
Lenguas (101565)

  • 易•老,漢文明的基因(第四冊)
    Yanfei Hu
    《易》爲什麼被視作「天書」?關鍵問題是「不認識字」。于是後世的譯文,恰如劉勰所言:「一字詭異群句震驚。」于是:針對《易》所出現的每個字的小學,就是本書的特色。所謂「小學」,漢字的字形、字義、字音的研究。例如,隸書、宋體字「人」,只是高級動物的抽象符號;而甲骨文「人」則是動物屬性的「人」作站樁功的側視圖。甲骨文「人」一個字,就與現代漢語「一個正在練習站樁功之人」「一個少欲少爲之人」「一個溫文爾雅的君子」「一個天地間性最貴者」等一句話相對應。故《說文》訓人:「天地之性最貴者也。」《老子》爲什麼被視作「玄學」?關鍵還是不認識「人」。包括老子在內的漢民族先祖,通過名爲「人」的爲道、修身活動,發現了存在于體內的「真實之道」。于是,以實踐爲基礎,有了老子的「真實之道」「哲學之道」的論述。 ...

    24,59 €

  • 易•老,漢文明的基因(第三冊)
    Yanfei Hu
    《易》爲什麼被視作「天書」?關鍵問題是「不認識字」。于是後世的譯文,恰如劉勰所言:「一字詭異群句震驚。」于是:針對《易》所出現的每個字的小學,就是本書的特色。所謂「小學」,漢字的字形、字義、字音的研究。例如,隸書、宋體字「人」,只是高級動物的抽象符號;而甲骨文「人」則是動物屬性的「人」作站樁功的側視圖。甲骨文「人」一個字,就與現代漢語「一個正在練習站樁功之人」「一個少欲少爲之人」「一個溫文爾雅的君子」「一個天地間性最貴者」等一句話相對應。故《說文》訓人:「天地之性最貴者也。」《老子》爲什麼被視作「玄學」?關鍵還是不認識「人」。包括老子在內的漢民族先祖,通過名爲「人」的爲道、修身活動,發現了存在于體內的「真實之道」。于是,以實踐爲基礎,有了老子的「真實之道」「哲學之道」的論述。 ...

    24,68 €

  • 易•老,漢文明的基因 (第一冊)
    Yanfei Hu
    《易》爲什麼被視作「天書」?關鍵問題是「不認識字」。于是後世的譯文,恰如劉勰所言:「一字詭異群句震驚。」于是:針對《易》所出現的每個字的小學,就是本書的特色。所謂「小學」,漢字的字形、字義、字音的研究。例如,隸書、宋體字「人」,只是高級動物的抽象符號;而甲骨文「人」則是動物屬性的「人」作站樁功的側視圖。甲骨文「人」一個字,就與現代漢語「一個正在練習站樁功之人」「一個少欲少爲之人」「一個溫文爾雅的君子」「一個天地間性最貴者」等一句話相對應。故《說文》訓人:「天地之性最貴者也。」《老子》爲什麼被視作「玄學」?關鍵還是不認識「人」。包括老子在內的漢民族先祖,通過名爲「人」的爲道、修身活動,發現了存在于體內的「真實之道」。于是,以實踐爲基礎,有了老子的「真實之道」「哲學之道」的論述。 ...

    24,59 €

  • Creative Leaps
    Ali Shaw
    There’s something extraordinary about starting with a blank page and a prompt-or several-and launching into a story, just seeing where it takes you. Even in a group of writers, with every one receiving the same prompt, writing for the same amount of time, every writer in that group will craft scenes that are drastically different. No two stories are even close to the same.The f...

    26,11 €

  • The First Battle
    Artici Bilingual Books
    Embark on an exciting linguistic journey with our collection of fourteen bilingual French-English short stories, designed especially for beginner-level French language learners! Explore the rich tapestry of French language and culture through laughter, suspense, and heartwarming moments. With each story, you’ll find yourself effortlessly expanding your vocabulary and gaining co...

    10,42 €

  • The Origins of the Art and Practice of Professional Writing
    Kathryn Rosser Raign
    Explores the origins of written communication to offer a counter-history to the separation of rhetoric/composition and technical/professional communication ...

    127,24 €

  • Pittsburg Press April/May 2024 Issue 22
    Get ready to roll out the red carpet for our superstar of the month, the phenomenal Author Bella Emy!A Best -Selling Author of RomanceAuthor Columnists come to duty with great new discussions and creative ideas.Digital Age written by Jacqueline Terrill Editor-In-ChiefContests written by Author Ben CooperAuthor Angela Long discusses writing children’s books.Robert W. Walker disc...

    10,46 €

    Robert Nathan Schwalb
    Dialects in Different Parts of the Country...In America, there are many different dialects, or different ways to pronounce words of the English language. You can find them in different parts of the country. They are all correct, it’s simply based on where people grew up and where people live.Some words sound the same but have different meanings. This is a good resource for midd...

    19,59 €

  • Aufdeckung von Geschlechtsunterbrechungen in der Serie Friends
    Mostafa Rahmati Kargan
    Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie sind ziemlich faszinierend, insbesondere was die geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede bei kooperativen Unterbrechungen betrifft. Trotz früherer Forschungen von Linguisten wie Edelsky (1981) und Coates (1989) zeigt sich, dass Männer mehr dieser Unterbrechungen initiieren als Frauen, wie James und Clarke (1993:239) betonen. Interessanterweise scheint ...

    60,32 €

  • Scoprire le interruzioni di genere nella serie Friends
    Mostafa Rahmati Kargan
    I risultati di questo studio sono piuttosto affascinanti, soprattutto per quanto riguarda le differenze di genere nelle interruzioni cooperative. Nonostante le precedenti ricerche di linguisti come Edelsky (1981) e Coates (1989), è emerso che gli uomini iniziano più interruzioni delle donne, come evidenziato da James e Clarke (1993:239). È interessante notare che il modo di par...

    60,32 €

  • Descobrir as interrupções de género na série Friends
    Mostafa Rahmati Kargan
    Os resultados deste estudo são bastante fascinantes, especialmente no que diz respeito às diferenças de género nas interrupções cooperativas. Apesar da investigação anterior de linguistas como Edelsky (1981) e Coates (1989), verifica-se que os homens iniciam mais interrupções do que as mulheres, como salientam James e Clarke (1993:239). É interessante notar que o estilo de disc...

    60,32 €

  • Раскрытие гендерных прерываний в сериале 'Друзья'
    Моста Рахмати Карган
    Результаты этого исследования довольно интересны, особенно когда речь идет о гендерных различиях в кооперативных перебиваниях. Несмотря на предыдущие исследования таких лингвистов, как Эдельски (1981) и Коутс (1989), оказалось, что мужчины инициируют больше таких перебиваний, чем женщины, как подчеркивают Джеймс и Кларк (1993:239). Интересно, что решающую роль в этой тенденции ...

    60,32 €

    Gunawan Tambunsaribu
    In einer sozialen Gruppe, insbesondere bei Jugendlichen, schafft die Gemeinschaft eine soziale Sprache, um mit allen Mitgliedern in ihrer täglichen Kommunikation zu kommunizieren. Die geschaffene Sprache ist jedem Mitglied der Gruppe aufgrund ihrer engen Beziehung zueinander inhärent. Die Sprache, die die Menschen verwenden, spiegelt auch deutlich die kulturellen Werte wider, d...

    60,32 €

    Gunawan Tambunsaribu
    Dans un groupe social, en particulier chez les adolescents, la communauté crée un langage social pour communiquer avec tous les membres dans leur communication quotidienne. Le langage créé est inhérent à chaque membre du groupe en raison des relations étroites qu’ils entretiennent les uns avec les autres. Le langage que les gens utilisent reflète aussi clairement les valeurs cu...

    60,26 €

    Гунаван Тамбунсарибу
    В социальной группе, особенно подростковой, сообщество создает социальный язык, на котором общаются все члены группы в повседневном общении. Созданный язык присущ каждому члену группы в силу их тесных взаимоотношений друг с другом. Язык, который используют люди, также четко отражает культурные ценности, существующие в группе. Использование лексических единиц в повседневном обще...

    60,32 €

    Gunawan Tambunsaribu
    In un gruppo sociale, soprattutto di adolescenti, la comunità crea un linguaggio sociale per comunicare con tutti i membri nella loro comunicazione quotidiana. Il linguaggio creato è insito in ogni membro del gruppo a causa della sua stretta relazione con gli altri. Il linguaggio che le persone usano riflette chiaramente anche i valori culturali che esistono all’interno del gru...

    60,26 €

    Gunawan Tambunsaribu
    Num grupo social, especialmente de adolescentes, a comunidade cria uma linguagem social para comunicar com todos os membros na sua comunicação diária. A linguagem criada é inerente a cada membro do grupo devido à sua relação próxima com os outros. A linguagem que as pessoas utilizam também reflecte claramente os valores culturais que existem no grupo. A utilização de vocábulos ...

    60,26 €

  • Euclides da Cunha - weder Wissenschaftler noch Journalist, sondern Schriftsteller
    Pedro Pedroza Cardoso
    In Anlehnung an die theoretische Linie der französischen Diskursanalyse, die sich vor allem auf die Lehren von Michel Pêcheux, Eni Orlandi und Freda Indursky stützt, sowie an die Perspektive der enunciative studies, wie sie von Jacqueline Authier-Revuz theoretisiert wurden, untersucht unsere Untersuchung die Heterogenität und die Überschneidungen im Diskurs von Euclides da Cunh...

    46,46 €

  • Euclides da Cunha - ni scientifique, ni journaliste, mais écrivain
    Pedro Pedroza Cardoso
    En suivant la ligne théorique de l’analyse du discours français, principalement les enseignements de Michel Pêcheux, Eni Orlandi et Freda Indursky, ainsi que la perspective des études énonciatives théorisées par Jacqueline Authier-Revuz, notre recherche porte sur l’hétérogénéité et les croisements dans le discours d’Euclides da Cunha dans quelques coupures de l’ouvrage 'Um para...

    46,39 €

  • Euclides da Cunha - né uno scienziato né un giornalista, ma uno scrittore
    Pedro Pedroza Cardoso
    Seguendo la linea teorica dell’Analisi del discorso francese, che guarda soprattutto agli insegnamenti di Michel Pêcheux, Eni Orlandi e Freda Indursky, e la prospettiva degli studi enunciativi teorizzata da Jacqueline Authier-Revuz, la nostra ricerca esamina l’eterogeneità e gli incroci nel discorso di Euclides da Cunha in alcuni ritagli dell’opera 'Um paraíso perdido - reunião...

    46,33 €

  • Эуклидес да Кунья - не ученый и не журналист, а писатель
    Педро Педроз Кардосо
    Следуя теоретической линии французского дискурс-анализа, опираясь в основном на учения Мишеля Пешо, Эни Орланди и Фриды Индурски, а также на перспективы энунсиативных исследований в теории Жаклин Автье-Ревуз, наше исследование рассматривает гетерогенность и пересечения в дискурсе Эуклидиса да Куньи в некоторых вырезках из работы 'Um paraíso perdido - reunião de ensaios amazônic...

    46,46 €

  • Euclides da Cunha - neither a scientist nor a journalist, but a writer
    Pedro Pedroza Cardoso
    Following the theoretical line of French Discourse Analysis, looking mainly at the teachings of Michel Pêcheux, Eni Orlandi and Freda Indursky, as well as the perspective of enunciative studies as theorised by Jacqueline Authier-Revuz, our research looks at heterogeneity and crossings in Euclides da Cunha’s discourse in some clippings from the work 'Um paraíso perdido - reunião...

    46,33 €

  • Translation of the book Destination B1, B2, C1 & C2 into Uzbek
    Usmonov Makhsud
    This book translated by USMONOV MAKHSUD opens up new opportunities for students who want to improve their English language skills. Originally designed for English language learners, this comprehensive language study series provides a structured and engaging approach to developing language skills at B1, B2, C1 and C2 levels. The translated book contains many resources and exerci...

    24,86 €

  • Cú Chulainn’s Death
    Bettina Kimpton
    The death tale of the early medieval Irish warrior hero Cú Chulainn features a taut narrative interwoven with stunningly complex poetry. This revised critical edition with introduction, text, translation, textual notes, and glossary provides linguistic, literary, and metrical analyses of the tale, as well as a brief discussion of early Irish poetics. ...

    16,12 €

  • Learn French With Short Stories - Parallel French & English Vocabulary for Beginners. The Adventures of Clara in Lyon
    French Hacking
    Do you want to learn French without feeling like studying? Do you want to learn idioms and speak like a real Parisien? Do you want to read French stories without having to flick through a dictionary every other word?Learn French with Short Stories is your passport to mastering French while enjoying the adventures of Clara. This book is not just a language guide; it’s a gateway ...

    12,42 €

  • Learn French With Short Stories - Parallel French & English Vocabulary for Beginners. The Adventures of Clara in Lyon
    French Hacking
    Do you want to learn French without feeling like studying? Do you want to learn idioms and speak like a real Parisien? Do you want to read French stories without having to flick through a dictionary every other word?Learn French with Short Stories is your passport to mastering French while enjoying the adventures of Clara. This book is not just a language guide; it’s a gateway ...

    30,66 €

  • Semiótica Da Língua Brasileira De Sinais
    Suelismar Mariano Florêncio
    A linguagem humana tem ao seu favor a capacidade de mobilizar diversos recursos pelos quais pode se manifestar: a voz, a gestualidade, a escrita, a música, a pintura, a esculturação, entre outros, que expressam, cada umao seu modo, as ideias e os sentimentos do homem. De qualquer forma, a humanidade sempre desenvolverá maneiras para operar a semiose a união de um plano de expr...

    15,36 €

  • A Broad Guide to Academic Writing
    Mahmoud Sultan Nafa
    This book which consists of nine chapters is considered a repository for exploring the writing from different perspectives. Chapter I discusses all the approaches, and models used in teaching writing and their activities; whereas chapter II probes all the stages of the writing process from collecting data to developing paragraphs. Chapter III explains the types of sentences fro...

    143,58 €

  • Léxico y semántica
    De hecho, el tema del léxico y de la semántica ha sido abordado desde la óptica etimológica y filológica hasta la lingüística computacional y la traductología pasando por la morfología y la sintaxis en su relación con la significación. Tampoco se ha cernido a lenguas comunes, emparentadas o de la misma zona geográfica, sino que están representadas otras extracentrales' como el ...

    26,47 €

  • Gender Features Оf Euphemism
    Ibragimova Sugdiyona
    This monograph is a comprehensive study of euphemism in linguistics, examining its analysis through the lenses of politeness theory, gender theory, and pragmalinguistics. It also cross-researches the gender characteristics of euphemism in unrelated languages, such as English and Uzbek, collecting and interpreting various materials. Recommendations are developed based on functio...

    84,28 €