Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos (2273)

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  • The Gift Within the Darkness
    Brian D. Calhoun
    Have you recently experienced a death?Are you still struggling after your loved one transitioned years ago?Perhaps you have encountered a loss in another aspect of your life?The Gift Within the Darkness is a unique and insightful view at the effects of loss on you and your life. Within these pages, you will discover how you can heal and reconnect after death, with a specific lo...

    19,60 €

  • Jonny Rocket
    James E. Crist
    Four teens go camping where they meet a little alien. He warns that their planet is going to be destroyed within a few hours, so they leave. He guides them to an orb that is like paradise. The alien adds a mass of young girls for each of the boys. They learn that their purpose is to produce a taller race. One of the girls, Tina Marie, the Blonde alien, is rebellious and is ostr...

    13,05 €

  • The Wonderful Wideness of Being
    Jantine Brinkman
    Jantine Brinkman, author of Free Will after Life and investigator into a wide range of consciousness phenomena, has explored the wideness of our being in a journey through the channeled Elias material. The personal aspect of the tour, that also contains excerpts from her dreams and mind travels, helps in facilitating an understanding of the theoretical concepts in the book.Her ...

    8,06 €

  • Encouragement through Trials
    Leslie Nichole McNeal

    7,07 €

  • Soulmate
    Christopher Georgeovich
    What is the force that animates all human life? Where does it come from? Is there an organized process in the universe that provides intelligent guidance toward a more evolved state of consciousness? In 'Soulmate,' Christopher Georgeovich’s second book, the author seeks to answer many of these vexing questions.From the book:'This driving force toward enlightenment is created by...

    10,46 €

  • Celestine Light Magickal Sigils of Heaven and Earth
    Embrosewyn Tazkuvel
    What would happen if you could call upon the blessings of angels and amplify their miracles with the pure essence of spiritual magick?Miracles manifest! That is the exciting reality that awaits you in Celestine Light Magickal Sigils of Heaven and Earth.Calling upon the higher realm power of angels, through intentional summoning using specific magickal sigils and incantations, i...

    17,71 €

  • Celestine Light Magickal Sigils of Heaven and Earth
    Embrosewyn Tazkuvel
    What would happen if you could call upon the blessings of angels and amplify their miracles with the pure essence of spiritual magick?Miracles manifest! That is the exciting reality that awaits you in Celestine Light Magickal Sigils of Heaven and Earth.Calling upon the higher realm power of angels, through intentional summoning using specific magickal sigils and incantations, i...

    26,96 €

  • Anchor Light
    Diane Allison Beyersdorfer
    This is not just any old book. This is a book of self-discovery. Through the words on these pages, you will begin your own magical journey out of the world of harsh reality, and into the light of your own soul. These may seem like simple words on paper, but they are anything but simple. Take the time to taste every single letter. Smell the salt air of your own private ocean. Li...

    17,74 €

  • Switch On Your Psychic
    Becky Willoughby
    Some Spiritual people are more attuned to their natural psychic ability than others,  but anyone can develop or improve their psychic skills. If you want to tune in to your own spiritual Intuition and want to find out how to amplify it to Build Better Relationships, Gain Peace of Mind and Increase Your Emotional Resilience.This brand new book by Extrasensory Perception expert, ...

    22,86 €

  • Switch On Your Psychic
    Becky Willoughby
    Some Spiritual people are more attuned to their natural psychic ability than others,  but anyone can develop or improve their psychic skills. If you want to tune in to your own spiritual Intuition and want to find out how to amplify it to Build Better Relationships, Gain Peace of Mind and Increase Your Emotional Resilience.This brand new book by Extrasensory Perception expert, ...

    10,46 €

  • Vymaanika Shaastra
    Maharishi Bharadwaaja / G.R. Josyer / G.RJosyer
    Just like the Nazi UFO’s, the Vedic flying machines dwell somewhere in the realms between apocryphal technology and the occult. The work ‘Vymaanika Shaastra’ has been ascribed to the sage Maharshi Bharadwaja. Maharshi Bharadwaja is known to be a scholar both in science, philosophy, cosmology and warfare. The work on ancient Vedic flying machines was channelled by Pundit Anekal ...

    25,63 €

  • Commanding Angelic Hosts
    Divine T. Lange
    We become new creations when we become born-again believers of Jesus Christ! It is an ongoing belief that once you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, your life will change for the better and have the ability to overcome harrowing challenges ahead in life.However, could you be living your life in faith at half its spiritual power level? Author Divine Lange seeks to reveal to re...

    11,68 €

  • Mediumship
    Tim Abbott
    There are many wonderful spiritual and mediumistical books available at the moment that give an insight into the lives and mediumship of the authors. Unlike those books, this book does not look in depth at my life but instead focuses solely on the development and practice of mental mediumship ideal for those individuals or groups looking to develop. These practical exercises ha...

    18,72 €

  • Acupuncture of The Mind
    Goran Zivanovic
    A mind specialist injects uncomfortable realities in the psyche of his patients. His young assistant challenges his methods and finds herself absorbed in his motivation to disrupt a comatose society. ...

    20,21 €

  • Into God's Country
    Eric Stogner / Jim Dobkins
    A Georgia businessman believes God is like a genius clockmaker who created the world then set it on a shelf like a clock to let it wind down while being uninvolved and unconcerned about his life and the lives of others. That all changes when he has a dream in which he is assured his cancer-stricken wife soon will be welcomed into Heaven. Then five others, including a 10-year-ol...

    11,69 €

  • The Great Wheel
    Bob Makransky
    It is often said in spiritual literature that time and space are an illusion, maya, samsara. But what exactly does this mean? And what implications does it have for how you should live your everyday life? The Great Wheel is an explanation of the System of birth, death, and rebirth which Nobel laureate William Butler Yeats‟ described in his masterpiece, A Vision.Starting out wit...

    19,54 €

  • The Possibility Of Reincarnation
    David Wallace
    Jesus                                            MeA.k.a the Son of David                 The son of DavidThe Son of Abraham                    the Son of AbrahamAunt named Elizabeth                  Aunt named ElizabethSon named John                          1st born son named JohnMother named Virgin Mary            Mother named VirginiaFriend named Mary Magdalene    Aunt Name...

    11,87 €

  • Phaidros oder Vom Schönen
    Ludwig von Georgii / Platón
    Der Phaidros ist ein in Dialogform verfasstes Werk des griechischen Philosophen Platon. Wiedergegeben wird ein fiktives, literarisch gestaltetes Gespräch von Platons Lehrer Sokrates mit seinem Freund Phaidros, nach dem der Dialog benannt ist. Sokrates veranschaulicht seine Deutung des erotischen Begehrens mit einer mythischen Erzählung vom Schicksal der unsterblichen Seele im J...

    3,15 €

  • Messages from Beyond the Veil
    David Dye / David J Dye / David J. Dye / David JDye / Reginald H Gray / Reginald H. Gray / Reginald HGray
    Death, an inevitable part of our human existence, confronts us with a difficult truth. But what if there’s more to our journey than just this life? Since the dawn of human consciousness, we have wondered about the enigma of life before and after death. We yearn to unravel the origins of our existence, the purpose behind our time on Earth, and the forces that shape our destiny. ...

    12,03 €

  • Let’s Get Stoned
    Robyn Vie-Carpenter
    Enter here to learn how to think about using stones and crystals as tools for your journey. You may have heard the point of our journey is to experience a life of joy. Let’s Get Stoned teaches you where stones and crystals can help play a part in living your joyful life. 3 ...

    9,71 €

  • Huffman Legend
    Michelle Huffman
    The true story of how an incredible young man helps his grieving mother to heal, from the other side.                                                                 3 ...

    14,04 €

  • Survival? Death as a Transition
    David Lorimer
    This book was originally published under the title, Survival: Body, Mind and Death in the Light of Psychic Experience Are you, your consciousness and memories extinguished at death? Or is there evidence indicating survival in a new dimension of life? In this searching study David Lorimer examines the development of speculations on the nature of life and death from indigenous tr...

    21,96 €

  • Reflections of God’s Grace
    Sharon Purdum Harkness
    This book reveals so many miracles that God has shown me and my family during the passing of our parents .The miracle that stands out the most, is the morning when my mother went to Heaven. At that moment, the room was filled with the radiant sunlight and loving warmth, which I have never experienced before. The room seemed to be in grandeur ,so much that I fell to my knees in ...

    13,07 €

  • Reflections of God’s Grace
    Sharon Purdum Harkness
    This book reveals so many miracles that God has shown me and my family during the passing of our parents .The miracle that stands out the most, is the morning when my mother went to Heaven. At that moment, the room was filled with the radiant sunlight and loving warmth, which I have never experienced before. The room seemed to be in grandeur ,so much that I fell to my knees in ...

    22,02 €

  • The Will of a Wildflower
    Pegi Robinson
    Children change after a near-death experience, even though they can’t process any of it. We return with gifts we don’t even know we have—until we use them.The Will of a Wildflower is my spiritual journey through this life. Everyone has a unique story. This one is mine. What I learned—once I stopped avoiding the past and bravely turned around and faced it—amazes me every single ...

    24,95 €

  • Invisible Wings
    Dawn Cummins
    Do you know you are the Powerful Creator of your Life? Are you experiencing deep transformations? This book supports and encourages all Earth Angels, spiritual beings, healers, empaths, highly sensitive people (HSPs) to discover their own transformation, understanding it is paramount when in service to the Universe, really starting to honour their well-being and energy. Your pe...

    16,07 €

  • Resonant Mind
    David Lorimer
    This book was first published in 1990 under the title Whole in One - the near-death experience and the ethic of interconnectedness. The new title, Resonant Mind with the subtitle referring to the life review, better expresses the purpose and theme of the book. About 10% of those undergoing a near-death experience also have a life review in which they re-experience events in the...

    17,85 €

  • Vindecarea sufletului etern
    Andy Tomlinson
    Acest manual practic acoperă teoria și tehnicile necesare pentru a vindeca viețile trecute și include regresia vieții trecute, regresia vieții curente, eliberarea spiritului și viața între regresia vieții. Comprehensivă și definitivă, sintetizează activitatea multor pionieri în domeniul terapiei de regresie.This practical manual covers the theory and techniques needed to heal p...

    27,27 €

  • Echoes
    Debra Skelton
    Whatever your beliefs and whatever your calling, here you will find a highly readable glimpse into the minds and passions of those spiritual seekers who came before us and be touched by the startling relevance of their wisdom for your own life in today's world.Debra Skelton has prepared a feast for the spiritually hungry of heart and mind in this contemporary anthology of w...

    19,77 €

  • Echoes
    Debra Skelton
    Whatever your beliefs and whatever your calling, here you will find a highly readable glimpse into the minds and passions of those spiritual seekers who came before us and be touched by the startling relevance of their wisdom for your own life in today's world.Debra Skelton has prepared a feast for the spiritually hungry of heart and mind in this contemporary anthology of w...

    21,93 €