Salud y desarrollo personal

Salud y desarrollo personal (155361)

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  • The 3D Diet
    Victoria Rosenthal
    The 3D Diet challenges the established principles of the diet industry and the (so-called) medical experts and blows the lid off the secret of permanent weight loss!  A witty, empathetic, MUST HAVE book for every single person who has tried every diet there is and still failed to lose weight and keep it off.  With more than 65% of the population suffering from obesity, this boo...

    9,09 €

  • navigate
    karen gunton
    you are here to be the highest, brightest version of yourself… to live a life that lights you up… to shine your light! the best way to shine is to build a lighthouse… to BE a lighthouse.this guidebook is a companion to the book lighthouse revolution (which you can find at and explores strategies for building each component of your lighthouse. navigate ...

    14,71 €

  • 50 Recetas De Comidas Para Impulsar Su Producción De Leche Materna
    Joe Correa
    50 Recetas De Comidas Para Impulsar Su Producción De Leche Materna: Brinde A Su Cuerpo Las Comidas Apropiadas Para Ayudarla a Generar Leche Materna De Alta Calidad RápidoPor Joe Correa CSN Una nutrición apropiada es el componente fundamental al establecer una buena lactancia. Los alimentos lactogénicos, también llamados galactogogos, facilitan la producción de leche al incremen...

    20,69 €

  • A Modern Day Saint - Father Gabriel Mejia
    Scott Werner
    A Claretian priest in Colombia, Father Gabriel Mejia, has developed a rehabilitation process for addicted and abused youth that uses love consciousness and meditation as a basis of therapy. The Claret Homes, or Hogares Claret in Spanish, are safe-havens for youth who have been living on the streets. The many homes of Father Mejia’s foundation have experienced a 98% success rate...

    21,92 €

  • Come disegnare per i bambini
    Young Scholar
    Come disegnare for Kids e un libro di attivita che insegna ai bambini e chiunque sia interessato a imparare a disegnare, il modo piu veloce e piu facile da realizzare che, utilizzando forme semplici. Non appena i bambini possono tenere una matita possono imparare a disegnare i loro animali preferiti utilizzando questo libro come una guida. C'e un artista in ogni bambino, no...

    11,28 €

  • Jumbo Libro da colorare principessa e fiabe
    Coloring Pages for Kids
    Principessa e Fairy Tales Coloring Book e una raccolta di illustrazioni di principesse delle fiabe impegnati in varie attivita di regali. Che tu sia un appassionato Royalty o di fiaba o sono interessati a sfruttare la distensione proprieta di perdersi in un'attivita, troverete questo libro da colorare molto coinvolgente! Le Principesse attendono con ansia i colpi dei vostri...

    6,52 €

  • West-Malbuch
    Coloring Pages for Kids
    Western Coloring Book "Cowboys ist eine Sammlung von erstaunlichen Illustrationen von Cowboys aus dem wilden Westen! Dieses F‰rbebuch bietet eine Gelegenheit, ¸ber die Grenzen Amerikas, das Outfit von Cowboys und ihren Alltag zu lernen.Kinder gewinnen Vertrauen in sich selbst, wenn sie Farben w‰hlen und ihre F‰higkeiten sch‰rfen, wenn sie in den Linien f‰rben, um ihr Meisterwer...

    6,86 €

  • Livre de coloration de l'Ouest
    Coloring Pages for Kids
    Western Coloring Book 'Cowboys est une collection d'illustrations Ètonnantes de cow-boys de l'ouest sauvage sauvage! Ce livre de coloriage offre une occasion d'apprendre sur l'AmÈrique de la frontiËre, la tenue des cow-boys et leur vie quotidienne. Les enfants gagnent la confiance en eux-mÍmes quand ils prennent des couleurs et perfectionnent leurs qualification...

    6,29 €

  • Occidentale Coloring Book
    Coloring Pages for Kids
    Occidentale libro da colorare 'Cowboys Ë una collezione di sorprendenti illustrazioni di cowboy del selvaggio West! Questo libro da colorare offre l'opportunit‡ di conoscere di frontiera l'America, l'abito di cowboy e la loro vita di tutti i giorni. I bambini ottenere la fiducia in se stessi, quando prendono i colori e affinare le loro abilit‡ quando colore all'...

    6,29 €

  • Libro para colorear occidental
    Coloring Pages for Kids
    Western Colouring Book 'Cowboys es una colecciÛn de increÌbles ilustraciones de vaqueros del salvaje oeste salvaje! Este libro para colorear ofrece una oportunidad para aprender sobre la frontera de AmÈrica, el traje de vaqueros y su vida cotidiana. Los niÒos ganan confianza en sÌ mismos cuando recogen los colores y perfeccionan sus habilidades cuando se colorean dentro de las ...

    6,29 €

  • Energy Lines
    Debra J Robinson
    “Energy Lines” is a collection of short stories that reflect on death by considering how the challenges of life are really the machinery that moves life along. The stories are from the different phases of reaching adulthood and understanding life choices.  Love and death come together in sometimes humorous situations to advance the characters to a new level in their lives. The ...

    16,58 €

  • A Woman's Guide To Financial Planning
    Shak Hill
    When my mother was 43 years old, she was divorced after 22 years of marriage and 5 boys, and I’m number two. Through no fault of her own, my mother was not prepared to handle her half of the settlement, and had tripped herself down the path of becoming an “old lady on a fixed income.” This book is fast past, fun and entertaining AND informative. The 7 Essential Ingredients walk...

    17,98 €

  • Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States
    Samuel FB Morse
    The Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, employed the Vatican, Austrian Prince Metternich and his St. Leopold Foundation to infiltrate the United States of America.  Samuel F.B. Morse spent several years in Europe, mostly near Rome, studying the actions and behaviors of the Jesuits, and conferring with dignitaries and others who had intimate knowledge of the Jesuits and their intri...

    25,55 €

  • The Birthing Chair
    Cornelia A. Meeks / Cornelia AMeeks
    If you are one of many people who have experienced seasons of pressing trials, pain, and tragedy, you may have also questioned God in moments of insecurity, confusion, and controversy brought on by your experience.  Maybe you wonder about the purpose of trials or why there is no end to cycle of pain.  This book will help you to gain understanding of the mind of God concerning p...

    15,85 €

  • Discover the Hidden Beliefs in Your Dreams
    Janet S Wahl
    Do you believe you deserve a successful career? …a harmonious relationship? …prosperity? Your conscious mind says, “Yes, I deserve prosperity.” But your subconscious mind might say “No,” and it always wins. If your subconscious says, “No,” it may believe that “prosperity is dangerous,” or “someone will rob and kill you for your success,” or “a relationship will destroy you.” T...

    7,28 €

  • Happiness In Recovery
    Margaret Hart
    This practical guide, filled with handy links to exercises, really challenges our notions of what happiness is. The idea, held by many, of it being about pleasure, is torn down by the author’s brutal logic and honest disclosure of personal experience. Instead we find that happiness is more akin to freedom, liberation from our judgements and attachment to outcomes, as well as co...

    13,24 €

  • Kissing the Tarmac
    James Hansen
    Kissing The Tarmac is unlike most Vietnam War memoirs. James Hansen’s story is focused on both the development and resolution of Post Traumatic Stress Order. The story is told in a unique manner, describing his war experiences along with passages from his daily journal and the author’s letters he wrote home during his tour of duty. This style creates a window into the author’s ...

    14,05 €

  • Storiez A Do It Yourself Guide
    Meagan Corrado
    Storiez: A Do It Yourself Guide is a tool for children, teenagers, and adults between the ages of 7 and 107. Storiez: A Do It Yourself Guide will help you create, voice, and honor your life story. It begins by helping you name your supports. It helps you find ways to express feelings. To put a lid on your feelings and experiences when you need to. It helps you create a timeline...

    15,62 €

  • Moods of Motherhood
    Lucy H. Pearce / Pearce H Lucy
    Moods of Motherhood charts the inner journey of motherhood, giving voice to the often nebulous, unspoken tumble of emotions that motherhood evokes: tenderness, frustration, joy, grief, anger, depression and love. Lucy H. Pearce explores the taboo subjects of maternal ambiguity, competitiveness, and the quest for perfection, offering support, acceptance, and hope to mothers ever...

    13,82 €

  • 33 Ricette Contro Il Cancro Alla Prostata Che Ti Aiuteranno a Combattere Il Cancro, Ad Aumentare La Tua Energia, e Sentirti Meglio
    Joe Correa
    33 Ricette contro il cancro alla prostata che ti aiuteranno a combattere il cancro, ad aumentare la tua energia, e sentirti meglio: la soluzione più semplice ai problemi che ti dà il cancro Di Joe Correa CSN   Il cancro, in generale, è una malattia ben nota che attacca molti organi e altre parti del corpo, in qualche modo aumenta la crescita anormale delle cellule che causan...

    20,21 €

  • 38 Ricette Per Prevenire La Calvizie
    Joe Correa
    38 Ricette per prevenire la calvizie: iniziare a mangiare alimenti ricchi di vitamine e minerali per evitare di perdere i capelli di Joe Correa CSN La perdita dei capelli e la calvizie colpiscono milioni di uomini e donne ogni anno. Una delle cause più comuni della perdita dei capelli, sia per uomini che per donne, è la malnutrizione. I sintomi fisici della calvizie possono e...

    20,44 €

  • 48 Recetas De Comidas Poderosas Que Ayudarán A Controlar Su Presión Sanguínea Alta
    Joe Correa
    48 Recetas De Comidas Poderosas Que Ayudarán A Controlar Su Presión Sanguínea Alta: Una Solución Natural A La Hipertensión Sin Pastillas O Medicamentos Por Joe Correa CSN   La hipertensión o presión sanguínea alta, que muchos especialistas llaman “el asesino silencioso”, es una condición muy comunmente encontrada. Podría no ser identificable por mucho tiempo, pero a largo pl...

    20,21 €

  • 46 Rezepte um Zahnlöchern vorzubeugen
    Joe Correa
    46 Rezepte um Zahnlöchern vorzubeugen: Stärke deine Zähne und die Gesundheit im Zahnraum durch nährstoffreiche Lebensmittel Von Joe Correa CSN Wir putzen unsere Zähne zwei Mal am Tag, wir benutzen täglich Zahnseide, wir verwenden Mundspülung. Aber was ist mit unserem Essen? Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass das Geheimnis für gesunde Zähne im Kühlschrak liegt! Um also Kavität ...

    20,52 €

  • Yoruba 16 Oracle Geomancy
    Sixto J. Novaton
    Obtaining an oracle for divination from the coconut/cowrie/coin toss:This simple system is a summarized extract of accumulated knowledge from when I first began to toss obi (coconuts) at 16. Granted, it has been expanded with insights from the cowrie (dilogun) and Ifa systems of divination. It has been written for those who after having dedicated much time to spiritual enlighte...

    13,78 €

  • 55 Rezepte, um Schmerzen und Beschwerden von Arthritis zu lindern
    Joe Correa
    55 Rezepte, um Schmerzen und Beschwerden von Arthritis zu lindern: Natürliche Heilmittel gegen Arthritis, die wirklich funktionieren Von Joe Correa CSN   Es gibt mehr als 100 Millionen Formen von Arthritis, wobei die am meisten verbreitete Form die Osteoarthritis ist – das Ergebnis einer offenen Wunde, Infektion oder hohen Alters. Um Arthritis vorzubeugen oder seine Auswirku...

    20,68 €

  • 41 Recettes Entièrement Naturelles de Repas pour Combattre le Cancer du Poumon
    Joe Correa
    41 Recettes Entièrement Naturelles de Repas pour Combattre le Cancer du Poumon Par Joe Correa CSN   Pour éviter le cancer du poumon, une bonne nutrition est un facteur clé et les aliments tels que les feuilles du  chou vert, le brocoli, le jus d'orange et les fruits de mer, surtout la morue, sont les principaux ingrédients. Ces aliments, en particulier, contribueront à v...

    20,12 €

  • Gathering the Fragments of Myself
    Jan Banaszek
    The third of eleven children, Jan Banaszek spends her childhood in the role of fierce protector—striving to shield her younger siblings from the dysfunctional home life created by their father, a volatile man who can snap at any moment. With a loving but subservient mother who looks the other way at her husband’s inappropriate behavior with their daughters, Jan unwittingly seek...

    11,81 €

  • The Gift of Motherhood
    Farah Hattab
    Variety of Illustrations including collages of cute baby items, different nursery room themes, florals, architecture and more. Great entertainment when you are too tired (or too heavy) to move. Just sit, relax and color these illustrations that will remind you the beauty and gift of being a mother. Keep it in your purse during those long waiting periods at the doctor’s office o...

    26,33 €

  • I Didn't Know What to Say
    David Knapp
    Death is the opposite of life. And for those who have experienced loss, grieving can feel dark, lonely, scary, confusing and/or almost unbearable. For those grieving, life almost seems suspended, but the reality is, life goes on regardless of our loss. As fellow humans looking on, we WANT to communicate, but words seem impotent and so often we simply don't know what to say...

    11,54 €

  • Scooch!
    Jaya the Trust Coach
    Scooch! offers a kinder, gentler process of personal growth and healing: point yourself roughly in the right direction and inch that way—no need to map out the whole journey. This spiritual, many-paths-friendly approach offers workable support in practicing presence and nonresistance; following inner guidance; and declaring a grand experiment to live in a friendly Universe. Pa...

    10,36 €