
Medicina / Otras ramas de la medicina / Psicología clínica / Psicoterapia (4277)

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  • Toxic Families, Violent Lives
    Stephen G. Lindsey
    IF YOU ARE A PARENT, SCHOOLTEACHER, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, OR MENTAL HEALTHCARE PROVIDER, Toxic Families, Violent Lives lays out what you need to know aboutwhat is causing heightened levels of childhood/adolescent mental illness, behavioral disorders, juvenile alcohol and substance abuse, gang membership, school dropouts, teen pregnancies, and pervasive crime and violence. To...

    21,64 €

  • Toxic Families, Violent Lives
    Stephen G. Lindsey
    IF YOU ARE A PARENT, SCHOOLTEACHER, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, OR MENTAL HEALTHCARE PROVIDER, Toxic Families, Violent Lives lays out what you need to know aboutwhat is causing heightened levels of childhood/adolescent mental illness, behavioral disorders, juvenile alcohol and substance abuse, gang membership, school dropouts, teen pregnancies, and pervasive crime and violence. To...

    33,57 €

  • All the Families of the Earth
    Barbara Laymon
    In All the Families of the Earth, characters from Abram to Ruth come alive, providing fresh insights for today’s challenges. Barbara Laymon’s imaginative approach involves behind-the-scenes therapists who counsel biblical figures and journal about their conversations. Informed by Laymon’s background as a counselor, the therapists tell the stories of Scripture while describing t...

    15,83 €

  • All the Families of the Earth
    Barbara Laymon
    In All the Families of the Earth, characters from Abram to Ruth come alive, providing fresh insights for today’s challenges. Barbara Laymon’s imaginative approach involves behind-the-scenes therapists who counsel biblical figures and journal about their conversations. Informed by Laymon’s background as a counselor, the therapists tell the stories of Scripture while describing t...

    29,18 €

  • Doing Research in Psychological Therapies
    Joel Vos

    52,84 €

  • Doing Research in Psychological Therapies
    Joel Vos

    153,55 €

  • Em Uma Conversa Jogada Fora
    Andreza Crispim
    Em uma Conversa Jogada Fora é o terceiro trabalho da talentosa poeta pernambucana Andreza Crispim, e é evidente que sua jornada literária tem sido uma trajetória de crescimento e evolução.Nas páginas deste livro, Andreza nos presenteia com uma mistura emocionante de poemas em verso e prosa, criando uma experiência de leitura que é ao mesmo tempo profundamente íntima e surpreend...

    24,48 €

  • The Art of Child-Centered EMDR
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    "The Art of Child-Centered EMDR: A Practical Handbook" is a comprehensive guide that delves into the world of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy as applied to children. EMDR is a powerful therapeutic approach, and in this book, we explore how it can be tailored specifically for young clients. You’ll discover the fundamental differences between standard...

    7,08 €

  • Parts of Me
    Calandra Balfour / Calandra JM Balfour
    'Part of Me' - Synopsis 'Parts of Me: A Teen’s Guide to Exploring the Inner World with Internal Family Systems' is a captivating and user-friendly guide aimed at teens but also valuable for children, parents, therapists working with clients, and adults who want to delve into their inner world and gain a better understanding of themselves. This easy-to-understand and approachabl...

    17,66 €

  • I Didn’t Sign Up for This
    Tracy Dalgleish
    What happens when your relationship no longer feels like the one you said 'yes' to?  Couples therapist Dr. Tracy Dalgleish has spent the last seventeen years dedicated to helping hundreds of couples in distress find hope and healing, sometimes by staying together and other times not. Breakdowns in communication, lack of intimacy, infidelity, overbearing in-laws and exes (to nam...

    17,10 €

  • Libro de Colorear para Adultos Volumen 3
    ¡Relájate y aléjate del estrés del día a día!Los libros para colorear ya no son solo cosa de niños. Hoy en día, nuestras vidas son cada vez más ajetreadas y complicadas. El auge de las nuevas tecnologías nos lleva a recibir oleadas de correos electrónicos y notificaciones de las redes sociales. Esta constante estimulación de expectativas, obligaciones y estrés nos deja agotados...

    18,84 €

  • Low-Intensity Practice with Children, Young People and Families

    50,17 €

  • Low-Intensity Practice with Children, Young People and Families

    152,11 €

  • Naciendo: revista española de psicología y psicopatología perinatal e infantil - 03
    Asociación Salud Mental Infantil desde Gestación ASMI-WAIMH España
    Tenemos una gran noticia: la Plataforma Internacional Conecta Perinatal ha elaborado un documento titulado Mejorar el cuidado de la Salud Mental Perinatal (Fundamentos, propuestas y peticiones) que incluimos eTenemos una gran noticia: la Plataforma Internacional Conecta Perinatal ha elaborado un documento titulado Mejorar el cuidado de la Salud Mental Perinatal (Fundamentos, pr...

    22,88 €

  • Coming Back to the Present
    Audrey N. Hall / George C. Hall
    In Coming Back to the Present, you learn how to practice proven mindfulness skills, which you can use to live a more rich, full, meaningful life. As a mindfulness-based program for stress reduction based on more than 20 years of research and practice at some of the best hospitals in the United States, such as the Hospitals of the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Mi...

    92,05 €

  • Meu Mundo À Parte
    André Campos
    Neste livro ficará evidente o aspecto biográfico em suas linhas, mas o intuito é mostrar a realidade de vida pela perspectiva de alguém com a Síndrome de Asperger (TEA CID11). Trazendo a narrativa dos fatos pelo olhar de quem os viveu e que sente tudo com a intensidade e o desgaste interior atípico causado pelos fatores inerentes ao espectro do autismo. Evidenciando também às v...

    9,48 €

  • The Best Bedtime Story Ever
    Susan Highsmith
    Do you want to improve your child’s behavior? An undiscovered window to guiding your children is open while they sleep! During this time your child’s developing ego-mind is quiet and cannot disagree or talk back. This is an open door for a caring parent to suggest alternative thoughts, feelings, and actions. A belief that your child holds like 'Kids pick on me,' becomes 'Other ...

    29,26 €

  • Anxiety in Relationships for Couples
    Lesley Howard
    Title: 'Navigating the Storm: Anxiety in Relationships for Couples'Are you tired of letting anxiety steal the joy and connection from your relationship? 'Navigating the Storm: Anxiety in Relationships for Couples' is your compass to transforming anxiety into a catalyst for deeper understanding, intimacy, and lasting love.In today’s fast-paced world, anxiety can often creep into...

    105,01 €

  • Descubre las Green Flags de Pareja y Mejora tus Relaciones Amorosas
    Julio Alberto Martinez Lagrene
    Las relaciones amorosas son una parte fundamental de la vida de muchas personas, ya que nos permiten compartir momentos y emociones con alguien que nos importa. Sin embargo, mantener una relación sana y duradera no es una tarea fácil y requiere esfuerzo y compromiso por parte de ambas partes. Por eso, es importante prestar atención a las Green Flags de Pareja, que son los compo...

    25,57 €

  • Group Work
    Social group work unites individuals, groups, and communities in times of struggle and times ofsuccess. The positive impact of group intervention becomes even more apparent and powerful when persons are confronted by extraordinary circumstances that cause social isolation, grief and loss, trauma, or despair during a global health emergency such as COVID-19. This book focuses on...

    51,10 €

  • Counseling Children and Adolescents
    The sixth edition of the best-selling Counseling Children and Adolescents offers readers a comprehensive exploration of the practice of counseling young clients. The book introduces several theories that have proven effective with young clients, then couples that information with developmentally and culturally appropriate interventions and counseling techniques.Additional chapt...

    178,64 €

  • Counseling Children and Adolescents

    241,10 €

  • The Disenchanted Therapist
    S. J. Southwell
    As you have arrived at this book description it is likely that you are a therapist, or someone who is concerned about the wellbeing of therapists. If you are a therapist, then the chances are that you are struggling in some way. If so, you are not alone. Therapy is tremendously rewarding work. At the same time though, it is extraordinarily demanding. As a result, each year, man...

    12,98 €

  • Up Your Averages
    Mark Cass / Michelle Cass
    This is Book Two in the Up Your Averages Daily Devotional series.While the first book offered daily morsels of wisdom and bite-sized pieces of information on how to improve the quality of your life, thisbook, while written in the same daily devotional format, is for couples and focuses on how to draw closer to your partner and how to improve thequality of your personal relation...

    17,39 €

  • Jesus and Logotherapy
    Robert C. Leslie
    ''Tested in the rigors of concentration camp living, logotherapy offers a philosophy of life and a method of counseling which is more consistent with a basically Christian view of life than any other existing system in the current therapeutic world.''Beginning with this thesis, Dr. Leslie compares the modern counseling methods of Viktor Frankl, famed Viennese psychiatrist, with...

    20,58 €

  • Jesus and Logotherapy
    Robert C. Leslie
    ''Tested in the rigors of concentration camp living, logotherapy offers a philosophy of life and a method of counseling which is more consistent with a basically Christian view of life than any other existing system in the current therapeutic world.''Beginning with this thesis, Dr. Leslie compares the modern counseling methods of Viktor Frankl, famed Viennese psychiatrist, with...

    37,34 €

  • The Power of Stories
    Allan Guggenbühl
    Often lips are sealed, and delicate topics avoided, when children or adolescents are in a conflict situation or have experienced a trauma. Psychologists, psychotherapist, teachers are challenged and must find alternative ways to connect to the individual or group. Talking alone is not sufficient.In this book-Volume 7 of the Zürich Lecture Series-a therapeutic method and conflic...

    37,18 €

  • Psychopathologie de la vie quotidienne
    Sigmund Freud
    '... La conclusion générale qui se dégage des considérations particulières développées dans les chapitres précédents peut être formulée ainsi : certaines insuffisances de notre fonctionnement psychique (insuffisances dont le caractère général sera, avec plus de précision, défini tout à l’heure) et certains actes en apparence non-intentionnels se révèlent, lorsqu’on leur appliqu...

    15,02 €

  • Sovrappensiero
    Roberto Gilloni
    Il sovrappensiero sta causando stress, ansia e procrastinazione nella tua vita?Ottieni soluzioni facili, pratiche e realizzabili per superare il problema del sovrappensiero in 30 giorniLa procrastinazione è diventata la tua seconda natura?               Sei sempre preoccupato che qualcosa possa andare storto in qualsiasi momento?Cerchi sempre di mantenere il controllo, e anche ...

    20,43 €

  • 不原谅也没关系
    编辑推荐★创伤疗愈大师皮特•沃克经典之作★被翻译成40多种语言,全球销量超50万册★全球数十万读者推崇的心理疗愈圣经★马弘、童俊、暂停实验室、考拉小巫、清流,感动推荐★雄踞美亚CPTSD领域畅销榜榜首★全面的分类与说解,直接点破易被忽略的心理创伤★提供有效、可行的焦虑与压力缓解方案★针对各个层面的疗愈方法,帮助你从创伤中复原★值得反复研读的教科书级别的作品★用纸优质,环保护眼 内容简介  创伤事件不仅仅包括偶发的、严重的刺激性事件(如战争、天灾、恐怖事件),还包括在成长过程中遭受的羞辱、贬低、欺凌、背叛、情感忽视、过度控制等伤害。这些伤害或许你难以诉说,但带来的创伤却可能远甚于单一事件。  有太多的人因为忽略了这样成长过程中的创伤,'莫名'地产生了人际关系障碍、情绪上的痛苦,甚至被误诊为边缘型人格障碍、自恋型人格障碍、焦虑症、抑郁症、强迫症........

    48,51 €