Política y gobierno

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  • 上帝、信仰与政治秩序
    罗慰年 著

    38,73 €

  • 明察政道 (Explaining Power with Political Science)
    对政治大事件进行评析和预测,可以帮助听众、观众和读者学习和运用政治科学的概念、逻辑、知识和定律来指导自己的生活和工作。在过去的二十多年时间里,夏明对几个重要国家的重要决策、重要组织和各层次的决策者(也包括公司、企业)都提供过咨询帮助并获得成功。这本书把他对政治预测公开发表出来,由读者看官来检审和判定。夏明是纽约城市大学研究生中心博士项目政治学教授,纽约城市大学斯德顿岛学院政治学和国际事务教授。曾在复旦大学、新加坡国立大学东亚研究所和亚洲研究所、乔治ˑ华盛顿大学、威尔逊国际学者中心任职。著有《二元发展型国家》(英文,2000年/2017年版)、《中国人民代表大会和治理》(英文,2008年/2013年软封面)、《政治维纳斯》(2012年)、 《红太阳帝国》(2015年)、《高山流水论西藏》(2019年)等著作。 ...

    33,22 €

  • The Man in Grey (Esprios Classics)
    Baroness Emmuska Orczy
    Baroness Emma Magdolna Rozália Mária Jozefa Borbála 'Emmuska' Orczy de Orci (1865 - 1947) was a Hungarian-born British novelist and playwright. She is best known for her series of novels about an English aristocrat, Sir Percy Blakeney, Bart., who rescued French aristocrats from the French Revolution: The Scarlet Pimpernel. Orczy wrote over a dozen sequels featuring Sir Percy Bl...

    21,46 €

  • History of the Confederate Powder Works (Esprios Classics)
    George Washington Rains
    George Washington Rains (1817 - March 21, 1898) was a United States Army and later Confederate States Army officer. A skilled engineer and inventor; he was instrumental in providing the Confederacy with much-needed gunpowder throughout the American Civil War. He also was the younger brother of fellow Confederate general Gabriel J. Rains. When the American Civil War began Rains ...

    18,31 €

  • 川普时代:美国不再伟大
    Zhi Pi (子皮 著)
    子皮开了一个微信公众号,名字叫《炼金手记》。源于她以前偶尔读过这样一句话:'真的炼金者不是把铅变成金,而是把世界变成文字。'历史学家威尔·杜朗(Will Durant)说:'人类的历史是一条河流。河里满是浓腥的血,那是因为人们在杀戮、掠抢、争斗。然而在少有人注意的河岸,人们在造房子、做爱、养孩子、唱歌、写诗、雕塑。文明的故事,是河岸上发生的事情。'很久以前,这些有灵魂的动物发明了语言,发明了文字;从那时起,他们用文字记述他们的苦难,用语言歌唱他们的希望。只要这个世界上还有语言和文字,我们也许就会记起我们是有灵魂的动物。子皮刚开始写东西的时候,曾经写过这样一句话:'我认为写作的终极魅力不在于被看见被听见,而在于让自己学会看、听、触摸和拥抱这个世界,与自己的心魂。'子皮说:当然,写多了就会知道,'这个世界'和'自己的心魂'之间,并没有一条真正的界限。很多...

    33,66 €

  • The Rangers; or, The Tory’s Daughter (Esprios Classics)
    D. P. Thompson / DPThompson
    Daniel Pierce Thompson (October 1, 1795 - June 6, 1868) was an American author and lawyer who served as Vermont Secretary of State and was New England’s most famous novelist prior to Nathaniel Hawthorne. Thompson was Washington County Register of Probate from 1825 to 1830, and Engrossing Clerk of the Vermont House of Representatives from 1830 to 1833 and 1834 to 1836. Thompson ...

    29,02 €

  • The Interest of America in Sea Power, Present and Future (Esprios Classics)
    A. T. Mahan / ATMahan
    Alfred Thayer Mahan (1840-1914) was a United States Navy officer, geostrategist, and educator. His ideas on the importance of sea power influenced navies around the world, and helped prompt naval buildups before World War I. Despite his success in the Navy, his skills in actual command of a ship were not exemplary, and a number of vessels under his command were involved in coll...

    21,44 €

  • Contemporary China Review (Quarterly Journal) 2021 Issue 1
    Bouden House
    This an English version of Contemporary China Review. Contemporary China Review was published by Bouden House in New York. A group of Chinese intellectuals have courageously stepped forward to overcome all difficulties and publish an independent periodical that seeks to discuss important issues relating to China openly and honestly. ...

    34,57 €

  • Atalantis Major (Esprios Classics)
    Daniel Defoe
    Daniel Defoe (born Daniel Foe; c. 1660 - 24 April 1731) was an English trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer and spy. He is most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe, published in 1719, which is claimed to be second only to the Bible in its number of translations. He has been seen as one of the earliest proponents of the English novel, and helped to popularise the form in Bri...

    18,41 €

  • 美式民主是否正走向衰败?
    临风 著
    本书选取了这几年来有关美国建国的理念和川普乱政的写作,集结成书。作者的构想就是希望记录,并分析这些具有历史性意义的事件。本书忠于历史、还原事实,从全面历史的视角看问题,而非偷梁换柱地脸谱化。与此同时,我不是站在'价值中立'的立场看问题。凡是批评、分析文化和时政,批评者心中必须有把价值坐标系,这个坐标系超越党派,超越部落思维,超越当下,而是以人类长远共同的命运作为参照点。本书一共分作五个部分。第一章讲到'灯塔国'建国的理念与来由,并在川普治下的种种扭曲现象。第二章谈美国的保守主义,以及它如何遭受扭曲。第三章谈美国的国家身份的问题,说明种族主义不能是国家认同的一部分。第四章谈到'法律与秩序'的狗哨和现实。第五章是对时代的反思。 ...

    33,26 €

  • A Modern Utopia (Esprios Classics)
    H. G. Wells
    Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 - 13 August 1946) was an English writer. Prolific in many genres, he wrote dozens of novels, short stories, and works of social commentary, history, satire, biography and autobiography. His work also included two books on recreational war games. Wells is now best remembered for his science fiction novels and is often called the 'father of...

    25,13 €

  • 当代中国评论 (2022夏季刊)总第9期
    本期的一个新的看点,是开辟了'专家视角'栏目。这期选择了学界知名专家⸺黎安友 (Andrew J. Nathan)、余茂春和张刚的观点。'理论探讨'和'历史新解'栏目中荣剑与杜鸿威的文章也颇有新意。关于上海封城,这一期有三篇文章介绍和分析。上海封城告诉人们:你的一切都不一定是你的;政府可以随时找一个理由剥夺你的一切权利和所有。上海封城是2018修宪的必然结果。这 一 期 节 选 蔡 霞 的 一 篇 文章《二零一八年春他打开了什么样的潘多拉魔盒?⸺习近平诡诈而狡蛮的修宪及其影响》,分析一个国家的领导人怎样改变这个国家的命运。恰如马克思所说,'以奠定秩序为名而造成真正的无政府状态,同时又使整个国家机器失去圣光,渎犯它,使它成为可厌而又可笑的东西。'我们也请读者们读读拜登写给本刊作者锺闻的两封信。拜登说,'我们的国家面临许多挑战,我们将共同走过的道路将是我...

    43,77 €

  • القصة من الداخل
    د. باسل الساعاتي
    يروي هذا الكتاب قصة بناء البرنامج النووي العراقي من بداياته وحتى نهايته، بقلم واحد من كبار العلماء العراقيين الذين قاموا بتأسيسه، بكل ما انطوى عليه الامر من تفاصيل وأسرار ومخاطر. ...

    19,94 €

  • 当代中国评论 (2022夏季刊)总第9期
    Bouden House
    本期的一个新的看点,是开辟了'专家视角'栏目。这期选择了学界知名专家⸺黎安友 (Andrew J. Nathan)、余茂春和张刚的观点。'理论探讨'和'历史新解'栏目中荣剑与杜鸿威的文章也颇有新意。关于上海封城,这一期有三篇文章介绍和分析。上海封城告诉人们:你的一切都不一定是你的;政府可以随时找一个理由剥夺你的一切权利和所有。上海封城是2018修宪的必然结果。这 一 期 节 选 蔡 霞 的 一 篇 文章《二零一八年春他打开了什么样的潘多拉魔盒?⸺习近平诡诈而狡蛮的修宪及其影响》,分析一个国家的领导人怎样改变这个国家的命运。恰如马克思所说,'以奠定秩序为名而造成真正的无政府状态,同时又使整个国家机器失去圣光,渎犯它,使它成为可厌而又可笑的东西。'我们也请读者们读读拜登写给本刊作者锺闻的两封信。拜登说,'我们的国家面临许多挑战,我们将共同走过的道路将是我...

    43,77 €

  • The Crowd
    Gustave Le Bon
    The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (French: Psychologie des Foules; literally: Psychology of Crowds) is a book authored by Gustave Le Bon that was first published in 1895.In the book, Le Bon claims that there are several characteristics of crowd psychology: 'impulsiveness, irritability, incapacity to reason, the absence of judgement of the critical spirit, the exaggeration ...

    21,70 €

  • تاريخ فلسطين وإسرائيل
    Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli
    This is Arabic book that talks about Palestine and Israel History. يسرد كتابي هذا تسلسل لمعظم إحداث تاريخ فلسطين القديم والحديث حتى اليوم. يشمل هذا الكتاب الفصول التالية:الفصل الاول: قدسيه فلسطين في الاسلام. الفصل الثاني: تاريخ فلسطين قبل الاسلام.الفصل الثالث: تاريخ فلسطين في عهد الاسلام قبل قيام الدولة الفاطمية.الفصل الرابع: تاريخ فلسطين في عهد الدولة الاخشيديه وعهد الدولة ال...

    27,83 €

  • Education aux valeurs républicaines
    Mfuamba Katende
    Ce livre donne de l’information claire sur l’organisation de l’administration et de la démocratie en République Démocratique du Congo. Les droits civiques, les valeurs et les anti-valeurs y sont démontrés. ...

    36,00 €

  • Hamas and International Relations
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Hamas and International Relations: Allies and Alliances' offers readers a deep understanding of the global significance of Hamas in the 21st century. It serves as an essential resource for scholars, policymakers, and anyone seeking to comprehend the complex interplay between regional conflicts, international politics, and the evolving role of non-state actors in today’s world. ...

    38,12 €

  • Artificial Intelligence in Political Campaigns
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Book Title: AI in Political CampaignsBook Description:In the era of digital politics, the fusion of technology and democracy has never been more profound. 'AI in Political Campaigns' takes you on an enlightening journey through the complex and transformative intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the world of political campaigns.From voter profiling to predictive anal...

    46,96 €

  • The Use of AI Technology in US 2024 General Election
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Description:Delve into the unprecedented intersection of artificial intelligence and democracy in ’Digital Democracy.’ This groundbreaking book unravels the intricate web of AI technologies woven into the fabric of the 2024 US general election, offering a comprehensive exploration of their multifaceted impact on the democratic process.From the strategic deployment of AI in poli...

    50,52 €

  • Trump and Biden Policies that will Play Significant Role in Voter Choice in the 2024 Election
    Emmanuel Joseph
    **Book Description:**'Divergence and Decision: Trump vs. Biden Policies in the Crucible of 2024' offers an in-depth exploration of the contrasting policy landscapes forged by the Trump and Biden administrations. As the 2024 election looms, this comprehensive analysis dissects key policy areas, providing readers with a nuanced understanding of the choices, consequences, and lega...

    54,66 €

  • The Unfounding of America
    Michael Russell
    AT WHAT POINT is it too late to rescue from collapse a nation given at birth the means to prevent collapse? Since the principles responsible for the creation of America have always been required in equal measure to sustain America, what force in America today is capable of restoring, as opposed to bandaging, the Republic of America?With original insight from an uncompromised pe...

    15,96 €

  • The Republican Hero
    Michael Lusztig
    Explores the question of whether heroes matter in the modern republic. ...

    44,54 €

  • Использование Соединенными Штатами пыток в борьбе с терроризмом и в целях глобальной безопасности
    Принс Уи Огуэджиофор
    Рутинное и повсеместное применение США пыток в войне с терроризмом, а также последовательность их использования указывают на то, что случаи применения пыток были не просто исключениями, вызванными ошибочным поведением отдельных лиц, а реальным стратегическим элементом допросов задержанных подозреваемых в терроризме. Эта практика имела последствия для глобальной безопасности, а ...

    77,94 €

  • Die Anwendung von Folter durch die Vereinigten Staaten im Rahmen der Terrorismusbekämpfung und der globalen Sicherheit
    Prince Williams Oguejiofor
    Die routinemäßige und weit verbreitete Anwendung von Folter durch die USA im Krieg gegen den Terrorismus sowie die Beständigkeit dieser Folteranwendung zeigen, dass es sich bei Foltervorfällen nicht um bloße Ausnahmen handelte, die auf fehlgeleitetes individuelles Verhalten zurückzuführen sind, sondern um ein tatsächliches strategisches Element bei den Verhören von inhaftierten...

    77,94 €

  • L’utilisation de la torture par les États-Unis dans le cadre de la lutte contre le terrorisme et de la sécurité mondiale
    Prince Williams Oguejiofor
    L’utilisation routinière et généralisée de la torture par les États-Unis dans le cadre de la guerre contre le terrorisme, ainsi que la cohérence de cette utilisation de la torture, indiquent que les cas de torture n’étaient pas de simples exceptions émanant d’un comportement individuel malavisé, mais un véritable élément stratégique dans les interrogatoires des personnes détenu...

    77,94 €

  • L’uso della tortura da parte degli Stati Uniti nell’antiterrorismo e nella sicurezza globale
    Prince Williams Oguejiofor
    L’uso routinizzato e diffuso della tortura da parte degli Stati Uniti nella guerra contro il terrorismo e la coerenza di questo utilizzo della tortura indicano che gli episodi di tortura non erano semplici eccezioni derivanti da comportamenti individuali sbagliati, ma un vero e proprio elemento strategico negli interrogatori dei sospetti terroristi detenuti. Questa pratica ha a...

    77,96 €

  • The Bug Light Room
    Gregg McManus
    With so much apparent alien activity and presence on our planet, what would happen if an American actually took a swing at a UFO and landed a punch? Who in Washington would take that call? What would such a government agency look like? How would it function in such a crisis? How would the aliens respond? This is the nexus of this novel. This disaster occurs in Indiana’s Hoosier...

    28,37 €

  • The Ideas That Rule Us
    Nathan J Murphy
    'Our lives are propelled by ideas we never had.' Ideas define who we are and what we become; therefore, it is useful to understand what they are, how they work, and how to change them. This thought-provoking book uses ideas and ideology as a lens to take a multidisciplinary, science-first, approach toward making sense of our lives and the societies in which we live. Alongside h...

    16,32 €

  • Languages of Class Struggle
    John Foster
    This is an account of five significant episodes in the history of the working-class movements in Britain and Ireland which, to various degrees, challenged the power of the capitalist state.JOHN FOSTER uses these case studies to stress the importance of language, of how arguments are constructed to mobilise for change but also how social barriers obstruct revolutionary transform...

    24,45 €