Sociología y antropología

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociología y antropología (20764)

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  • Approccio alla ricerca qualitativa
    Martin Kuria
    Una guida alla ricerca qualitativa per i primi ricercatori può essere una risorsa preziosa che offre chiarezza, orientamento pratico e supporto nel complesso mondo della ricerca qualitativa. Fornisce istruzioni passo dopo passo sulla metodologia di ricerca, sulla raccolta e sull’analisi dei dati, garantendo il rigore e la credibilità dei risultati. Per quanto riguarda le consid...

    60,13 €

  • Abordagem de Investigação Qualitativa
    Martin Kuria
    Um guia de investigação qualitativa para os primeiros investigadores pode ser um recurso valioso que oferece clareza, orientação prática e apoio no complexo mundo da investigação qualitativa. Fornece instruções passo a passo sobre a metodologia de investigação, a recolha de dados e a análise, garantindo o rigor e a credibilidade dos resultados. Abordando considerações éticas, o...

    60,13 €

  • Inteligência Artificial E O Futuro Do Trabalho
    Alan Araújo Freitas
    Os avanços tecnológicos podem ter impactos significativos na sociedade, particularmente em termos de emprego e dinâmica de poder. O conceito de substituição, em que o trabalho humano é substituído por máquinas, pode levar ao deslocamento de empregos e até mesmo à desigualdade econômica. O livro enfatiza a necessidade de as sociedades se anteciparem e se prepararem para essas mu...

    16,45 €

  • Realtà nascosta 'Antico popolo di grandi lotte'
    Berlin Diques Rios
    Il popolo Ashaninka è stato conosciuto in passato come CAMPA da alcuni linguisti, antropologi e altri ricercatori stranieri che, senza alcun rispetto, hanno usato le loro ricerche accelerate per dargli questo nome, un termine che per il popolo stesso era fortemente dispregiativo e offensivo. Il popolo menzionato abita più di 7 regioni del Perù, un popolo fortemente violato prim...

    55,22 €

  • Hidden Reality 'Altes Volk mit großen Kämpfen'
    Berlin Diques Rios
    Das Volk der Ashaninka wurde früher von einigen Linguisten, Anthropologen und anderen ausländischen Forschern als CAMPA bezeichnet, die ohne jeglichen Respekt ihre beschleunigte Forschung nutzten, um ihnen diesen Namen zu geben, ein Begriff, der für das Volk selbst stark abwertend und beleidigend war. Das erwähnte Volk bewohnt mehr als 7 Regionen Perus, ein Volk, das zuerst dur...

    55,29 €

  • Скрытая реальность 'Древний народ великой борьбы'
    Берлин Дикес Риос
    Народ ашанинка ранее был известен как КАМПА некоторым лингвистам, антропологам и другим иностранным исследователям, которые без всякого уважения, используя свои ускоренные исследования, присвоили ему это название, которое для самого народа было сильно унизительным и оскорбительным. Упомянутый народ населяет более 7 регионов Перу, народ, который сначала подвергся сильному насили...

    26,54 €

  • Realidade Oculta 'Povo antigo de grandes lutas'
    Berlin Diques Rios
    O povo Ashaninka era anteriormente conhecido como CAMPA por alguns linguistas, antropólogos e outros investigadores estrangeiros que, sem qualquer respeito, utilizaram a sua investigação acelerada para lhes dar este nome, um termo que para o próprio povo era fortemente depreciativo e insultuoso. O povo mencionado habita mais de 7 regiões do Peru, um povo fortemente violentado p...

    55,22 €

  • Réalité cachée 'Ancien peuple de grandes luttes'
    Berlin Diques Rios
    Le peuple Ashaninka était autrefois connu sous le nom de CAMPA par certains linguistes, anthropologues et autres chercheurs étrangers qui, sans aucun respect, ont utilisé leurs recherches accélérées pour leur donner ce nom, un terme qui pour le peuple lui-même était fortement désobligeant et insultant. Le peuple mentionné habite plus de 7 régions du Pérou, un peuple fortement v...

    55,29 €

  • Hidden Reality 'Ancient people of great struggles'
    Berlin Diques Rios
    The Ashaninka people were formerly known as CAMPA by some linguists, anthropologists and some other foreign researchers who, without any respect, using their accelerated research to give them this name, a term that for the people themselves was strongly derogatory and insulting. The mentioned people inhabit more than 7 regions of Peru, a people strongly violated first by the so...

    55,22 €

  • Celtiform Pendants from Pre-Columbian Costa Rica
    Waka Kuboyama-Haraikawa
    This volume elucidates the lapidary technologies and social organisation of pre-Columbian Costa Rica (500 BCE - 900 CE) by analysing the manufacturing and social role of lapidary ornaments, known as celtiform pendants.These pendants are characterised by skilfully decorated carvings on celtiform semiprecious rocks and minerals, such as jadeite. A human or animal face is carved o...

    104,33 €

  • Rochelongue Shipwreck
    Enrique Aragón-Núñez
    The Rochelongue site has yielded a remarkable assembly of mostly metallic objects from both local and foreign provenances. This allows for an investigation into the connectivity in the western Mediterranean through the lens of regional and long-distance maritime trade networks.This research uses an interdisciplinary approach to the archaeological metals assemblage - combining g...

    96,10 €

  • Aegypto Adiecta
    Nikola D. Bellucci
    Aegypto Adiecta indaga la provincia d’Egitto sotto gli imperatori giulio-claudii, partendo dalla conquista del paese da parte di Augusto a seguito della battaglia di Azio. Il volume mette in rilievo le principali continuità e le discontinuità rispetto al precedente periodo tolemaico trattando delle forme e le caratterizzazioni dell’autorità imperiale nel contesto delle dinamich...

    162,35 €

  • GIS Applications in Roman Landscape and Territory
    Geographic Information Systems applied to the study of the landscape and territory of Roman times are currently a common practice in historical and archaeological studies. This book analyzes the issue for the Iberian Peninsula as a whole, Spain and Portugal, transcending the current administrative border. In this book, the most innovative methodologies and results for the study...

    116,99 €

  • Queer Asian Identities in Contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand
    Sidney Gig-Jan Wong
    A Cantonese-Tauiwi queer man reflects on his lived experiences as a means to explore the intersection of Asian-ness and queerness in Aotearoa New Zealand.Queer Asian communities in Aotearoa New Zealand can suffer erasure caused by the dominance of whiteness in queer spaces. Written as a deliberate challenge to this invisibility, author Sidney Gig-Jan Wong 黃吉贊 reflects on his li...

    23,73 €

  • Creative Resistance
    Cindy Horst
    How can hope flourish from the devastation of war, oppression, and forced migration?For the people featured in this book, this is not a philosophical question - it is a lived reality. Drawn from first-hand experience of violent conflict and displacement, the stories in this book belong to three extraordinary individuals who found a path to hope through action in the face of vio...

    23,44 €

  • Matilda Coxe Stevenson
    Darlis A. Miller
    The first woman anthropologist to work in the Southwest, Matilda Coxe Stevenson (1849-1915) helped define the contours of anthropological research at the turn of the twentieth century. In this first book-length biography of Stevenson, Darlis A. Miller challenges older interpretations of her subject’s life and work as she traces one woman’s quest for professional recognition in ...

    35,17 €

  • Bihar Days
    Carolyn Brown Heinz
    Prior to 1947, the Maithil Brahmans dominated North Bihar culturally, politically, and economically. Darbhanga Raj, the richest zamindari estate in British India, was owned by a family of the elite sub-group of Brahmans, the Srotriyas. The high prestige of this elite was based on a lifestyle prescribed by ancient law codes involving simplicity of life, daily Vedic rites, and in...

    18,42 €

  • Dark Nature
    Blake Salemink
    This is Part 1 and Part 2 of my story. It deals with the main character and some other writing. In nature you are never alone.This book is dedicated to the living memory of Colette Marie Salemink born January 16th 1951 and died April 19th 2010.It is a testament to the time I’ve spent in nature as well as romance, fictional vampires, that I loved being a vampire as a child.Natur...

    34,13 €

  • Transnational Spaces
    This volume celebrates fifty years of NeMLA’s important presence in the world of academia with a collection of essays that adopt a transnational critical lens. With the present selection, we intend to add our voices to the ongoing debate centered on the renegotiation of space, national, and cultural geographies; to foster both the re-thinking of language(s) and literature(s) no...

    39,96 €

  • Decolonial Mourning and the Caring Commons
    Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez
    This book engages with decolonial mourning by bearing witness to the political grief work of contemporary struggles against migration-coloniality necropolitics in Europe, the United States and Latin America. ...

    158,25 €

    Aquiles José Medina Marin
    Der Forscher, der Wissenschaftler oder einfach der Neugierige hört nie auf, neugierig zu sein; das Klassenzimmer wird dann selbst zum Labor. Wie jede Forschung muss auch das Lehren einen Plan haben, dessen Struktur sich in den Eingeweiden dieses freundlichen Werkes andeutet... Ein Buch, das lehrt zu lernen, ist ein interessantes Buch. Ein Buch, das gegen den Strom schwimmt, das...

    62,02 €

    Aquiles José Medina Marin
    The researcher, the scientist, or simply the curious, never stops being curious; the classroom then becomes a laboratory in itself. Like all research, the action of teaching must have a plan, the structure of which can be found suggested and contained in the entrails of this friendly work.A book that teaches you to learn is an interesting book. A book against the current, which...

    61,88 €

    Aquiles José Medina Marin
    Le chercheur, le scientifique, ou tout simplement le curieux, ne cesse de l’être ; la classe devient alors un laboratoire en soi. Comme toute recherche, l’action d’enseigner doit avoir un plan, dont la structure pourrait bien être suggérée et contenue dans les entrailles de ce sympathique ouvrage.Un livre qui vous apprend à apprendre est un livre intéressant. Un livre qui va à ...

    61,88 €

    Aquiles José Medina Marin
    Il ricercatore, lo scienziato, o semplicemente il curioso, non smette mai di essere curioso; l’aula diventa allora un laboratorio in sé. Come ogni ricerca, anche l’azione didattica deve avere un piano, la cui struttura può essere suggerita e contenuta nelle viscere di questa simpatica opera. Un libro che insegna a imparare è un libro interessante. Un libro che va controcorrente...

    61,88 €

    Aquiles José Medina Marin
    O investigador, o cientista, ou simplesmente o curioso, nunca deixa de ser curioso; a sala de aula torna-se então um laboratório em si mesma. Como toda a investigação, a ação de ensinar deve ter um plano, cuja estrutura pode muito bem ser sugerida e contida nas entranhas desta obra simpática. Um livro que vai contra a corrente, que nos dá independência mesmo na solidão de um te...

    61,88 €

    Ахиллес Медина Марин
    Исследователь, ученый или просто любопытный человек никогда не перестает быть любопытным, и тогда классная комната сама по себе становится лабораторией. Как и всякое исследование, педагогическая деятельность должна иметь план, структура которого вполне может быть предложена и заключена в недрах этой дружеской работы. Книга, которая учит учиться, - интересная книга. Книга, котор...

    27,98 €

  • Hunters among Farmers
    Akira Takada
    Through moving life histories, Akira Takada gives the !Xun of north-central Namibia a voice in their own history. In contrast to other marginalised San minorities, the !Xun foster co-operative relationships with their neighbours, the Ovawambo and with the state. In the face of radical social changes over the past century, they have maintained traditional hunting and gathering a...

    44,81 €

  • (C)over Your Head
    One of the most enduring symbol of Moorish presence the world over: the Moslem turban. Seeking to invoke the impression of an educational stroll through a niche art gallery, this text examines the Moslem Turban from a Moorish American perspective using historical references. Includes the metaphysical meanings of decorative elements, adaptations over time and space, wrapping ins...

    24,26 €

  • Lost culture between Kyzylkum and Karakum
    Saparbaeva Aziza
    This book 'Lost culture between Kyzylkum and Karakum' by Saparbaeva Aziza is dedicated to the history of the hardworking inhabitants of Khorezm, rich in legends, who created a high culture in ancient times. ...

    21,08 €

  • Resilience and Familism
    A highly comprehensive ethnographic analysis, Resilience and Familism demonstrates in a specifically Filipino context how strong familial ties can affect inner strength and outer determination. ...

    211,53 €