Política y gobierno

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno (69356)

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  • Ethics in Service (Esprios Classics)
    William H. Taft / William HTaft
    William Howard Taft (September 15, 1857 - March 8, 1930) was the 27th president of the United States (1909-1913) and the tenth Chief Justice of the United States (1921-1930), the only person to have held both offices. Taft was elected president in 1908, the chosen successor of Theodore Roosevelt, but was defeated for re-election by Woodrow Wilson in 1912 after Roosevelt split t...

    18,35 €

  • State of the Union Address (Esprios Classics)
    William H. Taft / William HTaft
    William Howard Taft (September 15, 1857 - March 8, 1930) was the 27th president of the United States (1909-1913) and the tenth Chief Justice of the United States (1921-1930), the only person to have held both offices. Taft was elected president in 1908, the chosen successor of Theodore Roosevelt, but was defeated for re-election by Woodrow Wilson in 1912 after Roosevelt split t...

    22,94 €

  • The Germany and the Agricola of Tacitus (Esprios Classics)
    Caius Cornelius Tacitus
    Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus (c. AD 56 - c. 120) was a Roman historian and politician. Tacitus is considered by modern scholars to be one of the greatest Roman historians. He lived in what has been called the Silver Age of Latin literature, and has a reputation for the brevity and compactness of his Latin prose, as well as for his penetrating insights into the psycholog...

    20,65 €

  • 当代中国评论 第2期
    主编:荣伟 副主编:罗慰年 / 刘迎曦
    《当代中国评论》坚持和坚守自由主义价值观和思想理念,高举当今世界文明的标志进步主义大旗, 努力建立一个传播和引领华语世界走向与当今世界文明同步方向的真正思想言论自由平台。《当代中国评论》第一期 2020 秋季号出版后受到读者广泛好评!第二期2020冬季号,在美国大选风波尘埃落定之际和大家见面了!本期开始我们推出学者专栏 。首次特别推出美国著名资深中国问题专家、哥伦比亚大学东亚系黎安友教授专辑,特别推荐黎安友教授的三篇文章,这些文章刊登在美国主流杂志和美国智库刊物,都是第一次在中文媒体发表。本期推出的其他学者包括良心学者许章润等对中美关系和时事政治评论、政治哲学、历史人物评述等非常有独到见解文章,众多优秀学者奉献他们的文章, 使得《当代中国评论》杂志成为华语世界瞩目的思想交流高端学术平台。让我们用《当代中国评论》冬季刊的出版, 告别多灾多难的2020年...

    34,60 €

  • L’Italia s’è destra
    Bruno Chiavazzo
    Dalla caduta del governo Draghi, al primo governo di destra in Italiapresieduto da una donna, Giorgia Meloni. 100 giorni che hannosconvolto l’Italia. 'L’Italia s’è Destra' è una sorta di 'diario'degli avvenimenti che si sono succeduti, raccontati giornalmente suLinkedin e Facebook. Utilizzando un linguaggio basic, senza voli pindarici, stringato, con un tempo di lettura massimo...

    16,48 €

  • Kryptowaluty Wyjaśnione w prosty sposób
    Elias King
    Na początku był to handel wymienny, potem złoto, a następnie banknoty. Historia pokazuje nam ewolucję sposobu, w jaki handlujemy i kupujemy towary. Jest prawdopodobne, że Bitcoin i inne kryptowaluty można uznać za 'sól' starożytności, którą zastąpiło złoto, a zatem powstaną nowe systemy dyfuzji lub wsparcia dla walut cyfrowych, które jeszcze bardziej zrewolucjonizują realny ryn...

    27,74 €

  • Cognizing the Chinese Coercion
    Jagath Jayaprakash
    A Report to the US Congress, 'a review of the Pentagon’s Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2021', worked as the basis for this book. It also acts as a warning to any Marxists who continue to portray the People’s Republic of China as being in any way socialist. In essence, this book serves as a clarion cry to tackle China’s challenge bef...

    33,11 €

  • Annihilation of Caste
    Bhimrao Ambedkar
    Annihilation of Caste is a speech prepared by B. R. Ambedkar in 1936 but never delivered. It was written for the 1936 Lahore conference of a group of liberal Hindu caste-reformers. Ambedkar has adopted a very firm position and attempted to make topics such as Caste, Religion, and Human Conduct very objective. Several of the given thoughts and facts are also fairly out of date a...

    23,00 €

  • Euthyphro
    Euthyphro, by Plato, is a Socratic dialogue whose events occur in the weeks before the trial of Socrates (399 BC), between Socrates and Euthyphro. The dialogue covers subjects such as the meaning of piety and justice. As is common with Plato’s earliest dialogues, it ends in aporia.In this dialogue, Socrates meets Euthyphro at the porch of the archon basileus (the ’king magistra...

    38,90 €

  • Gorgias
    Gorgias is a Socratic dialogue written by Plato around 380 BC. The dialogue depicts a conversation between Socrates and a small group of sophists (and other guests) at a dinner gathering. Socrates debates with the sophist seeking the true definition of rhetoric, attempting to pinpoint the essence of rhetoric and unveil the flaws of the sophistic oratory popular in Athens at the...

    32,58 €

  • Century’s Endings
    Oliver Frances
    The stories in Century’s Endings narrate the social problems of man and his drama with life. Some are set in a political climate of regimes abolished at the end of the last century and others where the rulers are men of narrow thought.In Century’s Endings, explore the worlds of:'Faith'...A Soviet peasant finds that an unfortunate event changes his life...twice.'The Lord'...A yo...

    15,53 €

  • 当代中国评论2022年冬季刊(总第 11 期)
    二零二二年转眼就过去了!在一年一度的辞旧迎新之际,本期杂志本想加入海内外媒体和各路英雄,发表新年感言。但放眼看去没有喜庆的新年献词,多是一片吐槽哀鸿之声。回首二零二二,正是'沐猴弄新冠,江湖共焚烟'。一个有着三千年文明的民族,如今在世界上沦落到如此不堪境地,真正如同许章润教授与二零二零年发表的文章所言:中国已经成为世界文明海洋之中的一叶孤舟!炎黄之孙,情何以堪!本期杂志,出版于农历新年之际。二零二三年农历新年,举国悲痛,无词可献。唯有用这期杂志,永久保留一些作者珍贵的思想结晶。这是博登书屋的历史责任与使命,也是我们创办《当代中国评论》的初衷。我们坚信,唯有依托全球思想市场的平台,这一代具有良知和自由理念的知识分子的思想结晶,才不至于被大量充斥于极权社会的思想垃圾所淹没。 ...

    43,67 €

  • The backside of Hollywood
    Julio Camino
    After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union, socialism should have passed into history, along with Marxism. Marxism is not a 'science' as declared by the academics of the Communist Party in Moscow, but an enormous senseless absurdity, full of contradictions. And socialism in practice, far from being 'a paradise on earth, ' is itself a terrible hell. ...

    19,49 €

  • 当代中国评论 (2022秋季刊)总第10期

    43,71 €

  • Epistemology of Intelligence Agencies
    Nicolae Sfetcu
    About the analogy between the epistemological and methodological aspects of the activity of intelligence agencies and some scientific disciplines, advocating for a more scientific approach to the process of collecting and analyzing information within the intelligence cycle. I assert that the theoretical, ontological and epistemological aspects of the activity of many intelligen...

    20,33 €

  • Plato, The Republic
    Nicolae Sfetcu
    Plato drew on the philosophical work of some of his predecessors, especially Socrates, but also Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Pythagoras, to develop his own philosophy, which explores most important fields, including metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics, and politics. With his professor Socrates and his student Aristotle, he laid the foundations of Western philosophical thought. Plato...

    20,11 €

  • The Complete State of the Union Addresses of George Washington (Esprios Classics)
    George Washington
    George Washington (1732-1799) was a central, critical figure in the founding of the United States, as well as the nation’s first president (1789-1797), after leading the Continental Army to victory over the Kingdom of Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). Washington was seen as symbolizing the new nation and republicanism in practice. His devotion to civi...

    17,35 €

  • The Complete State of the Union Addresses of William McKinley (Esprios Classics)
    William McKinley
    William McKinley, Jr. (1843-1901) was the twenty-fifth President of the United States, and the last veteran of the Civil War to be elected. By the 1880s, this Ohio native was a nationally known Republican leader; his signature issue was high tariffs on imports as a formula for prosperity, as typified by his McKinley Tariff of 1890. As the Republican candidate in the 1896 presid...

    22,15 €

  • The Complete State of the Union Addresses of James Madison (Esprios Classics)
    James Madison
    James Madison (1751-1836), was an American politician and the fourth President of the United States (1809-1817), and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Considered to be the 'Father of the Constitution', he was the principal author of the document. In 1788, he wrote over a third of the Federalist Papers, still the most influential commentary on the Constitution. A...

    17,50 €

  • 改变中国:六四以来的中国政治思潮
    张博树 著
    两年半前,本书日文版在东京问世,在那一版的序言中,我提到自上世纪90年代以来中国九大思潮的并存,至少让中国思想界呈现出某种表面繁华,那是邓后之江、胡威权时代特有的景观,知识分子还可以说话,虽然受到诸多限制。到了习近平的'新时代',一切变得更加糟糕,文化专制加剧,中国思想界或走向反抗,或加速犬儒。总之,更加分裂化。今天的中国,文化已进入寒冬,独立政治表达几乎被禁绝,本书论到的各大思潮,或者已经死灭,或者转入地下,或者变身而为官方文化景观的一部分,这一点,2015年已经如是,今天要加个'更'字罢了。在这个意义上,本书有点像一座博物馆,陈列着似乎已经成为过去的一代人的思考印迹。但'博物馆'的比喻严格说又是不准确的,因为历史并没有真的过去,让一代知识分子、特别是自由知识分子魂绕梦牵的主题⸺反专制⸺仍然是当今中国最重大的主题。 ...

    42,24 €

  • The Complete State of the Union Addresses of Franklin Pierce (Esprios Classics)
    Franklin Pierce
    Franklin Pierce (1804-1869) was an American politician and the fourteenth President of the United States, serving from 1853 to 1857. He is to date the only president from New Hampshire and was the first president born in the nineteenth century. Pierce was a Democrat and a 'doughface' (a Northerner with Southern sympathies) who served in the U. S. House of Representatives and Se...

    19,86 €

  • The Complete State of the Union Addresses of Abraham Lincoln (Esprios Classics)
    Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) was the sixteenth President of the United States, serving from 1861 until his assassination. As an outspoken opponent of the expansion of slavery in the United States, Lincoln won the Republican Party nomination in 1860 and was elected president later that year. During his term, he helped preserve the United States by leading the defeat of the secess...

    18,53 €

  • The Complete State of the Union Addresses of James Buchanan (Esprios Classics)
    James Buchanan
    James Buchanan (1791-1868) was the fifteenth President of the United States (1857-1861). He was the only President from Pennsylvania and the only President never to marry. As president he was a 'doughface' who battled Stephen A. Douglas for control of the Democratic Party. Scholars consistently rank him as one of the two or three worst American presidents. As southern states de...

    21,44 €

  • The Complete State of the Union Addresses of James Polk (Esprios Classics)
    James Polk
    James Knox Polk (1795-1849) was the eleventh President of the United States, serving from 1845 to 1849. Polk was born in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, but mostly lived in and represented the state of Tennessee. A Democrat, Polk served as Speaker of the House (1835-1839) and Governor of Tennessee (1839-1841) prior to becoming president. A firm supporter of Andrew Jackson, ...

    22,15 €

  • The Mirrors of Downing Street (Esprios Classics)
    Harold Begbie
    Edward Harold Begbie (1871 - 8 October 1929), also known as Harold Begbie, was an English journalist and the author of nearly 50 books and poems. Besides studies of the Christian religion, he wrote numerous other books, including political satire, comedy, fiction, science fiction, plays and poetry. He died in London on 8 October 1929. Begbie had a strong religious bent: he was ...

    20,62 €

  • Looking Backward, 2000 to 1887 (Esprios Classics)
    Edward Bellamy
    Edward Bellamy (March 26, 1850 - May 22, 1898) was an American author, journalist, and political activist most famous for his utopian novel Looking Backward. Bellamy’s vision of a harmonious future world inspired the formation of numerous 'Nationalist Clubs' dedicated to the propagation of Bellamy’s political ideas. After working as a journalist and writing several unremarkable...

    22,88 €

  • The National Being (Esprios Classics)
    George William Russell
    George William Russell (10 April 1867 - 17 July 1935) who wrote with the pseudonym Æ (sometimes written AE or A. E.), was an Irish writer, editor, critic, poet, painter and Irish nationalist. He was also a writer on mysticism, and a central figure in the group of devotees of theosophy which met in Dublin for many years. His first book of poems, Homeward: Songs by the Way (1894)...

    19,86 €

  • 力回狂澜:王希哲文集第二卷
    王希哲 著

    42,09 €

  • 砥柱中流:王希哲文集第一卷
    王希哲 著

    42,20 €

  • 关于Covid-19溯源问题的研究报告
    这是一份关于新冠病毒的研究报告。作者是中国大陆著名记者,目前定居美国。这份研究报告从中共政治斗争的解读展开对新冠病毒起源和传播分析,值得阅读思考······· ...

    158,71 €