Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos (2272)

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  • Psychomancy - Spirit-Rappings and Table-Tippings Exposed
    Charles G. Page / Charles GPage
    Mediumship is the practice of attempting to communicate with spirits of deceased people. Those who engage in mediumship are referred to as 'mediums' and employ a range of techniques including spirit channelling and ouija. This vintage book deals with ’spirit rapping’ and ’table-tipping’. ’Spirit rapping’ refers to a method used to communicate with spirits through the tapping ou...

    17,90 €

  • Evidence for Communication with the Dead
    Mrs. Anna Hude / MrsAnna Hude
    First published in 1913, 'Evidence for Communication with the Dead' by Anna Hude is a comprehensive treatise on the subject of spiritualism, a religious movement based on the belief that spirits of the deceased exist and are able to communicate with living people. Within this book, she looks at the evidence for spiritual communication, as well as other related subjects ranging ...

    32,00 €

  • Complete Hypnotism - Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism - How To Hypnotize - Being an Exhaustive and Practical System of Method, Application and Use
    A. Alpheus / AAlpheus
    Although the name ’hypnotism’ was first coined in 1850, the idea of hypnotising someone is thousands of years old and can be traced back to Ancient Egypt and beyond. This fascinating volume contains a complete guide to hypnotism, looking at its history, various techniques, mesmerism, mind-reading, scientific explanations, and much more. Contents include: 'History of Hypnotism',...

    27,92 €

  • Mind-Reading and Beyond
    William A. Hovey / William AHovey
    'Mind-Reading and Beyond' is an 1885 work on the subject of mind-reading and other supernatural subjects written by William A. Hovey. ’Mind reading’ refers to the ability to read someone’s thoughts through telepathy, the purported communication of information from one person to another without the use of any known human physical or sensory interaction. Written in simple languag...

    25,73 €

  • Nature’s Secrets or Psychometric Researches
    William Denton
    First published in 1863, 'Nature’s Secrets or Psychometric Researches' is a vintage treatise on Psychometrics, a field of study that deals with psychological measurement. In this book, Denton explores the subject in great detailed with reference to mesmerism, telepathy, spiritualism, and other related subjects. Contents include: 'How Objects are Seen Psychometrically', 'Seen B...

    27,44 €

  • Our Hidden Forces (La Psychologie Inconnue) - An Experimental Study of the Psychic Sciences
    Émile Boirac
    'Our Hidden Forces' is a vintage treatise on the study of psychic ability written by French philosopher and parapsychologist Émile Boirac (1851 - 1917) and first published in 1917. Within it, Boirac explores such subjects as animal magnetism, hypnotism, suggestion, and more with reference to modern beliefs and the ideas of notable experts. Contents include: 'The Cryptoidal Phe...

    27,50 €

  • There Is No Death, Only Life
    Maria Verdeschi
    Have you ever wondered if your loved ones can hear you? If they’re sending signs indicating their presence? Whether they’re trying to get a message to you?If so, this book is for you!The answers to these questions are reflected in the client stories inside this book.What clients are saying...'The readings with Maria during my husband’s passing were comforting, healing and confi...

    12,15 €

  • Take A Walk Through My Mind
    Angela Wignall
    I discovered many years ago that writing poetry is therapeutic for my anxious mind.  Scribbling down words and rearranging them to form a poem, enables my unruly thoughts to escape from my head.This little book contains a selection of thought provoking, but ultimately, uplifting poems, composed by the author. That’s me!The poems are complimented by the true story of how I devel...

    12,41 €

  • Mindscapes
    Karen Haughey
    After my last book, Angels, Guardians of the Light was published by Hay House in 1995, my journey continued onward in multifaceted layers that consisted of travel, giving seminars and lectures, and later on being called into the ministry, which transitioned into healthcare chaplaincy. I have continued to serve professionally for the past twenty years in the same capacity.I did ...

    12,68 €

  • The Enfield Poltergeist Tapes
    Dr Melvyn J. Willin / Dr Melvyn JWillin
    Do not buy this book if you want to read a biased account of the famous Enfield Poltergeist Case from 1977 through to 1978. There are many other choices you could make which will either try to convince you of the genuineness of the phenomena produced or its fraudulent origins according to the interpretation of the authors concerned. I do not mind whether you have a wide-open mi...

    17,18 €

  • Forrest Fenn’s Treasure Remote Viewed
    Kiwi Joe
    Important update: Forrest Fenn has confirmed to the Santa Fe New Mexican the treasure chest has been found (reported June 07, 2020). Well done, ’Back East’!~ Kiwi Joe. For some time now, I have been looking for a popular mystery to demonstrate the power of remote viewing. Mr. Fenn’s treasure hunt was perfect for that project, and with the agreement of my client, I released two ...

    23,60 €

  • Cosmic Answers
    Adrian Everitt
    This little book has various chapters about encounters with Spirituality written in a autobiographical style.Adrian has had a Facebook page & market stall since 2013.Now this book of life experiences is added to his bucket list.Are you curious to know how Adrian’s Spiritual life begun in his first book? ...

    10,72 €

  • Invisible Helpers
    C. W. Leadbeater / CWLeadbeater
    2019 Reprint of 1915 Edition.  According to the teachings of Theosophy, Invisible Helpers are “… those who are able to help in a non-physical manner those who are in need of aid, whether the living or those who have just died..” as well as those who help guide sufferers during the death transition. “In his book Invisible Helpers Leadbeater recounts numerous cases of people in d...

    7,74 €

  • Positive Thinking
    Jemma Starbird
    Positive Thinking  Are you struggling with self-doubt, negative thoughts, and fear? Is your inner critic always tearing you apart? Is your glass half-empty or half-full? The answer to this timeless question can often reflect your outlook on life and determine the attitudes that will follow you for the rest of your lifetime. There's no shortage in the amount of techniques a...

    21,35 €

  • Secrets Of Abuse Survival
    Gabriel Woods
    Secrets of Abuse Survival describes and explains domestic abuse with a sensitive and understanding approach. The extreme pain of domestic abuse victims, experienced by both men and women, are disclosed. Many of the myths about domestic abuse are debunked and the dark truths of the domestic abuser are revealed. Women and men abuse victims contribute personal accounts of their ho...

    15,43 €

  • Conversations With My Higher Self
    Rachel Finch
    British poet Rachel Finch is the powerhouse behind the Bruised But Not Broken community on Facebook, which provides support and healing for trauma survivors. She is a symbol of hope and light throughout the world.  She returns a year after the release of her 5-star debut A Sparrow Stirs its Wings with her second book, Conversations With My Higher Self. Conversations With My Hig...

    10,42 €

  • El gran libro de los ángeles
    Aurelio Penna / Philippe Olivier / Surabhi E. Guastalla
    ¿Existen los ángeles? ¿Cómo se percibe su presencia? ¿Cómo se puede entablar comunicación con ellos?En esta obra, ilustrada con maravillosas fotografías de John Pole, los autores analizan la fascinación que han ejercido los ángeles desde siempre:* su lugar en las grandes religiones;* los libros sagrados de la angelología;* sus representaciones en las artes.Cuando se sumerja en ...

    35,31 €

  • Otherwhere
    Kurt Leland
    REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION* I wrote Otherwhere: A Field Guide to Nonphysical Reality for the Out-of-Body Traveler in the early 1990s to sum up nearly twenty years of out-of-body adventures that began when I was fifteen years old.These adventures took me into nonphysical realms in which time and space behaved differently, “quite other” than we normally experience them—hence th...

    17,82 €

  • Expressions Of Love And Light
    Deane Thomas
    As many face the ultimate tests of their spiritual awakening, a group of light workers team come together to release an inspirational book full of wonderful channeled original art, poetry and guidance. Expressions of Love and Light is a collection of valuable guidance, accompanied by a selection of soul art and enchanting poetry. Taking you on a journey of self-discovery so th...

    19,83 €

  • We have met in past lives
    Brigitte Calloway
    WE HAVE MET IN PAST LIVES is based on the idea that our souls are eternal and reincarnate in order to learn karmic lessons and to ultimately evolve.  WE HAVE MET IN PAST LIVES focuses on several real past life regression cases, conducted under hypnosis in the author’s hypnotherapy practice. Each case highlights the fact that our systems of cohabitation and interdependence recog...

    16,14 €

  • When Spirits Come Calling
    Sylvia Hart Wright
    BACK IN PRINT! Two out of five Americans report sensing meaningful contacts with lost loved ones. Such contacts are usually comforting and surprisingly intense. Most do not involve mediums, and unlike near-death experiences, they come unexpectedly to healthy people going about their normal lives. Here are moving, never-before published stories of apparent afterlife communicatio...

    17,98 €

  • A Girl Has No Age
    D.M. Langdon
    The purification of Spirit and the unification of our Soul; this is the driving force of our Souls, a homecoming to God, our Creator. This anticipated reunion with the source of all that is drives us ever forwards, ever upwards on the progress of our Soul. If you allow this knowledge to seep into your heart and mind and follow the wisdom of Spirit you really can’t go wrong. Thi...

    13,30 €

    Rosaline Bosco Mahimaidoss
    This is  a book which proves the presence of our Angels and Spirit Guides in our lives. We only have to believe in Miracles. God's network is very powerful and he is always with us.This book is also about Divine Will and Divine Timing and how God manipulates the incidents of our lives for our good through these factors. The spirits of our ancestors are always with us to gui...

    9,31 €

  • The Story of Woman The Mountain
    Jude Downes
    The Story of Woman – Book 1 – The Mountain, reflects the journey of all women at different times in their lives. A significant spiritual, emotional and physical journey, written as a metaphor for our own journey, is being undertaken by Woman as she learns important lessons about herself along the way up her personal mountain. Ultimately, she reaches the pinnacle of her mountain...

    15,25 €

  • God’s Truthful Truths
    Diane Garrison
    GOD is the author of this book! "Without these Truths ye will be blind! Blind to the Truth about what life is for! It is through life that one can find eternal peace and contentment in the all-knowing Truthful Truth of Me and My Only Son! Believe with all thy heart and mind and these Truths shall set you free! I am the Lord! I am thy Lord and thy Creator who sent ye forth! I am...

    12,11 €

  • The Mediums’ Book
    Allan Kardec / Anna Blackwell
    The Mediums' Book is the logical continuation of Allan Kardec's first volume, The Spirits' Book. If the latter establishes the theoretical foundations of the doctrine, The Mediums' Book deals with its practical aspects. Throughout this book, the author draws a link between the theoretical and experimental aspects of mediumistic faculties, and invites us to follo...

    21,70 €

  • The Mediums’ Book
    Allan Kardec / Anna Blackwell
    The Mediums' Book is the logical continuation of Allan Kardec's first volume, The Spirits' Book. If the latter establishes the theoretical foundations of the doctrine, The Mediums' Book deals with its practical aspects. Throughout this book, the author draws a link between the theoretical and experimental aspects of mediumistic faculties, and invites us to follo...

    30,49 €

  • Auf Engelsflügeln
    Mariana Stjerna
    Hast du Angst vorm Sterben? Glaubst du, dass das Leben mit deinem letzten Atemzug endet? Dieses Buch ist die Geschichte darüber, was mit dem berühmten schwedischen Autor Jan Fridegård, nach seinem Tod passiert ist. Durch seine Sprecherin Mariana Stjerna erzählt er anschaulich und humorvoll seine Erfahrungen auf der “anderen Seite”.Der Leser ist eingeladen, Jan auf einer erstaun...

    22,92 €

  • Auf Engelsflügeln
    Mariana Stjerna
    Hast du Angst vorm Sterben? Glaubst du, dass das Leben mit deinem letzten Atemzug endet? Dieses Buch ist die Geschichte darüber, was mit dem berühmten schwedischen Autor Jan Fridegård, nach seinem Tod passiert ist. Durch seine Sprecherin Mariana Stjerna erzählt er anschaulich und humorvoll seine Erfahrungen auf der “anderen Seite”.Der Leser ist eingeladen, Jan auf einer erstaun...

    15,80 €

  • Awaken the Master Within
    Lori Adaile Toye
    This Is the Appointed Time - Awaken Your Divine Self  Do you yearn for your next precious step of spiritual growth that wholly engages your Ascension Process? Are you ready to transform your Earthly, carbon-centered perceptions into the oneness of telepathic silicon-based consciousness? If so, your time is now.  This is the appointed time that your divine self awakens and spiri...

    40,00 €