Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos (2272)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • El mundo prodigioso de los ángeles
    Susana Rodríguez
    Si el universo tiene un sentido, una armonía o una finalidad, entonces está claro que los hombres -y con ellos los animales y las plantas, que ocupan sólo un fragmento infinitesimal de este universo- no son necesariamente las únicas criaturas que habitan en él. Sería perfectamente lógico que, junto a ellos, existieran otras criaturas, habitando mundos diversos y paralelos, que ...

    14,51 €

  • El sexto sentido
    Ursula Fortiz
    El 'sexto sentido' es la capacidad extrasensorial de percibir más allá de los recursos de nuestros cinco sentidos básicos (vista, oído, olfato, gusto y tacto). Esta percepción más allá de la frontera sensorial ha sido fuente de relatos asombrosos, testimonios y experiencias sin explicación aparente. Ursula Fortiz, autora cuyas obras se han traducido a 4 idiomas (francés, italia...

    10,35 €

  • Los cuerpos sutiles del hombre
    Valerio Sanfo
    Según el pensamiento filosófico y religioso de la mayoría de las culturas, el hombre estaría compuesto de tres partes: cuerpo, alma y espíritu. El cuerpo se organiza en niveles que parten de las células para llegar hasta los órganos, aparatos y sistemas, permitiendo a una parte más sutil, el alma, desarrollar las actividades vitales. La tarea del alma es conocer el mundo exteri...

    10,35 €

  • Los secretos de la reencarnación
    Andrea Rognoni / Gianni Norta
    Muchos de nosotros estamos convencidos de haber vivido otras vidas. Todos hemos protagonizado momentos en los que, extrañamente, hemos tenido la sensación de «haber pasado ya» por esa experiencia. Por último, muchos esperan reencarnarse, después de la muerte, en otra existencia. ¿Qué hay de cierto en todo ello? Las principales religiones orientales, entre ellas el budismo, cree...

    16,59 €

  • Psychic Self-Defense
    Dion Fortune
    After finding herself the subject of a powerful psychic attack, famed British occultist Dion Fortune wrote this detailed instruction manual on protecting oneself from paranormal attack. This classic psychic self-defense guide explains how to understand the signs of a psychic attack, vampirism, hauntings, and methods of defense.Everything you need to know about the methods, moti...

    15,20 €

  • The Power of Dreams
    Brian Inglis
    Why do we dream? How have dreams helped inspire creative artists? How useful are they in daily problem solving? What evidence is there for second sight in dreaming? How much can dreams tell us about the future? In this wide ranging and immensely stimulating account, Brian Inglis first sifts the historical evidence and then describes recent scientific research, before proclaimin...

    17,06 €

  • Cómo curarse con la gemoterapia
    Eva Duo
    La antigua tradición herborística, a pesar de los continuos éxitos que la hacen siempre viva y eficaz, no es suficiente. Hoy día hay una especialidad aún más efectiva: la gemoterapia, que no utiliza las partes de la planta adulta sino los tejidos frescos de la planta recién nacida: inflorescencias, gemas, capullos, bellotas, brotes jóvenes, raíces jóvenes, savia, corteza intern...

    9,88 €

  • Cromoterapia
    Francesco Padrini / Teresa Lucheroni
    Los colores expresan de manera clara y visible la fuerza de la naturaleza. Son energía vital que está constantemente en contacto con el cuerpo y la mente del hombre, y que pueden favorecer su bienestar. La cromoterapia parte de esta idea para actuar en varios trastornos: es­trés, dolor de cabeza, insomnio, obesidad, depresión, etc. Este libro estudia el color, los aspectos físi...

    38,43 €

  • El extraordinario poder curativo de la arcilla
    Pierre Bourgeois
    Sin duda alguna, entre los dones que la naturaleza ha puesto a nuestro alcance destaca la misma tierra que pisamos cada día, cuyos misterios y riquezas desconocemos en gran medida. La arcilla, nacida de esta tierra, es un maravilloso remedio que debemos conocer y utilizar para beneficiarnos de sus múltiples poderes curativos y terapéuticos. ¿Es eficaz contra la gripe? ¿Embellec...

    9,31 €

  • Telepathy, Mind Reading, Clairvoyance, and Other Psychic Powers
    Panchadasi Panchadasi
    A practical guide and training course  for development of the extra physical senses of man, the telepathic sense, clairvoyance and an insight into other astral sense. The book carefully explains various techniques such as mind-reading, prevision, astral body travelling, psychic influence at a distance, and psychic and magnetic healing. A great resource for anyone interested in ...

    20,34 €

  • Two Moons
    RE Johnston
    When night falls and dreams come......they can change everything.How will Jay use what he learns?On a parallel world, the people know reincarnation is real, but that knowledge comes with a price. The accumulated wisdom of previous lives can be valuable. With it, though, comes the memories, both good and bad.For some it’s too much.For Jay it may destroy him.Ri Sun-Hui was a bril...

    21,01 €

  • The I AM America Atlas for 2018-2019
    Lori Adaile Toye
    How can we navigate the prophesied troubled times ahead? Perhaps by seeing them—literally and metaphorically. A lot has changed since the first presentation of the I AM America Earth Changes Maps almost thirty years ago, and perhaps we have required that time to fully appreciate what they offer: a look into our possible future, and through contemplation of the literal pictures—...

    55,20 €

  • Leahcim An Unorthodox Angel
    Ted Fulton
    A book of hope and the lengths heaven is willing to go to for God to have what is His. This gaurdian angel in training had one last test before becoming a full fledged gaurdian. Just two words, thats all he had to do. Speak two words and back to heaven. He missed his encounter and now his subjects are dead! Heaven is closed, he's trapped and Lucifer knows they died. Now he ...

    8,88 €

  • Clairvoyance
    Charles Webster Leadbeater
    An Unabridged Printing of the Second Edition with Updated Typeface and an Index at Book’s End. Chapters include: What Clairvoyance Is - Simple Clairvoyance Full - Simple Clairvoyance Partial - Clairvoyance In Space: Intentional - Clairvoyance In Space: Semi-Intentional - Clairvoyance In Space: Unintentional - Clairvoyance In Time: The Past - Clairvoyance In Time: The Future - M...

    7,32 €

  • An Accidental Psychic
    Judy Bishop
    The following words are from an internationally recognized professor, one of many who requested I put pen to paper and share my unusual life story.Yesterday I did nothing other than read, read your gripping, fascinating account of how you discovered your own psychic abilities and how you coped with those people who both rejected and (warmly) accepted you.In fact, I went to bed ...

    21,22 €

  • An Accidental Psychic
    Judy Bishop
    The following words are from an internationally recognized professor, one of many who requested I put pen to paper and share my unusual life story.Yesterday I did nothing other than read, read your gripping, fascinating account of how you discovered your own psychic abilities and how you coped with those people who both rejected and (warmly) accepted you.In fact, I went to bed ...

    29,14 €

  • Soul Smart
    Susanne J. Wilson
    Soul Smart: What The Dead Teach Us About Spirit Communication provides easy-to-follow steps that anyone can use to make his own direct connection with his own spirit guides and beloved people and pets now in spirit. Soul Smart presents a fascinating behind the scenes look at what the spirit world is doing to make the communication happen. The reader will learn how to establish ...
  • The Cosmos, Ascension and ’The Golden Keys’ from Melchizedek
    Sarah Massiah
    This is a must read for those who question the mystery that is called ‘life’. A book to ignite a remembrance of your true soul essence, and the roles and stories that all have played throughout many incarnational experiences.This book is dedicated to you: the reader who wishes to understand why certain areas of your life’s journey have not played out, as you indeed intended.A b...

    19,95 €

  • Listen to the Whispers of Your Angels
    Chiwa Higashi
    Whether you are angel lover or not, this book will definitely help you connect with angels and their divine gifts in you. Whenever you need some guidance, healing, or any support in your life, you can just turn the page and receive whatever you need in words or vibrationally. These angel messages will lift your spirit up, open your heart, fill your entire being with uncondition...

    24,65 €

  • Listen to the Whispers of Your Angels
    Chiwa Higashi
    Whether you are angel lover or not, this book will definitely help you connect with angels and their divine gifts in you. Whenever you need some guidance, healing, or any support in your life, you can just turn the page and receive whatever you need in words or vibrationally. These angel messages will lift your spirit up, open your heart, fill your entire being with uncondition...

    10,36 €

  • In Search of Lost Lives
    Michael Goddart
    Winner of the LIVING NOW BOOK AWARDWinner of the BODY MIND SPIRIT BOOK AWARD®Winner of the NATIONAL INDIE EXCELLENCE® AWARDWinner of the AMERICAN BOOK FEST BEST BOOK AWARDIn Search of Lost Lives is Michael Goddart’s unique memoir in which he recovers eighty-eight past lives and depicts spiritual experiences that ultimately prepared him to follow a path of soul liberation from t...

    39,52 €

  • In Search of Lost Lives
    Michael Goddart
    Winner of the LIVING NOW BOOK AWARDWinner of the BODY MIND SPIRIT BOOK AWARD®Winner of the NATIONAL INDIE EXCELLENCE® AWARDWinner of the AMERICAN BOOK FEST BEST BOOK AWARDIn Search of Lost Lives is Michael Goddart’s unique memoir in which he recovers eighty-eight past lives and depicts spiritual experiences that ultimately prepared him to follow a path of soul liberation from t...

    33,35 €

  • Hospital del Tórax
    Miguel Ángel Segura
    «¿Quieres saber cómo el mítico Hospital del Tórax llegó a ser el lugar más famoso de nuestro país dentro del ámbito paranormal? Esta obra recoge los primeros meses de investigación. Fueron asombrosos y terroríficos»Por avatares del destino encontré una caja repleta de documentación sobre el Hospital del Tórax. En ella había fotografías, vídeos, entrevistas y textos con anotacio...

    14,90 €

  • Natural Remote Viewing
    Jon Noble
    We are all, to some extent, natural psychics; it is an innate ability. Natural Remote Reviewing offers a concise and practical introduction to expanding your awareness through a mental martial art of self-discovery. The goal of this slim guide is that given some free time, a pen and paper, a little effort, and intention you can have your own experience of verifiable psychic fun...

    9,24 €

  • Deadly Departed
    Jock Brocas

    22,54 €

  • ¿Hay fantasmas en tu casa?
    Miguel Ángel Segura
    ¿Alguna vez has vivido una experiencia paranormal? Si la respuesta es afirmativa, entonces este libro es para ti.El autor te explica qué son, cómo actúan y qué diferencias existen entre fantasmas, espectros, casas encantadas y póltergeist.Para que te familiarices con estos fenómenos, Miguel Ángel Segura ilustra el libro con investigaciones y casos que ha podido investigar de pr...

    13,90 €

  • Loving to the End ... and On
    PhD Lynn B. Robinson
    Dr. Robinson recognizes and encourages ways for anyoneeveryoneto love beyond death in this well-researched, engaging, and compelling mix of personal narrative and forthright reporting on end-of-life care and mis-care. Helpful for both families and medical personnel, it is part instructive manual, part counselor, and part love story. Her book gently guides us through the sadness...

    8,76 €

  • Loving to the End ... and On
    PhD Lynn B. Robinson
    Dr. Robinson recognizes and encourages ways for anyoneeveryoneto love beyond death in this well-researched, engaging, and compelling mix of personal narrative and forthright reporting on end-of-life care and mis-care. Helpful for both families and medical personnel, it is part instructive manual, part counselor, and part love story. Her book gently guides us through the sadness...

    20,66 €

  • Here, There, and Everywhere
    Just Plain Bill
    Growing up on a farm in the Amish region of central Pennsylvania, Bill would have many conversations with his family on their wraparound front porch-especially with his grandfather, Pap.Pap’s assignment, or at least part of it, was to prepare his grandson for the lessons he’d receive later in life from the Everywhere. As a youngster, Bill sensed the Everywhere, which is like a ...

    26,41 €

  • Heroic Compassion
    ZenDoe Linda Frank
    A handbook for spiritual awakening and healing. From our vantage point in the realm of Spirit, difficult and life-altering events provide the very stepping stones we need in order to reach our goals for a human incarnation. But, why does it have to be so painful? And what do our struggles have to do with spiritual awakening?Heroic Compassion breaks open the mysteries of pre-lif...

    11,44 €