Teoría psicoanalítica (psicología freudiana)

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento / Teoría psicoanalítica (psicología freudiana) (1310)

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  • A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis
    Sigmund Freud
    Few, especially in this country, realize that while Freudian themes have rarely found a place on the programs of the American Psychological Association, they have attracted great and growing attention and found frequent elaboration by students of literature, history, biography, sociology, morals and aesthetics, anthropology, education, and religion.These twenty-eight lectures t...

    21,06 €

  • The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
    Joseph Murphy
    An unabridged edition to include: The Treasure House Within You - How Your Own Mind Works - The Miracle-Working Power of Your Subconscious - Mental Healings in Ancient Times - Mental Healings in Modern Times - Practical Techniques in Mental Healings - The Tendency of The Subconscious Is Lifeward - How to Get the Results You Want - How to Use the Power of Your Subconscious for W...

    16,43 €

  • Subjective Topology
    Jean-Gérard Bursztein
    To the question, “why is topology necessary to psychoanalysis?”, one can answer that it is necessitated by the extension of psychoanalytical theory, as an answer to the problems both Freud and Lacan handed down. Fundamentally, one has to grasp that topology in psychoanalysis is not a mathematical application, but the invention of a method. Indeed, said method enables the constr...

    22,88 €

  • My Lexicon of Psychoanalysis
    Jean-Gérard Bursztein
    The unconscious according to Freud is neither Lacan’s first teaching, the unconscious coextensive with language, nor that of his second teaching, the unconscious linked to the Borromean structure and its effects on the body and speech. What is it? In fact, the unconscious is the object of a science that develops through different hypotheses. In this essay, I wanted to show the ...

    22,83 €

  • The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
    Joseph Murphy
    An unabridged edition to include: The Treasure House Within You – How Your Own Mind Works – The Miracle–Working Power of Your Subconscious – Mental Healings in Ancient Times – Mental Healings in Modern Times – Practical Techniques in Mental Healings – The Tendency of The Subconscious Is Lifeward – How to Get the Results You Want – How to Use the Power of Your Subconscious for W...

    8,63 €

  • Relational Dominance Defined through Stages of Relational Development
    James Honeycutt / Ryan Rasner
    In relationships between the self and others, dominance has been defined in different ways. Most definitions deal with vague perceptions of influence in terms of passively accepting another’s statements. We argue that a compelling and specific measure of dominance lies in the asymmetry of predictability. The asymmetry of predictability asserts that when person Z’s future behavi...

    65,35 €

  • Arquetipo
    Alma Lidia Martinez Olivera
    El arte representa una de las experiencias más claras del carácter generador y creativo de la mente humana. Aparece a través de sus consecuencias y efectos colaterales sobre una subjetividad individual capaz de expresar indirectamente aspectos esenciales sobre una época y una forma de vida social. El menoscabo físico y sus secuelas son una realidad presente en todos los niveles...

    79,25 €

  • A New Drive-Relational-Neuroscience Synthesis for Psychoanalysis
    Leon van der Linde
    This book critically examines the shift from instinctual drive theory to relational theory in psychoanalysis, based on the premise that drive formulations are incompatible with relational configurations. It demonstrates that the original shift was misguided, based on misinterpretations and misconceptions of Freudian theory, informed by a problematic dualist social constructi...

    24,39 €

  • Dreams
    Felix M White
    Have you ever wondered if there is some hidden meaning behind your dreams? Are there any benefits of lucid dreaming and how to achieve it? Why do specific people tend to show up in dreams? Is it true that some dreams can be warnings?Going beyond basic explanations, “How to Understand the Meanings and Messages of your Dreams. All about Lucid Dreaming, Recurring Dreams, Nightmare...

    16,30 €

  • Mai-Mai militia and sexual violence in Democratic Republic of Congo
    Guy Kitwe
    This book sets an overview of the environmental and social impact assessment of mining in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and focuses on Mai-Mai militia motivations and their attitudes toward sexual violence. According to most sources, 5,5 million people have died since the beginning of the war in the DRC in 1994, and rape was used as a weapon of destruction. Sexual viol...

    56,21 €

  • In the Secret Theatre of Home
    Jenny Bourne Taylor
    In his 1852 novel Basil, Wilkie Collins’ narrator concludes that ”those ghastly heart-tragedies laid open before me … are not to be written, but … are acted and reacted, scene by scene, year by year, in the secret theatre of home.” Taking this memorable quote as her starting point, Jenny Bourne Taylor demonstrates how Victorian psychology is central to an understanding of the c...

    19,79 €

  • Exploring the Landscape of the Mind
    Janet Lee Bachant
    Psychotherapy is an adventure into uncharted territory—the landscape of the mind. As therapists, beginning a treatment takes us on a journey into the unmapped interior of a person’s soul. We do not know what awesome vistas, formidable obstacles and strange inhabitants we will encounter. But we do know that the exploration of the self is the path to finding answers to some of li...

    26,16 €

  • Triptych
    Muindi Fanuel Muindi
    By turns swaggering and stumbling, the Triptych is the dramatization of Muindi Fanuel Muindi's dream of becoming what Roland Barthes called a 'logothète': the founder of a language.The Triptych contains Muindi's first two published books, Whither, Otherwise and Solutions for Postmodern Living, and a brief and baffling third book, Improbable Aberrations & Other I...

    36,82 €

  • Rethinking the Relation between Women and Psychoanalysis
    Rethinking the Relation between Women and Psychoanalysis interrogates core psychoanalytical theoretical concepts concerning loss and femininity. Contributors apply different psychoanalytic perspectives to loss and femininity, focusing on the intersection of psychoanalysis, culture, and clinical work. ...

    122,40 €

  • Ana-María Rizzuto and the Psychoanalysis of Religion
    Martha Reineke
    This book assesses the legacy of Ana María Rizzuto, particularly The Birth of the Living God, her contribution to the psychoanalysis of religion. Contributors to this volume offer clinical and theoretical insights concerning Rizzuto’s examination of the origin of God representations in early childhood and their elaboration across the life cycle. ...

    54,44 €

  • Women
    Howard L. Schwartz
    This book was prompted by my near total engagement in the Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Judge Kavanaugh’s statement after the accusations against him were investigated (September—early October 2018). The timing of the hearings overlapped the 85th birthday celebrations of Ruth Bader Ginsburg who experienced bia...

    14,99 €

  • Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Feminism
    The schizoanalytic method and the lines of flight that it has inspired align with contemporary feminist concerns and practices in productive and revealing ways in this ground-breaking collection.To address the relevance of schizoanalysis for contemporary developments in new materialism, affect theory, transnational feminism, political ontology, feminist critiques of globalizati...

    173,64 €

  • Against
    Tad DeLay
    What does the white evangelical want? In our moment of crisis and rage, this question is everywhere. Scholars ask from where its desires emerged, pundits divine its political future, and the public asks how we lapsed into social chaos. For their part, white evangelicals feel misunderstood while failing to see the direction of their ambitions. We must interrogate its aims not on...

    18,64 €

  • Against
    Tad DeLay
    What does the white evangelical want? In our moment of crisis and rage, this question is everywhere. Scholars ask from where its desires emerged, pundits divine its political future, and the public asks how we lapsed into social chaos. For their part, white evangelicals feel misunderstood while failing to see the direction of their ambitions. We must interrogate its aims not on...

    35,74 €

  • Amor y función paterna en psicoanálisis
    Raúl Yafar
    Amor y Función paterna en Psicoanálisis: el primer tema remite a la constitución del Yo en las etapas más tempranas, pero se extiende a todas las metamorfosis de la vida del sujeto; el segundo, a la estrategia con la que se constituye su posición deseante y a las posibilidades del goce en su sexuación.Estos dos epicentros de teorización se enlazan e irradian hacia otros subtema...

    12,48 €

  • Teoría y clínica psicoanalítica
    Eduardo García Dupont
    Este libro es el resultado de la compilación y selección de diversos trabajos, algunos editados, y otros inéditos, que fui escribiendo a lo largo de mis 42 años de praxis analítica.Dicha selección fue pensada, fundamentalmente, siguiendo la lógica y la ética del espíritu de mi enseñanza y transmisión. La misma, siempre está dedicada a pensar la articulación entre la teoría y la...

    12,48 €

  • Cuadernos Tópica 9: Panic-Attack
    Oscar Lamorgia
    La presente colección de Ricardo Vergara Ediciones pretende ser un espacio de producción y encuentro interdisciplinario donde prima la apertura a diferentes voces, perspectivas y lecturas, sobre diversos temas complejos y de gran interés para la comunidad científica y la sociedad en general.Ello representa la principal razón que amerita poner sobre la mesa la diversidad del sab...

    12,48 €

  • Vivir después del dolor
    Melina Gancedo
    El objetivo de este libro es relatar y compartir vivencias inherentes a un proceso de duelo que continúa en elaboración y en vías de superación.Son dos las vertientes que alimentan estas hojas; por un lado la certeza del carácter terapéutico de la escritura y la teoría sobre duelos que fui asimilando a lo largo de la carrera de psicología. Y por otro lado, la experiencia vivida...

    12,48 €

  • Critique of James Rachels’s Defense of Euthanasia
    Mohammad Manzoor Malik
    The researcher believes that James Rachels’s defense of active euthanasia deserves a critical and normative analysis because of its dehumanizing consequences. The researcher demonstrates that Rachels’s position is conceptually, theoretically, practically, and normatively unjustifiable. The researcher concludes that Rachels’s categorization of active and passive euthanasia into ...

    113,00 €

  • Critical Theory Between Klein and Lacan
    Amy Allen / Mari Ruti
    Critical Theory Between Klein and Lacan explores convergences and divergences in the psychoanalytic theories of Melanie Klein and Jacques Lacan, with a special focus on the implications of their work for critical theory, broadly construed. The book is co-authored in the form of a dialogue between Amy Allen, a prominent representative of Frankfurt School critical theory with exp...

    193,41 €

  • As Time Goes By
    Judith Dupont / Agnes Jacob
    'I can’t tell anyone, so I tell everyone”, wrote Frigyes Karinthy1 in one of his poems, lending his voice to all those who hide silently behind their actions before deciding to take up a pen and expose their thoughts. To be able to do this, to “tell everyone”, one has to ignore the time-honoured adage: “A secret life is a happy life”. But the desire to “have one’s say” triumphs...

    21,70 €

  • A Sinister Subtraction
    Richard P Kluft
    A Sinister Subtraction paints a realistic and unflinching portrait of “The Memory Wars” of the 1990s, one of the most painfully conflicted and bitterly disputed episodes in the history of the mental health professions. Did accusations of childhood abuse stemming from long-unavailable memories deserve serious consideration? Or should they be dismissed as artefacts unlikely to be...

    14,84 €

  • Freud, Sullivan,Mitchell, Bion, And The Multiple Voices Of International Psychoanalysis
    Marco Conci
    Marco’s curiosity has captured me from the very beginning. His surprising openness has impressed and touched me.  I have found in his writing the gentle and free thinking of a child, a child  curious to explore the analytic perspectives developed in North America, which also attract me for what I perceive as being their creativity – a creativity which I did not find in  my own ...

    23,97 €

  • Dreams
    Felix M. White / Feliz M. White
    Have you ever wondered if there is some hidden meaning behind your dreams? Are there any benefits of lucid dreaming and how to achieve it? Why do specific people tend to show up in dreams? Is it true that some dreams can be warnings?Going beyond basic explanations, “How to Understand the Meanings and Messages of your Dreams. All about Lucid Dreaming, Recurring Dreams, Nightmare...

    9,67 €

  • La escena transgeneracional traumática
    Ricardo Juan Rey
    Nuestra indagación se refiere a situaciones en las cuales un ancestro de un paciente en psicoanálisis ha sufrido una situación traumática y cómo dicha escena mediante pasaje transgeneracional aparece reflejada en el material de las sesiones del paciente. Efectuamos una revisión de los trabajos actuales y pasados sobre transmisión transgeneracional, sobre trauma psíquico, sobre ...

    79,27 €