Psicología popular

Salud y desarrollo personal / Autoayuda y desarrollo personal / Psicología popular (21963)

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  • LJ’s Cocoon
    Lynard Sr. Joiner
    In L.J.’ s Cocoon, Lynard Joiner Sr. reveals his life experience which is likened to the birth stages of a butterfly. Just as a butterfly struggle to free itself from its cocoon, so have Lynard Joiner struggled to free himself from the world and environment that he existed in for so long. He grew up in a very large and poor family in the 60’s and 70’s in Mississippi, which was ...

    16,73 €

  • Lady Daphanny’s Altar
    Daphanny C. Baker
    'Lady Daphanny’s Altar' by Daphanny C. Baker is an inspiring collection of daily prayers and reflections designed to guide believers through a spiritual journey of empowerment, healing, and faith. Each day presents a unique prayer focusing on various aspects of life and faith, encouraging readers to trust in God’s plan, foster personal growth, and embrace forgiveness. The book ...

    16,87 €

  • Mildred’s Mindset
    Gayle Kirschenbaum / Mildred Kirschenbaum
    When Mildred Kirschenbaum celebrated her 99th birthday, her daughter Gayle shared a video of her on Instagram, setting off a viral sensation. Gayle, initially using her account for photography, redirected the spotlight to showcase her mother’s wisdom and the unique bond they share. The attention grew as Maria Shriver and other major media outlets, including NBC Today’s Jenna & ...

    38,30 €

  • The Roofus Rules
    Anthony Knopps
    This is a tough world. We constantly battle one another over things, big and small. But what if we could live life through the eyes of a Chihuahua? Would the world be a kinder place? That’s the premise of 'The Roofus Rules,' a series of twelve ideas designed to help you refocus on the little things that we too often take for granted. Sometimes, it takes a rescue dog to show us ...

    13,49 €

  • The Roofus Rules
    Anthony Knopps
    This is a tough world. We constantly battle one another over things, big and small. But what if we could live life through the eyes of a Chihuahua? Would the world be a kinder place? That’s the premise of 'The Roofus Rules,' a series of twelve ideas designed to help you refocus on the little things that we too often take for granted. Sometimes, it takes a rescue dog to show us ...

    23,04 €

  • Look for the Purple
    Charlene Sears-Tolbert
    Our belief system creates its own algorithm, and our view of the world is limited to what we expect to see. If you believe the world is a scary place headed to hell in a handbasket, your brain will provide you with what appears to be evidence of this belief, while anything to the contrary fades into the background. Look For the Purple will provide a pathway and a guide to emoti...

    14,31 €

  • Momentos
    Rafa Hughes
    No mundo de hoje cada vez mais cresce o número de jovens e adultos com depressão e baixo autoestima. A instabilidade da sociedade e o medo do futuro somado a projeção das frustrações faz com que a grande maioria termine por desmotivar sem ainda nem ter começado a sua caminhada. Os erros, os momentos vergonhosos, as humilhações que sofrem. Tudo isso são fatores que contribuem pa...

    10,45 €

  • Quebrantable
    S.T. Mclaughlin
    En 'Quebrantable', seguimos la historia de Sam, un joven aparentemente ordinario cuya vida da un giro inesperado cuando se encuentra con una misteriosa figura en un parque. Esta enigmática persona le ofrece la oportunidad de volverse más fuerte, pero para lograrlo, Sam deberá superar una serie de desafíos que pondrán a prueba su determinación.A medida que Sam se sumerge en este...

    17,98 €

  • All That We Are
    Joe Vercellino
    From the creator and lead-curator of The Lion Heart Experience; educator and speaker Joe Vercellino invites readers into an open study on the memories, experiences and observations that have shaped his convictions and aim for his life. All That We Are is filled with dynamic stories leading to thoughtful reflections, invaluable lessons, insights on life and a return to a beautif...

    15,90 €

  • Detours of Life
    Jami Lynn Bauer
    Never AloneNever alone with the feelings you have only alone when you hide them deep inside. Never alone with the fears you face only alone when you don’t face your fears to it.Never alone when you want to cry only sad when those tears don’t dry.Nover alone when you think to yourself detrimental if those thoughts you oppress.Next time you begin to feel isolated, scared, or in d...

    22,09 €

  • Navigating Through Time
    Eric Jones
    Navigating through time takes you on an introspective journey to explore the core tenets of philosophy and the nature of being, so that one can look in the mirror and ask the question 'who are you really'? What makes up your thoughts, your actions, your character and are you happy. Who do you want to be? Where do you want to go? Although some of us can spend a lifetime explorin...

    26,54 €

  • Healing with Life Force, Volume One - Prana
    Shivani Lucki
    'The Power of Healing is the property of every individual soul.' -Paramhansa YoganandaParamhansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi helped launch and continues to guide a global spiritual revolution. Now, for the first time, his remarkable healing methods are available for all who seek to awaken within themselves the limitless power of Life Force. 'Life Force is a compendium o...

    34,68 €

  • Ser Amor
    Omar Montoya Godoy
    Como el título del libro sugiere; éste no es un libro para encontrar el amor. Sino para convertirte tú en amor. Es un libro que te acompañará a descubrir los procesos que llevan a desarrollar la máxima madurez en el amor y a evitar con éxito las trampas que el ego pone a encontrar el amor en tu interior.La finalidad principal del libro es que a través de un lenguaje simple y fá...

    7,79 €

  • Stop It Now
    Shiela Little
    Start living the life you deserve and break free from the emotional chains holding you back with Shiela Little’s guide, 'STOP IT NOW'. In this book, Shiela doesn’t just share advice; she shares her life. It’s as if she’s reaching out from the pages to say, 'I see you, I understand you, and here’s how we can get through this together.'Her narrative is a blend of tender vulnerabi...

    17,50 €

  • Liber Deorum
    Rev. Pedro Areas
    Os Demônios são os deuses dos Gentios. Não há motivo para temer os demônios associados a Satanás, pois, quando abordados com respeito e intenções sinceras, eles revelam ser incrivelmente benevolentes. Seu principal propósito é instruir a humanidade, e a justiça é vital para lidar com inimigos, evitando assim o caos e a desordem na sociedade civilizada. A vingança e a justiça sã...

    76,61 €

  • Yes, You Can Succeed
    Charles S. Modlin MD MBA
    As a renowned kidney transplant surgeon and one of a small number of African Americans to hold such a title, Dr. Charles Modlin has overcome enormous odds, roadblocks, and trials. In his book, It Isn’t Difficult to Do It if You Know How to Do It, he provides an extensive compilation of the successful strategies used to overcome challenges and accomplish his goals in hopes of en...

    36,44 €

  • A Bússola Da Venda
    Ancler De Castro
    Neste livro, você aprenderá as melhores práticas para se preparar para uma negociação, construir um relacionamento com seu cliente, identificar e entender necessidades e desejos, criar ofertas persuasivas e fechar acordos com o mínimo de stress.Aprenda a lidar com objeções, evitar e administrar conflitos. Construa relacionamentos duradouros com seus clientes, pares, amigos e fa...

    18,76 €

  • A Jornada Da Fé
    Rafael Assiz
    Você já se perguntou como seria ter uma leitura que o inspirasse e edificasse em sua jornada espiritual? Se sim, eu tenho a solução perfeita para você: este devocional bíblico profundo e de fácil entendimento!Com este livro, você aprenderá a buscar a direção do Espírito Santo, compreender melhor as verdades bíblicas e encontrar temas relevantes para a sua vida. Além disso, você...

    15,50 €

  • The Trail of Life
    Grady Brown
    Embark on an enriching expedition with 'The Trail of Life': A Journey to Mind, Body, and Spirit Transformation. Are you seeking a path abundant with purpose, fulfillment, and unceasing growth? Within the depths of your being lies dormant potential, poised for revelation. 'The Trail of Life' is your steadfast guide, offering a holistic approach to awaken your mind, invigorate yo...

    13,44 €

  • Diary of a Black Woman in Information Technology Self Empowerment
    Camillia Whiteside
    The book talks about life experiences in the field of Information Technology. ...

    12,42 €

  • 365 Quotes to Overcome Adversity Every Day of the Year
    Dessi McEntee
    Arm yourself with inspiration to battle hardship and work towards success everyday with 365 Quotes for Overcoming Adversity Every Day of the Year. Providing a quote for any given day in any given year, this book is a timeless resource for becoming your most epic self. Leave mediocrity behind and start walking the path of achievement. ...

    29,28 €

  • Thoughts are Things
    Prentice Mulford
    Prentice Mulford was one of the leaders of the New Thought Movement. Thoughts are Things will help you to use the power of your thoughts to improve your life and to bring yourself the peace of mind you’ve always wished for.Learn how to think in a way that will help you succeed and make you happier in every aspect of your life! ...

    11,66 €

  • Memory
    It is true that the success of the individual in his every‑day business, profession, trade or other occupation depends very materially upon the possession of a good memory. His value in any walk in life depends to a great extent upon the degree of memory he may have developed. His memory of faces, names, facts, events, circumstances and other things concerning his every‑day wor...

    12,17 €

  • Nimm eine positive Denkweise an
    Nina Madsen / Special Art Development
    Das Leben ist eine Reise voller Drehungen und Wendungen, und manchmal kann es sich so anfühlen, als würden wir durch ein Labyrinth voller Ungewissheiten navigieren. Nimm eine positive Denkweise an: Ein Leitfaden für weibliches Wohlbefinden und eine positive Lebenseinstellung soll dich auf dieser Reise der Selbstfindung begleiten, hin zu einem Leben voller Freude und Zufriedenhe...

    22,70 €

  • The It Book
    Carl Jeune
    The It Book is an empowering and transformative guidebook that delves into the interconnected realms of love, education, masculinity, femininity, and self-understanding. It aims to provide readers with a comprehensive resource to foster personal growth and inspire a quest for balance and fulfillment. The book delves into the importance of cultivating healthy relationships and n...

    19,83 €

  • The It Book
    Carl Jeune
    The It Book is an empowering and transformative guidebook that delves into the interconnected realms of love, education, masculinity, femininity, and self-understanding. It aims to provide readers with a comprehensive resource to foster personal growth and inspire a quest for balance and fulfillment. The book delves into the importance of cultivating healthy relationships and n...

    24,43 €

  • O Despertar
    Marcelo Caparroz Garcia
    Este livro oferece ensinamentos fundamentais aos iniciantes na Doutrina Espírita e no Espiritualismo, tornando-se uma ferramenta essencial que abre portas para o entendimento dos conceitos espirituais primordiais.Com linguagem acessível e direta, aborda temas fundamentais que tocam o cerne de nossa existência, convidando a uma rica experiência de aprendizado e introspecção.Conc...

    14,47 €

  • Pericardium
    Allison Swenson
    In anatomy, the pericardium is the protective sac that surrounds and anchors the human heart. In your hands, it is the cover of this book.Inspired by the structure and physiology of the heart, Pericardium is a collection of poems and vignettes about strength, security, and perseverance. Divided into four parts corresponding to the four chambers of the heart, Pericardium follows...

    16,48 €

  • A Chave Do Sucesso
    Jean Bandeira
    Bem-vindo ao livro A importância das ferramentas da Qualidade na vida pessoal: A chave para o sucesso!Neste guia completo, vamos explorar como as ferramentas da Qualidade, originalmente desenvolvidas para aprimorar processos e produtos, podem ser aplicadas de maneira efetiva e transformadora em nossa vida pessoal.Neste livro, mergulharemos nas ferramentas da Qualidade mais util...

    15,38 €

  • The Mystical House
    DeiAdra NiCoLe
    In this fictitious short story, we will unravel the mystery surrounding an abandoned home and its occupants. The abandoned home was built in the 1970’s on the outskirts of a tiny Polish village. The home is known as 'The Mystical House' for its bazaar activities. The home is the center of the town’s debate, as if has the town in an uproar. The home is either known to bring fort...

    32,60 €