
Medicina / Otras ramas de la medicina / Psicología clínica / Psicoterapia (4277)

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  • NCMHCE Study Guide
    Elissa Simon
    Introducing our NCMHCE Study Guide: Exam Prep and Practice Questions for the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Test! Trivium Test Prep’s NCMHCE Study Guide includes everything you need to pass the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Exam the first time.Quick review of the concepts covered on the NCMHCE2 Practice tests with detailed answer explanationsTips and tr...

    75,29 €

  • Finding the Valuable Person
    Chris Steed
    Finding the Valuable Person proposes a new form of therapy. The big theme is that experiences of being devalued when we are not seen or heard, diminished or suffer indignities evoke responses that show up in distress clients bring. These reactions show a prime human need for our personhood to be valuable and validated that generates soul-hungers (for connection, desire, signifi...

    35,29 €

  • Finding the Valuable Person
    Chris Steed
    Finding the Valuable Person proposes a new form of therapy. The big theme is that experiences of being devalued when we are not seen or heard, diminished or suffer indignities evoke responses that show up in distress clients bring. These reactions show a prime human need for our personhood to be valuable and validated that generates soul-hungers (for connection, desire, signifi...

    54,31 €

  • 143 preguntas para conseguir una relación invencible
    Grete Garrido
    Estáis a 143 preguntas de construir una unión para toda la vida. Múltiples estudios aseguran que una comunicación fluida y sincera es la responsable en más de un 80% del éxito de cualquier relación de pareja. Este cuestionario es vuestro pasaporte a una unión fuerte, estable, íntima y auténtica. Un camino apasionante hacia vosotros mismos, como individuos y como pareja, dando l...

    16,12 €

  • 松弛感
    编辑推荐1. 【6大维度、25条路径,拥有松弛感的系统方案,掌握应对不确定性的核心能力】本书从思考能力、解决问题、内在驱动、精力管理、时间管理等方面,帮助读者由内而外建立一套可操作的认知和管理方法论,真正达到一种根基扎实、不断成长、具有韧性的松弛感,从容应对一切问题。2. 【《奇葩说》幕后培训导师、人气辩手胡渐彪重磅新作】华语辩论圈影响力人物、传奇职业经理人胡渐彪在这个焦虑的时代,提出了他对'松弛感'这一热议话题的思考--成为有办法的人,过张弛有度、游刃有余的人生。3. 【有办法才能真松弛,给年轻人的人生答案之书】本书精准把握到当下年轻人的焦虑和困境,所提出的案例和方法都具有很强的针对性、实操性,通过提供行之有效的系统工具,帮助读者在自己能够掌控的范围里,构建一个张弛有度、从容稳健的生活节奏。4. 帆书App创始人、首席内容官樊登,复旦大学人文学者、...

    33,22 €

  • 摆脱精神内耗:为什么我们总被内疚、自责和负罪感支配
    编辑推荐习惯性内疚是一种无谓的精神内耗,只有摆脱它,我们才能放下沉重的精神负担,好好爱自己、爱他人。有时内疚是积极的,它会促使我们弥补错误,成为有责任和担当的人。然而,过度的内疚感却会消耗我们,让我们陷入情绪泥潭,变得恐惧、不安和疲惫。比如:·总是为过去的选择、错误或不完美而自责; ·感觉自己永远都做得还不够;·当应该说不'时却说了'好'; ·任由别人用内疚感来操控自己;·当自己既需要也想要时,不敢大声说出来,或者感觉自己不配;............你总是觉得对不起别人,其实你对不起的人就是你自己。没有人是完美的,我们时时尽力,却经常无能为力。学会坦然接受自己的不完美和局限性,面对不如意,既学会内观也学会外看,相信自己拥有的一切都是值得的,才能让自己充满幸福感和正能量。 内容简介一本帮助习惯性内疚者抵抗负能量的暖心指导书哪怕再不想面对,也要勇敢地剥...

    33,11 €

  • The Beyond Addiction Workbook for Family and Friends
    Jeffrey Foote
    Addiction is a family affair, and one in four US families are impacted by its devastating effects. From the authors of the best-selling guide, Beyond Addiction, this empowering and healing workbook offers evidence-based skills for family members who want to understand what drives their loved one’s addictive behavior, and learn how to discuss it without conflict. This practical,...

    29,87 €

  • Our Deepest Roots
    Jen Towns
    Having trauma is hard. Being in a relationship is hard. Having to navigate trauma histories while being in a queer relationship in today’s society is really freaking hard! Trauma changes us-our sense of safety, our beliefs about ourselves and the world, and even our body chemistry. However, it is possible to identify it, explore it, and work through it to create healthier and ...

    32,28 €

  • Addiction Counselor Exam Study Guide
    Elissa Simon
    Introducing our Addiction Counselor Exam Study Guide: 2 Full-Length Practice Tests and Prep Book for IC&RC ADC, NCAC I, and CASAC! Trivium Test Prep’s Addiction Counselor Exam Study Guide includes everything you need to pass the Addiction Counseling exam the first time.Quick review of the concepts covered on the Addiction Counseling exam2 full practice tests with detailed answe...

    65,25 €

  • Beyond Coping Skills
    Richard Bass
    There are over 55,000 posts about #MentalHealth on TikTok, viewed by more than 188 million users. This shows that mental health awareness is becoming a hot topic for many young people.With all of this content flooding the internet, it is becoming easier for teens to find peers who are faced with similar psychological issues. But more often than not, they are still left confused...

    21,10 €

  • ONEplus Therapy
    In this book, Windy Dryden explains why he now refers to the single-session therapy work that he does as ONEplus therapy. Two consistent themes that run through the book are that help is best provided at point of client need and that while therapist and client agree to work together to provide the help the client wants in one session (the ONE in ONEplus therapy), further help i...

    18,44 €

  • Anti-infelicidade
    Fernando Paque
    O Curso Mentalidade, fundado e liderado por Fernando Paque na Missão Mariana Braga em Presidente Prudente SP, virou um livro com o objetivo de alcançar, melhorar etransformar muito mais vidas.Como ser feliz através do autoconhecimento, sabedoria e trilhando um único caminho? Como entrar em ação com foco na sua vida, missão e propósito?Neste livro você vai encontrar técnicas, m...

    10,62 €

  • Unmasking Narcissism
    Garry Martin
    Unmasking Narcissism: Empowering Strategies to Navigate and Heal from Narcissistic AbuseIs a comprehensive guide that delves deep into the intricate world of narcissistic abuse and equips readers with powerful strategies to overcome its devastating effects.Written by experts in the field, this book provides a compassionate and insightful exploration of narcissism, its dynamics,...

    14,11 €

  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
    Francis Morgan
    Elevate your thinking and overcome any challenge with 'Critical Thinking and Problem Solving,' the essential guide that empowers you to become a master problem solver in every aspect of your life. This transformative book is your key to developing the critical thinking skills needed to thrive in today’s complex world and achieve unparalleled success.'Critical Thinking and Probl...

    77,86 €

  • Insecurity Unlocked
    Lilla Rose
    Are you caught in a vicious cycle of insecurity?Insecurity can be a vicious cycle that affects our relationships and triggers fears and anxieties. It leads us to dwell on worst-case scenarios and search for signs of our fears even in trivial details, feeding our insecurity even more. This can result in conflicts, less communication, jealousy, and distrust, ultimately leading to...

    14,39 €

  • Beyond the Looking Glass Finding Healing After Divorcing a Narcissist
    Brian Gibson
    Beyond the Looking Glass: Finding Healing after Divorcing a Narcissist is a compassionate and empowering guidebook that offers support and guidance to individuals who have experienced the challenges of divorcing a narcissist. Drawing upon expert knowledge, personal experiences, and psychological insights, this book comprehensively explores the healing journey after divorcing a ...

    12,13 €

  • Sensivelmente
    Silvana Haidar Pacífico
    Este livro trata de questões do cotidiano de natureza emocional, espiritual epsicológica. ...

    20,89 €

    Alberto Pinguelli
    Vi sentite mai come se foste emotivamente sulle montagne russe?Non solo a causa delle tue emozioni o relazioni instabili, ma anche per il senso vacillante di chi sei.Le persone con BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) tendono ad essere estremamente sensibili. Piccole cose possono scatenare reazioni intense. E una volta sconvolte, hanno difficoltà a calmarsi. È facile capire co...

    16,39 €

    Margaret Mitchell
    If you can’t escape from depression, anxiety, panic attacks and anger in your everyday life, you can now discover how to it......thanks to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy!'Running away from any problem only increases the distance from the solution'Medical conditions such as anxiety, depression, OCD, addictions, and substance abuse can all benefit from ACT and Mindfulness-Base...

    16,33 €

  • INSIGHTFUL SELF-THERAPY - Increasing Your Awareness about Mental Health and How to Live a Happier Life
    BSRN LMHC Denise Schonwald
    Geared toward mental health, this book addresses the everyday problems many of us face and provides helpful tools for correcting them. Like a daily devotional, digest it one chapter at a time, or use it as a reference book for yourself to create optimal physical health, satisfying relationships, and overall feelings of peace and happiness. ...

    22,97 €

  • Atendimento Psicanalítico Com Crianças
    Ademir Barbosa Da Silva
    A teoria psicanalítica apresenta diversas vertentes e na compreensão da criança não é diferente, e sendo esse um tema de extrema importância, dedico-me a compilar nesse livro as várias correntes de pensamento de uma forma organizada com uma linguagem simples e direta para que possamos qualificar esse amplo discurso que é a clínica psicanalítica com crianças. ...

    17,18 €

  • The Astrologer, the Counsellor and the Priest
    Juliet Sharman-Burke / Liz Greene
    This is a reprint of the original CPA Press version. The two seminars in this volume, given by astrologers with extensive psychotherapeutic training as well as many years’ experience of astrological work, will be an enormous asset to any astrologer working in a counselling role. This book may also be disturbing to those astrologers who feel that reading the horoscope, because i...

    22,63 €

  • Single-Session Therapy and Regret
    Windy Dryden
    In this book, Windy Dryden presents and discusses transcripts of single sessions he conducted with volunteers from Onlinevents who were seeking help to deal with a variety of problems related to regret. Each volunteer presents a reflection on their session several months later and in the final chapter, Windy Dryden brings together the themes that emerge from volunteers’ reflect...

    17,19 €

  • Come Passion
    Colleen E. Clark
    Anyone working in trauma-informed care knows that the body keeps the score. This is why PTSD therapy can make such a difference in not only the mental health of those suffering from PTSD and complex PTSD but also in their physical health. However, psychotherapy for PTSD, cognitive behavioural therapy, and internal family systems therapy aren’t always enough. For clients needing...

    16,56 €

  • O Amor Não Arde Em Ciúmes
    William Vicente Borges
    O ciúme é uma emoção humana comum e natural, que muitas vezes surge em relacionamentos amorosos. No entanto, quando não é gerenciado adequadamente, o ciúme pode se tornar uma fonte de conflito e dor emocional.Este livro é uma reflexão sobre o ciúme nos relacionamentos, e busca fornecer orientação para aqueles que desejam lidar com essa emoção de maneira saudável. Abordamos as d...

    14,99 €

  • 90 Days of Self-Love
    Anna Haverford
    90 Days of Self-Love: No Contact Challenge for WomenHow to Free Yourself from Narcissistic Abuse Using Guided Personal Reflections "90 Days of Self-Love: No Contact Challenge for Women" is a transformative self-help personal reflections guide designed to help women heal and grow through the process of going no contact with toxic people in their lives. This guide provides a 90-d...

    13,33 €

  • Curare la Psichiatria
    Andrea Vallarino
    La lotta contro l’ideologia psichiatrica ed il marketing delle aziende farmaceutiche è una lotta impari e destinata all’insuccesso, però mi sembra giusto provare lo stesso a seguire i dettami di un noto psichiatra, Viktor Emil Frankl, il fondatore della logoterapia, medico austriaco, che aveva conosciuto i campi di concentramento dove era stato internato per due anni e mezzo. L...

    25,97 €

  • Espelho Animal
    Antônio Anderson Câncio Mota
    Este livro é sobre como e exercício do cuidado nos humaniza. Sobre como a nossa animalidade, muitas vezes negada, pode nos animar para um viver menos agrilhoado às correntes aprisionadoras da sociedade, que tenta nos bestializar por nossas biografias e biodiversidades. Pois, afinal, o leitor está convidado ao encontro com os animais e consigo a partir de um espelhamento íntimo ...

    20,08 €

  • Bringing Life to Psychology
    Monica Baehr / Nancy Dudley
    Bringing Life to Psychology by Nancy Dudley and Monica BaehrMovies as Mirrors: Is the purpose of movies simply to entertain and preoccupy our time with passive viewing? The authors of this book suggest that there is much more happening in our unconscious mind. As university instructors, they developed strategies for using films to broaden their students’ perspectives on the hum...

    37,79 €

  • Intelligenza Emotiva
    Alessandro Rossi
    Le emozioni fanno parte della biologia umana. Sono sostanze chimiche che aiutano a regolare la nostra mente e il nostro corpo, e ci aiutano a far fronte alla complessità di prendere decisioni, interagire con le persone e trovare la nostra strada nella vita. Proviamo emozioni per aiutarci a prestare attenzione e a focalizzare la nostra attenzione. Anche se a volte confondono, le...

    14,28 €