Sudoku y rompecabezas matemáticos

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  • The KENKEN Method - Puzzles for Beginners
    Tetsuya Miyamoto
     KenKen is the world's fastest growing puzzle since sudoku. It was developed in a Japanese Classroom in 2004 by renowned educator, Tetsuya Miyamoto, and was later introduced internationally as both an adult and educational math and logic puzzle in 2008. Originally intended to improve reasoning, creativity, concentration, and perseverance, this simple yet sophisticated puzzl...

    10,51 €

  • Rod's Sudoku Tutorial
    Rodney L. Wagner
    Sudoku is fun, challenging, and sometimes frustratingly difficult—and those things make it tremendously addictive.Rodney L. Wagner, a retired businessman, pastor, and teacher knows that firsthand as he’s completed thousands of puzzles of all ranges of difficulty.In this tutorial, he explains what Sudoku is and explains why it is so fun—but more importantly, he reveals helpful t...

    10,58 €

  • Das großartigste Sudoku Rätselbuch 2017 | Über 200 Sudoku-Rätsel in Großschrift
    Puzzle Therapist
    Du musst dieses große Sudoku-Buch lieben! Es hat mehr als 200 Rätsel zu lösen, so dass Sie diese auf jeden Fall für Wochen oder Monate, je nach Ihrem Tempo nutzen können. Möchten Sie Sudoku zu spielen, weil es eine angenehme Flucht vom Alltag bietet. Es gibt keine Abkürzungen zu spielen, also musst du wirklich verbringen wertvolle Zeit zu analysieren und eine Strategie ausdenke...

    12,52 €

  • Es geht um die Zahlen | Sudoku Leicht bis Medium (240+ Rätsel)
    Puzzle Therapist
    Sudoku ist eine lustige Aktivität, die Ihr Gehirn ausübt und gibt Ihnen ein Gefühl der Erfüllung. Jeder kann es tun, solange du geduldig genug bist, trainieren Sie Ihr Gehirn zu sehen und zu erkennen. Dieses Buch gibt Ihnen 200 Chancen zum verlieben mit Sudoku. Warum versuchst du nicht das erste Puzzle heute beantworten? ...

    13,62 €

  • Die Einfachsten Sudoku-Bücher für den Aufbau Ihrer Strategie | 240 + Sudoku Logik-Rätsel
    Puzzle Therapist
    Eine Einführung in Sudoku-Rätsel, verwenden dieses Buch. Einfache Rätsel helfen Ihnen ins Spiel kommen. Sie hilft beim Aufbau Ihrer Strategie, die Ihnen helfen, wie Sie Fortschritte schwieriger Rätsel. Sudoku kommt nicht mit einem komplexen Satz von Anweisungen, die sich ändern. Vielmehr bleiben sie gleich, unabhängig von der Schwierigkeitsgrad. Was wartest du noch? Schnappen S...

    12,90 €

  • The Number Taekwondo | Sudoku Black Belt Edition (with 240 Hard Sudoku Puzzles!)
    Puzzle Therapist
    Knock out Sudoku on your own! Yes, you can do it! You just have to think of the right strategy to eliminate all possibilities and settle on only the right answers for every box. And once you find the right strategy, you will easily solve even the hardest Sudoku puzzles so you can be declared a Sudoku Black Belt warrior. Are you ready? ...

    13,67 €

  • Extreme Sudoku-Rätsel für die Vielreisenden | Über 200 Schwere Sudoku Reisen
    Puzzle Therapist
    Alleine unterwegs kann manchmal langweilig, besonders wenn Sie in einem fahrenden Fahrzeug für mehr als ein paar Stunden gewesen. Sie können fahren, dass Langeweile Weg mit Hilfe der Knobelspiele wie schwer Sudoku-Rätsel. Harte Rätsel fordern Sie denken und wenn das passiert, Sie vergessen das Ticken der Uhr und die Orte von Rauschen. Sicheres Reisen! ...

    12,89 €

  • Muster für Zahlenmeister | Sudoku Ultimate | 200+ Schwere bis Extreme Rätsel
    Puzzle Therapist
    Die Zahlen können Blick einschüchternd aber Sudoku ich s eigentlich ein Spaß zu spielen. Je nachdem wie anspruchsvoll die Rätsel sind können Sie stundenlang arbeiten auf Rätsel, bis man sie gelöst bekommen. Sie können das Spiel mit einem Freund oder zwei Teilen oder Sie können versuchen, sie auf eigene Faust zu lösen. Ihre einzige Werkzeug zu gewinnen wäre Ihrem Muster Erkennun...

    12,89 €

  • Solving Sudoku | Easy Large Print Edition with Hundreds of Puzzles! (Plus Techniques to Boot!)
    Puzzle Therapist
    Will you get smarter if you play Sudoku? Yes but in a very limited sense. Playing Sudoku will exercise your problem solving skills so you learn to think both creatively and logically. With frequent practice, you get to master the skill of elimination, which is required when you’re juggling bits of information to fill the boxes with the missing numbers. Play Sudoku logic puzzles...

    12,52 €

  • Extremely Challenging Sudoku | 200+ Sudoku Hard Puzzles
    Puzzle Therapist
    Sudoku puzzles will basically order your brain to think logically about how and what numbers to place in which boxes. You aren’t getting any clues when playing the game. Instead, your brain will look for patterns to use as clues. You can’t even search the answers on Google. The 200+ puzzles in this book are extremely challenging so you best be ready. ...

    12,89 €

  • Hard Sudoku Books for Adults | 240 Sudoku Logic Puzzles for 240 Days
    Puzzle Therapist
    Would you like to hone your problem-solving skills? Then go ahead and do Sudoku. Sudoku helps you to better decide which boxes to fill first because some are easier than the rest. You solve it by recognizing what’s there and what’s not there. Over time, solving Sudoku will help you to look ahead and see the bigger picture. Solve Sudoku today! ...

    13,67 €

  • Start Easy, Finish Hard | The Easy Sudoku Puzzle Book for Beginners (with 300+ Puzzles!)
    Puzzle Therapist
    This is the perfect book if you’re just getting into the Sudoku habit. It comes with easy puzzles that will give you the chance you need to understand patterns and to come up with a working strategy. Keep the clock away while you’re working on these puzzles. Experience the self-confidence Sudoku puzzles will bring you without the pressure of time. Have fun! ...

    14,19 €

  • My Squares Are Not Enough! The Sudoku 16x16 Challenge for Adults | with 242 Puzzles
    Puzzle Therapist
    Why should you invest ample time and effort in playing Sudoku? Because of the benefits, of course! Sudoku can be a personal or shared experience and the range of benefits would remain the same. Your problem solving and pattern detecting skills will improve. You’ll learn to look forward and problems as a whole. There are so many positive lessons to learn from a single book of Su...

    12,77 €

  • The Biggest and Grandest Sudoku Puzzle Book of 2017 | Over 200 Large Print Sudoku Puzzles
    Puzzle Therapist
    You gotta love this grand Sudoku book! It has over two hundred puzzles to solve so you can definitely use this for weeks or months, depending on your pace. You want to play Sudoku because it provides a pleasant escape from your daily routine. There is no shortcuts to playing so you really have to spend valuable time analyzing and thinking up a strategy. Play Sudoku today! ...

    12,52 €

  • Sudoku für Anfänger | 240 Extrem Einfache Rätsel
    Puzzle Therapist
    Wenn Sie Ihre Konzentrationsfähigkeit erhöhen möchten, dann wählen Sie das richtige Buch, das zu tun. Sudoku ist ein Zahlenspiel, das Gedächtnis und Logik erfordert. Sie müssen strategisch denken und kreativ die Rätsel zu lösen. Wenn Sie das Spiel unterbrechen, Neustart Ihre Denkprozess und das verbessert Ihre Fähigkeiten neu zu konzentrieren und Konzentrationsfähigkeit. Viel G...

    13,62 €

  • You’ve Been Warned! Hard Sudoku Puzzles for the Genius
    Puzzle Therapist
    Only grab a copy of this Sudoku book if you’re ready to face difficult puzzles. There are brain busting puzzles that will require a lot of thinking and planning. You will need to come up with a good strategy by analyzing the numbers that are there. An effective analysis will reveal the numbers that should be inside the empty boxes. Try the exercises in this book today! ...

    12,89 €

  • The World’s Most Difficult Sudoku | Only Play if You’re an Expert | with 200+ Very Hard Puzzles
    Puzzle Therapist
    Why should you spend time completing Sudoku? Because of the benefits, of course! When you play, you stimulate your mind to think both logically and creatively. Eventually, you don’t just improve your number skills but your entire thinking process too. When you’re older, playing Sudoku helps keep the brain sharp and active. Begin the Sudoku habit today. ...

    12,89 €

  • Numbers In The Middle | Sudoku Medium (340+ Puzzles)
    Puzzle Therapist
    Stay mentally alert with age by answering Sudoku puzzles. This one’s a big book with 340+ puzzles so you can choose to answer one puzzle per day. Answering brain games will helpl delay dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. You are using your brain when you play Sudoku so you don’t end up losing it. Begin today! ...

    15,09 €

  • Sudoku for Beginners | 240 Ultra Easy Puzzles to Master
    Puzzle Therapist
    If you want to increase your concentration power, then you chose the right book to do that. Sudoku is a numbers game that requires memory and logic. You have to think strategically and creatively to solve the puzzles. Whenever you stop in the middle of the game, you restart your thinking process and that improves your re-focus skills and concentration power. Good luck! ...

    13,62 €

  • Sudoku in Your Pocket
    Brain Jogging Puzzles
    Pull out a copy of this Sudoku pocket book whenever you feel tired and restless. Playing will give you the chance to focus and concentrate on finding patterns and the answers too. During the process, you will feel calm and relaxed. It will be as if your mind would suddenly refresh so you get to see the world from a renewed perspective. Begin playing today. ...

    7,81 €

  • Hard to Extreme Sodoku Challenge for Master Players
    Brain Jogging Puzzles
    Warning: this Sudoku book is not for the short-tempered. The patterns are more difficult to catch so losing your cool is a near possibility. But despite that, you should work hard to get all the benefits of the activity. Playing improves your number skills, concentration power and logical thinking skills too. There are several benefits of the game as well. Combined, these shoul...

    7,81 €

  • Sudoku Puzzles You've Never Seen Before! Sudoku Puzzle Book
    Brain Jogging Puzzles
    There's never a bad time to play Sudoku. It's a game that is most welcome regardless of the time, date and person you're playing with. That's because Sudoku has so many brain boosting benefits. It is used to improve logic and creative thinking skills. You can work with numbers better by playing the game. Grab a copy now. ...

    7,81 €

  • The Beginning Book of Sudoku
    Brain Jogging Puzzles
    If you want someone to start liking Sudoku, then this is the book to own. It is composed of easy puzzles that will build the stronger logic and analytic thinking skills as well as memory. Continue to work with the puzzles no matter how tough the game goes. The benefits you'll reap will be bigger and better the longer you play. Grab a copy today. ...

    7,81 €

  • Quick Solve Sudoku
    Brain Jogging Puzzles
    Just because the title of this book says 'Quick Solve Sudoku' doesn't mean that working on these puzzles will always be a breeze. The first few pages might be difficult because you're just getting used to the game. There are instructions to follow and seeing the patterns might not come easy. But the longer you play, the more you'll understand the game. ...

    7,81 €

  • Sudoku for the Crazed Sudoku Lover - Impossible Sudoku Puzzles
    Brain Jogging Puzzles
    Nothing is impossible for a crazed Sudoku lover. No matter how difficult the puzzles get, they will always be solvable if you have the will to work on them tirelessly. You will notice that the more you work on difficult puzzles, the better your brain power will be too. Your thinking skills will improve along with your memory and number skills. Get a copy now. ...

    7,81 €

  • Sudoku Puzzles That Will Challenge Your Brain - Impossible Sudoku Edition
    Brain Jogging Puzzles
    Your brain wants to be challenged because that's the only way that it'll get the exercise it needs. So think of a book of Sudoku puzzles as the treadmill that will get your brain working. Benefits of playing range from improved memory to better strategic and creative thinking skills. Get started on playing Sudoku today. ...

    7,81 €

  • Title for a Sudoku Puzzle Book - The Hardest Sudoku Puzzle Ever Themed
    Brain Jogging Puzzles
    Don't back down from difficult Sudoku puzzles because the hardest ones will give you the most benefits. You see, the more you think, the better your thinking skills will be too. You will concentrate better and that's going to influence your thinking process positively. So even if your thinking process gets disrupted, you can easily restart it without a problem. Get a copy now. ...

    7,81 €

  • Uncover Deep Secrets Of Sudoku! A Sudoku Puzzle Book
    Brain Jogging Puzzles
    A Sudoku puzzle book is a must-have in any home. It is a tool to exercise the brain so you can think better and more clearly too. There are many other reasons for playing Sudoku and among which would be the reduction of the risks of developing Alzheimers. Why? That's because you are keeping your brain active whenever you play. Get a copy today. ...

    7,81 €

  • Very Easy! Much Much Simple! Sudoku For Beginners Edition
    Brain Jogging Puzzles
    It's important that you give beginners the right Sudoku book because you don't want to scare them away. There are simply too many benefits to playing the game. It helps in improving the brain power and number skills. It also helps with hand to eye coordination and even improves self-confidence. Of course, there are many other benefits to the game. Learn about them today! ...

    7,81 €

  • Test Your Super Number Know-How! Sudoku Challenger Puzzles Edition
    Brain Jogging Puzzles
    How good are you with numbers? This Sudoku puzzle book will give you a clue! Record the time it took you to complete each puzzle. If it took you such a long time, then you are challenged well enough. Otherwise, the game is too easy and you need to find something a bit more difficult. Always look for challenges to grow intellectually. Invest in Sudoku books today. ...

    7,81 €

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