Psicología infantil y evolutiva/del desarrollo

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Psicología infantil y evolutiva/del desarrollo (1887)

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  • HowExpert Guide to Mentoring Juvenile Youth
    HowExpert / SD Johnson
    If you want to learn how to mentor at-risk youth, build trust, find their purpose and passions, and guide them to a better future, then check out HowExpert Guide to Mentoring Juvenile Youth.Have you ever wanted to be a mentor to youth and/or at-risk youth? Do you think you have what it takes to make an impact in their lives? Well, this book, HowExpert Guide to Mentoring Juvenil...

    25,70 €

  • HowExpert Guide to Mentoring Juvenile Youth
    HowExpert / SD Johnson
    If you want to learn how to mentor at-risk youth, build trust, find their purpose and passions, and guide them to a better future, then check out HowExpert Guide to Mentoring Juvenile Youth.Have you ever wanted to be a mentor to youth and/or at-risk youth? Do you think you have what it takes to make an impact in their lives? Well, this book, HowExpert Guide to Mentoring Juvenil...

    37,44 €

  • Sinergias entre la psicología y el coaching
    Elena Pérez-Moreiras López
    Esta obra quiere mostrar de manera sencilla las grandes conexiones que existen entre la psicología y el coaching, así como reflejar las distintas miradas que de estas conexiones tienen profesionales y organizaciones relacionados con las mismas. Sinergías entre la psicología y el coaching es un canto a la colaboración, al hermanamiento de dos formas del saber, que en acción conj...

    23,61 €

  • Lies
    Rachelle Smith

    140,94 €

  • Naciendo: revista española de psicología y psicopatología perinatal e infantil - 02
    Asociación Salud Mental Infantil desde Gestación ASMI-WAIMH España
    Ya estamos en la calle, nos compran, nos leen, nos citan, incluso nos podrían criticar. Es bueno, ya estamos sometidos ala presión de poder y deber opinar sobre los temas de mayor actualidad e interés.Se ha elaborado por Conecta Perinatal, con la participación activa de ASMI WAIMH España, un documento muy ambiciososobre la Salud Mental Perinatal y cómo implementarla y desarroll...

    22,88 €

  • Who Am I? Understanding Identity and the Many Ways We Define Ourselves
    Christine Selby

    87,45 €

  • Provision of Psychosocial Support and Education of Vulnerable Children
    Globally, children are highly vulnerable and unjustifiably affected by the difficulties afflicting society. They face social, physical, psychological, and emotional turmoil that stems from varying degrees of violence, abuse, neglect, abandonment, bereavement, and other psychosocial needs that often affect their education. Parental and other key stakeholders’ involvement is esse...

    216,25 €

  • Lessons through Reflections
    Jay Sooknanan
    This book is to wake us up. How we treat one another, even down to our verbiage, is crucial and can affect someone’s life drastically. In this book, you see how someone is affected through nature, nurture, society, upbringing, and all our associations and how that leads people in certain directions.This book shows we are all human and we need to be mindful of how we treat one a...

    14,30 €

  • Naciendo: revista española de psicología y psicopatología perinatal e infantil - 01
    Asociación Salud Mental Infantil desde Gestación ASMI-WAIMH España
    Que aparezca una nueva revista es siempre motivo de regocijo en los tiempos que vivimos y si esa revista tiene un perfil científico interdisciplinar abierto a las innovaciones que se producen en todos los campos que se ocupan de la salud mental perinatal, infantil y de la familia, aún mejor.Les anunciamos que estamos Naciendo para quedarnos y crecer con ilusión y rigor. Con la ...

    22,88 €

  • 心理抚养
    编辑推荐心理抚养比物质抚养更重要 性格比能力更决定命运大人只有好好学习 孩子才能天天向上家庭是人生的起点 人的许多问题源于早年养育父母亲自陪伴孩子成长 比只给孩子挣钱更有价值人的胃口是喂出来的,脾气是带出来的,观念是唠叨出来的,残忍是孤弱无助熬出来的,无耻是百般迁就宠溺出来的。爱孩子,并不是一味地顺从他,稍懂事起就要教他行为有规矩,明白可为和不可为的界限。人们一直认为'育'只是用嘴给他讲道理,却忽略了还可以通过动作和各种接触来进行,即'养'的过程本身就是育。与不同的人友好相处,这种社会行为确实需要学习,但前提是父母要有意地培养他的这种行为,让他建立一套与人相处的正确方式。 内容简介心理抚养是一种全新的育儿理念。在养育孩子的过程中,父母往往特别重视孩子是否吃饱穿暖、身高体重如何、是否活泼健康,把这些当成爱的全部,却因为疏于了解、关注婴幼儿、青少年的心理...

    32,47 €

  • ¿Se debe ceder ante los adolescentes?
    Patrick Delaroche
    La pubertad es una etapa de cambios, físicos y psíquicos. Los adolescentes reaccionan mediante la rebeldía o la depresión, y, con frecuencia, la relación con ellos puede ser tensa y pasional. Los desamparados progenitores suelen culparse, pero se deben mantener en su posición de padres y controlar al adolescente. Para intentar solucionar estos problemas, el autor da respuesta a...

    17,63 €

  • Comprensió del pacient adult
    Eulàlia Ruiz Farré
    Un llibre per a professionals de la salut mental, treball social, medicina i de la salut en general, des de diferents perspectives.Per entendre la clínica de ladult cal partir de la base del que han estat les seves relacions primerenques i al llarg de tota la primera infància.Aquest llibre contempla la infància des de la perspectiva diàdica, interactiva i relacional, com a mome...

    27,00 €

  • Guided Growth Journal
    Christopher Speltz
    FOR THOSE WHO FEAR MEDIOCRITY- Takes in account habits from millionaires and others in the eyes of success and puts them into one place.- A structured format to ensure you a day of productivity.HOW IT WORKS: - Gives you a daily to-do list that every millionaire has credited to their success.- Contains affirmations that change every month to form a healthy and dedicated mindset....

    35,62 €

  • Impact and Role of Digital Technologies in Adolescent Lives
    Digital technology covers digital information in every form. The world lives in an information age in which massive amounts of data are being produced to improve our daily lives. This intelligent digital network incorporates interconnected people, robots, gadgets, content, and services all determined by digital transformation. The role of digital technologies in children’s, ado...

    216,17 €

  • Development Guide for Effective Ministry Competencies
    John Bennett / Peg Aldridge / Trish Archer
    This book is designed for congregational leaders (pastors), district superintendents, coaches, and consultantsworking in the context of the United Methodist Church. In particular, it is intended for people who are seekingto develop leadership behaviors and practices, as well as those who are supporting them in their development. ...

    35,33 €

  • Measurement Burst Designs to Improve Precision in Peer Research
    Bianca Panarello / Melisa Castellanos / Ryan J. Persram / Ryan JPersram

    25,41 €

  • O poder oculto
    Padre Reginaldo Manzotti
    Há em nós um poder oculto capaz de nos conduzir à única felicidade real. Mas, para podermos encontrá-lo, devemos passar por um treinamento especial - ou, se quisermos usar o termo do momento, por um coaching. Nestas páginas, Padre Reginaldo Manzotti nos conduz por um profundo itinerário de descoberta interior, cujo objetivo não pode ser outro senão o encontro com a verdadeira f...

    30,65 €

  • The Stress Book
    THE STRESS BOOK IS A WINNER OF MORE THAN FORTY (40+) LITERARY AWARDS, Including THE INDEPENDENT AUTHOR NETWORK (IAN) 2022 First-Place Nonfiction Book of The Year, 2023 ERIC HOFFER AWARD Grand Prize Short List of Finalists Book of The Year, and OUTSTANDING CREATOR AWARD Overall Winner, for Best Nonfiction Book - Spring 2023. Listed in Book Authority’s Article titled '20 Best Str...

    26,01 €

  • Forming Resilient Children
    Holly Catterton Allen
    Many children today are growing up in the midst of adversity, whether brought on by family difficulties or larger societal crises. All children need to be able to deal with stress, cope with challenges, and persevere through disappointments. While we cannot protect children from all hardships, we can promote healthy development that fosters resilience. In this interdisciplinary...

    26,90 €

  • Music, Wellness, and Aging
    Dean D. VonDras / Dean DVonDras / Scott F. Madey / Scott FMadey

    108,48 €

  • Rehabilitation and Remediation of Internationally Adopted Children
    Boris Gindis

    141,35 €

  • Music, Wellness, and Aging
    Dean D. VonDras / Dean DVonDras / Scott F. Madey / Scott FMadey

    37,98 €

  • Conversations with Pirie
    Pirie Grossman
    Former TV host and now life empowerment coach Pirie Jones Grossman interviewed 30 people whose inspirational stories of reinvention reveal struggle, strength, survival, and success. In Conversations with Pirie, each author’s story uncovers their why and how of reinvention while illustrating their journey straddled by personal and professional challenges.From a place of hope and...

    20,66 €

  • Inspire Your Child’s Greatness
    David C Hall
    Parents, educators and policy-makers have the power to enable every child, irrespective of their learning disposition and background, to achieve academic success and realise their goals in life. Inspire Your Child’s Greatness introduces the seven principles to unlock your child’s potential to become happy and confident learners, exceed their educational targets and pursue a car...

    20,08 €

  • Daily Wellness
    Maretta Johnson
    This journal was made with teenagers in mind. The teenaged years are HARD! During the teenaged years, children typically undergo many hormonal, physical, mental, emotional, and social changes. Adults sometimes forget how hard this time of life is. This journal is to help the teens gain some skills to overcome this time and space to vent.This journal offers space to write freely...

    36,05 €

  • Jung And Aging
    Aging-what it is and how it happens-is one of today’s most pressing topics. Most people are either curious or concerned about growing older and how to do it successfully. We need to better understand how to navigate the second half of life in ways that are productive and satisfying, and Jungian psychology, with its focus on the discovery of meaning and continuous development of...

    36,82 €

  • Strategies and Methods for Implementing Trauma-Informed Pedagogy
    Carianne Bernadowski

    216,22 €

  • Leadership
    J. M. Bryan / JMBryan
    Project leaders are responsible for delivering business benefits quickly. Business outcomes occur when project leaders actively engage business partners, establish risk management and cost management, and create highly effective.Imagine being excited to go to work, feeling valued and energized. Then imagine creating this type of environment for your team. The focus of the book ...

    22,78 €

  • Successful Aging Discovering The Factors Which Old People Regard As Essential To Optimal Old Age
    Mike Parson
    The substantial increases in life expectancy at birth achieved over the previous century, combined with medical advances, escalating health and social care costs, and higher expectations for older age, have led to international interest in how to promote a healthier old age and how to age "successfully." Changing patterns of illness in old age, with morbidity being compressed i...

    10,78 €

  • Depression in Children’s Lives
    Betty Lin / Keith Crnic

    25,69 €