Otras religiones

Humanidades / Religión y creencias / Otras religiones (1519)

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  • Kundalini Hatha Yoga Pradipika
    Michael Beloved
    A terse but very precise syllabus of physical body postures, breath-infusion, mystic arresting-actions and linkage to a divine world using the technique of kundalini manipulation for subtle body transformation.Complicated?It sure is. Use this if you would sort the components of consciousness and push the limits of psychic research using your psychology as the primary subject of...

    62,46 €

  • Brahma Yoga Bhagavad Gita
    Michael Beloved
    This precise and very revealing translation and commentary, exposes the brahma yoga techniques hidden in the teachings of Lord Krishna to Arjuna. This was inspired by Mahasiddha Swami Nityananda, who uses a causal body and who imparted this information into the mind of the writer by mystic transfer. Brahma yoga techniques are secretive but in contrast, Lord Krishna divulged the...

    48,86 €

  • Bhagavad Gita Explained
    Michael Beloved
    As a philosophical treatise and a religious canon, Bhagavad-Gita stood the test of time. With the prevalence of literacy, many hundreds of published and unpublished translations and commentaries abound. People find solace in the philosophy of Gītā and existential security in the promises given by Sri Krishna. Gītā was abused and is still subjected to harassment by philosophers ...

    67,35 €

  • Nectar of Non-Dual Truth #36
    Babaji Bob Kindler / Lex Hixon / Rami Shapiro
    Nectar of Non-Dual Truth, A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings is an annual publication that contains articles on the philosophy and spirituality of Vedanta and other religious traditions by authentic practitioners and teachers. Issue #36 is dedicated to the methods, practice, and experience of divine life and practice across a variety of religious and ...

    12,70 €

  • The Gospel of the Red Man
    Ernest Thompson Seton
    Considered one of the best books on Native Americans ever written. The author and compiler reveals how Indians once lived and what they believed in relation to spiritual principles. As we move further away from the time when Native Americans were living completely free and unencumbered in what was to become the United States, before the arrival of the white man, it becomes incr...

    8,14 €

  • Nectar of Non-Dual Truth #37
    Babaji Bob Kindler / Rami Shapiro / Swami Sunirmalananda
    Nectar of Non-Dual Truth, A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings is an annual publication that contains articles on the philosophy and spirituality of Vedanta and other religious traditions by authentic practitioners and teachers. Issue #37 is dedicated to the methods, practice, and experience of divine life and practice across a variety of religious and ...

    12,70 €

  • Artificial Intelligence, Reincarnation, and Resurrection
    Ernest M. Valea / Ernest MValea
    This book explores old and new hopes that have emerged in the human quest to defeat death. On the one hand, it answers questions such as: Are we just physical machines of great complexity, with the brain as the hardware on which consciousness operates as its software? If so, can we speculate on ways in which the mind could be uploaded to a machine and no longer suffer the frail...

    25,65 €

  • Artificial Intelligence, Reincarnation, and Resurrection
    Ernest M. Valea / Ernest MValea
    This book explores old and new hopes that have emerged in the human quest to defeat death. On the one hand, it answers questions such as: Are we just physical machines of great complexity, with the brain as the hardware on which consciousness operates as its software? If so, can we speculate on ways in which the mind could be uploaded to a machine and no longer suffer the frail...

    38,13 €

  • Philosophy of Qohelet
    Joel Steele
    This research compares and contrasts various existential philosophies pertaining to the human condition and its purpose. It specifically focuses on the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. Nicomachean Ethics and The Nature of the Gods regarding virtue, courage, and the necessity of an eternal source were examined as they relate to the subject from a Western worldview. The intend...

    9,52 €

  • Philosophy of Qohelet
    Joel Steele
    This research compares and contrasts various existential philosophies pertaining to the human condition and its purpose. It specifically focuses on the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. Nicomachean Ethics and The Nature of the Gods regarding virtue, courage, and the necessity of an eternal source were examined as they relate to the subject from a Western worldview. The intend...

    23,25 €

  • My Walk With God Gateway To Freedom Journey
    Amaziah S. Mostafa / Amaziah SMostafa
    The journey from European enslavement to African Freedom starts with the purifying of your mind. Are you a displaced African in search of your identity and purpose in life? Imagine walking with GOD the Creator and being given the golden opportunity to be FREE from every form of slavery; would you take it or stay with what is familiar to you? Get the answers in my journey to Fre...

    26,79 €

    Fola Ajagbe
    This book will help you understand your dream life, which constitutes your daily spiritual briefing, how to gain access to spiritual intel, how to get deeper knowledge on the voice of God, and how to decode every message as its revealed to you.Careful study of the book will empower you to gain consciousness from the realm of unconsciousness and strategies to win every challenge...

    9,80 €

  • Native Foodways
    Explores the interplay of religion and food in Native American cultures. ...

    121,84 €

  • A Postcolonial Leadership
    Hee An Choi
    Explores the possibilities and challenges of Asian immigrant Christian leadership in the United States. ...

    41,70 €

  • El sendero del Druida
    Philip Shallcrass
    Philip Shallcrass, sacerdote druida y miembro de la Orden Druida Británica, nos cuenta los orígenes de este antiguo camino espiritual y nos revela los secretos más oscuros: la adivinación mediante las varitas de Ogham, los signos y augurios del mundo natural, las tradiciones curativas, los rituales druidas tradicionales (ritos a la luna, celebraciones estacionales, ritos de pas...

    16,59 €

  • Making a Difference
    Solomon Sumani Sule-Saa
    How did two very different language communities encounter and make early choices about Christianity? This book is a historical record of the Dagomba and Konkomba people groups of Northern Ghana as they embraced the Bible translated into their mother tongues. Author Dr. Sumani Sule-Saa employs Professor Lamin Sanneh’s groundbreaking hermeneutic of ’mission as translation’ as a g...

    30,92 €

  • Entre en… el misterioso mundo de la quiromancia
    Charles Mistri
    Una mano puede denotar amabilidad, autoridad, timidez, generosidad o cualquier otro rasgo que defina a una persona, por muy escondido que esté. Basada en la experiencia acumulada con los años, la quiromancia es una verdadera ciencia que no sólo desvela el presente o el pasado y predice detalles del futuro, sino que estudia las líneas y montes de las palmas de las manos para ofr...

    9,88 €

  • Las claves de la iniciación
    R. Tresoldi
    Los ritos de iniciación permiten al individuo entrar en la categoría de «adulto» o incluso ser admitido en el conocimiento de algunos «misterios». Que estos ritos sean practicados en el marco de grupos tribales, sociedades secretas o en tantas situaciones cotidianas de sociedades modernas como la nuestra, se apoya en una tradición ancestral que mantiene todavía en nuestros días...

    16,59 €

  • The Black Man’s Burden - in Black and White
    Kobina Amissah-Fynn
    The Black Man’s Burden – in Black and WhiteAs the title suggests this book is about the black man, those in sub-Saharan Africa or else in the African diaspora. By extension, however, it is also all about the marginalized, disadvantaged, oppressed, traumatized, downtrodden, dehumanized and aggrieved segments of the world’s population. Not only does this include the dark-skinned ...

    11,99 €

  • La Magia Wicca
    Cristopher Wallace
    La Wicca ha bebido de las fuentes de la sabiduría druídica con el fin de recuperar ideas, tradiciones y elementos del folclore, y reelaborarlos siguiendo unas creencias según las cuales cada individuo puede profundizar en su relación con lo sagrado. A través de este libro podrá descubrir una religión que tiene sus raíces en épocas muy lejanas.Gracias a esta guía conocerá una tr...

    16,59 €

  • Breve historia de la mitología japonesa
    Luis Antonio Carretero Martínez
    Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Susano, Orochi, Oni, Kappa, Kitsune: sumérjase en la apasionante cultura japonesa, sus creencias, ritos, deidades, monstruos y criaturas. Todos los enigmáticos mitos y leyendas desde el Kojiki y el Nihonshoki hasta la pervivencia y difusión de estas narraciones en la cultura pop, el manga, el anime y los videojuegos.Gracias a este título de la colección Br...

    20,60 €

  • El extraordinario poder de los Mandala
    Giampaolo Infusino
    * La palabra mandala, de origen sánscrito, significa «centro, círculo, aromágico». Indica una imagen simbólica basada en las figuras geométricasdel círculo y del cuadrado, capaz de desvelar todos los secretos más profundosde la propia personalidad* Dibujar e interpretar un mandala significa entrar en contacto con la propiaintimidad, vivir y verificar los propios cambios, utiliz...

    16,59 €

  • Tantra - Liberation in the world
    Ben Yosef Har-Zion David / Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion / Prabhuji David Har-Zion
    Tantra, Liberation in the World takes us back to medieval India, full of spirituality, magic, esotericism, alchemy, and devotion. It guides us through the stages of the Tantric revelation, which shook the established religious order like a powerful earthquake and left its mark on almost all spiritual traditions of the world.Prabhuji provides us with an historical overview and a...

    27,32 €

  • The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Vedanta
    This handbook brings together a distinguished team of scholars from philosophy, theology, and religious studies to provide the first in-depth discussion of Vedanta and the many different systems of thought that make up this tradition of Indian philosophy.Emphasizing the historical development of Vedantic thought, it includes chapters on numerous classical Vedantic philosophies ...

    257,59 €

  • Exile and Otherness
    Ilana Maymind
    In Exile and Otherness: The Ethics of Shinran and Maimonides, Ilana Maymind argues that Shinran (1173-1263), the founder of True Pure Land Buddhism (Jodo Shinshu), and Maimonides (1138-1204), a Jewish philosopher, Torah scholar, and physician, were both deeply affected by their conditions of exile as shown in the construction of their ethics. By juxtaposing the exilic experienc...

    122,42 €

    Mariko B Ryan
    For thousands of years, the Maori tohunga, sages, passed closely guarded knowledge to new generations of sages, using only an orally coded system. Two hundred years ago, they started recording that knowledge into secret manuscripts.Why did they suddenly abandon their oral traditions?Who were they writing for?Will this indigenous knowledge provide us with a beacon in our time?In...

    46,44 €

  • A Dialogue With Death The Teacher Of Life
    Erhard Vogel
    A Dialogue With Death The Teacher Of Life was not written for the ordinary person, and everyone should read it.It challenges even those who think little of themselves to rise to the level of perception that frees them from ignorance and the consequent suffering.Ask yourself, Who am I really?To be fulfilled, you must know who you are. We can overcome the crisis in which we find ...

    22,41 €

  • Vudú: Desde dentro
    John Wolf
    En el año 2.014, John Wolf se infiltró en clanes vudú de República Dominicana y Haití, consiguiendo uno de los mejores reportajes sobre ésta creencia.Armado con cámara oculta y micrófonos, John se hizo pasar por un simple turista de estos países y solicitó los servicis de diversos bokores (brujos vudú) más temidos y respetados de la isla.Se adentró en el Batey 33 de La Romana, ...

    14,46 €

  • Knowing How to Know
    Idries Shah
    How can you develop spiritual understanding?This sequel to Learning How to Learn and The Commanding Self turns that question on its head.It claims that we’re bombarded by a spiritual impulse all the time.So it’s more useful to look at the reasons we don’t learn. This book – found amongst Idries Shah’s papers after his death – works like a precision tool.Let it chisel away at th...

    26,21 €

  • Poems from The Divan of Hafiz
    Gertrude Bell
    “Poems from The Divan of Hafiz” is a 1897 collection of poems by Gertrude Bell. Contents include: “Arise, Oh Cup-Bearer, Rise! And Bring”, “The Bird Of Gardens Sang Unto The Rose”, “Wind From The East, Oh Lapwing Of The Day”, “Sleep On Thine Eyes, Bright As Narcissus Flowers”, “Oh Turkish Maid Of Shiraz! In Thy Hand”, “A Flower-Tinted Cheek, The Flowery Close”, “From The Garden...

    17,74 €