Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos (2273)

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  • Shrouded Truth
    Reena Kumarasingham
    "A fascinating, surreal elaboration of Christian stories and characters" – Kirkus ReviewsAward Winner of the 2018 Soul-Bridge Body, Mind, Spirit, Book Awards in Christian Spirituality Award Winner Finalist of the 3rd Annual Body, Mind, Spirit, Book Awards in ReincarnationTwo thousand years ago, the Biblical time, was a time of great change.  Jesus and those closest to him were ...

    21,17 €

  • Thought Forms
    Bob Makransky
    Astronomical and astrological explanations of Mercury's synodic cycle - its cycle of phases as it circles the sun, with tables 1900-2050. Complete delineations for Superior and Inferior Conjunction, Greatest Eastern and Western Elongation, Stationary Retrograde and Direct, and their intervening phases in the natal, progressed, and transiting horoscopes. Explanation of the a...

    19,50 €

  • Grasshopper Woman
    Laura C Chase
    Laura never imagined she would talk to spirits--and didn't want to for many years. When she sensed spirits she sent them away. That all changed in 2007 when a spirit came into a client's therapy session and ended up helping the client. Not that she said a word about the spirit visitation to the client, but she observed the power of spirit to human connection. By coincid...

    9,24 €

  • The Emerald Pendant
    Kyle Marchand
    Bethany Shannon, is a young woman who was born and raised in New York City. She has a loving and wealthy family, and a great career. Life couldn't get much better...or could it only get worse?One night, before Beth went to bed, there was a knock at her door. When she answered, she noticed a strange package in the hallway that contained a book that was published with a speci...

    16,35 €

  • The Belief Challenge
    Roxanne Tuomela
    Are you tired of being stuck? You know the feeling-there are places in your life that always feel the same, patterns you always repeat, disappointments that are all too familiar. What would it be like if you had the power to change all of that? The good news is that you have the power, and now you have Roxanne Tuomela, Master of Manifestation, to help you revise and discard out...

    10,25 €

  • Led by Light
    Rev. Joanna Bartlett
    Gain confidence in your intuitive mediumship abilities. This comprehensive, down-to-earth guide leads you through all the phases of mental mediumship, explaining how they work and how to receive information from Spirit. With this book you’ll learn how to: Determine your dominant intuitive senses Open your psychic senses and their associated chakras Develop each of the phase...

    10,71 €

  • Spirit Energy
    Rev. Joanna Bartlett
    Discover the fascinating world of physical mediumshipLearn how Spirit’s energy can manifest into physical form in this comprehensive guide to Spiritualist physical mediumship phenomena.This clear guide covers a number of physical mediumship and how they work including: Rapping Table tipping Levitation Materialization Transfiguration Apportation Precipitation Direct voi...

    10,37 €

  • Beyond Boundaries
    Helen Parry Jones
    A book of true inspiration!Helen Parry Jones shares every aspect of her life with absolute honesty and in a refreshingly down-to-earth manner. Her story is a backdrop to enable her spiritual guide Sam, through daily tutoring from her earliest recollection, to offer wisdom and enlightenment in overcoming the abundance of life’s many difficult challenges, not only for Helen, but ...

    23,09 €

  • Happiness Is Life Itself
    Hanni Salovaara
    Winner of the 2019 Body, Mind and Spirit Book Awards - Spiritualism CategoryThis is a true story based on the author's personal experiences. She is a young woman just graduated from the university, trying to make it from day to day unemployed. A friend of hers reveals that she is a medium channeling a spirit called Uranus, and the author decides to ask for a sitting in orde...

    29,66 €

  • The Intercessor
    Valerie L. Brown
    The Intercessor is a spiritual inspirational book that describes the lifestyle of those who stand in the gap and weather the storms to pray for their loved ones. It is for those who are hurting and are experiencing turmoil and much more. It gives insight on how an intercessor is equipped and goes into battle in the spirit realm and acts as a mediator and negotiator on behalf of...

    8,17 €

  • The Art of Crystal Grid Making
    Aloha Beautiful Crystalline Beings! It is my privilege to share in the art of making crystal manifestation grids alchemically with you. I invite you to put your crystals into Divine service and remember your natural co-creative power as you practice with the support of your cherished collection. Working with this inspiration guide will strengthen your natural ability to manifes...

    32,08 €

  • Life After Death Beyond Doubt
    Susan Starkey
    There is one universal question to which there seems to be no definitive answer: what happens to us when we die? Many people have their own individual theories; different faiths have different beliefs. The rest of us we can merely shrug and resign ourselves to the fact that we can never know the unknowable.Just a few years ago, Susan Starkey would have felt the same way. But fo...

    9,41 €

  • Confessions of a Bone Woman
    Lucinda Bakken White
    Lucinda White is a happy-go-lucky nature child raised by a young single mother in the 1960s. In a dramatic turn of events, her wild nature is broken. She is shaped into a yuppie and becomes the wife of a prominent Silicon Valley CEO and a glamorous socialite. Successful by all accounts of external measure, she feels trapped by the shallow values of a dominant culture and ever m...

    11,88 €

  • Signs from Spirit Journal
    Rev. Joanna Bartlett
    Live a Spiritually-guided lifeDo you feel like the universe keeps trying to give you messages? Or that your loved ones in Spirit are nearby and trying to communicate with you?This journal will help you notice and signs and symbols in your everyday life, figure out what they mean and strengthen your connection o your loved ones and the universe.These signs can take all sorts of ...

    8,76 €

  • One Hundred Cases for Survival After Death
    A. T. Baird / ATBaird
    During the first half of the twentieth century A. T. Baird edited One Hundred Cases for Survival After Death. At the time he wrote, “A thousand equally good cases could be produced as easily; in fact, at times I was embarrassed with the wealth of material at my disposal. … Perhaps later, someone more energetic and enthusiastic, with more time and patience than I have, may publi...

    12,10 €

  • They Are Coming
    Stephen B. Satterwhite / Stephen BSatterwhite
    In the summer of 1953, as his mother was ironing clothes, two-year-old Stephen B. Satterwhite walked up to his mother and said, “Mommy, I’ve been here before.” His stunned mother knelt down and asked him what he was talking about. He told her that he had lived on Earth before that he was on a big sailboat that got caught in a storm and he drowned.Ever since he was born, Stephen...

    12,74 €

  • They Are Coming
    Stephen B. Satterwhite / Stephen BSatterwhite
    In the summer of 1953, as his mother was ironing clothes, two-year-old Stephen B. Satterwhite walked up to his mother and said, “Mommy, I’ve been here before.” His stunned mother knelt down and asked him what he was talking about. He told her that he had lived on Earth before that he was on a big sailboat that got caught in a storm and he drowned.Ever since he was born, Stephen...

    20,69 €

  • El ángel caído
    Massimo Centini
    El diablo se suele asociar con el mal en un sentido amplio, sin ninguna precisión. Puede ser el Señor de las Sombras, con las características que lo remiten a una vasta y conocida iconografía, pero también puede ser algo indefinido, muy presente en la existencia humana. Hablar del diablo siempre es arriesgado, y los temas referentes a él se pueden englobar en dos grandes grupos...

    14,82 €

  • Las claves del espiritismo
    Alain Dufour
    Desde siempre, el hombre se ha interrogado sobre su destino después de la muerte y ha buscado, a través del espiritismo, las respuestas, las pruebas de la inmortalidad del alma. Actualmente, el espiritismo toma el relevo de la ciencia, que reconoce su incapacidad para explicar ciertos hechos evidentes. Recopilando informaciones históricas (hipnosis, telepatía, peligros eventual...

    10,66 €

  • The Twin Flame Reignition
    Elizabeth Lockwood / Michelle Gordon
    The destiny of many Twin Flames is changing. Those destined to remain apart on Earth are hearing the call to come together. As things begin to shift and change, it suddenly it seems possible for them to reunite, and have the lives they always dreamed of.But when visions and dreams of Atlantis begin to plague the Earth Angels, and they try to work out their meaning, what they di...

    17,31 €

  • Unveiled Mysteries
    Godfré Ray King
    Unveiled Mysteries is Godfré Ray King’s enthralling account of his encounter with Ascended Master Saint Germain, while hiking alone on Mt Shasta in northern California.  Saint Germain becomes King’s spiritual guide, and is able to manipulate both time and space to allow his pupil to revisit past lives in Atlantis, Inca-Peru, Mu, and in a long-vanished kingdom now hidden beneath...

    11,04 €

  • Beyond Boundaries
    Helen Parry Jones
    Beyond Boundaries - A book of true inspiration!Helen Parry Jones shares every aspect of her life with absolute honesty and in a refreshingly down-to-earth manner. Her story is a backdrop to enable her spiritual guide Sam, through daily tutoring from her earliest recollection, to offer wisdom and enlightenment in overcoming the abundance of life’s many difficult challenges, not ...

    34,03 €

  • Cosmic Conscious Communication
    Vicki Largen Mauer
    Cosmic Conscious Communication takes you on an alluring journey with Vicki as she maneuvers through a challenging body-mind transformation necessary to open an inner gateway for communication with Celestial Entities.  With the assistance of a mentor, medical-intuitive Jim Branch, Vicki learns to breach the dimensional veil. The Celestial Entities, known as the Great White Broth...

    22,45 €

  • How Crystals Shine
    Denecia 'Dee' Jones / Denecia Dee Jones
    Have you ever felt a mystical, supernatural pull from crystals or gemstones? Have you ever felt a desire to be healed in a way that earthly methods cannot provide? Are you fascinated by the great power of crystals but baffled by how to enter their world? Let Denecia Jones, an experienced physical, spiritual, and financial healer, take you on an exciting journey through lives th...

    7,08 €

  • Lasting Impressions
    Geoffrey Jowett
    The natural and supernatural worlds are deeply intertwined. And though many of us may have difficulty accessing the spirit world, there are those among us who have the ability to sense and connect with the unseen world of spirit, bridging the gap and linking them together for us.In Lasting Impressions, author and medium Geoffrey Jowett invites us on his remarkable lifelong jour...

    10,96 €

  • Lasting Impressions
    Geoffrey Jowett
    The natural and supernatural worlds are deeply intertwined. And though many of us may have difficulty accessing the spirit world, there are those among us who have the ability to sense and connect with the unseen world of spirit, bridging the gap and linking them together for us.In Lasting Impressions, author and medium Geoffrey Jowett invites us on his remarkable lifelong jour...

    18,06 €

  • Practical Spirituality
    Keith Hill
    WINNER OF NEW ZEALAND’S 2013 ASHTON WYLIE AWARD FOR BEST UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT IN THE GENRE OF MIND, BODY, SPIRIT“Whether you wish to be one or not, you are a spiritual being. You have a spiritual dimension at the core of your identity. But there is a difference between being a spirit and becoming spiritual. Being a spirit is a fact of human existence. Becoming spiritual requi...

    8,61 €

  • Where Do I Go When I Meditate?
    Keith Hill
    “The particular form of meditation is unimportant. Some people sit, others stand, walk, sing or sway rhythmically; different cultures and traditions have different practices. What is important is that the meditator attains a focused inner state in which the external world is shut out and the mind is directed to pay attention to subtle communications. That such a state is attain...

    7,20 €

  • Porozmawiaj z Duchami - Talk to the Entities Polish
    Shannon O'Hara / Shannon O’Hara
    Przyłącz się do podróży z Shannon O’Harą, podróży po świecie widzianym zupełnie innymi oczami.  „Porozmawiaj z Duchami” zabiera Cię krok po kroku do innego świata, świata dziewczynki, która dorasta widząc, słysząc i rozmawiając z tymi, którzy są niewidzialni, niesłyszalni i bardzo rzadko zauważani. Czasem jest to podróż błogosławiona, a czasem przeklęta, ale na każdym kroku bar...

    30,07 €

  • Nikola Tesla Presents
    Francesca Thoman
    In the years Nikola Tesla and Francesca Thoman have worked together, they have encountered several other afterlife personalities, both famous and unknown. In this Award Winning book, Nikola Tesla shares what he has learned from these other spirits, who are eager to communicate the wisdom they have discovered since their deaths. Offering numerous delightfully rich articles with ...

    18,25 €