Prácticas de adivinación

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Prácticas de adivinación (2087)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Prácticas de adivinación Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Jupiter Remembered
    Myra Wexler Darwish
    Jupiter Remembered is the memoir of a woman’s journey toward understanding the meaning of her life. There is love and insight woven throughout its pages, which was gleaned from her spiritual nature, the Diaspora experiences of her family from Russia and Egypt, her practice in the healing arts, and her joy of teaching. Her discovery of astrology ten years ago has accompanied her...

    21,12 €

  • The Book of the Moon
    Steven Forrest
    Humans have been meditating on the Moon since the beginning of our time on earth. As long as there has been anything we could call astrology, it has been central to all theories of celestial influence. But why do astrologers pay so little attention to its phases? In these pages, Steven Forrest, bestselling author of The Inner Sky, shows how we have been blinded to the lunar ph...

    27,23 €

  • Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac
    George W. Carey / George WCarey
    2013 Reprint of 1930 Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. George Washington Carey (1845-1924) was an American physician known for a number of 1910s ’Chemistry of Life’ publications, a subject which he referred to as biochemistry, particularly his 1919 'The Chemistry of Human Life'. Carey combined a mixture of reli...

    8,34 €

  • The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation
    George W. Carey / George WCarey
    2013 Reprint of 1932 Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Color reproduction of Frontispiece. George Washington Carey (1845-1924) was an American physician known for a number of 1910s ’Chemistry of Life’ publications, a subject which he referred to as biochemistry, particularly his 1919 'The Chemistry of Human Li...

    20,28 €

  • Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy
    Robert Hewitt Brown
    First published in 1882, Robert Hewitt Brown's 'Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy' created a sensation. Well researched and beautifully written, the book reveals the hidden meanings of masonic and other symbols, linking them both to pagan religion and to modern faiths such as Judaism and Christianity. As a highly respected Freemason, (having achieved the 32nd d...

    16,72 €

  • The Ascendant
    Jodie Forrest
    Balance how you look with who you really are by understanding the astrological Ascendant, or Rising Sign. How do you face the world? Are you centered? Are you poised? How well do you handle blind dates and job interviews? Your astrological Ascendant, the sign rising in the east at your birth, is the face you wear in the world, your social self, your astrological 'clothing'. Yo...

    19,15 €

  • The 144 Doors of the Zodiac
    Thyrza Escobar
    The use of dwads is amazingly effective in chart interpretation, providing the specifics and particulars that are otherwise out of reach. These divisions of the zodiac provide subtle but powerful details that enable a fine-tuning of the chart and interpretation of the most insightful aspects of personality. Author Thyrza Escobar takes this one step further as she discusses and...

    17,96 €

  • I Am an Experiment
    Ashtara Ashtara
    I Am An Experiment is a true, unique and universal story. In it Ashtara shares her life transforming experiences of multi-dimensional space travel and interactions with, and training by, celestial and extra-terrestrial beings. This book is written from personal journal entries made between the years 1993 to 2000. It provides a depth and breath of perception and clarity. For t...

    24,12 €

  • Kabbalah and Astrology
    Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi
    Kabbalah and Astrology is a rewrite of The Anatomy of Fate, first published in 1978. It views astrology in the wider context of the ancient tradition of Kabbalah. The influence of the cosmos on humanity, at both the individual and collective levels, is the main topic of this book. The astrological birth chart is examined from a psychological and spiritual perspective, showing h...

    34,68 €

  • The Bull, the Bear and the Planets
    M. G. Bucholtz B.Sc. MBA
    Once maligned by many, the subject of financial astrology is now experiencing a revival as traders and investors seek deeper insight into the forces that move the financial markets. The markets are a dynamic entity fueled by many factors, some of which we can easily comprehend, some of which are esoteric. For example, astrological phenomena can influence price action and create...

    17,75 €

  • The Bull, the Bear and the Planets
    M. G. Bucholtz B.Sc. MBA
    Once maligned by many, the subject of financial astrology is now experiencing a revival as traders and investors seek deeper insight into the forces that move the financial markets. The markets are a dynamic entity fueled by many factors, some of which we can easily comprehend, some of which are esoteric. For example, astrological phenomena can influence price action and create...

    26,18 €

  • God-Man
    George W. Carey / George WCarey / Inez Eudora Perry
    2013 Reprint of 1920 Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. George Washington Carey (1845-1924) was an American physician known for his ’chemistry of life’ publications, a subject which he referred to as biochemistry. Carey combined a mixture of religion, astrology, physiology, anatomy, and chemistry, themed partic...

    9,88 €

  • Alcanza tus sueños
    Helios Herrera
    Todos tenemos la capacidad de soñar, pero sólo unos cuantos poseen la facultad de realizar sus sueños.Como un mago, Helios Herrera nos enseña en una forma clara, directa, sin ambages ni retorcimientos literarios, de qué manera podemos convertir nuestros sueños en realidad. ¿Qué clase de sueños? Aquellos que coinciden con los objetivos de la vida de cualquier persona que desea t...

    8,04 €

  • Mediocre
    Julie McCulloch Burton
    Drawing on a lifetime of experiences, author Julie McCulloch Burton shares a compilation of short stories and vignettes that reflect her self-deprecating sense of humor and her positive outlook on life, turning ordinary moments into meaningful lessons.Including personal photographs of a wide range of subjects-food, flowers, animals, people, landscapes, seasons, studies in lines...

    21,02 €

  • Mediocre
    Julie McCulloch Burton
    Drawing on a lifetime of experiences, author Julie McCulloch Burton shares a compilation of short stories and vignettes that reflect her self-deprecating sense of humor and her positive outlook on life, turning ordinary moments into meaningful lessons.Including personal photographs of a wide range of subjects-food, flowers, animals, people, landscapes, seasons, studies in lines...

    32,26 €

  • Touchstones for Today
    Alanna Moore
    Ancient standing stones transmit beneficial Earth energies and provide anchor points for the power and spirit of the land. Old traditions of healing, divination, wish fulfillment and fertility associated with certain stones continue to hold currency today. Anyone can tune into Earth's subtle dimensions with the art of dowsing and other forms of super-sensory attunement. Connect...

    14,93 €

  • The Oracle of Rasputin
    Manteia / Paolo Benassi
    The Oracle of Rasputin is an ancient script attributed to the controversial Russian mystic and discovered by the Italian chiromancer Leopoldo Benassi, better known as Professor Manteia, from the Greek for 'divination.' Manteia came into possession of the Oracle in an encounter with a mysterious gentleman, deciphered the text written in Old Russian, and translated it into Italia...

    31,84 €

  • The Healing Power of Crystals
    Magda Palmer
    It has been known throughout the ages that gemstones and crystals possess energies that can be used to aid in a wide range of activities. From healing to gathering knowledge, from mediation to protections, stones and crystals have long been useful tools in assisting practitioners of various spiritual arts in reaching their potential. In this informative, updated edition of a cl...

    35,59 €

  • The Healing Power of Crystals
    Magda Palmer
    It has been known throughout the ages that gemstones and crystals possess energies that can be used to aid in a wide range of activities. From healing to gathering knowledge, from mediation to protections, stones and crystals have long been useful tools in assisting practitioners of various spiritual arts in reaching their potential. In this informative, updated edition of a cl...

    24,17 €

  • Holy Bible and the Book of Changes - Part One - The Prophecy of The Redeemer Jesus in Old Testament (Traditional Chinese Edition)
    Chengqiu Zhang / 張成秋
    我本來為了信徒和慕道友的需要,想寫一本《聖經》的節本。後來因為舊約部分字數太多,所以就單獨成書;而新約部分,也想寫成一冊。《聖經》(新、舊約)介紹完畢,我還想把中國人最重視的《易經》介紹一下,並且把《聖經》和《易經》作一比較。名稱就叫《聖經與易經》。因為《易經》是中國文化的最高點,信奉的人也多。如何引導懂《易經》的人信奉我基督教,一直是我在主前的負擔。願主給我力量,能完成這個工作,並祝福他的話,使千萬靈魂歸主、得永生,阿們。所以本套書包括四個部分:一、舊約摘要(兩部)二、新約摘要(一部)三、易經摘要(一部)四、聖經與易經之會通(一部)Holy Bible《聖經》有絕對的權威《聖經》有絕對的權威。原因是:舊約部分,是猶太教認真保存下來的經典,預言或預表到耶穌基督;新約是最接近耶穌基督的門徒、使徒或認真的歷史家記下的信仰資料,經早期教會認定的。整本《聖經...

    36,26 €

  • Holy Bible and the Book of Changes - Part Two - Unification Between Human and Heaven fulfilled by Jesus in New Testament (Traditional Chinese Edition)
    Chengqiu Zhang / 張成秋
    聖經與易經(上冊):舊約聖經,救主耶穌的預言或預表(簡體中文版) 我本來為了信徒和慕道友的需要,想寫一本《聖經》的節本。後來因為舊約部分字數太多,所以就單獨成書;而新約部分,也想寫成一冊。《聖經》(新、舊約)介紹完畢,我還想把中國人最重視的《易經》介紹一下,並且把《聖經》和《易經》作一比較。名稱就叫《聖經與易經》。因為《易經》是中國文化的最高點,信奉的人也多。如何引導懂《易經》的人信奉我基督教,一直是我在主前的負擔。願主給我力量,能完成這個工作,並祝福他的話,使千萬靈魂歸主、得永生,阿們。所以本套書包括四個部分:一、舊約摘要(兩部)二、新約摘要(一部)三、易經摘要(一部)四、聖經與易經之會通(一部) ...

    32,17 €

  • Holy Bible and the Book of Changes - Part One - The Prophecy of The Redeemer Jesus in Old Testament (Simplified Chinese Edition)
    Chengqiu Zhang / 張成秋
    我本来为了信徒和慕道友的需要,想写一本《圣经》的节本。后来因为旧约部分字数太多,所以就单独成书;而新约部分,也想写成一册。《圣经》(新、旧约)介绍完毕,我还想把中国人最重视的《易经》介绍一下,并且把《圣经》和《易经》作一比较。名称就叫《圣经与易经》。因为《易经》是中国文化的最高点,信奉的人也多。如何引导懂《易经》的人信奉我基督教,一直是我在主前的负担。愿主给我力量,能完成这个工作,并祝福他的话,使千万灵魂归主、得永生,阿们。所以本套书包括四个部分:一、旧约摘要(两部)二、新约摘要(一部)三、易经摘要(一部)四、圣经与易经之会通(一部)Holy Bible《圣经》有绝对的权威《圣经》有绝对的权威。原因是:旧约部分,是犹太教认真保存下来的经典,预言或预表到耶稣基督;新约是最接近耶稣基督的门徒、使徒或认真的历史家记下的信仰资料,经早期教会认定的。整本《圣...

    37,11 €

  • Holy Bible and the Book of Changes - Part Two - Unification Between Human and Heaven fulfilled by Jesus in New Testament (Simplified Chinese Edition)
    Chengqiu Zhang / 張成秋

    33,01 €

  • Skymates II
    Jodie Forrest / Steven Forrest

    25,75 €

  • Africa’s Diabolical Entrapment
    Frisky Larr
    'Africa’s Diabolical Entrapment' exposes Sub-Saharan Africa as a region that is wantonly bruised it its trap between two major religions in the continent namely Christianity and Traditional Animism. It compares religious beliefs in Africa with historical religious developments in other continents of the world to identify where Black Africa is getting it wrong. While advancing t...

    15,72 €

  • Living a Bhakti Life
    In Living a Bhakti Life, author A. R. Pashayan recounts experiencing a “spiritual download” in 2004 during meditation that literally changed her life. She was tormented with repetitive dreams of death, night after night, brought on in part by a death in the family, stress from work, and no alone time. She, along with a friend, tried analyzing the dreams. Nothing was clear until...

    16,42 €

  • Living a Bhakti Life
    In Living a Bhakti Life, author A. R. Pashayan recounts experiencing a “spiritual download” in 2004 during meditation that literally changed her life. She was tormented with repetitive dreams of death, night after night, brought on in part by a death in the family, stress from work, and no alone time. She, along with a friend, tried analyzing the dreams. Nothing was clear until...

    27,66 €

  • The Symbolism of the Tarot [Color Illustrated Edition]
    P. D. Ouspensky / PDOuspensky
    2013 Reprint of 1913 Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Front and back covers reproduce the 22 cards illustrated in color in the original edition. This is Ouspensky’s classic study of the 22 cards of the Greater Arcana. His insightful illustrations and commentary provide a fuller understanding of the meaning o...

    13,08 €

  • Paranormal New Testament
    Linda JSmith Pippin
    When Thomas thrust his hand in Jesus side and it penetrates all the way through.A real look at what is paranormal in Christianity.  Understanding that normal in this world,is paranormal in other worlds. ...

    13,94 €

  • Handwriting Psychology
    Dr. Helmut Ploog
    If you find yourself called on to judge people on a regular basis, you need all the tools at your disposal to do your job right. Handwriting psychology offers one practical method for helping you learn what you need to learn about your subject quickly.Whether you are a teacher, psychologist or manager, you can benefit from the guidance of Dr. Helmut Ploog, a handwriting expert....

    21,18 €