Prácticas de adivinación

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Prácticas de adivinación (2087)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Prácticas de adivinación Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Handwriting Psychology
    Dr. Helmut Ploog / DrHelmut Ploog
    If you find yourself called on to judge people on a regular basis, you need all the tools at your disposal to do your job right. Handwriting psychology offers one practical method for helping you learn what you need to learn about your subject quickly.Whether you are a teacher, psychologist or manager, you can benefit from the guidance of Dr. Helmut Ploog, a handwriting expert....

    13,51 €

  • Piscis
    Leo Kabal
    Estudio completo del signo de Piscis:PersonalidadCualidades y defectosAfinidades e incompatibilidades en el amorSaludTrabajoÁngeles de nuestro signoEtc.Una obra que nos ayudará a conocernos a nosotros mismos y descubrir y potenciar nuestras mejores cualidades para tener una vida óptima y más productiva, tanto en sentido material como espiritual. 10 ...

    5,50 €

  • Ancient Moon Wisdom
    Miriam Maron
    Long ago, mystics believed that along with every renewal of the phases of the Moon came shifts within the souls of all stones, plants, animals, and humans. Dr. Maron highlights these shifts and explains how we are affected by them. This book will prove helpful in one’s personal unfolding. ...

    53,28 €

  • Life Is a Game
    Dj Con
    DJ Con presents and explains his beliefs and theories as well as the concepts of astrology and numerology as he shares his journey to spiritual enlightenment.As a seeker of the truth, DJ Con offers insight into the lessons he gained from a wide variety of personal experiences throughout his lifetime. By offering a fresh perspective on how he learned to stop visualizing life fro...

    42,99 €

  • Life Is a Game
    Dj Con
    DJ Con presents and explains his beliefs and theories as well as the concepts of astrology and numerology as he shares his journey to spiritual enlightenment.As a seeker of the truth, DJ Con offers insight into the lessons he gained from a wide variety of personal experiences throughout his lifetime. By offering a fresh perspective on how he learned to stop visualizing life fro...

    31,92 €

  • The Book of Pluto
    Steven Forrest
    Follow master astrologer Steven Forrest on an astrological journey into the realm of both darkness and the powers that can transform it: the planetary body Pluto. Whether officially named a planet or not, astrologers everywhere agree that Pluto is a major force. With this groundbreaking work, Steven emerged as one of the foremost voices merging astrological practice with the m...

    19,88 €

  • Diabetes Control
    Drugs provide temporary relief from diseases but their regular intake causes side effects in the body. As per concepts of naturopathy, if you eat natural foods, you will never need drugs. So adopt healthy eating habits to get a fit life ahead. The keyword to good health is detoxification of the entire body system which is more effectively done by consuming fruits and vegetables...

    16,73 €

  • The Starry Rubric
    Alexander Cummins
    Seventeenth-century England was a turbulent place to live. It was a century of civil wars, regicide, food riots and plague - a time of millenarian prophets and threatening witches, of radical sects and experiments in Commonwealth. It was also a revolutionary period. The lifting of printing press censorships created a veritable explosion of printed materials: from popular almana...

    22,15 €

    Success today depends a lot on your academic achievements. And to excel in studies, you do not have to be just an intelligent student - but also one who knows how to manage studies and time. This book, brings you an innovative system specifically designed for super achievement. ...

    41,07 €

  • Yesterday’s Sky
    Steven Forrest
    Behind your familiar astrological chart lurks another chart entirely, one whose existence you may never have suspected. It carries your treasures and your wounds. Where the astrologer’s predictions and the realities of your life might not in all honesty have lined up, this chart-behind-the-chart will help you see why. This second, hidden chart tells the tale of who you were in ...

    26,86 €

  • Astrological Magic
    Benjamin N. Dykes / Benjamin NDykes / Jayne Gibson
    Astrological Magic: Basic Rituals & Meditations is designed for both beginning and experienced ritualists. Written by two veteran ritualists with twenty years of experience apiece, it describes magic in terms of spiritual healing, and is especially written for contemporary astrologers (both traditionalists and modernists) who want a more hands-on, ritualized, and astrologically...

    30,80 €

  • Fundamentals of Flying Star Feng Shui
    Ulrich Wilhelm Lippelt

    26,70 €

  • Surfing Your Solar Cycles
    Neil D. Paris / Neil DParis
    Your lifetime guide to your annual life cycles - personal to you!• Learn how use the magic of astrology’s solar cycles to design and manifest your dreams• Uncover the astrology cycles unique to you, and how to use them to shift your reality - each andevery month of your life• Look up the monthly cycles of your family, friends, partner, clients, coworkers or boss to understandwh...

    25,52 €

  • God-Man
    George Washington Carey
    Ancient wisdom, not taught anywhere now. A classic of alternative health.A useful companion to The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation and The Chemistry of Human Life. Dr. George W. Carey is known for numerous contributions to alternative theories of health, in particular the mineral theory of health. He was the first to state that a person’s body is a 'chemical formula in oper...

    21,50 €

  • Dioses y Orishas del Panteon de Yoruba
    MCR El Pensador
    El Santoral Yoruba, el principio de la mitología de la religión, el comienzo y el cimiento de la historia de este legado religioso. La misma leyenda, que su curso religioso se expande como la semilla, que del fruto se recoge el extracto de la fe de nuestros ancestros viviendo en un presente. Tambores que en su repicar no han dejado de sonar la melodía que marca la historia dent...

    34,27 €

  • Secrets of Astrology Everybody Must Know
    S. S Dr. Gola / S.S DrGola
    Secrets of Astrology Everybody Must KnowThis book is a boon for common man who wants to know how the law of karma affects us. It is the most easily understandable book on Astrology. The objective of this book is to give an interesting insight into some of the fascinating intriguing and mysterious aspects of the oldest science known to mankind. Everything is explained with the h...

    17,74 €

  • The C.A.M.P. Guide to Astrology
    Victor J. Banis
    That Man from C.A.M.P., Jackie Holmes, says: 'If there’s one subject almost certain to break the ice, and sometimes even bring things to a boiling point, it’s the subject of Astrology. I touched upon it ever so briefly in Sex and the Single Gay, and was nearly deluged by remarks about my remarks. At this point I’m probably expected to make a ringing defense of the star system, ...

    16,58 €

    Embrosewyn Tazkuvel
    "Auras: How to See, Feel & Know," is like three books in one! 1. It's an information packed, full color, complete training manual with 17 time tested exercises and 47 photos and illustrations to help you quickly be able to see Auras in vibrant color! It is the only full color book on auras available. 2. It's an entertaining read as Embrosewyn recalls his early childhood...

    33,56 €

  • Spiritual Development Through Astrology
    Lynne Conant
    This book sheds light on the many paths that are available to us and helps us to see how we can upgrade our destiny. It shows us that all of our choices are experienced on many different levels and that these choices affect us physically, psychologically and spiritually.The book reflects the underlying knowledge that is offered by astrology. It is the unfolding of the zodiac. I...

    13,78 €

    Hasthrekha shastra pracheen hrishi-muniyo dwara vishwa ko diya gaya uphar hai. Hasthrekha ka sambandh bhartiye samudrik shastra, hastha samudrik shastra tatha falit-jyotish se hai. Prastut pustak ka pradayan khyatilabdh vidwan hasthshastri shri surendra nath saxena dwara kiya gaya hai. iss pustak mein hasthrekha ki baarikiyon par prakash daala gaya hai. pustak sakaratmak evam s...

    20,52 €

  • The Seventh House
    Steven Joseph Sinopoli

    23,45 €

  • The Seventh House
    Steven Joseph Sinopoli

    31,86 €

  • The Inner Sky
    Steven Forrest

    20,22 €

  • Astrology for Layman
    T.M. Rao
    Astrology nowadays is universally recognised as a science, based on sound mathematical principles and calculations. But while it is easy to agree to this premise, it is difficult to find a well-researched comprehensive book to guide the general reader. In response to this need, this book is designed to bring home to the reader the fundamentals of the discipline with the predict...

    24,65 €

  • Tarot Unfolded
    Stefan Stenudd
    Tarot is the extended deck of cards used for divination, dating back to the Renaissance. It works by images, as do humans. We are creatures of imagination. Reading the Tarot cards is essentially done by processing the images in our imagination. This book presents the Tarot and explains how it's used in divination. But the main purpose of the book is to tickle the reader'...

    15,09 €

  • Timing Is Everything; Astrology Is the Key-Book 11
    Weslynn McCallister as Wes Alistair
    Have you ever planned that once-in-a-lifetime event, only to have it canceled due to inclement weather, illness, or an accident? Wouldn’t you love to have a roadmap of your life, one that pointed the way to love, success, good health, and money? Although astrology is not destiny, nor is it fate, with a thorough knowledge of the subject and correct delineation, you will be able ...

    16,18 €

  • Blending Astrology, Numerology and the Tarot
    Doris Chase Doane
    In Blending Astrology, Numerology and the Tarot, Doris Chase Doane combines these three unique metaphysical techniques to add insight to readings. She explains the guiding principles behind each of these disciplines, including an easy overview of numerology and the basic astrological principles. Several examples show the effect of numerology in name changes, as well as the life...

    23,32 €

  • The Sacred Dance of Venus and Mars
    Michele Finey
    A beautiful book which for the first time explores the relationship between the cycles of Venus and Mars and their impact on our lives - especially where relationships are concerned. Michele Finey has thoroughly researched her subject, and using many case histories she shows how, although synastry is important, possibly of greater importance is the aspect between the two planet...

    28,25 €

  • Natural and Supernatural
    Brian Inglis
    Did Moses turn rods into serpents? Does Uri Geller bend spoons? Did Socrates and Joan of Arc have spirit guides? Did Daniel Home levitate? The 1970’s provided a striking revival of interest in the paranormal which has continued unabated into the twenty first century.Telepathy ESP, clairvoyance, premonitions, and psychokinesis - the action of mind upon matter - it was not long a...

    20,86 €

  • The End-Of-The-World Delusion
    Justin Deering
    'The End-of-the-World Delusion is a well-written, thoroughly researched, and very readable book. Deering’s lively narrative makes complex and complicated topics accessible to the average reader. He certainly pulled me into his book despite my cynical view of the topic. Deering offers the reader riveting histories of end-of-the world beliefs and covers an extraordinary array of ...

    16,69 €