Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos (2273)

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  • The Lion of God Archangel Ari’El
    D.Min. LPC Vaccariello
    This is a surprising book with a surprising ending. Carol Vaccariello shares ten true personal encounters with Angels.  She shares the extent to which the Angels will go to get our attention and to encourage us to allow them into our lives. Carol has collaborated with Archangel Ari’El to share these heart touching stories to encourage you to wake up to the Angels in your life. ...

    20,35 €

  • Journey of a Lightworker
    White Light Publishing House
    Lightworkers on Earth couldn’t be needed more than they are right now, and as we experience such a significant shift and mass awakening, these natural bringers of light and love are shining brighter than ever before. You may be a Lightworker yourself, or perhaps you’re not sure. You may simply wish to know more about what Lightworkers are here on Earth to achieve. Regardless of...

    15,80 €

  • Themes from A Course in Miracles
    Merridy Cox
    Who is your brother? Anyone and everyone within the sphere of your day: whoever you may come across. That's the challenge presented in A Course in Miracles (ACIM): to treat everyone as a brother with forgiveness, cooperation and empathy. The unique thing about ACIM is that it tells you how.The ACIM text was channeled by Columbia University Professor Helen Schucman and recor...

    19,41 €

  • Angelic Beginnings
    Brennen P. Ivy / Brennen PIvy
    God created angels and created them with free will, the story helps one to understand, at least in a fictionalized rudimentary level, the change in Lucifer's eye of how he changed into our arch rival the devil, is tried to be explained in this series of novels. ...

    7,82 €

  • Zoetic Soul
    Jan Mayfield
    Do you feel like you’re always “this close” to achieving something only to fall short? Do you feel as though you are always struggling and not moving forward or feeling fulfilled? Making changes that will turn your life around takes an understanding of the universal energies and how the soul and spirit interact and connect to everything. Author Jan Mayfield channels the energ...

    16,93 €

  • Charlas con un ángel
    Aurora Varela / Claudia Villaseñor
    Los Angeles son parte de la humanidad y el universo. Muchos humanos no aprenden a escuchar a los ángeles que nos rodean y hoy, esté libro te invita a atravesar los obstáculos del tiempo y el espacio para que leas las palabras directas de un Angel y conozcas sobre ellos , como nos ven, como funcionamos en esta tierra, que hay mas allá de nosotros y nos da mensajes llenos de amor...

    15,23 €

  • I Saw A Light And Came Here
    Erlendur Haraldsson / James G. Matlock / James GMatlock / Ph.D Erlendur Haraldsson / Ph.D James GMatlock
    I Saw A Light And Came Here is the result of decades of scholarly research and investigations into past-life memories, primarily of children. Erlendur Haraldsson, a psychologist, has over two decades of experience behind him, having investigated some one hundred cases in the field. He worked closely with Ian Stevenson, M.D., of the University of Virginia, who began systematic s...

    18,78 €

  • Envisioning Saint Germain’s Golden Age
    Kim Michaels
    Saint Germain is the primary spiritual being (or ascended master) overseeing the coming 2000 years, often called the Age of Aquarius. He has plans for manifesting a Golden Age with tremendous progress, but he needs our help to grasp his vision and call it into manifestation. As Saint Germain says: “I have the power to manifest a Golden Age on earth, but I do not have the author...

    21,70 €

  • Manifesting Saint Germain's Golden Age
    Kim Michaels
    Saint Germain is a very powerful spiritual being who is designing a Golden Age that will take us beyond the problems we today think have no solution. Because the Law of Free Will mandates that the future of this planet is decided by those of us who are in physical embodiment, Saint Germain needs our help. As he says: “I have the power; you have the authority.” In this book,  Sa...

    20,51 €

  • Angels Looking Through
    Paul Lambillion
    People want to believe that when a loved one dies we remain connected through a universal system of love, knowledge and guidance. Paul Lambillion gives us evidence of such connections in his new book, Angels Looking Through. The most remarkable messages in Angels Looking Through come from the many cases of ordinary people Paul shares with us in which he uses the mediumistic a...

    10,21 €

  • Answering The Call of the soul
    Paul Ferrini
    Pain is not a punishment. It is a wake-up call for our soul. It is a doorway to transformation. Human suffering is universal. It started in the days of Adam and Eve and continues today, in your life and mine. All of us feel fear, shame, and various forms of physical or psychological pain. Some of this is unavoidable . . . we just have to weather the storm. But some of our suf...

    23,28 €

  • A Textbook of Theosophy (Aziloth Books)
       The late nineteenth century witnessed an “occult revival”, with an upsurge of mystical orders in Europe and elsewhere. Charles Webster Leadbeater was a prominent member of H. P. Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society, the purpose of which was to explore and teach the Divine Wisdom (Theo Sophia).    In A textbook of Theosophy, Leadbeater points out that theosophy is not a religion ...

    9,36 €

  • El Camino del Corazón
    David González / Sophie Rose
    El Camino del Corazón es un libro canalizado de las almas de Yeshúa y María Magdalena. Es una invitación a conectarnos con la sabiduría de nuestro corazón y regresar al estado de Unidad, en el que reconocemos que somos Uno con Dios y con todo lo que existe. Contiene poderosas enseñanzas expuestas en un lenguaje sencillo y ameno, por medio de las cuales los maestros ascendidos b...

    10,40 €

  • Sacred Energies of the Golden Cities
    Lori Adaile Toye
    A Guidebook to right now - our incredibly turbulent times, our "Time of Testing." The channeled lectures and study lessons in Sacred Energies tell us exactly what is going on "the big picture"and how to benefit from it: How to perceive it ina way that helps us grow and become our best, loving selves, and how, by appreciating the transcendent nature of what may feel scary and ho...

    24,20 €

  • When Angels Speak
    Nakala M Akasie
    When Angels Speak: The Awakening is uniquely crafted, focusing on the author’s personal journey during a time of intense healing and transformation. After a weekend dowsing workshop Jackie begins receiving telepathic communications from unseen forces that identify themselves as the Akasie, a group from Pleiades. It doesn’t end there. Throughout the writing, Jackie gives day-by...

    19,90 €

  • Heaven Held
    Suzanne Gene Courtney
    This book explains what happens when a child dies. The child is immediately surrounded by Angels and resides in the first stage of Heaven called Transition. The child is only there briefly, but must be comforted and accustomed to this newness. The Love and Light are radiant, and the child is filled with awe and wonderment. Heaven Held is a dialogue between the author and her de...

    11,92 €

  • Transition
    Janie McCorkle
    Do you want to know what happens when you take your last breath on earth? Do you want to know the process of your transition to the other side? Do you want to know where you go and who you will see? Do you want to know the message Janie got from the Holy Trinity in 2004 for all humanity? This is a story that begins in 1957, upon her mother’s car accident and transition to the o...

    11,20 €

  • Beyond the Veil to Heaven
    Jr. Ward Edward Barcafer
    This is a book about life after death as provided to me through journaling and a series of extraordinary events by my wife, Suzette Delashmet Shockley, after her demise. I believe, and Suz (many times she and I call her Sue) as my wife believes, that if only one person can save themselves from the complete overwhelming sorrow and utter grief that comes from the death of a loved...

    9,40 €

  • Beyond the Veil to Heaven
    Jr. Ward Edward Barcafer
    This is a book about life after death as provided to me through journaling and a series of extraordinary events by my wife, Suzette Delashmet Shockley, after her demise. I believe, and Suz (many times she and I call her Sue) as my wife believes, that if only one person can save themselves from the complete overwhelming sorrow and utter grief that comes from the death of a loved...

    22,85 €

  • Les Anges Révélés
    Shaykh Mouhammad Hicham Kabbani
    Les anges sont à même de revêtir n'importe quelle forme de leur choix, dans le monde matériel. Tout comme une eau cristalline prend la forme du récipient qui la contient, de même les anges sont à même de revêtir toute forme de leur choix lorsqu'ils visitent une créature lambda. Ils n'assument pas leur forme originelle lumineuse lorsque dépêchés vers les humains: «Di...

    12,75 €

  • Loving the Light Within
    Caroline Coulombe
    Loving the Light Within is about spiritual journeying and channeling as a path to illumination and happiness. The first part focuses on the author’s initiation as a medium and how she evolved as a professional channel and teacher of the art of channeling. The second part is a practical guide to become present, really present to oneself, others and the Divine. It is necessary to...

    34,11 €

  • Loving the Light Within
    Caroline Coulombe
    Loving the Light Within is about spiritual journeying and channeling as a path to illumination and happiness. The first part focuses on the author’s initiation as a medium and how she evolved as a professional channel and teacher of the art of channeling. The second part is a practical guide to become present, really present to oneself, others and the Divine. It is necessary to...

    13,47 €

  • Wherever God Takes Me
    Senol Kiane
    Granted with an extraordinary gift from a young age, Senol Kiane shares the story of his life and out-of-body experiences which have spanned his entire life. Despite not embracing his gift fully until the age of forty-one, Senol has now fully devoted himself to helping and healing those in need. Join him on his visits to and from heaven, hear his conversations with angels, and ...

    14,63 €

  • The Goddess You
    Jeanne Street
    The Goddess You, is indeed you. You, my friend, are perfection in every single way. You’ve just lost the view, and your connection to your groovy Goddess Self.This lovely book you hold in your hands right now is about leaving no stone unturned in your life. Or perhaps more than that, no part of your life that Divine love does not heal.Your journey in this life has lessons, chal...

    37,30 €

  • Wisdom Better than Wishing Journal
    Kristi Bridges
    The book of Proverbs is an Operating Manual for humans. In it, you can hear God speaking to your heart as you follow His direction in your life. This journal is a companion toWisdom – Better than Wishing—a daily guide to understanding the wisdom of Proverbs and enjoying your relationship with God. Each day begins with a promise and offersopportunities for prayer and reflection....

    5,91 €

  • One With God
    Joann Sjolander / Margaret Ballonoff / Marjorie Tyler
    One With God, Awakening Through the Voice of the Holy Spirit, Book 2, is the second in a series of 10 books that demonstrate the daily progression of awakening for three women who all hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit. The reader is taken more deeply into the release of the ego thought system, which has kept him in a state of separation from God. The Holy Spirit states in B...

    17,18 €

  • Motivate Me!
    Shelley Wilson
    Your weekly guide for happiness!Designed to give you a weekly boost of motivation, this sixty- four page guidebook will offer you a positive dose of inspiration throughout the year. Listen to your inner voice, pick a page, and then take meaning from the message you receive. ...

    10,35 €

  • Трансформация вечной души
    Andy Tomlinson
    Книга Энди Томлинсона «Исцеление Вечной Души» охватывает техники, используемые в терапии регрессии в прошлую жизнь и в регрессионной терапии, а также показывает, насколько они эффективны в трансформации жизней. Данное практическое руководство под редакцией Энди является продолжением этой книги и содержит специальные техники от регрессионных терапевтов, которые являются эксперта...

    16,91 €

  • Who Is Me?
    Patricia Jane Lee
    Patterns can mean more than you think – even when you don’t realize they exist.Patricia Jane Lee has embraced that truth as a result of examining her past lives, which have spanned the globe.In her current life, she has enjoyed nursing sick animals – especially the paralyzed ones – while in the past life, she was a paralyzed man.When Lee’s family farm was sold, she was devastat...

    17,45 €

  • Mesmerism
    Franz Anton Mesmer / V.R. Myers
    In 1779, Franz Anton Mesmer wrote an 88-page book, Mémoire sur la découverte du magnétisme animal, to which he appended his famous 27 Propositions. While undertaking research, G.F. Frankau obtained, on loan from a private library, an original edition of Mesmer's Mémoire sur la découverte de Magnétism Animal. Realising its medico-historical importance and tempted by a layman...

    9,94 €