Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos (2269)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Kundalini Awakening
    Jenifer Williams
    Kundalini Awakening is the #1 guide that will help you unleash your potential and unlock your full power through guided meditation techniques. What was once a guarded secret is now revealed in this book. Now, you too can use these secret techniques!Learn about Kundalini, Chakras, Prana, and more and how to use them to realize your higher capabilities. If your goals are to enric...

    23,96 €

  • Kundalini Awakening
    Jenifer Williams
    Kundalini Awakening is the ultimate guide that will teach you how to unlock your hidden powers and live a more meaningful life. For years, this ancient knowledge has been kept a secret. It is now time to unveil the techniques and practices that will unleash your true power...In this book you’ll learn:The basics of Kundalini AwakeningThe 7 main Chakras of the bodyPrana and how t...

    16,12 €

  • Kundalini Awakening
    Jenifer Williams
    Kundalini Awakening will give you all of the insight you need to awaken your Kundalini energy, balance it, and explore life post-awakening. In this comprehensive guide, you’ll discover important insight on the background of Kundalini energy, including where it began and what it’s referencing. You’ll also receive valuable advice from Kundalini Gurus and Masters, tips on how you ...

    16,88 €

  • Kundalini Awakening
    Jenifer Williams
    Kundalini Awakening is the ultimate guide that will teach you how to unlock your hidden powers and live a more meaningful life. For years, this ancient knowledge has been kept a secret. It is now time to unveil the techniques and practices that will unleash your true power...In this book you’ll learn:The basics of Kundalini AwakeningThe 7 main Chakras of the bodyPrana and how t...

    23,22 €

  • Jornada de los Ángeles
    JThomas Saldias MSc. / Por el Espíritu Lucius / Sandra Carneiro
    ¿Por qué vivimos actualmente momentos de tanto dolor y angustia? ¿Qué sucede en el plano espiritual de nuestro orbe? ¿El éxodo de espíritus del planeta Tierra ya ha comenzado? ¿Cuál será el destino de los hombres? ¿Dónde están los espíritus superiores que nos apoyan en esta fase de transición? ¿Cómo podemos contribuir a hacer del mundo un mundo nuevo? ¿Por dónde empezar? Demost...

    25,38 €

  • Renacer de la Esperanza
    JThomas Saldias MSc. / Por el Espíritu Lucius
    La esperanza es una de las fuerzas más extraordinarias que vibran dentro del hombre. Nos da ánimo y hace brotar en nosotros el valor para avanzar y superar obstáculos.A través de este romance , Lucius nos invita a ser testigos de la experiencia de hombres y mujeres que enfrentaron sus desafíos y vieron renacer la esperanza en sus corazones, viviendo el momento histórico en el q...

    23,00 €

  • Cryptocurrency Remote Viewed Book Three
    Kiwi Joe
    Eight cryptocurrencies were remote viewed while blind to the target, to discover if they ultimately succeed or fail.Adex Network (ADX)Aeternity (AE)RSK Infrastructure Framework (RIF)Solana (SOL)Synthetix (SNX)Carbon / Switcheo (SWTH)Xinfin Network (XDC)Neo (NEO)Remote viewing is an information-gathering tool that’s barely known and rarely employed, except by a knowledgeable few...

    23,52 €

  • Clairvoyance and Occult Powers
    William Walker Atkinson
    There is in every human being a sense which is not generally recognized as such, although nearly every person has had more or less experience regarding its workings. I refer to the sense of the presence of other living things, separate and apart from the operation of any of the five ordinary physical senses. I ask you to understand that I am not claiming that this is a higher s...

    17,49 €

  • Clairvoyance and Occult Powers
    William Walker Atkinson
    There is in every human being a sense which is not generally recognized as such, although nearly every person has had more or less experience regarding its workings. I refer to the sense of the presence of other living things, separate and apart from the operation of any of the five ordinary physical senses. I ask you to understand that I am not claiming that this is a higher s...

    29,43 €

  • Hechizos y Magia. El Libro de la Bruja Mística
    Mármara Turán
    Este libro te enseñará como usar hechizos, rituales mágicos, conjuros, pociones, amuletos y como canalizar las diferentes energías elementales junto con los elementos esenciales que toda BRUJA MODERNA necesita conocer:Una verdadera BRUJA MISTICA, debe aprender a canalizar su poder interior y utilizar los elementos naturales a su alcance, para vivir una vida plena y en positivo,...

    15,90 €

  • Kundalini for Beginners
    Elizabeth Wood
    Do you spend your days feeling like something is missing in your life? Do you make lists of all of the opportunities you’ve missed and the disappointments you’ve felt because of it? Does your energy level drop drastically in the middle of the day? Are you seeking something important in your life, something that will give you the sense that you have a place in this world and you...

    25,66 €

  • Kundalini Energy
    Elizabeth Wood
    There are times in everyone’s life when they feel lost and alone. Life might not seem to offer much in the way of hope and happiness. The stressful world outside has begun to creep in and disturb their inner peace and calm. The high hopes they had for a fulfilling life seem to fade a little bit more every day. If any of this sounds familiar to you, then you’ve come to the right...

    25,59 €

  • Kundalini Energy
    Elizabeth Wood
    There are times in everyone’s life when they feel lost and alone. Life might not seem to offer much in the way of hope and happiness. The stressful world outside has begun to creep in and disturb their inner peace and calm. The high hopes they had for a fulfilling life seem to fade a little bit more every day. If any of this sounds familiar to you, then you’ve come to the right...

    15,90 €

  • Kundalini for Beginners
    Elizabeth Wood
    Have you always wanted to learn how to clear your chakras? Are you interested in awakening your Kundalini energy? Do you feel like you’re stuck in life and unsure where you should go? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you... In Kundalini for Beginners, you’ll learn the secrets to safely awakening your Kundalini energy. The benefits of awakenin...

    21,24 €

  • Kundalini for Beginners
    Elizabeth Wood
    Have you always wanted to learn how to clear your chakras? Are you interested in awakening your Kundalini energy? Do you feel like you’re stuck in life and unsure where you should go? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you... In Kundalini for Beginners, you’ll learn the secrets to safely awakening your Kundalini energy. The benefits of awakenin...

    30,22 €

  • Kundalini for Beginners
    Elizabeth Wood
    Do you spend your days feeling like something is missing in your life? Do you make lists of all of the opportunities you’ve missed and the disappointments you’ve felt because of it? Does your energy level drop drastically in the middle of the day? Are you seeking something important in your life, something that will give you the sense that you have a place in this world and you...

    16,53 €

  • Eat What You Want Playbook To Results
    Marvin Britt
    Discover the ins and outs to achieving your fitness goals with The Eat What You Want Playbook. Enjoy your food guilt-free, spend more quality time with your loved ones instead of working out, and never have to skip dessertagain. The Eat What You Want Playbook will give you simple and fun tools, tips, and tricks you need to experience the life-changing results you have been sear...

    40,33 €

  • Los Peñascos son de Arena
    JThomas Saldias MSc. / Por el Espíritu Lucius
    Estamos ante otra gran obra de carácter espírita. Los Peñascos son de arena nos remonta al antiguo Egipto, al reinado del faraón Akhenaton, cuyo paso trajo la semilla del monoteísmo a la historia de ese valiente pueblo, en una época en la que emergían las deidades, incluso representadas por animales.En el impresionante escenario del Egipto del siglo XIV a.C., el lector se integ...

    23,00 €

  • Kundalini Awakening for Beginners
    Lisa Blake
    Do you ever feel as though there must be more to life than what you’re currently experiencing? Is something important missing in your life? Do you ever desire to be more intuitive, more aware, or more in touch with yourself and the world around you? Is your life lacking something warm and vital? If any of this sounds like you and how you’re currently feeling, then you’re in the...

    21,20 €

  • Kundalini Awakening for Beginners
    Lisa Blake
    Do you ever feel as though there must be more to life than what you’re currently experiencing? Is something important missing in your life? Do you ever desire to be more intuitive, more aware, or more in touch with yourself and the world around you? Is your life lacking something warm and vital? If any of this sounds like you and how you’re currently feeling, then you’re in the...

    30,17 €

  • Kundalini
    Lisa Blake
    Kundalini energy is an expansive, empowering energy that will entirely transform your life from the inside out. Discover how kundalini energy can be integrated into your everyday life and experience the value of your higher capabilities by tapping into your expanded mind power. In Kundalini, we’ll discuss how you can realize your highest potential and experience the magnitude o...

    16,71 €

  • Open Your Third Eye
    Lisa Blake
    Do you ever feel as though there must be more to life than what you’re currently experiencing? Is something important missing in your life? Do you ever desire to be more intuitive, more aware, or more in touch with yourself and the world around you? Is your life lacking something warm and vital? If any of this sounds like you and how you’re currently feeling, then you’re in the...

    15,96 €

  • Open Your Third Eye
    Lisa Blake
    Do you ever feel as though there must be more to life than what you’re currently experiencing? Is something important missing in your life? Do you ever desire to be more intuitive, more aware, or more in touch with yourself and the world around you? Is your life lacking something warm and vital? If any of this sounds like you and how you’re currently feeling, then you’re in the...

    25,60 €

  • Kundalini
    Lisa Blake
    Kundalini energy is an expansive, empowering energy that will entirely transform your life from the inside out. Discover how kundalini energy can be integrated into your everyday life and experience the value of your higher capabilities by tapping into your expanded mind power. In Kundalini, we’ll discuss how you can realize your highest potential and experience the magnitude o...

    25,69 €

  • Kundalini Awakening
    Laura Connelly
    Are you interested in increasing your psychic ability? Have you always wanted to learn how to astral travel? Are you looking to attain a higher consciousness? Have you been struggling to open your Third Eye? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you...Your Kundalini is an energy center that stays dormant and lives at the base of your spine. We all...

    21,09 €

  • Kundalini Awakening
    Laura Connelly
    Are you interested in increasing your psychic ability? Have you always wanted to learn how to astral travel? Are you looking to attain a higher consciousness? Have you been struggling to open your Third Eye? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you...Your Kundalini is an energy center that stays dormant and lives at the base of your spine. We all...

    30,07 €

  • Kundalini
    Laura Connelly
    Are many of your waking hours spent wondering if your life has any meaning? Do you look at other people and try to see them as they really are? Do you wonder if there are thoughts and ideas beyond the superficial ones that fill your mind each day? Has the possibility of other lives and other entities become more than a passing fantasy for you? If any of these ideas touch a spot...

    25,59 €

  • Kundalini and the Chakras
    Laura Connelly
    Do you constantly feel as though there’s something important missing in your life? Is your life a constant cycle of disappointments and missed opportunities? Do you struggle to lose weight or find enough energy to make it through to the end of the day? Have you always felt that there was so much more to life than just maintaining a routine? If any of this sounds familiar, then ...

    15,78 €

  • Kundalini and the Chakras
    Laura Connelly
    Do you constantly feel as though there’s something important missing in your life? Is your life a constant cycle of disappointments and missed opportunities? Do you struggle to lose weight or find enough energy to make it through to the end of the day? Have you always felt that there was so much more to life than just maintaining a routine? If any of this sounds familiar, then ...

    25,59 €

  • Kundalini
    Laura Connelly
    Are many of your waking hours spent wondering if your life has any meaning? Do you look at other people and try to see them as they really are? Do you wonder if there are thoughts and ideas beyond the superficial ones that fill your mind each day? Has the possibility of other lives and other entities become more than a passing fantasy for you? If any of these ideas touch a spot...

    15,90 €