Prácticas de adivinación

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Prácticas de adivinación (2088)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Prácticas de adivinación Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Mapping the Psyche Volume 1
    Clare Martin
    This book, a transcript of the first term of Clare Martin’s introductory course in astrology given for the Centre for Psychological Astrology, continues her clear, insightful and innovative presentation of the basics of astrological study. In this first of three volumes, the basic building blocks of astrological language are presented, not in the dry, ’cookbook’ manner which ma...

    22,66 €

  • Mapping the Psyche Volume 2
    Clare Martin
    This book, a transcript of the second term of Clare Martin’s introductory course in astrology given for the Centre for Psychological Astrology, continues her clear, insightful and innovative presentation of the basics of astrological study. Exploring the planetary aspects and the houses of the horoscope, the ten lessons focus on the horoscope as a dynamic interweaving of polari...

    24,22 €

  • The Book of Neptune
    Steven Forrest
    Neptune marks the border between the conventional planets and deep space. It is the window through which you peer into your own mystical vastness-and through which that luminous vastness peers back. This mysterious window has forever hypnotized humanity. Some of us-those who have truly cleaned the glass-are the precious mystics who light our paths. Others, flooded by imagery po...

    24,69 €

  • The Art of Black Mirror Scrying
    Rosemary Ellen Guiley
    The black mirror is a powerful divination and visioning tool, revered for centuries for its ability to penetrate the veil between worlds. Mirror gazing, or scrying, is an ancient art for making contact with the dead, opening the gates to the angelic realm, seeing into the future and past, and seeing distant locations. All kinds of shiny surfaces have been used as tools, but the...

    10,29 €

  • 5 minutos para crecer
    Helios Herrera
    5 minutos para crecer te será de gran utilidad porque comprenderás los hábitos que aplican los seres humanos exitosos, productivos, organizados y positivos, y que los diferencian de los mediocres, improductivos, desorganizados y negativos que hacen de su vida una eterna lamentación, produciendo una vorágine de pesimismo a su alrededor que afecta a sus familias y a nuestro Méxic...

    8,73 €

  • Golden Palm Astrology

    21,99 €

  • Palmistry
    Cassandria Hanna

    18,80 €

  • Divination’s Grasp
    Richard Werbner

    35,26 €

  • Soul Mate Auras
    Embrosewyn Tazkuvel
    Find your own "Happily Ever After"Learn the simple secrets to discovering the love of your life! Experience the fulfilling joy of life with your Twin Flame or Soul Mate.Soul Mate Auras: How to Find Your Soul Mate & "Happily Ever After” uses dozens of full color pictures and the experience of 60 years of seeing auras, to give you the master keys to discovering your Soul Mate usi...

    30,48 €

    Erik Thorell
    ' Author Erik Thorell reveals his new publication, TAI Divination Workbook. TAI Divination is the fusion of three ancient divination systems: Tarot, Astrology and the I Ching or TAI. These 3 systems have come together in one reading, probably for the first time ever in the history of divination. You don’t have to be psychic to use TAI, and TAI is easy to understand for beginner...

    23,74 €

  • La Anatomía del Sino y del Destino
    Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi / Mercedes Simón
    Este libro ahonda en la filosofía de la astrología desde una dimensión esotérica. Principios cabalísticos revelan los aspectos más profundos del horóscopo y de eventos históricos. Juntos a los patrones y ritmos celestes, los conceptos de libre albedrío y de posibilidad de elección se muestran como aspectos en el desarrollo del sino y del destino. ...

    25,55 €

  • Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac
    George W. Carey / George WCarey
    An Unabridged, Unaltered Edition to Include The Twelve Cell Salts of the Zodiac with an Astro-Chemico-Physiological & Chromatic Chart - ...

    6,42 €

  • Agamben and the Signature of Astrology
    Colilli / Paul Colilli
    This book examines how astrology appears in the works of Giorgio Agamben as a means to visualize the significance of the central elements in his thinking on issues such as potentiality, biopolitics, and the signature. The astrological signature becomes an alternative mode to theology, politics, and philosophy as a way of understanding history. ...

    133,30 €

  • Mapping the Psyche 3
    Clare Martin
    As students of Clare Martin, and readers of her two previous books, will recognise, Mapping the Psyche Book 3, covering transits, returns, progressions and directions, is once again both immediately accessible and profound. It leads seamlessly from personal contributions from individual students, to philosophical discussion; to precise astronomical explanation and calculation; ...

    21,05 €

  • The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation
    George W. Carey / George WCarey / TBD
    An Unabridged Printing of the Fourteenth & Memorial Edition to Include an Introduction by Inez Perry and Part One featuring the Twelve Cell Salts of the Zodiac, Part Two Containing Fourteen Chapters with a Comprehensive, Sixteen Page Index at Book’s End with Chart. ...

    23,34 €

    Lal Kitab is a unique book based on palmistry and Hindu astrology (Jyotisha). This book includes several new dimensions to simplify the complex concepts of human life. The most important feature of the book is that it explains in detail how some planetary positions of horoscope reflect in the lines of one's palm. While most other books on astrology offer remedies in the form of...

    32,33 €

  • William Lilly’s History of his Life and Times
    William Lilly
    Perhaps the last great astrologer, William Lilly (1602–1681) rose from modest countryside beginnings to the center of the London political scene during the height of the English Civil War. His astrological predictions were distributed in annual almanacs on the streets of London, and he earned the reputation of England’s cherished astrologer. His crowning achievement, Christian ...

    16,32 €

    Can astrology enlighten us in the 21st century?  ASTROLOGY: HISTORY AND PURPOSE says that it can. ASTROLOGY: HISTORY AND PURPOSE tells the story not only of astrology itself but importantly, of the state of mind of which astrology is but one manifestation. In Part One ASTROLOGY: HISTORY AND PURPOSE traces the path of the real astrology - the hidden knowledge - through the wor...

    16,81 €

  • Manual de Astrología Horaria - Versión extendida
    John Frawley / Javier Güelfi / Leah Cuperman
    La astrología horaria encuentra respuestas específicas a las preguntas específicas que llenan nuestras vidas. Rápida, sencilla y precisa, horaria fue durante siglos el pilar de la práctica astrológica. Ya sea una pregunta sobre la vida amorosa, la carrera, una enfermedad - o predecir el tiempo para una barbacoa, esta guía clara y completa hecha por un maestro moderno de la astr...

    32,79 €

  • Planetary Hours
    Bob Makransky
    The Planetary Hours are an ancient astrological system for selecting favorable times to act (and avoiding unfavorable times), by assigning planetary rulers to the twenty-four hours of the day. This book has easy-to-follow instructions for finding your birthday and birth hour rulers, and clearly explains how these determine your personality and your luck. A chapter on electional...

    14,23 €

  • Initiation into the Mysteries of the Secret Doctrine
    Initiation into the Mysteries of the Secret Doctrine is an extensive consideration of Occult Science that delves into the historical record to trace the role of this secret knowledge through ancient cultures and into the present. Presenting the Zodiac as the concept central to the understanding of the life cycle, Aceka reveals the keys to understanding ancient esoteric philosop...

    15,53 €

  • From Masha’ Allah to Kepler
    Astrology has recently become a subject of interest to scholars of the highest calibre. However, the tendency has been to look at the social context of astrology, the attacks on astrologers and their craft, and on astrological iconography and symbolism; i.e., largely looking on astrology from the outside. The intention of this book is to do is to look at the subject from the in...

    24,84 €

  • The Magic of the Akashic Records
    Chris Janet Wilson
          This book is about my work in the Akashic Records- an energetic record of the experiences of all souls on Earth throughout time. The key messages of The Magic of the Akashic Records are when we are challenged on a human level, on a soul level all is perfect. we can use the energy of the Akashic Records to help us in our daily lives. This understanding has the po...

    10,67 €

  • Under a Sacred Sky
    Ray Grasse
    Under a Sacred Sky is a fascinating collection of essays by the author on the ancient art of astrology, ranging from discussions of its use in our personal lives to its value for understanding historical cycles and patterns. Along the way Ray Grasse also interjects the story with some of his own personalexperiences in the discipline, while exploring its broader implications for...

    22,72 €

  • Pan’s Script
    Elkie White
    Destiny may be written in the stars, but you have the power to shape it. In Pan’s Script, author Elkie White, offers a treasure trove of vital information about you, your loved ones, and your life, through astrology and numerology, combined. Pan’s Script guides you to the discovery of your Astro-Number Signature: the governing resonance of your entire energy-field. It paints a ...

    21,95 €

  • The Soul Speaks
    Mark Jones
    In The Soul Speaks: The Therapeutic Potential of Astrology, psychosynthesis therapist and astrologer Mark Jones delivers a timely message about the therapeutic power of astrology.Based on over 10,000 hours of client work with individuals in astrology readings and long-term clinical work, The Soul Speaks offers a powerful synthesis of astrological and psychotherapeutic insight t...

    19,93 €

  • The God Science
    Joshua Jamil Livingston
    From the age of ten when he first developed a deep attraction to the unknown things of the universe, Joshua Livingston began to study the Bible’s book of Revelation. Intrigued by the correlation between the Bible’s predictions and current world events, Livingston embarked on a spiritual and scientific journey that eventually led him to the truths he shares in his guidebook to i...

    11,03 €

  • Psychological Astrology And The Twelve Houses
    Noel Eastwood
    "Psychological Astrology and the Twelve Houses" will surprise you, whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned professional: Noel Eastwood is an astrologer, tarotist, and a retired psychotherapist. He approaches astrology as an altered state of consciousness.He walks you through the houses of the natal chart like a good travel guide who knows that sightseeing is not enoug...

    42,54 €

  • How the Letters Dance Me
    Jennifer Crebbin
    Laid out in ready-to-use formats suitable for the beginning student to advanced practitioner, perfect for classroom or private use, How the letters Dance Me is a guidebook to forming the Vimala Alphabet®. It offers the alphabet in traceable, descriptive and multiple practice formats to guide you in changing your life.A complimentary book to Ms. Crebbin’s first book, Soul Develo...

    16,95 €

  • The Cycle of Growth
    Brian T Baulsom MNFSH
    'THE CYCLE OF GROWTH' CONTAINS NEW CONCEPTS NOT FOUND ANYWHERE ELSE.The main principle of The Cycle of Growth is that all cyclic processes, no matter how many stages we split them into, are manifestations of the same Whole. When we compare the Cycle of Growth with seeming different areas of study there is remarkable correspondence.The book compares traditional philosophic and e...

    85,73 €