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Salud y desarrollo personal / Autoayuda y desarrollo personal / Psicología popular (21963)

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  • Praca z Duszą
    Ewa Kulik / Limitless Mind Publishing
    Odkryj książkę, która jest nie tylko lekturą, ale podróżą do głębi Twojej duszy. „Praca z Duszą: Wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, znajdziesz w sobie' autorstwa Ewy Kulik, doświadczonej przewodniczki duchowej i nauczycielki intuicji, to drogowskaz dla każdej kobiety, która pragnie odkryć swoją prawdziwą siłę i wewnętrzną mądrość.Co zyskasz dzięki tej książce?Głębokie Połączenie z W...

    18,46 €

  • Talk Time - How to Communicate Effectively and Influence People
    Patrick Gorsky
    Unlock the power of effective communication with ’Talk Time - How to Communicate Effectively and Influence People.’ This book is your guide to mastering the art of conversation in a simple and engaging way. Learn the secrets to clear and impactful communication that will transform your personal and professional relationships. Packed with practical tips and true guidance, ’Talk ...

    21,51 €

  • Art of Silence
    Avem Babanto Obosa
    Dive into the magic of quiet moments with ’Art of Silence.’ This book is your guide to finding peace, discovering yourself, and embracing the beauty of simplicity. Explore the power of stillness and let the words take you on a journey to a more mindful and fulfilling life. It’s a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and savor the quiet moments that add depth and meaning to our ev...

    17,52 €

  • The Acute Myeloid Leukemia Mastery Bible
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    Are you or a loved one grappling with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)? 'The Acute Myeloid Leukemia Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Acute Myeloid Leukemia Management' is your comprehensive guide to understanding, navigating, and conquering AML. From demystifying the biology and various subtypes to providing statistics and debunking myths, this book takes you through the ...

    13,76 €

  • Broken to Love Again
    Tammy Beam
    In Broken to Love Again: Unapologetically Me, Tammy Beam takes you on an extraordinary journey-from a shattered past plagued by sexual abuse, abandonment, and rejection to a future built on love, understanding, and healing. This book isn’t just a memoir-it’s a masterclass in overcoming the scars that life can impose. Weaved into the narrative is an incisive look at how culture ...

    16,59 €

  • Taking the Mask Journey from Dr. Seuss to the Bible
    Keith Cooper
    Taking the Mask Off... was a hard book for me to write.What started out as daily journal entries that centered around losses, regrets, family, and the beauty of nature, all written during COVID isolation but covering my entire life’s experience were now over 150 handwritten short stories contained in four 5 x 7-inch memorandum books filled in front to back.It took me six months...

    18,79 €

  • Healthy Me Journal
    Rosy Crumpton
    Use this journal as a simple guide to begin to take steps towards wellness, self-care, and healing. The concept of wellness can often seem like a broad, even unattainable and overwhelming concept. This beginner’s guide is meant to gently spark small steps to take care of our needs, promote action steps towards well-being, and celebrate how we already honor our health.  ...

    16,27 €

  • Small Steps, Big Dreams A Guide to Life Changing Small Habits
    Mystique Quill
    'Small Steps, Big Dreams: A Guide to Life-Changing Small Habits'Unlock the transformative power hidden within your daily routines with this engaging and practical guide to habit formation. In a world that often emphasizes monumental change, this book advocates for the extraordinary impact of small, consistent steps on the path to realizing your biggest dreams.Embark on a Journe...

    20,27 €

  • Sacred Self Care
    Elizabeth Griest
    Sacred Self Care shares ideas on helping oneself so that one can learn and live one’s Unique Divine Destiny to benefit oneself and others while honoring God.  ...

    4,69 €

  • Healthy Me Journal
    Rosy Crumpton
    Use this journal as a simple guide to begin to take steps towards wellness, self-care, and healing. The concept of wellness can often seem like a broad, even unattainable and overwhelming concept. This beginner’s guide is meant to gently spark small steps to take care of our needs, promote action steps towards well-being, and celebrate how we already honor our health.  ...

    25,46 €

  • 60 Days Away Journal
    Quillscribe Memoirs
    Embark on a journey of intentional living with the 60 Days Away Journal - your daily companion for mindfulness and self-care. Designed for a full 60 days of reflection, it’s filled with inspiring quotes and daily prompts that gently nudge you to reflect on what you’re grateful for, the day’s unique challenges, and the moments worth holding onto.Begin each day with clarity by jo...

    11,20 €

  • El poder del estoicismo
    Daniel J. Martin
    ¿Vives atrapado en el pasado o en el futuro, sin disfrutar del momento presente?¿Sientes que no tienes control sobre las circunstancias que te rodean?¿Eres un esclavo de tus emociones?Los estoicos comprendieron la esencia de una vida plena y con sentido. Cuatro virtudes fundamentales les brindaron la capacidad de enfrentar cualquier adversidad como rupturas, pérdidas laborales,...

    14,41 €

  • The Zoo of You
    Brenda R. Abercrombie LPCC LADAC
    Have you ever faced a major roadblock in your life? Have you questioned whether your 'fight or flight' responses would get you through a crisis? This happened to the author, Brenda Abercrombie, when her counseling career ended, and retirement was looming. She felt as if she needed to learn to walk again. Her emotional crutches had served their purpose, but now, she had to learn...

    14,16 €

  • Whispers of the Soul
    Mystique Quill
    Embark on a transformative journey in 2024 with 'Whispers of the Soul: Embracing Shadows on the Path to Self-Discovery.' This holistic guide invites you to explore holistic self-discovery practices that weave together the dimensions of mind, body, and soul. Dive into the depths of your being, embracing both light and shadow as catalysts for personal growth.Unveil the transforma...

    27,00 €

  • Who Is the Boss? - A Manual on How to Be Important and Respected
    Patrick Gorsky
    Discover the secrets to becoming the boss of your own life with ’Who Is the Boss? - A Manual on How to Be Important and Respected.’ This empowering book is your guide to unlocking the keys to success in a simple and relatable way. Packed with practical advice and tips, it’s a must-read for anyone aspiring to be more influential and respected. Learn valuable lessons on leadershi...

    20,97 €

  • Empower Your ViBE
    Marnie and Rena Schwartz
    When high-energy identical twin sisters take their passion and purpose to the next level, the result is an undeniable vibe! Since 2002, Marnie and Rena Schwartz have positively influenced countless numbers of children and their families through their inclusive and non-competitive dance school, teaching invaluable life and leadership lessons as well as dance. Overcoming family a...

    14,66 €

  • Seasons of Life
    Kurt Broadnax
    'Seasons of Life' by Kurt Broadnax is an insightful exploration of the human experience through the lens of biblical wisdom. Drawing inspiration from Ecclesiastes 3:1-11, Broadnax guides readers through the various seasons of life, emphasizing the importance of faith, trust in God, and spiritual growth. Each chapter delves into different life experiences such as birth, death, j...

    11,80 €

  • The Simplest Kinds of Joy
    Patrick Gorsky
    Discover the magic of everyday happiness with 'The Simplest Kinds of Joy.' This heartwarming book invites you to explore the beauty in life’s small moments, reminding you that joy can be found in the simplest of things. Through easy-to-understand language and relatable stories, the author gently guides readers on a journey to appreciate the ordinary and find happiness in the ev...

    20,80 €

  • Everyone Needs (Just a Little) Karen
    Karen Marrero
    Embark on a riveting journey through Karen’s tumultuous life, where resilience and faith intersect. In this compelling narrative, humor and determination collide, painting a vivid picture of Karen’s experiences filled with laughter, heartache, and an unshakeable belief in the divine. From the shadows of childhood abuse to the pinnacle of academic achievements, from passionate c...

    17,71 €

  • On The Verge
    G Severino
    [on the verge: at the point when (something) is about to happen or is very likely to happen, but it never does.]'On The Verge' is a nonfiction, journaling-style novella where I deal with my anxiety, dive into my emotions, and drift through the motions of life.Trigger Warnings: Mental illness (anxiety & depression), Gaslighting (self-gaslighting), Grief, Panic attacks/disorders ...

    25,80 €

    sylvia mckina
    Experience a revolutionary journey with ’A Dual Guide: How to Reset Your Life and Find Happiness.’ This innovative book seamlessly blends timeless human wisdom with cutting-edge AI insights, offering a new approach to transform your life. Discover personal techniques that eliminate negativity, cultivate balance, and set you on a path to joy. Learn how to reset, uncover your tru...

    19,05 €

  • Como Vencer O Diabo
    J. Mário B.s. Júnior
    Como vencer o diaboUm homem comum, que vive uma vida pacata, começa a receber estranhos sinais que o levam a acreditar que Deus tem um plano para ele. Ao completar 44 anos, ele se vê envolvido em uma grande batalha espiritual contra o Diabo, que quer destruir a sua fé e a sua alma. Para vencer o inimigo, ele precisa descobrir a fórmula secreta que revela o mistério da santíssim...

    13,49 €

  • Spirituality in the Age of Corona
    Vladimir Živković
    The book talks about adapting to new conditions as a consequence of the creation of a new world order where spirituality is given a different importance.Knowledge about karma and God. It also points to the manipulation of the media through social networks as well as the conveniences that the modern internet provides us.Learn how to adapt your spirituality and search for love an...

    13,94 €

  • Where Are You?
    Larry B. Bachman / Larry D. Bachman
    Did you know that 'Where Are You?' is the most significant question in the Bible? If God asked you that question, what would you say? You of course would say, 'Here Am I'. Also, he would be asking about our faith. I have to wonder truly, 'Where Are We?' As Christians, where do we stand in our faith? When God asked Adam that question, God was also wondering where Adam was in his...

    11,14 €

  • The Thyroid Cancer Mastery Bible
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    'The Thyroid Cancer Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Thyroid Cancer Management' is a comprehensive guide empowering readers to navigate every aspect of their thyroid cancer journey. From understanding the basics of thyroid function and recognizing early warning signs to dispelling myths and decoding pathology reports, this book provides a holistic view. The diagnostic...

    10,89 €

  • The Growth Mindset
    Romaine Morgan
    Explore the powerful impact of mindset on personal and professional achievement in 'The Growth Mindset,' a transforming journey. Explore attitude, from resilience and overcoming limiting beliefs to learning and converting problems into opportunities.Explore the life-changing mentality alterations that led Michael Phelps, Jim Carrey, and Muhammad Ali to money, success, and fulfi...

    20,66 €

  • Homeless I Have Known
    Ph.D. Muriel D. Ryan
    Who are the homeless? These are nameless, faceless people who live in shame, frustration, and regret which is reflected in their daily lives. Often society sees them as drug addicts, alcoholics, mentally ill, and unmotivated. Those factors can be found in those without shelter, yet that alone will not reflect the total sum of challenges which they have faced.This book shares re...

    7,80 €

  • Contente-se Ou Conquiste
    Rodrigo Poletto
    Já se perguntou por que algumas pessoas atraem o sucesso enquanto outras precisam lutar para obtê-lo? Contente-se ou conquiste: O sucesso começa com uma escolha! revela o segredo. Este guia essencial oferece um arsenal de técnicas testadas por pessoas comuns que mudaram suas vidas em todos os aspectos, assim como líderes de negócios e visionários. Aprenda a fazer escolhas certa...

    15,77 €

  • Mommy, Where Do Butterflies Go?
    Leta Laugle
    The Butterfly brings happiness to the child throughout the story, particularly to relieve/resolve grief. The butterfly symbolizes positive change and growth of the child throughout the story. ...

    24,24 €

  • Mommy, Where Do Butterflies Go?
    Leta Laugle
    The Butterfly brings happiness to the child throughout the story, particularly to relieve/resolve grief. The butterfly symbolizes positive change and growth of the child throughout the story. ...

    14,19 €