienna Lloyd has named herself Potterford’s protector-her sexy lingerie shop is a place where the town’s women can visit and feel safe. But when that shop is in danger of closing, Sienna needs a ...

    15,13 €

  • Nuances et Odes
    Lourenço Cái Lágrima
    CONCEPT DE COUVERTUREHardcover, Sumptuousness6×9 in, 15×23 cm.ISBN9781715764470 Blurb.SYNOPSISNUANCES ET ODES est le portrait d’un monde raconté: l’amour exprimé en vers.Dans cette œuvre nous embarque dans un long mais serein voyage à la recherche de la femme qui cause d’innombrables anamnèses laissées au plus profond d’être poétique.Tenter, le être, d’atteindre au moins une tr...

    240,22 €

  • Nuances e Odes
    Lourenço Cái Lágrima
    CONCEITO DE CAPAHardcover, Fullcover6×9 in, 15×23 cm.ISBN9780464016038 Blurb.SINÓPSENUANCES E ODES é o retrato de um mundo cantado: o amor expresso em verso.Nesta obra embarcamos numa longa mas serena viagem em busca da mulher causadora de incontável anamnese deixada no mais íntimo do íntimo do eu poético. Intentando, o eu, alcançar ao menos um só rasto dessa beldade para acale...

    118,27 €

  • No Time for Temptation, No Brides Club 4
    Monique mcDonell
    When six friends make a pact not to let love get in the way of their careers, the No Brides Club is born. But could meeting the right man at the wrong time cause them to break their vows to each other?Georgie Price moved to New York after spending her teen years as America’s Sweetheart. Hoping to reinvent herself now that she’s all grown up, she starts a cooking show that becom...

    10,11 €

  • Krivo vrijeme za ljubav
    Inna Moore
    Možeš li voljeti tuđu ženu, ako već voliš vlastitu?Možeš li naći srodnu dušu, ako već pripadaš drugom muškarcu? Može li ljubav na prvi pogled nadjačati zavjete i dužnosti? Tyler i Madison borit će se dugo sami protiv sebe, ali navijat ćete za njih od prvog trena. Sudbina im neće biti naklonjena, godinama će ih mučiti, a kad se duše sretnu, kad tijela pokleknu, stvarni će život ...

    13,19 €

  • Este amor nuestro es para siempre
    Rodolfo Bianchi
    Una novela distinta, apasionante, sobre un tema que a todos nos interesa: el amor. Nos invita a soñar, y casi sin darnos cuenta vivimos esas experiencias como si fuéramos los personajes de la novela. Las palabras que ellos pronuncien nos llegarán profundamente, porque seguramente encontraremos que son las que coinciden con nuestro pensamiento. A medida que se avanza en su lectu...

    10,65 €

  • Bertha Garlan (Esprios Classics)
    Arthur Schnitzler
    Bertha Garlan is a novel by the Austrian writer Arthur Schnitzler, which appeared in 1900 and 1901 in the literary magazine New German Rundschau in Berlin. Later on, it was published as a book by the publisher S. Fischer. The protagonist Bertha Garlan, a widow living in a small town, meets again in Vienna her childhood sweetheart, the celebrated violin virtuoso Emil Lindbach. F...

    22,18 €

  • Vingança
    Abdenal Carvalho
    VINGANÇA é a história de uma adolescente que se vê forçada a cometer um crime enquanto tenta salvar sua mãe das garras de um terrível agressor, e desde então sua trajetória de vida passa a ser feita apenas de dor, sofrimento e perseguição, até conhecer um homem que por amor decide ajudá-la a encontrar paz, liberdade e completa felicidade. ...

    35,68 €

  • Memórias de Um Sádico
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Marcos era um importante escritor com uma inteligência incomparável para a literatura, sua impressionante capacidade de criar histórias num breve espaço de tempo lhe rendeu vários prêmios, bem como um expansivo reconhecimento no mundo literário. Seus leitores eram encontrados por todo o mundo e todas as suas obras eram um grande sucesso de vendas.Porém, devido certa tendência à...

    54,61 €

  • Rejeição
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Numa época onde a população nordestina era castigada pela intensa miséria, oriunda da terrível seca que rachava-lhes os pés debaixo do escaldante sol que parecia odiá-los, uma família de retirantes foi obrigada a se desfazer de tudo, até mesmo dos filhos, depois de serem covardemente expulsos de suas terras. E é nesse cenário de um povo condenado ao sofrimento que conheceremos ...

    36,11 €

  • Casanova’s Homecoming (Esprios Classics)
    Arthur Schnitzler
    'Casanova was in his fifty-third year. Though no longer driven by the lust of adventure that had spurred him in his youth, he was still hunted athwart the world, hunted now by a restlessness due to the approach of old age. His yearning for Venice, the city of his birth, grew so intense that, like a wounded bird slowly circling downwards in its death flight, he began to move in ...

    19,90 €

  • Loucura
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Após ter a oportunidade de se tornar o único herdeiro da mais tradicional família da região, vindo de uma origem humilde e sem raízes significantes, Luís Gustavo perde a lucidez ao saber que havia sido aprovado nos três mais importantes cursos oferecidos pelas maiores e mais conceituadas universidades do Estado, tornando-se um homem totalmente distante da realidade que o cerca....

    48,88 €

  • Loucura
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Após ter a oportunidade de se tornar o único herdeiro da mais tradicional família da região, vindo de uma origem humilde e sem raízes significantes, Luís Gustavo perde a lucidez ao saber que havia sido aprovado nos três mais importantes cursos oferecidos pelas maiores e mais conceituadas universidades do Estado, tornando-se um homem totalmente distante da realidade que o cerca....

    31,78 €

  • Breve Recordação
    Abdenal Carvalho
    . Breve Recordação é a história fictícia de um homem que mesmo diante do impossível chega ao topo e fica milionário, apesar do alto preço a ser pago e do final ser em completa solidão. O leitor irá acompanhar uma trama com bastante ação, aventura e um enorme exemplo de superação. ...

    26,01 €

  • Preconceitos
    Abdenal Carvalho
    André é um jovem que desde sua adolescência foi vítima da intolerância e preconceito por parte de seus familiares, vizinhos e por todos que o conheciam, chegou a ser impedido de frequentar a igreja onde o pai era pastor evangélico, foi espancado pelos estranhos e renegado pelo irmão mais velho, devido sua condição de homossexual. A situação chegou ao extremo dele ser expulso de...

    56,74 €

  • Vera Lúcia
    Abdenal Carvalho
    'Vera Lúcia' é uma história de mulher dominada por um desejo sexual e quase incontrolável, que acaba por se tornar por um homem com características parecidas e pode ser um pouco mais difícil em relação às pessoas erradas. Por toda a trama, ela é traída, enganada e ferida por pessoas que vivem ao redor, até que a mãe filha que tem um caso íntimo com o seu namorado. O resultado d...

    33,34 €

  • Vera Lúcia
    Abdenal Carvalho
    'Vera Lúcia' é uma história de mulher dominada por um desejo sexual e quase incontrolável, que acaba por se tornar por um homem com características parecidas e pode ser um pouco mais difícil em relação às pessoas erradas. Por toda a trama, ela é traída, enganada e ferida por pessoas que vivem ao redor, até que a mãe filha que tem um caso íntimo com o seu namorado. O resultado d...

    54,67 €

  • The Whirlpool (Esprios Classics)
    George Gissing
    George Robert Gissing (22 November 1857 - 28 December 1903) was a British novelist who published 23 novels between 1880 and 1903. Gissing also worked as a teacher and tutor throughout his life. He published his first novel, Workers in the Dawn, in 1880. His best known novels, which are published in modern editions, include The Nether World (1889), New Grub Street (1891) and The...

    31,92 €

  • रोमियो और जूलियट Romeo and Juliet hindi
    William Shakespeare
    रोमियो और जूलियट में, शेक्सपियर एक हिंसक दुनिया बनाता है, जिसमें दो युवा प्यार में पड़ जाते हैं। यह बस नहीं है कि उनके परिवार अस्वीकृत कर दें; मोंटेग्यूस और कैपुलेट्स एक रक्त संघर्ष में लगे हुए हैं।मृत्यु से भरी इस सेटिंग में, पहली नजर में प्यार से लेकर मृत्यु तक प्रेमियों के अंतिम मिलन तक की हलचल लगभग अपरिहार्य लगती है। और फिर भी, एक असाधारण दुनिया में स्थापित यह नाटक युवा प्र...

    8,91 €

  • Scaramouche (Esprios Classics)
    Rafael Sabatini
    Rafael Sabatini (1875 - 1950) was an Italian/British writer of novels of romance and adventure. At a young age, Rafael was exposed to many languages. By the time he was seventeen, he was the master of five languages. He quickly added a sixth language - English - to his linguistic collection. He wrote short stories in the 1890s, and his first novel came out in 1902. Sabatini was...

    28,90 €

  • Love-at-Arms (Esprios Classics)
    Rafael Sabatini
    Rafael Sabatini (1875 - 1950) was an Italian/British writer of novels of romance and adventure. At a young age, Rafael was exposed to many languages. By the time he was seventeen, he was the master of five languages. He quickly added a sixth language - English - to his linguistic collection. He wrote short stories in the 1890s, and his first novel came out in 1902. Sabatini was...

    24,38 €

  • Mistress Wilding (Esprios Classics)
    Rafael Sabatini
    Rafael Sabatini (1875 - 1950) was an Italian/British writer of novels of romance and adventure. At a young age, Rafael was exposed to many languages. By the time he was seventeen, he was the master of five languages. He quickly added a sixth language - English - to his linguistic collection. He wrote short stories in the 1890s, and his first novel came out in 1902. Sabatini was...

    25,16 €

  • The Deliverance (Esprios Classics)
    Ellen Glasgow
    Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow (April 22, 1873 - November 21, 1945) was an American novelist who won the Pulitzer Prize for the Novel in 1942. A lifelong Virginian who published 20 books including seven novels which sold well (five reaching best-seller lists) as well as gained critical acclaim, Glasgow portrayed the changing world of the contemporary South, differing from the i...

    28,98 €

  • Susan Clegg and her Friend Mrs. Lathrop (Esprios Classics)
    Anne Warner
    'Susan Clegg and Mrs. Lathrop were next-door neighbors and bosom friends. Their personalities were extremely congenial, and the theoretical relation which the younger woman bore to the elder was a further bond between them. Owing to the death of her mother some twenty years before, Susan had fallen into the position of a helpless and timid young girl whose only key to the probl...

    21,48 €

  • Blue Hand (Esprios Classics)
    Edgar Wallace
    Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1 April 1875 - 10 February 1932) was an English writer. He joined the army at age 21 and was a war correspondent during the Second Boer War, for Reuters and the Daily Mail. Struggling with debt, he left South Africa, returned to London, and began writing thrillers to raise income, publishing books including The Four Just Men (1905). Drawing on his...

    25,97 €