Psicología popular

Salud y desarrollo personal / Autoayuda y desarrollo personal / Psicología popular (21963)

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  • Carregador De Pedras
    O personagem principal dessa aventura humana, ao percorrer caminhos que o fazem pensar e refletir sobre a vida, redescobre o sentido da própria existência, da convivência e do valor de cada pessoa nos diferentes tempos e espaços vitais. A obra, ao tratar da Esperança como um valor humano, foca de modo singular, o poder da transformação pessoal. Para Educadores, o sentido de uma...

    17,20 €

  • Terapia Com Deus
    Nelcivania Pereira
    Uma longa caminhada começa com um simples passo. E esse pode ser o primeiro para mudar a sua vida. Uma Simples leitura que tem poder para mudar a rota da sua vida.Deus está à procura de mulheres que queiram conversar com Ele.Por que, Terapia Com Deus?Porque só Deus pode curar a depressão ou outras doenças da alma.Porque a necessidade de cura está gritando no coração das mulhere...

    9,12 €

  • The Well-Being In You
    Joanna Hill
    The Well-Being in You: How 3 Simple Principles Can Help You Tune into Your Innate Psychological Health and Thrive is a love letter and a simple manual to manage life’s challenges and thrive in an abundance of opportunity. This book is a conversation that brings out what you already have inside. Personal and client stories and reflection questions give you ah ha moments, transfo...

    18,37 €

  • Making His Way
    Horatio Alger
    Two boys were walking in the campus of the Bridgeville Academy. They were apparently of about the same age-somewhere from fifteen to sixteen-but there was a considerable difference in their attire. Herbert Grant was neatly but coarsely dressed, and his shoes were of cowhide, but his face indicated a frank, sincere nature, and was expressive of intelligence.  Horatio Alger, Jr. ...

    13,36 €

  • The Book of Agreement and Remembrance (Revised Edition)
    Chris Broughton
    For years, author Chris Broughton and his wife, Gay, watched as their friends and fellow Christians suffered from divorce. In 1999, they decided to do something about it and established Genesis 2:24 ministries as an outreach to help couples learn to live happily together.In The Book of Agreement and Remembrance, Broughton helps married couples strengthen their relationships and...

    9,86 €

  • The WOW Book
    Carla LaBella
    In her debut book, Carla LaBella invites you to explore the evolving field of positive psychology with her. She has mindfully contextualized this discussion, and written a book that is accessible and of interest to those both new to and familiar with this area of study. Part workbook, part scholarly review, she highlights WOW strategies that are linked to optimizing well-being,...

    18,27 €

  • But God...A 30-Day Journey of HOPE!
    Natalie Huscheck / The Well Grounded Sisterhood / The Well-Grounded Sisterhood
    But God... is a 30-day devotional that offers hope to anyone experiencing darkness due to life circumstances and/or mental health. These are our stories, which include depression, anxiety, and many forms of abuse and trauma. Our hope is to give you hope, knowing that it is absolutely possible to 'tell a different story, a better story, a victory story.' We invite you to journey...

    15,08 €

  • Notes for the Children
    Patrick Priestner
    'An example of how meaningful change begins-and where our path can lead if we are brave enough to keep asking why.'-Martin Luther King III, from the forewordIn an extraordinary gift to his children, one father shows how the power of mindfulness and self-compassion can help chart a path through life’s challenges toward solace and joy. A unique memoir that weaves together stories...

    11,29 €

  • The Positive Process
    Tatiyana Elias
    Embark on a Life-Changing Odyssey: Harness the Power of Positivity and Transform Your Mental Landscape Forever.Are you seeking a vibrant transformation, an inner metamorphosis that radiates through every facet of your life? Welcome to a book meticulously crafted for anyone desiring to evolve mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Regardless of age, background, or experience, t...

    17,52 €

  • Unpredictable
    Honey Kasper
    Honey Kasper’s life was far from predictable. From malnourishment to enduring 89 surgeries, from facing the dark depths of abuse to battling cancer, the odds seemed insurmountably stacked against her. But Honey’s story isn’t one of defeat. It’s a testament to the strength of the human spirit.Unpredictable: The walk in and out of darkness chronicles Honey’s turbulent journey, ma...

    22,11 €

  • Unpredictable
    Honey Kasper
    Honey Kasper’s life was far from predictable. From malnourishment to enduring 89 surgeries, from facing the dark depths of abuse to battling cancer, the odds seemed insurmountably stacked against her. But Honey’s story isn’t one of defeat. It’s a testament to the strength of the human spirit.Unpredictable: The walk in and out of darkness chronicles Honey’s turbulent journey, ma...

    14,24 €

  • Sentimentos
    Paulo Araújo Duarte
    Neste livro multifacetado, mergulharemos em contos que dançam entre a realidade e a imaginação, ensaios que sondam as profundezas da psique humana e textos que provocam reflexões intensas. Ao examinar temas universais como amor, perda, esperança e resiliência, essas palavras buscam criar um diálogo silencioso entre autor e leitor, tocando não apenas a mente, mas também o coraçã...

    12,18 €

  • Quiromancia
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    A Prática da Arte DivinatóriaSua Palma, Sua Alma...Eis aqui um curso que ensina, na prática, técnicas de leitura para reconhecer as mãos.Saiba o que significam as linhas principais da Vida, do Coração, da Cabeça e as secundárias: Sorte, Talentos e Destino.Reconheça sinais de filhos, viagens, casamentos, influência nos relacionamentos. Aprenda a instalar e realizar a sessão de...

    15,49 €

  • Uma Caixa De Bombons
    Alberto Dal Molin Filho
    Nas páginas deUma Caixa de Bombons , somos levados a uma emocionante jornada entre realidade e ficção, onde uma simples missão confiada a um ex-dependente químico desencadeia uma série de eventos que não só transformam sua própria vida, mas também a daqueles ao seu redor, direta e indiretamente.Ao narrar as experiências marcantes e desafiadoras pelas quais o protagonista passa,...

    28,05 €

  • Aterrando
    Diogo Guimarães
    Aterrando de profissional para profissional ? trás um conceito ao leitor da área como uma troca de ideia na hora do almoço de uma empresa ou em um DDS, trás a transparência do saber reconhecer que a persistência no aprendizado supera o talento e o esforço, aguça a vontade de entender como funciona e por que funciona, incentiva e encoraja ao leitor sobre riscos e procedimentos c...

    6,82 €

  • Os Segredos Do Plr Vencedor!
    Avante Editorial
    A VERDADE é que no COMEÇO eu tive muita DIFICULDADE pra GANHAR DINHEIRO no marketing digital. O pior é que, -- no fundo, no fundo -- eu meio que já SABIA que do JEITO que eu estava não iria CONQUISTAR minha TÃO SONHADA LIBERDADE FINANCEIRA tão cedo. Bom, até que DEPOIS de muitas PESQUISAS AQUI E ALI, a ficha FINALMENTE caiu! Mas só CONSEGUI dar ESSA VIRADA DE CHAVE depois que C...

    19,54 €

  • Dance With Reflection
    Kumari Rashmi
    Dance with Reflection is a path towards finding that is blessed within all spheres of reflection . It is about living present in the midst of all the conundrum to reflect within the heart . The time is here to become a citizen of the heart and dance with the rhythm of Living and singing the music of life and create that reflective attire with Reflection. ...

    5,71 €

  • Nobody Walks in America
    Naz Yacoob
    This is a remarkable journey across America. There is often something addictive about reading each new section. The reader becomes a companion and is taken on the road for every step. The voice is perceptive yet conversational and superb. The book contains fine, even startling phrase making. The vast cast of characters - beyond Dickensian - is a triumph. It should go without sa...

    42,40 €

  • Pare De Roncar Agora!
    Avante Editorial
    Na vida, tem duas coisas que eu ODEIO para valer: a primeira delas é aquele zunido infernal de pernilongo, -- indo e vindo no meu ouvido, picando minhas pernas, chupando meu sangue -- e a SEGUNDA, que considero bem pior, é o BARULHO de um bom roncador:Ronc, ronc, ronc!Digo bom -- no caso para ele que dorme profundamente -- pois para alguém que DORME ao seu lado, não conseguir p...

    9,88 €

  • The Science of Getting Rich
    Wallace D. Wattles
    As featured in the bestselling book The Secret, here is the landmark guide to wealth creation republished with the classic essay 'How to Get What You Want.' Wallace D. Wattles spent a lifetime considering the laws of success as he found them in the work of the world’s great philosophers. He then turned his life effort into this simple, slender book - a volume that he vowed coul...

    10,37 €

  • A Ladder to Practical Success
    A. R. Calhoun
    Are you having trouble making your way in the world? Have you encountered difficulty deciding which path you should take in life?  If so, you might benefit from A.R. Calhoun’s ’How to Get On in the A Ladder to Practical Success’. Regarded as a classic in the self-help genre, this book offers up plenty of straightforward, no-nonsense advice that will help you define success on y...

    16,05 €

  • If 'Real Men' Cry Who Wipes the Tears
    Angel Kyle Lynch
    'Understanding the Heart of a Man' Embark on a transformative journey into the intricate world of male emotions, relationships, and societal expectations in this enlightening guide. As society grapples with evolving notions of masculinity, this book unveils the layers of the male experience, offering insights and perspectives that bridge the gap between genders. From un...

    19,93 €

  • Close Calls In Paradise
    Greg Freshour
    Traveling in 42 states and a few countries, I’ve seen my share of places I would call paradise. I was fascinated by the ocean after spending the entire summer in Maui, Hawaii and loved it ever since. Whether walking miles down a beach, snorkeling, or scuba diving, the ocean has been my paradise. However, even in paradise, bad things can still happen. Throughout this book, you’l...

    21,50 €

  • A Purely Wrong Story
    Laurel Burns
    Life took your innocence, but shame is snatching everything that remains.Maybe someone took your choice, or perhaps you regret the choices you made, but with dysfunctional sexual incidents on the rise, so are the numbers of women living with the shame incurred from these detrimental experiences increasing as well. Until now, your best options have remained guarding your story a...

    11,82 €

  • Life’s Hard Here’s a Cookie
    Ethan Y. James
    'Life’s Hard Here’s a Cookie' stands as a beacon for those aspiring to enhance their lives, offering rich insights of wisdom, practical strategies, and inspiring stories. Each chapter meticulously unravels essential themes such as mindset mastery, emotional intelligence, and the art of resilience, equipping readers with the tools needed to navigate life’s complexities. From set...

    20,21 €

  • Un viaje hacia el significado y propósito de tu vida
    Joaquín Rández Ramos
    ¡Embárcate en un viaje hacia la esencia de tu vida, basado en la ciencia, la psicología positiva y el humanismo, para descubrir nuevas perspectivas que te lleven a una existencia más plena y satisfactoria! En un mundo frenético, en el que nuestras mentes están constantemente ocupadas y apenas tenemos tiempo para reflexionar, es fácil perder de vista nuestro propósito y la verda...

    19,92 €

  • Awaken the Sleep *Special Edition*
    As part of the awakenAdream series Awaken the Sleep *Special Edition* offers the extraordinary, uniquely designed two in one book. The first half of the book includes an enchanting bedtime story of gratitude and the welcoming of sweet dreams. It is a celebration of the joy found in the gifts of each day, filling hearts with appreciation for a peaceful night’s sleep. This heartw...

    40,72 €

  • Como Montar Uma Barbearia De Sucesso
    Avante Editorial
    Já IMAGINOU abrir uma barbearia? Já adianto, neste LIVRO você vai APRENDER exatamente, passo a passo, como MONTAR uma barbearia! De fato, abrir uma BARBEARIA pode ser um excelente negócio. Os GRANDES salões de beleza parecem tomar conta das cidades, com os seus serviços que ATENDEM a todos os gostos e públicos. Só que ainda assim, muitas pessoas não se SENTEM à vontade em entra...

    11,26 €

  • Fearless Femininity
    Hayde Miller
    Fearless Femininity: Embracing Your Power UnapologeticallyIn a world that often tries to define femininity through narrow lenses, 'Fearless Femininity' emerges as a beacon of empowerment, inviting women on a transformative journey to discover and embrace their innate power unapologetically. This captivating book is a manifesto for every woman seeking to unlock the limitless pot...

    31,06 €

  • The Truth Against The Lie (Vol One)
    Jacob Mathias
    The Truth Against The Lie (Vol 1)–Helping The World Discover Truth From The Heritage of Our FathersIn man’s continual quest for a proper and true way of worship and ultimate salvation, a lot have accepted falsehood and lies formulated by the mundane churches and Pentecostals in every city streets, who brainwashed our fathers and eventually inherited down their progenies. This w...

    20,25 €