Psicología popular

Salud y desarrollo personal / Autoayuda y desarrollo personal / Psicología popular (21963)

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  • My Journal
    Robert O’Toole
    My Journal is designed to start on any day of the year. Begin your day with a motivational, inspirational, positive and thoughtful statement. Your Daily Record is your daily journal. Write, doodle, draw, add a photo . . . anything goes! The Task section is designed to inspire you to spread acts of love and kindness for yourself, for others and for the planet. The world always n...

    25,22 €

  • My Journal
    Robert O’Toole
    My Journal is designed to start on any day of the year. Begin your day with a motivational, inspirational, positive and thoughtful statement. Your Daily Record is your daily journal. Write, doodle, draw, add a photo . . . anything goes! The Task section is designed to inspire you to spread acts of love and kindness for yourself, for others and for the planet. The world always n...

    34,93 €

  • Emotional Intelligence Gaining Control Over Emotions
    Have you ever been so angry with someone you could scream? Or maybe you felt like crying or hiding from your boss or colleagues? Or maybe you’re the person who can’t seem to relate well to others, and you need a little help controlling your emotions to manage and lead people. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and control our emotions while understanding and inf...

    15,36 €

  • Spirit of Life
    Willie Seals
    I’ve always been a self-taught person I believe in self knowledge and never stop discovering who you really are. Your spirituality is your connecting with the Divine father of the Universe. I truly believe your words are your power. Always speak words of encouragement of yourself and others. I live in this great nation America. I believe in this country, and I would like each a...

    10,18 €

  • Mandalas for Relaxation and Creativity
    Step into the enchanting realm of ' Mandalas for Relaxation and Creativity: Flowers from Brazil' a captivating coloring book designed to transport you on a vivid journey through the mesmerizing world of Brazilian flowers. Within the pages of this book, unveil a curated array of intricately designed mandalas, each inspired by the awe-inspiring flora of Brazil, a nation celebrate...

    20,37 €

  • The Coronation
    Michelle Toney
    We often try to put a band-aid on wounds that need surgery. We live in this microwave society that has taught us that healing happens quickly. Our society has taught us to 'just get over it.' I’m here to tell you to throw away that type of thinking. Healing is a process that takes time, but it is possible if you put in the work.Let’s turn our trauma into triumph! ...

    24,41 €

  • Estou Sendo Forjada
    Ana Carolina De Oliveira Camargo
    Em uma ocasião específica da sua vida, já se perguntou o que estava acontecendo ao seu redor?Pois bem, a nossa vida é feita de estações e dentro delas se encontram dias de dor, de crise, dias onde somos provados ao nosso limite, pois, servir a Deus inclui ser provado para ser aprovado;Essa obra é uma autobiografia, da minha vida e de tudo quanto o Senhor tem tratado comigo, me ...

    12,91 €

  • Alma Limpa
    Leonardo Daniel
    Alma Limpa é um ensaio poético e filosófico, de 129 páginas, cuja base epistemológica é a arte zen de lavar vasilhas, aliás esse seria o nome dele. Ele foi escrito num momento de lucidez da consciência, na qual eu pude perceber todas as nuances de se estar desperto. O que é a vida e o que é o viver. É um livro literário, mas vincado na minha relação entre arte e minha vida, ent...

    13,14 €

  • Ain’t No Shame
    Treisha P Combo
    Shame can be crippling for people. Being caught off guard by life and getting knocked down by setbacks can be discouraging and disappointing, yet with strong faith and a positive outlook - you can overcome shame and live a life of purpose. With a heartwarming and humorous touch, Ain’t No Shame is a transformative journey to healing. This book is a testament to the power of fait...

    25,62 €

  • A Transformação Da Borboleta
    J.d. Mulberry
    Subestimamos o poder dos pequenos atos e o seu impacto no mundo.Uma breve história sobre o encontro entre um coração generoso, humilde e perseverante, com um coração incapaz de ignorar o inquietante chamado para a mudança. Esta narrativa simples, nos mostra que todos somos capazes de mudar o mundo, basta começarmos pelo nosso próprio mundo.Nunca subestime o poder de mudança daq...

    7,84 €

  • Vença O Relógio
    Fabio Sausen
    SEJA ALTAMENTE PRODUTIVO RESPEITANDO SEU PERFIL E ALCANÇANDO SEUS OBJETIVOSAlguma vez você já se sentiu imerso em um mar de distração e paralisia, percebendo seus objetivos se distanciarem cada vez mais? Parece que, não importa quantas fórmulas de sucesso você tente adotar, elas simplesmente não se moldam à sua rotina. /Esta falta de personalização é que transforma os conselhos...

    16,22 €

  • Tea with Jesus and Me
    Sherri House
    Captivating true stories, woven with engaging Bible devotions, served to you during delightful teatimes. The author makes you feel like you are sitting next to her, enjoying afternoon tea and listening to a friend share the faithfulness of God. Sherri is known for her faith-filled afternoon teas and devotional writing. In this book, she invites you to enjoy the charms of her tr...

    45,41 €

  • Stand Up
    Eloise Collins
    As a licensed professional counselor, it is troubling to observe that most children and adults who are diagnosed with social anxiety are struggling with low self-esteem issues. Therefore, if children learn to improve their self-confidence, at an early age, they are more likely to decrease the frequency, duration, and intensity of anxious behaviors. Studies show that bullies are...

    21,63 €

  • Tractar Amb Els Dimonis
    Tracilyn George
    Vostè o un ésser estimat té una malaltia mental? Alguna vegada t’has preguntat què pots fer per ajudar? Aquest llibre és la teva resposta! Per entendre completament la depressió, cal escoltar amb atenció i atenció als que estem afectats.És important que qualsevol persona amb malaltia mental sigui tractada amb amabilitat, respecte i dignitat, no amb estigma, prejudicis i menyspr...

    15,29 €

  • Lição De Vida
    Charles Pires
    Conheça a inspiradora história de Charles, um menino que perdeu seus pais aos 4 anos e teve que sobreviver sozinho em um ônibus velho e abandonado. Apesar das imensas dificuldades, ele não se deixou abater e iniciou sua jornada empreendendo como engraxate.Sua perseverança o levou a ser descoberto por um fotógrafo de moda, tornando-se modelo ainda menino e, posteriormente, fotóg...

    9,14 €

  • Reflexões De Um Pescador
    Ricardo Pedrassolli
    Vinte e oito de novembro de 1981, um dia divisor de águas. A partir dessa data, me tornei deficiente devido a um acidente que teve como único responsável o que lhe escreve. A anfetamina injetável e o álcool foram simples coadjuvantes.Diagnóstico: Lesão do Plexo esquerdo, gerando dor neuropática no braço esquerdo que até hoje é amenizada por uma associação de medicação para o si...

    17,87 €

  • Extreme Healing
    Mari Ruddy
    Are you struggling to muster the motivation to move your body?Are you wishing for a stronger connection with your physical self and better overall well-being?Ever wonder if individuals with chronic health conditions like diabetes, cancer, or asthma can become endurance athletes?What if I told you that people facing these challenges, including diabetes and cancer survivors who’v...

    35,32 €

  • Extreme Healing
    Mari Ruddy
    Are you struggling to muster the motivation to move your body?Are you wishing for a stronger connection with your physical self and better overall well-being?Ever wonder if individuals with chronic health conditions like diabetes, cancer, or asthma can become endurance athletes?What if I told you that people facing these challenges, including diabetes and cancer survivors who’v...

    21,68 €

  • He Saw F.I.T
    Sherika L. Carr
    During the fight of having a very rare disease I went from being upbeat and happy one day to sick and wanting to commit suicide. John my husband was by my side each and every single day along with our daughters SaMiyah, Jessika and JoHanna. They all became my personal caregivers during this time.Sherika Laronda Carr is the wife of John Christopher Carr, the mother of three beau...

    15,36 €

  • Your Brain Weighs 500 Pounds
    Derrick Pledger
    This is your recipe for success.You are on a journey toward the dreams and goals you’ve set for yourself. But a steady stream of useless information bombards your brain every day. To satisfy your appetite for success, you must fill your mind with the right balance of 'nutrients' to support your discipline, productivity, and positive habits.  In Your Brain Weighs 500 Pounds, Der...

    15,19 €

  • Happy AF
    Beth Romero
    Fresh, insightful, and grounded in academic research, this cheeky, no-nonsense manifesto offers practical strategies and easy-to-follow exercises for flexing your happiness muscle and maximizing your potential-essentially laying out the blueprint for how to be happy AF and live your best life. ...

    14,15 €

  • An Atypical Journey
    V. Ronnie Laughlin
    At the height of COVID-19 pandemic, Ronnie was diagnosed with breast cancer while working in the Middle East. Ronnie had no other option but to drive herself to chemo treatments as the pandemic shut down the world. As a former Division I basketball player and now a Speech Pathologist, Ronnie gathered everything she learned on and off the court- sheer determination, life trial...

    20,12 €

  • An Atypical Journey
    V. Ronnie Laughlin
    At the height of COVID-19 pandemic, Ronnie was diagnosed with breast cancer while working in the Middle East. Ronnie had no other option but to drive herself to chemo treatments as the pandemic shut down the world. As a former Division I basketball player and now a Speech Pathologist, Ronnie gathered everything she learned on and off the court- sheer determination, life trials ...

    27,23 €

  • Absolute Empowerment
    Frank Fracasso
    MANUSCRIPT OVERVIEWIn this world, billions of people think of and see truth for not what it is. Instead, they engage a mental reflex that imagines an outcome that they just witnessed or mix previous experience with the reality they indeed stared at. This filtered tendency sets one individual on a path to conflict with other people. Each member of the global population can emplo...

    16,57 €

  • Desperte! As Sementes Da Grandeza Estão Em Você
    J Assunção
    Desperte! As Sementes da Grandeza Estão em VocêNesta inspiradora obra,Desperte! As Sementes da Grandeza Estão em Você , o autor leva os leitores por uma jornada interior de autodescoberta e crescimento pessoal. Esta não é apenas mais uma obra de autoajuda; é um guia poderoso para liberar seu potencial inexplorado e se tornar a melhor versão de si mesmo.Com uma abordagem acessív...

    14,80 €

  • As Deusas Gregas E O Inconsciente
    Amanda Meschiatti & Heryck Sangalli
    Atena, Ártemis, Héstia, Hera, Deméter, Perséfone, Hécate e Afrodite como as principais deusas da mitologia grega conversam com o nosso inconsciente ainda hoje?Neste livro, você vai conhecer (e identificar) como essas deusas se expressam na sua mente, nas suas emoções e padrões de comportamento. Um primeiro passo para organizar o caos, ganhar perspectiva e se reconectar com o s...

    21,59 €

  • O Pequeno Livro Da Grande Felicidade
    Carlo Mahat
    Você já se perguntou o que é preciso para ser feliz? Já se sentiu perdido em meio às preocupações do dia a dia, sem saber como encontrar a satisfação plena e a realização pessoal? Se a resposta for sim, este livro para você.Este livro é um verdadeiro mapa, que mostra os caminhos para se atingir a felicidade. Nele, você encontrará ferramentas práticas para alcançar a paz de espí...

    16,55 €

  • The Gratitude Effect
    Brenda Rebon
    In 'The Gratitude Effect: Transforming Your Life One Thank You at a Time,' embark on a journey that redefines the concept of joy and fulfillment. This essential guide is not merely a book but a pathway to a profound lifestyle change, teaching readers to cultivate gratitude, a simple practice with the power to initiate a cascade of positivity and unparalleled satisfaction in you...

    10,98 €

  • Mastering Luxury
    'Mastering Luxury: The Bernard Arnault Chronicles' is an illuminating journey into the life and legacy of Bernard Arnault, the visionary leader behind LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton. This captivating narrative spans decades, chronicling Arnault’s strategic prowess, the formation of LVMH, and its evolution into a global powerhouse. From navigating challenges to embracing techn...

    25,88 €

  • Where The Rubber Meets The Road
    Sharlie Pickering
    Compelled to write on the challenging things of life in poetic form. I draw on experiences of my everyday walk with Christ. There have been many ups and downs, learning curves, mistakes, bad situations, misunderstandings, loss of self-esteem and other various things we all face as Christians.These Poems can inspire, challenge and encourage the reader to take heart when faced wi...

    16,83 €