
Lenguas (101565)

  • English Grammar
    Virginia D. Elser
    The syntax of Prepositions consists, not solely or mainly in their power of governing the objective case, (though this alone is the scope which most grammarians have given it,) but in their adaptation to the other terms between which they express certain relations, such as appear by the sense of the words uttered. Interjections, being seldom any thing more than natural sounds o...

    14,29 €

  • Graded Lessons in English
    Brainerd Kellogg
    Designed to teach the correct spelling, pronunciation, and use of such words only as are most common in current literature, and as are most likely to be misspelled, mispronounced, or misused, and to awaken new interest in the study of synonyms and of word-analysis. A simple, varied, and pleasing, but methodical series of exercises in English to precede the study of technical gr...

    11,60 €

  • Déviances et pratiques magiques contemporaines dans le roman africain
    Paul Youba KIEBRE
    Cet essai aborde les nouvelles formes et pratiques magiques dans le roman de l’Ivoirien, Younoussa Ba, Le portefeuille magique. Il s’agit du broutage ou l’arnaque sur internet et du pacte diabolique, meurtre entrepris par le recours à la magie dans le dessein d’avoir une ascension sociale fulgurante. Ces deux pratiques sont prisées par de jeunes diplômés, déboussolés par les af...

    128,26 €

  • Социолингвистика
    Шивани Вадхва
    Социолингвистика изучает, как язык варьируется и изменяется в различных социальных контекстах, учитывая такие факторы, как этническая принадлежность, пол, социальный класс, возраст и географическое положение. Одним из основополагающих понятий социолингвистики является 'лингвистическая вариативность', под которой понимаются различные способы использования языка различными социал...

    60,32 €

  • Сила слов
    Шивани Вадхва
    Язык - основной инструмент общения, но в литературе он становится гораздо большим, чем средство передачи информации. Слова способны вызывать огромное количество эмоций - от радости и смеха до печали и отчаяния. С помощью ярких образов, чувственных описаний и лирической прозы авторы рисуют картины словами, погружая читателей в богатый сенсорный опыт, который вызывает отклик на в...

    60,38 €

  • O poder das palavras
    Shivani Wadhwa
    A linguagem é a ferramenta fundamental da comunicação, mas, na literatura, torna-se muito mais do que um meio de transmitir informações. As palavras têm o poder de evocar uma miríade de emoções, desde a alegria e o riso até à tristeza e ao desespero. Através de imagens vívidas, descrições sensoriais e prosa lírica, os autores pintam quadros com palavras, mergulhando os leitores...

    60,32 €

  • Soziolinguistik
    Shivani Wadhwa
    Die Soziolinguistik untersucht, wie sich die Sprache in verschiedenen sozialen Kontexten verändert und variiert, wobei Faktoren wie ethnische Zugehörigkeit, Geschlecht, soziale Schicht, Alter und geografische Lage berücksichtigt werden. Eines der grundlegenden Konzepte der Soziolinguistik ist die 'sprachliche Variation', die sich auf die unterschiedlichen Arten des Sprachgebrau...

    60,32 €

  • Sociolinguistique
    Shivani Wadhwa
    La sociolinguistique étudie la manière dont la langue varie et change dans différents contextes sociaux, en tenant compte de facteurs tels que l’ethnicité, le sexe, la classe sociale, l’âge et la situation géographique. L’un de ses concepts fondamentaux est la 'variation linguistique', qui fait référence aux diverses façons dont la langue est utilisée par différents groupes soc...

    60,32 €

  • Die Macht der Worte
    Shivani Wadhwa
    Die Sprache ist das grundlegende Kommunikationsmittel, aber in der Literatur ist sie viel mehr als nur ein Mittel zur Übermittlung von Informationen. Worte haben die Macht, eine Vielzahl von Emotionen hervorzurufen, von Freude und Lachen bis hin zu Trauer und Verzweiflung. Durch lebendige Bilder, sinnliche Beschreibungen und lyrische Prosa malen Autoren Bilder mit Worten und la...

    60,38 €

  • Le pouvoir des mots
    Shivani Wadhwa
    Le langage est l’outil fondamental de la communication, mais dans la littérature, il devient bien plus qu’un moyen de transmettre des informations. Les mots ont le pouvoir d’évoquer une myriade d’émotions, de la joie et du rire à la tristesse et au désespoir. Grâce à des images vivantes, des descriptions sensorielles et une prose lyrique, les auteurs peignent des images avec de...

    60,32 €

  • Sociolinguistica
    Shivani Wadhwa
    La sociolinguistica esamina il modo in cui il linguaggio varia e cambia nei diversi contesti sociali, considerando fattori come l’etnia, il genere, la classe sociale, l’età e la posizione geografica. Uno dei suoi concetti fondamentali è quello di 'variazione linguistica', che si riferisce ai diversi modi in cui la lingua viene utilizzata dai vari gruppi sociali. La variazione p...

    60,32 €

  • Il potere delle parole
    Shivani Wadhwa
    Il linguaggio è lo strumento fondamentale della comunicazione, ma nella letteratura diventa molto più di un mezzo per trasmettere informazioni. Le parole hanno il potere di evocare una miriade di emozioni, dalla gioia e dal riso al dolore e alla disperazione. Attraverso immagini vivide, descrizioni sensoriali e prosa lirica, gli autori dipingono immagini con le parole, immergen...

    60,32 €

  • Sociolinguística
    Shivani Wadhwa
    A sociolinguística analisa a forma como a língua varia e muda em diferentes contextos sociais, tendo em conta factores como a etnia, o género, a classe social, a idade e a localização geográfica. Um dos seus conceitos fundamentais é a 'variação linguística', que se refere às diversas formas como a língua é utilizada por diferentes grupos sociais. A variação pode manifestar-se d...

    60,32 €

  • Learn English Basic - Spelling and Grammar
    Frank J. Anderson
    Spelling is the art of expressing words by their proper letters. This important art is to be acquired rather by means of the spelling-book or dictionary, and by observation in reading, than by the study of written rules; because what is proper or improper, depends chiefly upon usage. The orthography of our language is attended with much uncertainty and perplexity: many words ar...

    12,17 €

  • How to Speak and Write Correctly
    Joseph Devlin
    In the preparation of this little work the writer has kept one end in view, viz.: To make it serviceable for those for whom it is intended, that is, for those who have neither the time nor the opportunity, the learning nor the inclination, to peruse elaborate and abstruse treatises on Rhetoric, Grammar, and Composition. To them such works are as gold enclosed in chests of steel...

    14,29 €

  • Word Study and English Grammar
    Frederick William Hamilton
    Thia volume, and those which follow it in Part VI of this series, is a compilation from various sources. The occasion does not call for an original treatise, but it does call for something somewhat different from existing text-books. The books prepared for school use are too academic and too little related to the specific needs of the apprentice to serve the turn of those for w...

    10,58 €

  • English Course Intermediate Level
    Vera Graham
    The aim of this course is for students to practise and improve their speaking, listening, and pronunciation skills. Along the way the student will learn plenty of new vocabulary - including non-literal English expressions, such as idioms, phrasal verbs, and slang - and also practise reading, writing, and grammar skills, e.g. verb forms, word order, parts of a sentence, and so o...

    15,22 €

  • EFL Writing Teacher Education and Professional Development
    This book explores how EFL writing teacher education is shaped, given teachers’ unique local contexts and circumstances. The chapters prioritize local voices and materials in order to help build a more comprehensive picture of L2 writing globally, enabling the book as a whole to both document and further shape pedagogical approaches to L2 writing. ...

    72,27 €

  • EFL Writing Teacher Education and Professional Development
    This book explores how EFL writing teacher education is shaped, given teachers’ unique local contexts and circumstances. The chapters prioritize local voices and materials in order to help build a more comprehensive picture of L2 writing globally, enabling the book as a whole to both document and further shape pedagogical approaches to L2 writing. ...

    193,88 €

  • Digital Multimodal Composing
    Matt Kessler
    This book distils current research on the intersection of digital multimodal composing (DMC) and second language (L2) writing. It provides a theoretically and methodologically diverse introduction to key theories and scholarship supporting DMC’s use, along with practical pedagogical tips and tools for adopting DMC in the L2 writing classroom. ...

    42,27 €

  • New Horizons in Prescriptivism Research
    The chapters in this book address three main strands in ongoing scholarly work on prescriptivism: language, literary and scripted texts, and speech communities. Collectively, the chapters contextualise the role of prescriptivism in history as well as at the present time. ...

    193,76 €

  • Digital Multimodal Composing
    Matt Kessler
    This book distils current research on the intersection of digital multimodal composing (DMC) and second language (L2) writing. It provides a theoretically and methodologically diverse introduction to key theories and scholarship supporting DMC’s use, along with practical pedagogical tips and tools for adopting DMC in the L2 writing classroom. ...

    157,73 €

  • Modern Persian, Elementary Level
    Iago Gocheleishvili
    Modern Persian, Elementary Level is a cutting-edge elementary Persian language textbook intended for two consecutive semesters. With contemporary real-world topics, high-frequency structures and vocabulary, a multitude of engaging speaking activities in each chapter, and a companion website, this textbook is an innovative, effective and integrated way for beginners to acquire f...

    347,20 €

  • Modern Persian, Elementary Level
    Iago Gocheleishvili
    Modern Persian, Elementary Level is a cutting-edge elementary Persian language textbook intended for two consecutive semesters. With contemporary real-world topics, high-frequency structures and vocabulary, a multitude of engaging speaking activities in each chapter, and a companion website, this textbook is an innovative, effective and integrated way for beginners to acquire f...

    142,24 €

  • Learn Talysh
    Rauf Khalilov
    Dive into the ancient world of the Talysh language with this comprehensive guide, crafted with passion and expertise by Rauf Khalilov. Suitable for beginners and language enthusiasts alike, this book offers a gateway to a linguistic heritage spanning over 2500 years.Drawing from personal experiences and familial connections within the Talysh region of Azerbaijan, Rauf Khalilov ...

    17,24 €

  • The Last King of Shang, Book 3
    Jeff Pepper / Xiao Hui Wang
    In the waning days of the Shang dynasty in ancient China, an epic battle begins between forces loyal to the corrupt Shang king and the rebels of West Qi. The leader of the Shang army, Grand Tutor Wen, desperately recruits a host of demons, immortals and Daoist magicians to his side. They build ten magic traps to ensnare the West Qi rebels. But the legendary Jiang Ziya, aided by...

    19,91 €

  • The Dreamer of Paris
    Artici Bilingual Books
    Discover our collection of twelve bilingual French-English short stories designed for beginner French language learners!In The Magnificent Pâtissier, you’ll be transported to the picturesque town of Montagnac, where Monsieur Gaston’s extraordinary pastries will tantalize your taste buds. Follow Amélie’s dreams in The Dreamer of Paris as she embarks on a journey to fulfill her p...

    10,64 €

  • Recomendações metodológicas
    Nadira Ablaeva / Zebo Madrahimova
    O processo de aprendizagem em uma universidade é baseado em uma combinação de sala de aula e trabalho independente dos alunos. As principais formas de organização do trabalho educacional em sala de aula são palestras, seminários, aulas de laboratório e workshops. Cada um deles tem características próprias, por vezes desenvolvidas ao longo de vários séculos - e neste caso, a tra...

    55,10 €

  • Methodische Empfehlungen
    Nadira Ablaeva / Zebo Madrahimova
    Der Lernprozess an einer Universität basiert auf einer Kombination aus Unterricht und selbstständiger Arbeit der Studierenden. Die Hauptformen der Organisation pädagogischer Unterrichtsarbeit sind Vorlesungen, Seminare, Laborkurse und Workshops. Jeder von ihnen hat seine eigenen Besonderheiten, die sich manchmal über mehrere Jahrhunderte hinweg entwickelt haben - und in diesem ...

    55,16 €

  • Methodological recommendations
    Nadira Ablaeva / Zebo Madrahimova
    The learning process at a university is based on a combination of classroom and independent work of students. The main forms of organizing educational classroom work are lectures, seminars, laboratory classes, and workshops. Each of them has its own distinctive features, sometimes developed over several centuries - and in this case, academic tradition dictates a clear distribut...

    55,04 €