Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos (2273)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Heroic Compassion
    ZenDoe Linda Frank
    A handbook for spiritual awakening and healing. From our vantage point in the realm of Spirit, difficult and life-altering events provide the very stepping stones we need in order to reach our goals for a human incarnation. But, why does it have to be so painful? And what do our struggles have to do with spiritual awakening?Heroic Compassion breaks open the mysteries of pre-lif...

    11,44 €

  • Psience Fiction
    Damien Broderick
    Science fiction has often been considered the literature of futuristic technology: fantastic warfare among the stars or ruinous apocalypses on Earth. The last century, however, saw, through John W. Campbell, the introduction of 'psience fiction,' which explores such themes of mental powers as telepathy, precognition of the future, teleportation, etc.--and symbolic machines t...

    61,30 €

  • Uncovering Norman
    Susan E. Rogers
    Most people during their lifetime experience some contact with the spirit world. Their reactions can vary from laughing off such nonsense as coincidence to praying for the demon to leave them alone. But what would you do if a ghost wanted to be your friend? In this, the authors first book dealing with the spirit realm, she relates the true story of Norman, a ghost who has retur...

    7,18 €

  • Crystal Resonance
    Kerry Nelson Selman
    At our very essence, we are Spirit with limitless tools at our disposal to help navigate this life in physical. Crystal Resonance explores combining gifts from Mother Earth to enhance connection to our innate spark of Divinity, Archangels, and Higher Self and fearlessly embrace a life well lived that is supported by the wonder of All That Is..Kerry teaches the synergy and life-...

    12,95 €

  • The Hidden Power
    Brian Inglis
    What exactly is psi? Why has the paranormal consistently been condemned by the scientific establishment? Why have its manifestations - ESP, psychokinesis, poltergeists and so on, which have been reported from every era, from every part of the world and all its walks of life - been so scathingly dismissed by supporters of scientism?  Brian Inglis was bought up to regard science ...

    17,43 €

  • Pennies From Josh
    Gregory L Pollock
    These are the stories that represent a bond between father and son that even death couldn’t break. They are stories of a form of after-death communication that helped me survive and cope with the death of my only son. Losing a child is a traumatic experience that is unnatural in the order of things and something you never 'get over', you just learn to cope. ...

    18,92 €

  • Hablando Con Las Entidades - Talk to the Entities Spanish
    Shannon O'Hara / Shannon O’Hara
    Únete a Shannon O’Hara en un viaje por el mundo visto a través de ojos muy distintos.A través de la experiencia de una chica que crece viendo, oyendo y hablando con los espíritus, Hablando con las Entidades comparte una mirada excepcional en un mundo que muchos conocen, pero pocos reconocen. En algunas ocasiones, la consciencia de los demás a nuestro alrededor es una bendición,...

    30,02 €

  • Engaging the Anomalous
    Jack Hunter
     Engaging the Anomalous is a collection of essays written by Jack Hunter between 2010-17. Together, the essays push toward the development of a non-reductive, participatory and experiential anthropology of the paranormal. Over the course of the book, Hunter surveys: • Trends in anthropology's engagement with the paranormal • The anthropology and neuroscience of spirit posse...

    17,95 €

  • Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    The Book of Enoch, quoted by Jesus and the apostles James and Jude, disappeared from sight - all known copies destroyed or hidden. Fortunately three copies were discovered safely hidden in Ethiopia. Why would powerful rabbis and Church leaders suppress this book?Once again available, Fallen Angels by Elizabeth Clare Prophet brings you the entire Book of Enoch plus a well-resear...

    17,48 €

  • Las claves de los amuletos
    Victor Salsedo
    En estos tiempos cargados de escepticismo,en los que se desconfía de todo aquello que nopuede ser empíricamente comprobado, son,en cambio, incontables las personas que, adiario, usan amuletos y talismanes, objetos alos que se les atribuyen poderes protectoresy espirituales para su portador.Seguro que conoce muchos amuletos: unamano, una llave, un elefante, un colmillo,una herra...

    11,70 €

  • Leo
    Chiara Bertrand / Rolando Rossi
    ¿Quiere saber qué le deparan el 2017 y el 2018? Este libro contiene las previsiones llevadas a cabo por Rolando Rossi y Chiara Bertrand, a través de las cuales podrá descubrir las grandes líneas de su destino en todos los terrenos (vida sentimental, profesión, dinero, salud). Además, se incluye un capítulo en el que podrá conocer elnombre de personajes famosos con su mismo sign...

    11,39 €

  • Libra
    Chiara Bertrand / Kinauer Saltarini
    ¿Quiere saber qué le deparan el 2017 y el 2018? Este libro contiene las previsiones llevadas a cabo por Helene Kinauer Saltarini y Chiara Bertrand, a través de las cuales podrá descubrir las grandes líneas de su destino en todos los terrenos (vida sentimental, profesión, dinero, salud). Además, se incluye un capítulo en el que podrá conocer elnombre de personajes famosos con su...

    11,39 €

  • Dying On Purpose
    H. Richard Steinhoff
     Richard Steinhoff had it all—a beautiful home, a loving wife, a successful career in real estate, and a best-selling book.  Then a diseased gallbladder landed him in the hospital, and a series of complications nearly killed him. While he was there, he had an out-of-body, Near-Death Experience and encountered a Heavenly being who told him to return to his body because he had no...

    8,29 €

  • The Joy of the Journey Toward Greater Enlightenment
    Ph.D. Stanley Keely
    For most of his life, author S.L. Keely has been a seeker of spiritual knowledge. In 1968, while still in graduate school, he had a near-death, out-of-body experience which catalyzed his interest in spirituality and consciousness. The search for his truth intensified during the last three decades as he sought to gain a more in-depth understanding of existence and purpose. This ...

    20,69 €

  • The Joy of the Journey Toward Greater Enlightenment
    Ph.D. Stanley Keely
    For most of his life, author S.L. Keely has been a seeker of spiritual knowledge. In 1968, while still in graduate school, he had a near-death, out-of-body experience which catalyzed his interest in spirituality and consciousness. The search for his truth intensified during the last three decades as he sought to gain a more in-depth understanding of existence and purpose. This ...

    8,79 €

  • The Will of a Wildflower
    Pegi Robinson
    Children change after a near-death experience, even though they can’t process any of it. We return with gifts we don’t even know we have—until we use them.The Will of a Wildflower is my spiritual journey through this life. Everyone has a unique story. This one is mine. What I learned—once I stopped avoiding the past and bravely turned around and faced it—amazes me every single ...

    31,89 €

  • Time Journey to the Origin and the Future
    Mariana Stjerna
    Time Journey to the Origin and the Future is the independent sequel to Mariana Stjerna’s well received novel On Angels’ Wings. While the former book is about what happens to us after our physical death, this book discloses the origin of man and what will happen to Earth and humanity when we have passed through the Grand Portal, become wiser, and achieved a higher consciousness....

    15,60 €

  • On Angels’ Wings
    Mariana Stjerna
    Are you afraid of dying? Do you believe that life ends with your last breath? This book is the story about what happened to the famous Swedish author Jan Fridegård after his passing. Through his spokesperson, Mariana Stjerna, he tells vividly with both humor and seriousness his experiences on “the other side.”The reader is invited to join Jan on an amazing journey On Angels’ Wi...

    22,97 €

  • Time Journey to the Origin and the Future
    Mariana Stjerna
    Time Journey to the Origin and the Future is the independent sequel to Mariana Stjerna’s well received novel On Angels’ Wings. While the former book is about what happens to us after our physical death, this book discloses the origin of man and what will happen to Earth and humanity when we have passed through the Grand Portal, become wiser, and achieved a higher consciousness....

    32,25 €

  • Clairvoyance
    Clairvoyance means literally nothing more than 'clear seeing,' and it is a word which has been sorely misused, and even degraded so far as to be employed to describe the trickery of a mountebank in a variety show. For the purpose of this treatise we may, perhaps, define it as the power to see what is hidden from ordinary physical sight. Let me make two points clear before I beg...

    20,51 €

  • Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment
    Rudolf Steiner
    There slumber in every human being faculties by means of which he can acquire for himself a knowledge of higher worlds. Mystics, Gnostics, Theosophists - all speak of a world of soul and spirit which for them is just as real as the world we see with our physical eyes and touch with our physical hands. At every moment the listener may say to himself: that, of which they speak, I...

    20,42 €

  • Last Judgment Posthumous
    Emanuel Swedenborg
    When the Last Judgment was being executed, the Protestants were then led into the middle, and they then appeared in this order: The English in the middle, the Dutch towards the east and south, the Germans more towards the north, the Swedes to the north and west in the middle. All then appeared according to their general genius as to the reception of good and truth. ...

    20,44 €

  • Practical Mental Influence
    William Walker Atkinson
    Learn how to influence the world around you through the power of your concentration. The powers of your mind can be strengthened and tuned and this book will show you how to do just that. Chapters include The Law of Vibration, Thought Waves, Mental Induction, Mental Concentration, Mental Imaging, Fascination, Hypnotic Influence, Influencing at a Distance, Influencing 'En Masse,...

    20,62 €

  • The Forbidden Female Speaks
    Pamela Kribbe
    Mary Magdalene was regarded as “the forbidden female” in the Christian tradition: wild, free and sinful. This book contains a dialogue with and messages from Mary Magdalene, channeled by Pamela Kribbe (PhD). It is about male and female energy, relationships, sexuality and healing. In these teachings, Mary Magdalene speaks with a clear, loving voice that is sometimes direct and ...

    35,66 €

  • Animals in the Spirit World
    Harold Sharp
    Animals in the Spirit World is a validation of animal soul survival. The author’s respect and love of animals is felt throughout, as he recounts from first-hand experience moving tales of reunions between animal spirits and their human friends. A lovely book, a treasure of sensitivity and understanding of life’s ways, written in uncomplicated language. Although most religions r...

    8,56 €

  • Love . . . from the Animals
    RHom Karen Bentley DVM
    In these days of increased world hatred, violence, racism, bigotry, discrimination, and intolerance, we must look to the animals for the solutions. Understanding their lessons with better eyes will help us to understand one another with better eyes. ...

    6,16 €

  • I Saw an Angel Today
    Marcelline Moore
    I Saw an Angel Today is a nonfictional book of short stories about the earth angels of today and in history, who are changing or have changed humanity. They are everyday people unknowingly affecting others by opening their hearts, sharing their gifts, following their passion, and offering their mind, body, and soul to others. They are musical, historical, spiritual, and global ...

    24,65 €

  • I Saw an Angel Today
    Marcelline Moore
    I Saw an Angel Today is a nonfictional book of short stories about the earth angels of today and in history, who are changing or have changed humanity. They are everyday people unknowingly affecting others by opening their hearts, sharing their gifts, following their passion, and offering their mind, body, and soul to others. They are musical, historical, spiritual, and global ...

    10,36 €

  • Discovering Angels
    Pamela Landolt
    Discovering Angels is a user-friendly guidebook that shares insight on how to take an amazing journey through love, light, and angel sparkles to find peace, tranquility, and personal change.Pamela Landolt, an energy healer and teacher, shares step-by-step guidance and simple exercises that will help anyone learn how to recognize when angels are near, discover the easiest method...

    23,99 €

  • Discovering Angels
    Pamela Landolt
    Discovering Angels is a user-friendly guidebook that shares insight on how to take an amazing journey through love, light, and angel sparkles to find peace, tranquility, and personal change.Pamela Landolt, an energy healer and teacher, shares step-by-step guidance and simple exercises that will help anyone learn how to recognize when angels are near, discover the easiest method...

    11,00 €