Psicología infantil y evolutiva/del desarrollo

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Psicología infantil y evolutiva/del desarrollo (1887)

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  • Iannis Xenakis et l’éthique de l’originalité absolue
    Gérard Pape / Jean de Reydellet
    Iannis Xenakis est l’un des compositeurs majeurs du XXe siècle. Son influence est immense, en raison de sa radicalité, de son esthétique, et de l’intransigeance de ses compositions musicales. Un éternel immigré, tel qu’il se définit lui-même, il refusa toujours de s’installer dans un quelconque confort artistique, philosophique ou humain. Au cours de son existence, repartir ver...

    8,44 €

  • Iannis Xenakis and the Ethics of Absolute Originality
    Gérard Pape
    Iannis Xenakis is one of the major composers of the 20th century. His influence is immense, because of his radicalism, his aesthetic, and the intransigence of his musical compositions. As an eternal immigrant, as he defined himself, he always refused to settle in any artistic, philosophical or human comfort. Throughout his life, leaving for new horizons, new landscapes, new dis...

    11,88 €

  • Utviklingspsykologi (Barnepsykologi og Ungdomspsykologi)
    Fynn Hansen
    Grunnleggende om utviklingspsykologi i ungdomsårene og barndommen Utviklingen til et lite barn er ikke bare fascinerende, men også utrolig kompleks. Barn går gjennom utviklingsstadier som ikke kunne vært vanskeligere. Dette er veritable fjell som disse små vesenene ikke bare må bestige i de første leveårene, men som vil forme hele livet deres. Barn går imidlertid ikke gjennom d...

    10,61 €

  • De Beta a Alfa Secretos de la Masculinidad
    Seducción Científica
    ¿Qué diferencia el comportamiento beta del alfa? ¿Qué es la seducción y cómo aplicarla para conocer mujeres y disfrutar relaciones?La masculinidad vive una crisis que amenaza a la humanidad, el objetivo de este libro es revelar esos secretos que te llevarán a tener relaciones donde ambos disfruten. ¿Te han atacado por tu forma de ser hombre? ¿Ya no sabes ni quién eres?Los betas...

    10,42 €

  • Gelişim Psikolojisi (Çocuk Psikolojisi)
    Yusuf Yilmaz
    Ergenlik ve çocukluk döneminde gelişim psikolojisinin temelleri Küçük bir çocuğun gelişimi sadece büyüleyici değil, aynı zamanda inanılmaz derecede karmaşıktır. Çocuklar, daha zor olamayacak gelişim aşamalarından geçerler. Bunlar, bu küçük varlıkların yalnızca yaşamlarının ilk yıllarında tırmanmak zorunda oldukları değil, aynı zamanda tüm yaşamlarını şekillendirecek olan gerçek...

    10,66 €

  • Focused
    Kenneth Caraballo
    This book provides comprehensive information and support for individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It covers a range of topics including ADHD symptoms and diagnosis, strategies for improving focus and attention, time management and organization tips, managing emotions, building social skills and relationships, education and employment, mental health ...

    79,04 €

  • Sistemik Danışmanlık & Sistemik Terapi (Psikoterapi)
    Yusuf Yilmaz
    Sistemik danışmanlık ve sistemik terapi: Sistemik koçluk - Değişim süreçleri psikoterapi dışında başladığında. Sistemik yaklaşım kavramı birçok insan için bir gizemdir, bu nedenle sistemik terapi, sistemik danışmanlık veya sistemik süpervizyon düşüncesi çok az insanın aklına gelen bir düşüncedir. Yine de "sistemik", belirli bir grup insanın bir sistem oluşturmasından başka bir ...

    10,64 €

  • The Modern Young Man’s Guide to Manhood
    Wayne Walker
    The Modern Young Man’s Guide to Manhood is your roadmap to manhood with unfiltered plain talk. Some of it is controversial, but if you want the truth, that is just how it is sometimes. This book covers the heavy topics that every man must master:- Mental toughness- Money- Career- Women- Personal securityAnd more! Learn from Wayne, he has been a Banker, Actor, Trader, Close Prot...

    10,56 €

  • 1as Jornadas Internacionalesen Psiperinatalidad de Conecta Perinatal y ASMI WAIMH-España 2021
    En el mes de noviembre de 2021 tuvieron lugar las primeras Jornadas Internacionales online sobre ALIANZAS INTERDISCIPLINARESEN SALUD MENTAL PERINATAL: 'Alianzas interdisciplinares en Salud Mental Perinatal- Psiperinatalidad',organizadas por CONECTA PERINATAL y ASMI WAIMH-España, con el objetivo de promover el cuidado de calidad dela salud mental de las madres, padres, bebés, y ...

    23,92 €

  • Elevating Your Potential
    Luke Phil Russell
    The book is a collection of speeches and addresses that Washington delivered to the students of Tuskegee Institute on Sunday evenings. The speeches focus on the importance of building strong character and developing practical skills in order to improve the lives of African Americans and advance the cause of racial equality. Washington emphasizes the importance of education, har...

    24,65 €

  • Help Me Talk To Anyone
    Vaughn Carter
    Conquer the dread of social interactions and turn awkward silences into witty banter.Does the idea of approaching a stranger make your heart race and your palms slick with nervous sweat?Do you turn into a shrinking violet during conversations, sneaking glances at the floor instead of making eye contact, keeping your thoughts to yourself for fear of uttering something cringewort...

    14,51 €

  • Help Me Talk To Anyone
    Vaughn Carter
    Conquer the dread of social interactions and turn awkward silences into witty banter.Does the idea of approaching a stranger make your heart race and your palms slick with nervous sweat?Do you turn into a shrinking violet during conversations, sneaking glances at the floor instead of making eye contact, keeping your thoughts to yourself for fear of uttering something cringewort...

    22,77 €

  • Kehityspsykologia (Kasvatuspsykologia ja Elämänkaaripsykologia)
    Emilia Mäkelä
    Nuoruusiän ja lapsuuden kehityspsykologian perusasiat Pienen lapsen kehitys on paitsi kiehtovaa myös uskomattoman monimutkaista. Lapset käyvät läpi kehitysvaiheita, jotka eivät voisi olla vaikeampia. Nämä ovat todellisia vuoria, joita näiden pienten olentojen on kiivettävä ensimmäisten elinvuosiensa aikana ja jotka muokkaavat heidän koko elämäänsä. Lapset eivät kuitenkaan käy n...

    10,66 €

  • Voices of the Lost Children of Greece
    Mary Cardaras
    Voices of the Lost Children of Greece is a collection of essays from Greek-born adoptees in the 1950s after two consecutive wars that ravaged the country. Their stories will strike home the experience of international adoption, whose impact has been lifelong, but has not been properly measured, let alone acknowledged. ...

    158,46 €

  • Voices of the Lost Children of Greece
    Mary Cardaras
    Voices of the Lost Children of Greece is a collection of essays from Greek-born adoptees in the 1950s after two consecutive wars that ravaged the country. Their stories will strike home the experience of international adoption, whose impact has been lifelong, but has not been properly measured, let alone acknowledged. ...

    50,29 €

  • Manual de psicología y psicopatología perinatal e infantil
    Asociación Salud Mental Infantil desde Gestación ASMI-WAIMH España
    En esta primera edición, presentamos el primer tomo de un conjunto de cuatro, que conformarán el «Manual de Psicología y de Psicopatología Perinatal e Infantil». Tenemos el propósito de reunir los conocimientos de 80 autores que han formado parte del equipo internacional e interdisciplinar de profesores especializados en la investigación y la clínica de la Psicología y de la Ps...

    29,12 €

  • The Role of Intelligence, Impulse, and Habit in Human Conduct
    Luke Phil Russell
    The Role of Intelligence, Impulse, and Habit in Human Conduct' is a thought-provoking and insightful book that explores the complex interplay between three key factors that shape our behavior and decision-making. Through a series of case studies and examples, the author delves into the ways in which intelligence, impulse, and habit intersect and influence our actions, and how w...

    24,20 €

  • The Role of Intelligence, Impulse, and Habit in Human Conduct
    Luke Phil Russell
    The Role of Intelligence, Impulse, and Habit in Human Conduct' is a thought-provoking and insightful book that explores the complex interplay between three key factors that shape our behavior and decision-making. Through a series of case studies and examples, the author delves into the ways in which intelligence, impulse, and habit intersect and influence our actions, and how w...

    16,05 €

  • Adult Learning and Decision Making
    Fengli Mu / James E Hatch
    Lifelong learning assists us in having a successful career, promotes mental health, and helps us to adapt to the constant changes we experience. Rapid changes in our technological and social environment mean that we must learn more and learn faster than ever before. Given the importance of learning, it is essential to understand what we learn and how we learn. These learning el...

    117,85 €

  • Practical Strategies to Reduce Childhood Trauma and Mitigate Exposure to the School-to-Prison Pipeline
    Belinda M. Alexander-Ashley
    School closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, racial violence, injustice, and resource inequities highlight the need for multi-disciplinary strategies and practices that support evidence-based practices across a range of educational levels for leaders, professors, teachers, educational professionals, trauma survivors, and youth and government programs for both in-class and remo...

    216,31 €

  • Szókratészi Párbeszéd és Szókratészi Beszélgetés (Szókratészi Dialógus)
    Levente Szabó
    A döntéshozatal pszichológiai útja Az ókorban, közel kétezer évvel ezelőtt keletkezett szókratészi párbeszédet az információgyűjtés egyszerű eszközeként használták. A bábaság, vagy maieutika, ahogy akkoriban a szókratészi párbeszédet nevezték, ragaszkodott a tényekhez és a tényálláshoz. Időközben azonban a szókratészi párbeszéd megváltozott. Már nem használják információgyűjtés...

    10,66 €

  • Fejlődéslélektan (Fejlődéspszichológia és Pszichológia)
    Levente Szabó
    A serdülő- és gyermekkori fejlődéslélektan alapjai A kisgyermekek fejlődése nemcsak lenyűgöző, hanem hihetetlenül összetett is. A gyermekek olyan fejlődési szakaszokon mennek keresztül, amelyek ennél nehezebbek nem is lehetnének. Ezek valóságos hegyek, amelyeket ezeknek a kis lényeknek nemcsak életük első éveiben kell megmászniuk, hanem amelyek egész életüket meghatározzák. A g...

    10,69 €

  • Der kleine Baunebu
    Rebekka Katzur
    Der kleine Baunebu begibt sich für seine Freunde auf eine weite Reise auf seinem Heimatplaneten Suanamamsi und trifft dabei auf weitere, fantasievolle Bewohner. Verzaubern Sie Ihre Liebsten mit diesem einzigartigen, liebevoll handgemalten Kinderbuch für Groß und Klein. ...

    27,84 €

  • Children Belong in Families, Second Edition
    Mick Pease / Philip Williams
    For too long, the world’s lonely and vulnerable children have been forgotten and ignored. Millions of children are abandoned for a life on the streets or live with unsafe families or in soulless institutions. Now the tide is turning. Pioneers like Mick Pease and his remarkable charity SFAC lead a global movement for change. This insightful and uplifting book takes us on a journ...

    22,14 €

  • Children Belong in Families, Second Edition
    Mick Pease / Philip Williams
    For too long, the world’s lonely and vulnerable children have been forgotten and ignored. Millions of children are abandoned for a life on the streets or live with unsafe families or in soulless institutions. Now the tide is turning. Pioneers like Mick Pease and his remarkable charity SFAC lead a global movement for change. This insightful and uplifting book takes us on a journ...

    33,71 €

  • One More Life Chance
    Mark Escott
    Current education provision struggles to meet the needs of the most vulnerable young people: those with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).One More Life Chance provides practitioners in schools and other settings with the information they need to understand the difficulties faced by traumatised children both in school and in later life. It urges teachers and other professiona...

    20,02 €

  • Lessons I Learned from My Father
    David Ulrich
    The author details some of the abusive experiences at the hands of his father that he had while growing up, such as being pushed backwards down a flight of stairs, only to receive more violence when he landed at the bottom of them. He tells what each of these experiences caused him to think about both himself, others, and society in general, such as 'I’m of little or no value a...

    13,99 €

  • How to Die Young as Old as You Can
    CFT Doug Melody PhD / Doug Melody Ph.D. CFT
    Does being older mean enduring a life of chronic disease and disability? Is this all we have to look forward to as we age? This 72-year-old author really doesn’t believe so. Despite what many of us think and what we’re led to believe, most all of us do have choices in terms of how we live in our 'old age'. Doug Melody is challenging the script currently in place that directs us...

    17,23 €

  • The Parinama Method
    Katie Bickford
    Self-transformation is the most courageous undertaking of our lives. This excruciating yet exquisite process requires introspection that is wholly honest and open about who we are today and about the past that has shaped us.Using science, psychology, and biology, The Parinama Method: Transform Everything - A Practical and Philosophical Guide provides a framework that anchors an...

    70,91 €

  • Right in the Middle but Left Out
    Jeffery A Trees
    The central theme of this book is how to identify and deal with the realities of incest. Most of the time incest victims have a great deal of emotional, physical, and sexual pain. Too many times it literally takes years and years for a child to work through all the tormenting, and too many times all they can do is subdue it, which makes them deal with it in their thirties and f...

    13,81 €