Medicina tradicional y remedios herbarios

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Terapias complementarias, curación y salud / Medicina tradicional y remedios herbarios (468)

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  • Los ungüentos para prevenir y curar las enfermedades
    Olivier Laurent
    Siempre se han utilizado sustancias extraídas de la tierra y de los vegetales para curar males cotidianos y aumentar la comodidad y la belleza. Bajo forma de cataplasmas, ungüentos, lociones o cremas de todo tipo, las plantas y las sustancias que forman esta farmacopea natural esconden muchas veces propiedades insospechadas. ...

    11,39 €

  • Manual familiar de las medicinas alternativas
    Dr. Alexandre Strasny / DrAlexandre Strasny
    Las medicinas alternativas se encuentran cada día más presentes en nuestra sociedad; sin embargo, puede resultar complicado escoger la terapia adecuada ante una enfermedad. A través de esta obra, el lector descubrirá cómo surgen y se desarrollan las enfermedades y, sobre todo, cómo pueden llegar a resolverse numerosas afecciones si se ponen en práctica los principios de la medi...

    28,03 €

  • Tea of Tranquility
    Brooke Criswell
    A collection of researched herbal monographs written in easy-to-follow language with gardening information and recipes. Additional features include a handy reference chart of herbs that interact with the nervous system and a collection of tea blends designed to soothe and support nervous system function and foster tranquility.Brew a cup of tea, nestle in your favorite spot, and...

    10,49 €

  • Calling of an Angel
    Dr. Gary L. Glum / DrGary LGlum
    For over 50 years, a Canadian nurse named Rene Caisse treated thousands of cancer patients with her own secret herbal tea named Essiac - Caisse spelled backwards. She originally obtained the natural formula from native Ojibway Indians and brewed the remedy herself in her kitchen. Caisse was a devoted healer and tireless champion of using her nontoxic treatment for cancer as an ...

    27,60 €

  • Aceite Virgen De Coco
    Bruce Fife
    Por innumerables generaciones el aceite virgen de coco se ha usado a través del mundo como un alimento nutritivo y como una medicina curadora.  Su uso terapéutico se describe en antiguos textos médicos en la India, Egipto, y la China.  Entre los de las islas del Pacífico el coco se considera un alimento sagrado.  El aceite se reverencia por sus propiedades curadoras y forma una...

    9,04 €

  • The Medical Marijuana Guide
    Dave Smitherman / Patricia C Frye / Patricia C. MD Frye / Patricia CMD Frye
    Offering an accessible guide to the use of cannabis in medical care, this work sheds light on the role of medical marijuana in treating everything from chronic pain to terminal illnesses. ...

    17,48 €

  • Virgin Coconut Oil
    Bruce Fife
    For countless generations virgin coconut oil has been used throughout the world as a nourishing food and a healing medicine. Its therapeutic use is described in ancient medical texts from India, Egypt, and China. Among the Pacific Islanders coconut is regarded as a sacred food. The oil is highly revered for its healing properties and forms the basis for nearly all of their trad...

    10,84 €

  • Heaven Scent
    Christine Stalsonburg
    Christine Stalsonburg has been guiding her clients on the best practices of using essential oils for many years. Developing her own brand of over thirty custom blends, she prides herself on her ability to combine the best oils for supporting the body’s ability to heal. Christine teaches aromatherapy courses both in person and online to assist those interested in learning more a...

    11,18 €

  • Heaven Scent
    Christine Stalsonburg
    Christine Stalsonburg has been guiding her clients on the best practices of using essential oils for many years. Developing her own brand of over thirty custom blends, she prides herself on her ability to combine the best oils for supporting the body’s ability to heal. Christine teaches aromatherapy courses both in person and online to assist those interested in learning more a...

    24,62 €

  • Sacred Bliss
    Mark S Ferrara / Mark S. Ferrara / Mark SFerrara
    One of the most important relationships that human beings have with plants is changing our consciousness-consider the plants that give us coffee, tea, chocolate, and nicotine. Sacred Bliss challenges traditional attitudes about cannabis by tracing its essential role in the spiritual and curative traditions in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and the Americas from prehisto...

    29,67 €

  • Your Prostate, Your Libido, Your Life
    James Occhiogrosso
    This book is a must-read for any man that has reached the age where prostate problems are starting to get his attention.It examines the causes of prostate dysfunction, a health problem that faces millions of men throughout the world with specific information on nutrients, herbal remedies, medical procedures and lifestyle changes.The information in it can help you alleviate comm...

    25,47 €

  • Treasures Toward Wholeness
    Rebecca Hazelton
    Every Individual is unique.  We all have different DNA, heritage, and world views. Even our finger prints are all distinctive!  Every person’s personal journey through the challenges of this life are also unique.  There are millions of books that suggest how everyone should eat, sleep, exercise, etc. etc!  This book is different.  It doesn’t tell you how to live your life or wh...

    11,56 €

  • Fasting Book
    Juliana Baltimoore
    Fasting Book For Health, Fitness, Weight Loss & Detoxing 11 Juicing For Beginners Recipes With delicious & Healthy Fruit & Vegetable Juices...Using a combination of these delicious healthy low calorie juicing recipes from this collection plus following a strict 2 month Juicing diet with the juicing recipes that are included in this book, the author has been able to lose 40 lbs ...

    4,93 €

  • Flores de Bach
    Vincenzo Fabrocini
    Las flores de Bach poseen grandes propiedades terapéuticas: sus extractos pueden curar trastornos psíquicos como la angustia, el miedo, la inseguridad, el pesimismo o la depresión, y no presentan contraindicaciones.Al solucionar los problemas psíquicos pueden prevenir las disfunciones físicas que se derivan de ellos (cardiopatías, alergias, tumores, etc.). Pero el secreto se en...

    18,67 €

  • El gran libro de las flores de Bach
    Evelina Guastalla
    Este libro es un completo manual sobre los principios y las aplicaciones de la floriterapia, según el método original creado por el médico inglés Edward Bach. La floriterapia afirma que determinados estados de ánimo provocan trastornos en el organismo; sin embargo, en algunas ocasiones, interviniendo sobre dichos estados de ánimo se pueden resolver los problemas físicos.Las 38 ...

    35,31 €

  • Cómo curarse con la gemoterapia
    Eva Duo
    La antigua tradición herborística, a pesar de los continuos éxitos que la hacen siempre viva y eficaz, no es suficiente. Hoy día hay una especialidad aún más efectiva: la gemoterapia, que no utiliza las partes de la planta adulta sino los tejidos frescos de la planta recién nacida: inflorescencias, gemas, capullos, bellotas, brotes jóvenes, raíces jóvenes, savia, corteza intern...

    9,88 €

  • Curarse con los cítricos
    Vários Autores
    De todos son conocidos los poderes terapéuticos de frutas como la naranja y el limón, pero se carecía hasta ahora de un libro que resumiera en pocas páginas todo lo que la sabiduría popular ha ido experimentando sobre los cítricos. Conocer con exactitud cuáles son las vitaminas y los minerales que contienen los cítricos, conseguir con ellos un bronceado natural, aprender cuáles...

    12,22 €

  • El libro de las hierbas medicinales
    Bernardo Ticli / Tina Cecchini
    El ser humano puede vivir en verdadera armonía con la naturaleza y, siempre que la conozca y la respete, en ella puede hallar muchos remedios para gozar de una vida larga y sana. Aquí encontrará una guía completa e ilustrada con centenares de imágenes procedentes de antiguos herbarios para aprender a reconocer las plantas medicinales, desde las más comunes a las más raras, con ...

    75,40 €

  • Coconut Cures
    Bruce Fife
    In this book you will learn why coconut oil is considered the world’s most powerful superfood and how it can protect you against heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, infectious illnesses, and many other common ailments. You will also learn about the amazing health benefits of coconut meat, milk, and water. Includes an extensive A to Z reference with complete details on...

    17,22 €

  • Handbook of Medicinal Plants
    Daniel Livingston
    Medicinal herbs or medicinal plants have been used therapeutically for centuries. They have the chemicals which have pharmaceutical values and can been used to treat many ailments like skin diseases, cold, cough, body aches, fever, etc. The most common materials that are derived from medicinal plants are glycosides, terpenes, alkaloids, polyphenols, etc. This book is compiled i...

    168,96 €

  • Herbal Medicine for Beginners
    Katja Swift / Ryn Midura
    Learn to make natural remedies and heal yourself and your loved ones with Herbal Medicine For Beginners. Discover how to craft herbal remedies and treat common ailments with easy-to-find herbs in Herbal Medicine for Beginners. Crafting natural treatments is straightforward with a handful of herbs that can be used to treat many conditions. Get the information and the instruction...

    27,05 €

  • God's Healing Herbs
    Dennis Ellingson
    An unique Christian resource on herbs. Beautifully-illustrated pages give tips on how to grow, use, and benefit from 130 herbs. Spiritual lessons from herbs mentioned in the Bible help the reader discover living parables of the natural world in relationship to God's spiritual world. For example, the herb Hyssop has internal and external cleansing value, and it is mentioned ...

    13,43 €

  • Calling of an Angel
    Gary L. Glum / Gary LGlum
    For over 50 years, a Canadian nurse named Rene Caisse treated thousands of cancer patients with her own secret herbal tea called named Essiac—Caisse spelled backwards. She originally obtained the natural formula from native Ojibway Indians and brewed the remedy herself in her kitchen. Caisse was a devoted healer and tireless champion of using her nontoxic treatment for cancer a...

    35,40 €

  • Vitamin Weed
    Michele N. Ross
    A groundbreaking plan to prevent and reverse endocannabinoid deficiency that changes the way we use medical marijuana. Cannabis isn’t just for sick people. You have an endocannabinoid system and it’s running on empty. Just like a vitamin D deficiency can be restored by taking vitamin D pills, an endocannabinoid deficiency can be treated by using cannabis, CBD, or other terpenes...

    17,90 €

  • Aromatherapy for Beginners
    Anne Kennedy
    The essential guide for people starting their exploration of essential oils.With the right selection of versatile essential oils, you only need a small number to satisfy most of your everyday needs. Whether you’ve purchased a starter kit or are still deciding on which oils to buy, Anne Kennedy shares her aromatherapy expertise and teaches you which oils best suit your needs and...

    16,71 €

  • The Easy Cannabis Cookbook
    Cheri Sicard
    The definitive guide to making easy, everyday ediblesGo beyond just cookies and brownies as you learn how to serve up delicious edibles perfect for every meal with this comprehensive exploration of cooking with cannabis. Written by Cheri Sicard-nicknamed the 'Martha Stewart of weed' by The Daily Beast-this cannabis cookbook provides you with absolutely everything you need to re...

    21,99 €

  • Las medicinas naturales de la abuela
    Diana Calcagno
    A lo largo de sus páginas podrá conocer las 55 plantas más eficaces y más fáciles de obtener: el ajo, la albahaca, la manzanilla, la zanahoria, la achicoria, la cebolla, el limón, la menta, la nuez, el tomillo, la valeriana, etc. También se presta especial atención a la miel y al resto de productos de la colmena: el polen, el propóleo, la jalea real, etc. Se describen y se dan ...

    23,66 €

  • Plant Songs
    Jessica Baker LAc RH (AHG)
    Plant Songs is a uniquely written book on herbal medicine that weaves personal stories with herbalism, spirituality, and environmental activism. The songs of pine, cannabis, reishi, and other medicinal herbs are shared through accounts of plant communication, clinical observations, research, and recipes. Plant Songs explores how nature heals and communicates if we slow down and...

    11,19 €

  • Plant Songs
    Jessica Baker LAc RH (AHG)
    Plant Songs is a uniquely written book on herbal medicine that weaves personal stories with herbalism, spirituality, and environmental activism. The songs of pine, cannabis, reishi, and other medicinal herbs are shared through accounts of plant communication, clinical observations, research, and recipes. Plant Songs explores how nature heals and communicates if we slow down and...

    24,18 €

  • The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies
    Edward Bach
    This beautiful little book is a brilliant reference guide for herbal remedies and ingredients.Edward Bach believes that we develop illnesses due to our fears and worries and that we may heal ourselves using natural treatments and wildflower cures. This classic guide presents simple herbal remedies that are designed to care for a range of ailments from indecision and loneliness ...

    19,29 €