Prácticas de adivinación

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Prácticas de adivinación (2091)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Prácticas de adivinación Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy
    Robert Hewitt Brown
    2018 Reprint of 1882 Edition.  Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition software.  This book reveals the hidden meanings behind the occult signs and symbols contained in the stellar theology and Masonic astronomy from ancient times. This incredibly detailed book reveals the hidden meanings behind occult signs and symbols from ancient times...

    17,64 €

  • The Power of Yi
    Dejun Xue
    Yi was created 6,500 years ago. Around 500 B.C., Confucius and his disciples compiled ten commentaries on Zhou Yi, one of the branches of Yi.In 200 A.D., Zhou Yi and the commentaries were combined into what is known today as “Yi Jing”. In 1924, Richard Wilhelm translated Yi Jing for the western audience, entitling it “I Ching” or The Book of Changes, which provides instruction ...

    31,17 €

  • The Power of Yi
    Dejun Xue
    Yi was created 6,500 years ago. Around 500 B.C., Confucius and his disciples compiled ten commentaries on Zhou Yi, one of the branches of Yi.In 200 A.D., Zhou Yi and the commentaries were combined into what is known today as “Yi Jing”. In 1924, Richard Wilhelm translated Yi Jing for the western audience, entitling it “I Ching” or The Book of Changes, which provides instruction ...

    23,08 €

  • Hipnosis y autohipnosis
    Valerio Sanfo
    Aquí hallará interpretaciones y aplicaciones de uno de los fenómenos más sugestivos y misteriosos que nos hace cuestionar nuestras certezas y nos pone en condiciones de poder superar límites considerados insuperables. Explicar en profundidad el estado hipnótico implicaría explicar qué es el alma, cómo funciona y cómo actúa. Como consecuencia de ello, cualquier análisis detallad...

    11,18 €

  • Astrology Through History
    William Burns

    136,00 €

  • The Corpus Hermeticum
    Hermes Trismegistus
    The Corpus Hermeticum are Egyptian-Greek wisdom texts from which are mostly presented as dialogues in which a teacher enlightens a disciple. The texts form the basis of Hermeticism. They discuss the divine, the cosmos, mind, and nature. Some touch upon alchemy, astrology, and related concepts.Hermes Trismegistus is the purported author of the Corpus Hermeticum, a series of sacr...

    18,12 €

  • Telepathy, Mind Reading, Clairvoyance, and Other Psychic Powers
    Panchadasi Panchadasi
    A practical guide and training course  for development of the extra physical senses of man, the telepathic sense, clairvoyance and an insight into other astral sense. The book carefully explains various techniques such as mind-reading, prevision, astral body travelling, psychic influence at a distance, and psychic and magnetic healing. A great resource for anyone interested in ...

    20,34 €

  • The Prophecies of Nostradamus
    The true centuries and prophecies of Michel Nostradamus, credited with predicting numerous events in world history, from the Great Fire of London, and the rise of Napoleon and Adolf Hitler, to the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.Michel de Nostredame was a French prophet born in the French village of St. Remi in 1503. He was the eldest son of Jewish parents, but w...

    17,92 €

  • Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism
    A. Alpheus / AAlpheus
    The book offers an exhaustive and practical system on use of hypnosis, methods and application. There is no doubt that hypnotism is a very old subject, though the name was not invented till 1850. In it was wrapped up the mysteries of Isis in Egypt thousands of years ago, and probably it was one of the weapons, if not the chief instrument of operation, of the magi mentioned in t...

    18,12 €

  • The Cycle of the Year
    Charles Obert
    A manual and guide to using the most common group of predictive techniques in traditional astrology. This includes primary directions through the bounds, annual profections, annual transits and solar returns. All techniques are explained, and a series of fully worked examples demonstrates how they work.The manual includes instructions on how to use these techniques to prepare f...

    33,90 €

  • Higher Vibrational Living
    Heather Ensworth / Michelle S Meramour
    Higher vibrational living means something different to everyone, and your path is as unique as your fingerprint. Understanding your birth chart is a way to honor the uniqueness of who you are and to see what life themes you are dealing with, what challenges and vulnerabilities you have, and how to honor your true self.  Essential oils provide access to taking charge of your own...

    15,34 €

  • Chakra Balance
    April Pfender
    Help heal your body and soul-the essential beginner’s guide to balancing chakras.Chakra imbalances can manifest in a number of physical and emotional ailments. Chakra Balance is a practical beginner’s guide to identifying energy imbalances, and restoring harmony with powerful, energy healing practices.Chakra Balance offers illustrated, easy-to-follow guidance for using yoga pos...

    14,63 €

  • Astrología para entender tu vida
    Consuelo Inchaurtieta
    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué eres diferente? ¿Por qué te motivan y te emocionan cosas que a otras personas no? A estas y a otras muchas cuestiones responde la astrología. A nivel personal, la astrología puede hacer una lectura con la que arroje luz sobre los porqués de tu propósito vital, tus asuntos personales, patrones, miedos e incluso tus sueños.ASTROLOGÍA para com...

    15,00 €

  • The Magdalen Codes
    Ashtara Ashtara
    Insightful and enlightening, The Magdalen Codes opens doors to an exciting new world. Through a kaleidoscope of characters and personal stories, including those of Mary Magdalen, Ashtara weaves an extraordinary story of human spiritual evolution from darkness to light.Each chapter fuels the soul into remembrance of truth. As understanding integrates, the petals unfold and life ...

    15,83 €

  • Divine Zodiac Messages
    Lani Sharp
    Do you believe you have a birth guardian angel, and other unique spiritual guides, entities or beings that have been assigned to you for this lifetime? Have you ever needed some guidance, some kind of sign from above or beyond, or even a special message from one of those entities or forces you just know to be out there? Did you know that Divinely-inspired messengers abound in y...

    16,66 €

  • Grafo-neuro-psicoanálisis
    Ricardo Fernandez
    En el libro se van a desarrollar las particularidades del funcionamiento del cerebro, las diferencias entre cerebro masculino y femenino, con ejemplos de escritos que las muestran. Los procesos conscientes e inconscientes, los mecanismos de defensa, los períodos de evolución sexual, etc. Todo tiene repercusión en el cerebro. No todo lo que ocurre allí puede pasar a la concienci...

    11,34 €

  • Runes for Beginners
    Lisa Chamberlain
    Everything You Need to Know to Begin Working With RunesThe enigmatic nature of the runes is undeniable. In fact, the English word 'rune' comes to us from the Norse word runa, which means 'a secret,' or 'to whisper.' As symbols, the runes mean little to the untrained eye, yet the magical energies they activate can be used for positive, impactful change in your everyday life. But...

    25,11 €

  • The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses
    Johann Scheibel
    2018 Reprint of 1880 Edition.  Full facsimile of the original edition. Not reproduced with Optical Recognition software.  The full title of this work is:  The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, Or, Moses' Magical Spirit-Art: Known as the Wonderful Arts of the Old Wise Hebrews, Taken from the Mosaic Books of the Cabala and the Talmud, For the Good Of Mankind.  It is a magical...

    13,84 €

  • Los secretos de los sueños
    Angela Toffoli
    Usted ha soñado con una mujer que tenía un lunar. ¿Tal vez se avecina alguna desgracia? No, por suerte ocurre todo lo contrario: el 15 es uno de los números a los que debe apostar en la loto.Si, en cambio, ha abierto un paquete pero no sabe qué había dentro, no se preocupe, porque es un buen augurio: su número es el 13.Aunque le parezca extraño, si en sus sueños alguien utiliza...

    19,71 €

  • Manual de grafología
    Lluís Rovira
    Todo en la firma o en la letra escrita tiene un significado que resulta extremadamente revelador. El tamaño, la incli­nación, la velocidad, la presión, la forma, los espacios en blanco, el rasgo indican diferentes aspectos de la personalidad.Gracias a esta obra, llena de ejemplos prácticos, usted aprenderá a interpretar cada tipo de letra, el significado de las diferencias a la...

    16,59 €

  • El lenguaje secreto del rostro
    Camillo Baldi
    Dime cómo es tu cara y te diré quién eres: es absolutamente cierto, con todos los secretos de la personalidad a través del estudio de la fisonomía. Las frentes son todas diferentes, así como los ojos, las narices, las bocas, las cejas, las orejas, las formas del rostro, etc. Cada diferencia significa algo: cada rasgo, cada arruga, cada peculiaridad de un rostro mantiene unas re...

    11,39 €

  • Quiromancia
    «En las manos, la naturaleza ha retratado al hombre», dice Marzio de Narni, uno de los grandes quirománticos del siglo xv. Todavía hoy, cuando el hombre ha traspasado la frontera del tercer milenio, se siente atraído por este antiguo arte adivinatorio.A través de las páginas de este libro el lector descubrirá y comprenderá fácilmente las claves para reconocer e interpretar con ...

    19,71 €

  • Quiromancia
    Equipo Ómicron
    «En las manos, la naturaleza ha retratado al hombre», dice Marzio de Narni, uno de los grandes quirománticos del siglo xv. Todavía hoy, cuando el hombre ha traspasado la frontera del tercer milenio, se siente atraído por este antiguo arte adivinatorio.A través de las páginas de este libro el lector descubrirá y comprenderá fácilmente las claves para reconocer e interpretar con ...

    12,43 €

  • The Ascendant Vol 2
    The Ascendant is the official journal of the Association for Young Astrologers. The Ascendant delivers a curated selection of work that simultaneously showcases what the newer generations of astrologers are doing and serves as an introduction to the myriad forms of astrological practice and research methods. We publish articles that demonstrate the cutting edge of astrological ...

    25,51 €

  • Emotional Dimensions of Astrology
    Barbara Ybarra
    Barbara Ybarra learned a process of deciphering psychological development in the horoscope from Noel Tyl, who has perfected a system of synthesis using both traditional and modern techniques. As a result, Barbara uses astrology to help people view their lives more proactively and to understand how they are influenced from their early home. Doing this, we can see the pattern of ...

    25,70 €

  • Cosmic Journal
    Rikki Blythe
    This journal has been prepared to prove astrology. In the first part, there are simple step-by-step directions to enable the reader to start interpreting the heavens in relation to themselves. By following the instructions and using the journal in the second part, Cosmic Journal reveals the patterns and cycles of life by showing the reader when to look, where to look, and what ...

    15,35 €

  • Tarot for Beginners
    Meg Hayertz
    Learn tarot to reveal a story of personal growthWhen you unlock the meanings of the tarot, and apply it to the patterns and experiences in your day, you will begin to see what you couldn’t before. Tarot for Beginners will open you up to intuition, bring you greater confidence in facing life’s challenges, and lead you to reach new levels of awareness.This accessible guide helps...

    25,99 €

  • Astrological Predictions for the Age of Light
    Michael Mercury
    Astrological Predictions for the Age of Light implements mundane astrology and metaphysical techniques developed in Western traditions. The author provides insight into Japan, the United States, and China, for these countries will decide the future of the world. Mercury illuminates the reader on the importance of making a difference for a healthy planet. His observations and my...

    23,83 €

  • Gardening by the Silvery Moon
    Helen Kolada
    Our forefathers gardened by the moon many using the words of wisdom found in the Farmers Almanac back in the 1800s. This book will provide insight into the gardening ways of our forefathers. Find out which days are best for planting leafy above-the-earth crops or bulbs; which days are best for weeding so you can keep those pesky weeds away with less work; pruning to encourage ...

    6,04 €

  • Acuario
    Chiara Bertrand / Doris Saltarini
    ¿Quiere saber qué le deparan el 2017 y el 2018? Este libro contiene las previsiones llevadas a cabo por Doris Saltarini y Chiara Bertrand, a través de las cuales podrá descubrir las grandes líneas de su destino en todos los terrenos (vida sentimental, profesión, dinero, salud). Además, se incluye un capítulo en el que podrá conocer elnombre de personajes famosos con su mismo si...

    10,66 €