Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos (2272)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • 7 Questions About Life After Life
    Cynthia Spring / Frances Vaughan
    Cynthia Spring and Frances Vaughan are engaged in a dialogue based on seven questions about life after life. This fascinating book -- an anchor during a chaotic time filled with confusion and suffering -- offers a larger frame, a greater reality. The authors, one incarnate, one discarnate, address the fears we all are experiencing as we watch our world crumbling. Countries are ...

    12,55 €

  • A Practical Guide to Ascension with Archangel Metatron
    Kristin Taylor
    This brand new, exciting information was channeled directly from Archangel Metatron by Kristin Taylor. It is particularly important for lightworkers, wayshowers, healers, sensitive people, and those on the spiritual path.In this book, the Angel of the Presence provides practical guidance, exercises and meditations to assist with the global awakening known as “ascension,” which ...

    12,25 €

  • Le Livre des Médiums
    Allan Kardec
    Le Livre des Médiums est la suite logique de « Le Livre des Esprits ». Si ce dernier pose les fondements théoriques de la doctrine, Le Livre des Médiums traite de ses aspects pratiques. Tout au long de cet ouvrage, Allan Kardec établit un rapport entre les aspects théorique et expérimental des facultés médiumniques, et nous invite à suivre en détail cette pratique avec des être...

    21,70 €

  • Le Livre des Médiums
    Allan Kardec
    Le Livre des Médiums est la suite logique de « Le Livre des Esprits ». Si ce dernier pose les fondements théoriques de la doctrine, Le Livre des Médiums traite de ses aspects pratiques. Tout au long de cet ouvrage, Allan Kardec établit un rapport entre les aspects théorique et expérimental des facultés médiumniques, et nous invite à suivre en détail cette pratique avec des être...

    30,38 €

  • Unseen Forces
    Robert Davis
    Interactions with alternate realms, the dead, and non-human entities; out-of-body and near-death experiences; psychic and healing abilities; mystical and peak experiences and more have opened the door to unseen forces and questions about consciousness, life, and reality that science struggles to explain.This ground-breaking book, written by a neuroscientist and unbiased futuris...

    14,32 €

  • Claims of Reincarnation
    PhD Satwant KPasricha / Satwant K. Pasricha
    Claims of Reincarnationis one of the foremost works to have been published in India during the latter part of the twentieth century. Dr. Satwant Pasricha has investigated hundreds of cases in her native land and is considered to be one of the leading authorities in the field of empirical investigations into past-life claims. First published in 1990, this book is as relevant tod...

    18,69 €

  • Las vidas de Marta
    Azahara Iris
    Queridos lectores, os debo informar que estas narraciones tienen su principio en el año 1993, escritas en una libreta hoy amarillenta, deshojada, llena de correcciones y borrones y que comencé a traspasar al ordenador bastantes años después, a veces corrigiendo y añadiendo, como es lógico suponer Pero lo importante y clave que os quiero decir, es que en ese mismo año, la narrac...

    16,64 €

  • Connections with the Spirit World
    Ph.D. Richard Gene / Ph.DRichard Gene
    The spiritual model formulated in this book could describe the inner workings of the spirit world, as spirituality is revisited in a manner never done before. A measure of engineering logic is used instead of relying strictly on faith, which is the case for spiritual models that exist up to now. The new spiritual model describes the inner workings of the spirit world, defines ...

    24,46 €

  • Talking About Psychical Research
    Mary Rose Barrington
    The author, a retired lawyer and former president of the Oxford University Society for Psychical Research has spent many years researching psychic phenomena and observing how it interacts with our daily lives. In Talking about Psychical Research: Thoughts on Life, Death and the Nature of Reality, Mary Rose Barrington asks, "What is the point of psychical research?” She goes on ...

    17,10 €

  • Seres de otra dimensión
    Miguel Ángel Segura
    Existen seres que habitan en otra dimensión, los cuales interfieren en nuestro mundo, influyendo en millones de personas. La cuestión es saber quiénes son y qué quieren de nosotros.¿Son espíritus de difuntos? ¿Quizá son demonios? ¿Es posible que sean extraterrestres?Con esta novela intentamos dar respuestas a estas preguntas y a muchas otras incógnitas. El protagonista de la hi...

    12,90 €

  • Making Peace with Being on Earth
    Kim Michaels
    This book is one of the workbook companions to the novel My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus. The novel introduces the concept that many spiritual people have come to earth as volunteers or “avatars.” We have then received deep spiritual traumas as a result of what we have experienced here. Many of us still carry these traumas with us, and it explains why we sometime...

    21,93 €

  • I Am the Ghost of Chateau Laurier
    Rob Kohlman
    I Am the Ghost of Chateau Laurier is an extraordinary first-person account of encounters with the paranormal. In this compelling collection, the author shares intimate stories of a lifetime’s worth of experiences with mysterious and inexplicable events. There are tales of teleportation, hypnosis, and ghostly visits, including the eponymous revelation of the spirit who haunts th...

    12,57 €

  • I Am the Ghost of Chateau Laurier
    Rob Kohlman
    I Am the Ghost of Chateau Laurier is an extraordinary first-person account of encounters with the paranormal. In this compelling collection, the author shares intimate stories of a lifetime’s worth of experiences with mysterious and inexplicable events. There are tales of teleportation, hypnosis, and ghostly visits, including the eponymous revelation of the spirit who haunts th...

    24,08 €

  • Psi in Psychotherapy
    Alex Tanous
    "Dr Alex Tanous (1926-1990) was a renowned international lecturer on the topics of well-being, creativity and parapsychology.  A self-professed psychic, he spent 20 years of his life while working as a university lecturer being tested for his claims of ‘light project’ and going ‘out-of-the-body’ at will. He was also well-known for placing his predictions of future events on rec...

    17,14 €

  • Crystal Alchemy
    Lani Sharp
    Crystal Alchemy is a unique guidebook about the amazing power of gemstones, providing insights, information, and inspiration for those wishing to create and enhance their experiences of love, magic, spirit and abundance; or simply wanting to gain some extra knowledge around the timeless allure of crystals. From the physics, metaphysics, history, properties, vibrations, astrolog...

    22,84 €

  • God’s Warrior
    Corin McCoy-Barba
    Corin is a warrior of God. Every day she fights the toughest battles that God has given her. She is a lady of visions and discernment. The enemy has been attacking her since she was a child, and now it is attacking her family. But through the power of God and the visions he gives her, she is able to help them. Everybody goes though the hardships of life, but through the power o...

    16,90 €

  • God’s Warrior
    Corin McCoy-Barba
    Corin is a warrior of God. Every day she fights the toughest battles that God has given her. She is a lady of visions and discernment. The enemy has been attacking her since she was a child, and now it is attacking her family. But through the power of God and the visions he gives her, she is able to help them. Everybody goes though the hardships of life, but through the power o...

    10,24 €

  • Journeys with Fortune
    Elizabeth Bodien
    Trained in cultural anthropology, Elizabeth Bodien was at first skeptical that past lives even existed, much less that exploring them could heal present-life troubles. However, the first time she was professionally regressed, she immediately experienced a clear and complete life as Rita, a Mexican woman in the 1700s. There was a deeply emotional resonance there and Bodien began...

    11,96 €

  • Tresoriun Time Travel
    Pamela Loveridge
    Psychics and a secret cult, assassins, a wily police detective and quantum physics are all woven together in this intriguing tale about time travel.Beattie Atkinson has a psychic reading, and it is revealed that a star on her palm signifies that she is a Tresoriun time traveller. The psychic belongs to an ancient cult which guards the secret of Tresoriun time travel and watches...

    13,82 €

  • Angels
    Empower your life through contact with angels and guides to become the best you can be!International author, speaker and spiritual master Kawena shares with you her many years of experience connecting with the angelic energies, and why as she approaches 90 years of age, she is so happy, full of energy and vitality and still living life to the full.She will tell you about her am...

    20,12 €

  • Channel
    Jessica Ang
    Listen, Enjoy, TrustWe all have the potential to access guidance and inspiration through the use of our intuition, and to do so consistently.Written by a professional intuitive with a background in science, Channel contains ideas, tips, and strategies to help you develop your intuitive ability without having to compromise your logic or rational mind. This book encourages a cons...

    14,38 €

  • Astral Philosophy
    Lucy Caxton Brown
    Astral Philosophy aims to help the reader see and come to know the divine light that shines eternally in their soul. The light spoken of here  is an actual light viewed by the third or inner eye. Seeing it opens up the world of Astral experiences.Though we  go through a form of physical transformation at so called death,   our mind, soul and personality do not lose consciousnes...

    14,02 €

  • The History of Chud
    Ted Schooley
    Do random events form our lives and friendships, or is it the hand of God, or Karma? Chud is a musician struggling with past failures and middle age. Answering an ad in a local newspaper, Chud takes a job playing piano in a Baptist church. His eccentric upbringing and liberal values are put to the test as he is almost seduced by the Fundamentalist world view. ...

    17,53 €

  • High Above
    Alicia Ali / SUMAYA AMBA
    This publication is a soul art production presented by the Royal Court of Love (Divaan E Ishq) as a Coffee Table Art Book and brings the recipient into a visually lyrical journey of love, longing, separation, and union. These themes experienced universally by seekers of various paths shed light on mortal love as a mandatory means in understanding the Alchemy of Divine Love. The...

    20,18 €

  • Randi’s Prize
    Robert McLuhan
    The One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge was a cash prize offered from 1964 to 2015 by stage magician James 'The Amazing' Randi for anyone who could convince him they had psychic powers. No one ever came close to winning, proof, say sceptical scientists, that there is no such thing as 'the paranormal'. But are they right? In this illuminating and often provoc...

    21,24 €

  • Babies Are Cosmic
    Elizabeth Carman / Neil Carman
    Babies Are Cosmic is a groundbreaking book that presents extraordinary findings about babies’ awareness of birth, the womb, conception, heaven, choosing parents, and beyond. Moreover, physicians, psychologists, and birth professionals are finding signs of babies’ secret intelligence before birth: Unborn babies listen, communicate, and learn. They sense if they are loved or u...

    14,13 €

  • The Green Stone
    Graham Phillips / Martin Keatman
    In 1979, a team of investigators working for a magazine based in the Midlands of England followed a trail of cryptic clues to discover a hidden green gemstone once possessed by Mary Queen of Scots and a secret society called The Order of Meonia. Lost for over three-and-a-half centuries, the stone was said to hold ancient supernatural power. When the relic was taken to the offic...

    19,07 €

  • Walking for Breezes Together
    James Nelson Caulkins
    Have you ever had experiences that reach beyond time and distance? Walking for Breezes Together chronicles two people who fall in love while learning about their independent perspectives-perspectives created by intentionally choosing the value systems they use to interpret their perceptive feelings. Independent perspectives they grow by exploring the parts of themselves that ex...

    16,16 €

  • We Walk Beside You
    Sandra Mendelson
    In 2012, while doing body work on a horse named Emilion, Sandra Mendelson received a series of messages from her equine client that dismantled her entire understanding of human versus non-human capabilities, perception and spiritual awareness and set her life on a course she could never have predicted.For nearly three years, she clung to her skepticism, accumulating “real world...

    21,13 €

  • Transience
    Josef Peeters
    Ephemeral images from a troubling dream inspire Samuel Border to meet a girl who proceeds to capture his heart.  The transience of their encounter in no way reflects the indelible imprint haunting his mind when events intervene to postpone their union. A compulsion to locate the woman of his dreams results in a tragic accident to his younger brother, causing him to abandon the ...

    18,29 €